by Zane Grey
“Withers, take me to the village.”
“Shefford, you’re liable to get in bad out here,” said the trader, gravely.
“I couldn’t be any more ruined than I am now,” replied Shefford, passionately.
“But there’s risk in this — risk such as you never had,” persisted Withers.
“I’ll risk anything.”
“Reckon this is a funny deal for a sheep-trader to have on his hands,” continued Withers. “Shefford, I like you. I’ve a mind to see you through this. It’s a damn strange story.... I’ll tell you what — I will help you. I’ll give you a job packing supplies in to the village. I meant to turn that over to a Mormon cowboy — Joe Lake. The job shall be yours, and I’ll go with you first trip. Here’s my hand on it.... Now, Shefford, I’m more curious about you than I was before you told your story. What ruined you? As we’re to be partners, you can tell me now. I’ll keep your secret. Maybe I can do you good.”
Shefford wanted to confess, yet it was hard. Perhaps, had he not been so agitated, he would not have answered to impulse. But this trader was a man — a man of the desert — he would understand.
“I told you I was a clergyman,” said Shefford in low voice. “I didn’t want to be one, but they made me one. I did my best. I failed.... I had doubts of religion — of the Bible — of God, as my Church believed in them. As I grew older thought and study convinced me of the narrowness of religion as my congregation lived it. I preached what I believed. I alienated them. They put me out, took my calling from me, disgraced me, ruined me.”
“So that’s all!” exclaimed Withers, slowly. “You didn’t believe in the God of the Bible.... Well, I’ve been in the desert long enough to know there IS a God, but probably not the one your Church worships. ... Shefford, go to the Navajo for a faith!”
Shefford had forgotten the presence of Nas Ta Bega, and perhaps Withers had likewise. At this juncture the Indian rose to his full height, and he folded his arms to stand with the somber pride of a chieftain while his dark, inscrutable eyes were riveted upon Shefford. At that moment he seemed magnificent. How infinitely more he seemed than just a common Indian who had chanced to befriend a white man! The difference was obscure to Shefford. But he felt that it was there in the Navajo’s mind. Nas Ta Bega’s strange look was not to be interpreted. Presently he turned and passed from the room.
“By George!” cried Withers, suddenly, and he pounded his knee with his fist. “I’d forgotten.”
“What?” ejaculated Shefford.
“Why, that Indian understood every word we said. He knows English. He’s educated. Well, if this doesn’t beat me.... Let me tell you about Nas Ta Bega.”
Withers appeared to be recalling something half forgotten.
“Years ago, in fifty-seven, I think, Kit Carson with his soldiers chased the Navajo tribes and rounded them up to be put on reservations. But he failed to catch all the members of one tribe. They escaped up into wild canyon like the Sagi. The descendants of these fugitives live there now and are the finest Indians on earth — the finest because unspoiled by the white man. Well, as I got the story, years after Carson’s round-up one of his soldiers guided some interested travelers in here. When they left they took an Indian boy with them to educate. From what I know of Navajos I’m inclined to think the boy was taken against his parents’ wish. Anyway, he was taken. That boy was Nas Ta Bega. The story goes that he was educated somewhere. Years afterward, and perhaps not long before I came in here, he returned to his people. There have been missionaries and other interested fools who have given Indians a white man’s education. In all the instances I know of, these educated Indians returned to their tribes, repudiating the white man’s knowledge, habits, life, and religion. I have heard that Nas Ta Bega came back, laid down the white man’s clothes along with the education, and never again showed that he had known either.
“You have just seen how strangely he acted. It’s almost certain he heard our conversation. Well, it doesn’t matter. He won’t tell. He can hardly be made to use an English word. Besides, he’s a noble red man, if there ever was one. He has been a friend in need to me. If you stay long out here you’ll learn something from the Indians. Nas Ta Bega has befriended you, too, it seems. I thought he showed unusual interest in you.”
“Perhaps that was because I saved his sister — well, to be charitable, from the rather rude advances of a white man,” said Shefford, and he proceeded to tell of the incident that occurred at Red Lake.
“Willetts!” exclaimed Withers, with much the same expression that Presbrey had used. “I never met him. But I know about him. He’s — well, the Indians don’t like him much. Most of the missionaries are good men — good for the Indians, in a way, but sometimes one drifts out here who is bad. A bad missionary teaching religion to savages! Queer, isn’t it? The queerest part is the white people’s blindness — the blindness of those who send the missionaries. Well, I dare say Willetts isn’t very good. When Presbrey said that was Willetts’s way of teaching religion he meant just what he said. If Willetts drifts over here he’ll be risking much.... This you told me explains Nas Ta Bega’s friendliness toward you, and also his bringing his sister Glen Naspa to live with relatives up in the pass. She had been living near Red Lake.”
“Do you mean Nas Ta Bega wants to keep his sister far removed from Willetts?” inquired Shefford.
“I mean that,” replied Withers, “and I hope he’s not too late.”
Later Shefford went outdoors to walk and think. There was no moon, but the stars made light enough to cast his shadow on the ground. The dark, illimitable expanse of blue sky seemed to be glittering with numberless points of fire. The air was cold and still. A dreaming silence lay over the land. Shefford saw and felt all these things, and their effect was continuous and remained with him and helped calm him. He was conscious of a burden removed from his mind. Confession of his secret had been like tearing a thorn from his flesh, but, once done, it afforded him relief and a singular realization that out here it did not matter much. In a crowd of men all looking at him and judging him by their standards he had been made to suffer. Here, if he were judged at all, it would be by what he could do, how he sustained himself and helped others.
He walked far across the valley toward the low bluffs, but they did not seem to get any closer. And, finally, he stopped beside a stone and looked around at the strange horizon and up at the heavens. He did not feel utterly aloof from them, nor alone in a waste, nor a useless atom amid incomprehensible forces. Something like a loosened mantle fell from about him, dropping down at his feet; and all at once he was conscious of freedom. He did not understand in the least why abasement left him, but it was so. He had come a long way, in bitterness, in despair, believing himself to be what men had called him. The desert and the stars and the wind, the silence of the night, the loneliness of this vast country where there was room for a thousand cities — these somehow vaguely, yet surely, bade him lift his head. They withheld their secret, but they made a promise. The thing which he had been feeling every day and every night was a strange enveloping comfort. And it was at this moment that Shefford, divining whence his help was to come, embraced all that wild and speaking nature around and above him and surrendered himself utterly.
“I am young. I am free. I have my life to live,” he said. “I’ll be a man. I’ll take what comes. Let me learn here!”
When he had spoken out, settled once and for ever his attitude toward his future, he seemed to be born again, wonderfully alive to the influences around him, ready to trust what yet remained a mystery.
Then his thoughts reverted to Fay Larkin. Could this girl be known to the Mormons? It was possible. Fay Larkin was an unusual name. Deep into Shefford’s heart had sunk the story Venters had told. Shefford found that he had unconsciously created a like romance — he had been loving a wild and strange and lonely girl, like beautiful Bess Venters. It was a shock to learn the truth, but, as it had been only a dream, it could hardly be vital.
Shefford retraced his steps toward the post. Halfway back he espied a tall, dark figure moving toward him, and presently the shape and the step seemed familiar. Then he recognized Nas Ta Bega. Soon they were face to face. Shefford felt that the Indian had been trailing him over the sand, and that this was to be a significant meeting. Remembering Withers’s revelation about the Navajo, Shefford scarcely knew how to approach him now. There was no difference to be made out in Nas Ta Bega’s dark face and inscrutable eyes, yet there was a difference to be felt in his presence. But the Indian did not speak, and turned to walk by Shefford’s side. Shefford could not long be silent.
“Nas Ta Bega, were you looking for me?” he asked.
“You had no gun,” replied the Indian.
But for his very low voice, his slow speaking of the words, Shefford would have thought him a white man. For Shefford there was indeed an instinct in this meeting, and he turned to face the Navajo.
“Withers told me you had been educated, that you came back to the desert, that you never showed your training.... Nas Ta Bega, did you understand all I told Withers?”
“Yes,” replied the Indian.
“You won’t betray me?”
“I am a Navajo.”
“Nas Ta Bega, you trail me — you say I had no gun.” Shefford wanted to ask this Indian if he cared to be the white man’s friend, but the question was not easy to put, and, besides, seemed unnecessary. “I am alone and strange in this wild country. I must learn.”
“Nas Ta Bega will show you the trails and the water-holes and how to hide from Shadd.”
“For money — for silver you will do this?” inquired Shefford.
Shefford felt that the Indian’s silence was a rebuke. He remembered Withers’s singular praise of this red man. He realized he must change his idea of Indians.
“Nas Ta Bega, I know nothing. I feel like a child in the wilderness. When I speak it is out of the mouths of those who have taught me. I must find a new voice and a new life.... You heard my story to Withers. I am an outcast from my own people. If you will be my friend — be so.”
The Indian clasped Shefford’s hand and held it in a response that was more beautiful for its silence. So they stood for a moment in the starlight.
“Nas Ta Bega, what did Withers mean when he said go to the Navajo for a faith?” asked Shefford.
“He meant the desert is my mother.... Will you go with Nas Ta Bega into the canyon and the mountains?”
“Indeed I will.”
They unclasped hands and turned toward the trading-post.
“Nas Ta Bega, have you spoken my tongue to any other white man since you returned to your home?” asked Shefford.
“Why do you — why are you different for me?”
The Indian maintained silence.
“Is it because of — of Glen Naspa?” inquired Shefford.
Nas Ta Bega stalked on, still silent, but Shefford divined that, although his service to Glen Naspa would never be forgotten, still it was not wholly responsible for the Indian’s subtle sympathy.
“Bi Nai! The Navajo will call his white friend Bi Nai — brother,” said Nas Ta Bega, and he spoke haltingly, not as if words were hard to find, but strange to speak. “I was stolen from my mother’s hogan and taken to California. They kept me ten years in a mission at San Bernardino and four years in a school. They said my color and my hair were all that was left of the Indian in me. But they could not see my heart. They took fourteen years of my life. They wanted to make me a missionary among my own people. But the white man’s ways and his life and his God are not the Indian’s. They never can be.”
How strangely productive of thought for Shefford to hear the Indian talk! What fatality in this meeting and friendship! Upon Nas Ta Bega had been forced education, training, religion, that had made him something more and something less than an Indian. It was something assimilated from the white man which made the Indian unhappy and alien in his own home — something meant to be good for him and his kind that had ruined him. For Shefford felt the passion and the tragedy of this Navajo.
“Bi Nai, the Indian is dying!” Nas Ta Bega’s low voice was deep and wonderful with its intensity of feeling. “The white man robbed the Indian of lands and homes, drove him into the deserts, made him a gaunt and sleepless spiller of blood.... The blood is all spilled now, for the Indian is broken. But the white man sells him rum and seduces his daughters.... He will not leave the Indian in peace with his own God!... Bi Nai, the Indian is dying!”
. . . . . . . . . . .
That night Shefford lay in his blankets out under the open sky and the stars. The earth had never meant much to him, and now it was a bed. He had preached of the heavens, but until now had never studied them. An Indian slept beside him. And not until the gray of morning had blotted out the starlight did Shefford close his eyes.
. . . . . . . . . . .
With break of the next day came full, varied, and stirring incidents to Shefford. He was strong, though unskilled at most kinds of outdoor tasks. Withers had work for ten men, if they could have been found. Shefford dug and packed and lifted till he was so sore and tired that rest was a blessing.
He never succeeded in getting on a friendly footing with the Mormon Whisner, though he kept up his agreeable and kindly advances. He listened to the trader’s wife as she told him about the Indians, and what he learned he did not forget. And his wonder and respect increased in proportion to his knowledge.
One day there rode into Kayenta the Mormon for whom Withers had been waiting. His name was Joe Lake. He appeared young, and slipped off his superb bay with a grace and activity that were astounding in one of his huge bulk. He had a still, smooth face, with the color of red bronze and the expression of a cherub; big, soft, dark eyes; and a winning smile. He was surprisingly different from Whisner or any Mormon character that Shefford had naturally conceived. His costume was that of the cowboy on active service; and he packed a gun at his hip. The hand-shake he gave Shefford was an ordeal for that young man and left him with his whole right side momentarily benumbed.
“I sure am glad to meet you,” he said in a lazy, mild voice. And he was taking friendly stock of Shefford when the bay mustang reached with vicious muzzle to bite at him. Lake gave a jerk on the bridle that almost brought the mustang to his knees. He reared then, snorted, and came down to plant his forefeet wide apart, and watched his master with defiant eyes. This mustang was the finest horse Shefford had ever seen. He appeared quite large for his species, was almost red in color, had a racy and powerful build, and a fine thoroughbred head with dark, fiery eyes. He did not look mean, but he had spirit.
“Navvy, you’ve sure got bad manners,” said Lake, shaking the mustang’s bridle. He spoke as if he were chiding a refractory little boy. “Didn’t I break you better’n that? What’s this gentleman goin’ to think of you? Tryin’ to bite my ear off!”
Lake had arrived about the middle of the forenoon, and Withers announced his intention of packing at once for the trip. Indians were sent out on the ranges to drive in burros and mustangs. Shefford had his thrilling expectancy somewhat chilled by what he considered must have been Lake’s reception of the trader’s plan. Lake seemed to oppose him, and evidently it took vehemence and argument on Withers’s part to make the Mormon tractable. But Withers won him over, and then he called Shefford to his side.
“You fellows got to be good friends,” he said. “You’ll have charge of my pack-trains. Nas Ta Bega wants to go with you. I’ll feel safer about my supplies and stock than I’ve ever been.... Joe, I’ll back this stranger for all I’m worth. He’s square.... And, Shefford, Joe Lake is a Mormon of the younger generation. I want to start you right. You can trust him as you trust me. He’s white clean through. And he’s the best horse-wrangler in Utah.”
It was Lake who first offered his hand, and Shefford made haste to meet it with his own. Neither of them spoke. Shefford intuitively felt an alteration in Lake’s regard, or at
least a singular increase of interest. Lake had been told that Shefford had been a clergyman, was now a wanderer, without any religion. Again it seemed to Shefford that he owed a forming of friendship to this singular fact. And it hurt him. But strangely it came to him that he had taken a liking to a Mormon.
About one o’clock the pack-train left Kayenta. Nas Ta Bega led the way up the slope. Following him climbed half a dozen patient, plodding, heavily laden burros. Withers came next, and he turned in his saddle to wave good-by to his wife. Joe Lake appeared to be busy keeping a red mule and a wild gray mustang and a couple of restive blacks in the trail. Shefford brought up in the rear.
His mount was a beautiful black mustang with three white feet, a white spot on his nose, and a mane that swept to his knees. “His name’s Nack-yal,” Withers had said. “It means two bits, or twenty-five cents. He ain’t worth more.” To look at Nack-yal had pleased Shefford very much indeed, but, once upon his back, he grew dubious. The mustang acted queer. He actually looked back at Shefford, and it was a look of speculation and disdain. Shefford took exception to Nack-yal’s manner and to his reluctance to go, and especially to a habit the mustang had of turning off the trail to the left. Shefford had managed some rather spirited horses back in Illinois; and though he was willing and eager to learn all over again, he did not enjoy the prospect of Lake and Withers seeing this black mustang make a novice of him. And he guessed that was just what Nack-yal intended to do. However, once up over the hill, with Kayenta out of sight, Nack-yal trotted along fairly well, needing only now and then to be pulled back from his strange swinging to the left off the trail.
The pack-train traveled steadily and soon crossed the upland plain to descend into the valley again. Shefford saw the jagged red peaks with an emotion he could not name. The canyon between them were purple in the shadows, the great walls and slopes brightened to red, and the tips were gold in the sun. Shefford forgot all about his mustang and the trail.