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Filled! Page 4

by Lexi Hots

  “Good, do you go here?” he asked.

  “I do,” I nodded. “Do you?”

  “No, I teach here.”

  His brow furrowed in guilt for just a moment, before he pushed past it and came closer to me.

  “You’re not an English major, are you?”

  “No,” I say.

  “This should be fine then,” he laughs. The air around us eased a bit as he stepped closer. “You’re not cold in that?” he asked.

  “Well,” I said slowly. “I’m not exactly warm,” I admitted.

  “Come here.” Setting down his drink, he pulled his jacket off. It was warm, and smelled faintly of a good cologne, as he wrapped it around my shoulders. I knew it would give a wrong impression to anyone passing, but I’m not entirely sure what a right impression would have been. I wanted more than just his coat.

  “Thank you,” I murmur. He’s close to me, his hands still gripping the lapel of his coat where he’d placed it around me.

  I decide to make the first step this time.

  I’ve already had my first kiss, what’s the danger in a second one?

  Leaning forward, pressing past any discomfort I would have felt usually, I kissed him. The stubble on his jawline tickled against my skin as he kissed me back, deepening it. I could distantly taste cigarettes and hot chocolate on his lips. It was a soothing mix, like something dangerous and comforting bundled up into pleasure and contact.

  I didn’t know his name yet, but it didn’t matter.

  He was warm, thick with muscle, and left each of my senses buzzing for more.

  “I’m Joseph,” he murmured against my lips. It was like he could read my mind, I was happy to hand it over to him. We kissed again, and I moved my hands and cupped his face as it pressed against mine. His skin was hot beneath my fingertips, like I was stoking a fire in him bigger than the bonfire a couple hundred feet away.

  Someone brushed by us, and I was suddenly very aware of how many people were around us.

  I felt my face grow hot in embarrassment and I pulled away from him.

  “Sorry, I-” I started. I couldn’t help but be unsure if I was doing the right thing, if this was an okay way to ring in the new year. It’s not like there are college courses on how to open up to someone.

  “You’re fine, maybe we should go somewhere a little more private?” he offered. The implication was strong, and made my heart beat like a drum under a plane propeller. I didn’t want to say no, despite how terrifying the idea was.

  So I said yes.

  Taking my hand in his large, warm, one- Joseph lead me away from the snack table. Despite the obvious worries, all I could think about was what if I was missing out. He’s older, sure, and obviously skilled- but what if one of the other boys had been a better choice?

  I thought about doing whatever we were going to do with Marcus, and my heart sped even more. That didn’t mean I wanted to turn Joseph down, or go back to whatever my evening would have been, and my mind spun infinite other possibilities out that my heart grasped to like precious silk.

  The image of myself between the two of them, their hot bodies and mouths, made my body throb.

  Would that even be possible?

  Would anyone actually say yes to that?

  I stopped walking, and turned to look back at the field behind us.

  “You can say no,” I started. It was like nothing I’d ever requested, but it would be one hell of a way to be sure I didn’t feel like I missed out.

  It was worth a try.

  “Hm?” Joseph turned and looked at me. His eyes were dark with desire, and god I wanted to give him everything he wanted.

  “Would it be alright if I invited another guy? I’ll do whatever you want,” I dangle the promise in front of him like bait. Thickly, Joseph swallows and I wonder how hungry for me he really is.

  “Sure,” he nods. Stepping closer to me, he kisses me as I turn on the screen of my phone.

  A notification from Tony is the first thing on my screen.

  “Actually, would it be alright if I invited two? In case one says no?”

  He looked surprised, but not put off, and nodded.

  There was no way I was going to let myself leave that night with my virginity intact, but that wasn’t the driving force anymore. I wanted, wanted like I never had before, and I was going to give myself all of it.

  Chapter Three

  The messages were sent off, telling the other two where we were.

  Just on the far edge of the field, behind an equipment building, we found a picnic table that was just barely lit from the field. Dark enough that from a distance nobody would notice, but light enough that Joseph could see every inch of my skin that was revealed as he started unzipping my dress. I was trembling slightly, unsure if it was from anticipation or the cold. His coat lay beneath me on the table top, keeping my bare legs from the chill of the wood.

  As he pulled my dress up and over my head, it tugged on my hair band and released my ponytail. It felt like a movie as my red curls fell loose and drifted over my shoulders and back.

  I shivered against his hot hands as he plucked loose my lacy bra, exposing my nipples to the crisp air until they were hard. He kissed me, thumbs and forefingers rolled my nipples and elicited gasps from my unsuspecting lips.

  Joseph’s fingers pinched more firmly and a sob break from my mouth into the kiss, earning a deep chuckle from him in turn.

  “You’re so sensitive,” he admired.

  I didn’t want to tell him nobody had ever touched me this way before.

  I didn’t want him to treat me differently, more gently. I wasn’t some porcelain doll that he had to worry about shattering, I wanted him to take me apart, I wanted him to pull whatever he wanted from me.

  As we kissed again, he grasped my breast in his palm and rolled his fingers, squeezing. Joseph’s other hand made its way up to my hair, fisting in it and holding my face firmly against his. It was like he was making sure he had all of my attention. Someone else sat on the table, making it creak behind me, and I realized why he was being a little territorial.

  He was reminding me that I was his first.

  My heart itched to know who had joined us, though.

  I couldn’t fight down the hope that it was Marcus. I never considered him before, never gave him much thought in our shared class, but now I couldn’t get him off my mind. The one boy of the three I hadn’t kissed yet and he was plaguing my thoughts.

  A hand brushed against my back, followed by warm lips that kissed my shoulder. The hand brushed my hair to the side, and the lips found my neck. I moaned against Joseph’s lips. I never thought a neck kiss could feel this good. God, did it, though.

  I could picture Marcus there, and as the hands behind me rested on my hips the image became more clear. Kissing Joseph earnestly, matching his hunger, I was dying to turn around and kiss Marcus too.

  “I was surprised to get that message,” Tony’s voice came from behind me.

  I faltered for just a moment, before continuing on.

  So it wasn’t Marcus.

  I could live with that, sure, but it still hurt.

  I wanted to lose myself in the two of them instead.

  Hopefully back in class Marcus could act like he never received my message, hopefully he could pretend it didn’t happen. I still wanted him there, though. Even pinned between two hot bodies, my own body ached for more. Ached for him even though I’d never even touched his hand, much less- I pushed away those thoughts quickly.

  I needed to enjoy what I had.

  There wasn’t any use in doing this any other way.

  Tony started sucking a hickey into my neck, and it left my legs feeling weak beneath me. Moaning again against Joseph’s lips, I was surprised when he pulled his face away from mine.

  There was intent in his eyes, though, so I didn’t question it.

  Pulling me down, he took me from the table top to a seat on the bench of it. Looking up at him, confused but aroused, I coul
d hear him unzip his pants.

  Suddenly everything was so much more real.

  It was no longer a flirting insinuation or friction held back by clothes. This was happening, and I was the one who brought it into being. My heart was still drumming away, filling my ears with my own pulse, as he pulled out his cock.

  Joseph leaned back a little, and I could see then length of it.

  He was more than a couple handfuls, it looked so much larger than I imagined cocks looked it real life. Swallowing down my trepidation, I reached out slowly for it.

  His cock was white hot under my attentions.

  Sliding my fingers up and down the length, he treated me with a moan as I clasped my hands around it and explored it. Behind me, Tony moved so that he was sitting beside me on the bench. His hands were eager and quick, exploring my body as I explored Joseph’s cock.

  Joseph moved closer, stepping in shuffles that kept his pants around his muscled and softly haired thighs, until his cock was inches from my face.

  I kissed a boy for the first time that night.

  I touched a cock for the first time.

  And then, as I parted my lips cautiously, I tasted one for the first time as well.

  Trying not to seem nervous, wanting to look like I knew what I was doing, I ran my tongue over the head of his cock without hesitation. It was salty, dripping with interest, and I didn’t mind the taste. Parting my lips further, I took more of him in, sucking like I would on a frozen popsicle before it could melt. Under my tongue his skin was warm, I was cautious to avoid using my teeth.

  I looked up at him, my mouth full of his cock, and could see that Joseph was looking right back at me. He looked starved, wild, like he was restraining himself and letting me suck his cock. He was burning with desire and want, and all I could do was thank him with my tongue and lips.

  Worship him.

  I used my hands to ensure the bits I couldn’t fit into my mouth were taken care of, reaching a pace I would have found embarrassing if I cared.

  Tony, to my left, seemed to be starved for attention.

  Even as I poured my all into making Joseph feel good, Tony was sucking hickies into my skin, and pinching my nipples until they almost hurt. It was thrilling, new, a good kind of pain that could only come from being so desired that someone would want any kind of attention from me, good or bad.

  His hand slid down my stomach, and felt me up through my panties.

  I gasped around Joseph’s cock, gagging a little. His hands were firm in my hair, not letting me back off or cough despite the tears prickling in my eyes. I was thankful for it, I wanted to learn how to make him feel good. Tony didn’t pause in his actions. He rubbed and circled, finding my entrance and pressing against it through my underwear. I gasped again, and felt my hips fidget against my will.

  “What are you doing?” Joseph asked Tony, the first words they shared.

  “I want to hear her make some noise, I want the whole party to hear her,” Tony replied.

  I couldn’t see what color I was turning, but I bet my face was some shade of maroon at hearing that.

  We were out in the open.

  Anyone could walk by at any moment.

  The thought gave me goosebumps, and lit me up with excitement and fear. Adrenaline at the mere idea of being caught.

  Tony goes for my nipple with his other hand, pinching and twisting a little as he kept pressing in against my entrance with his fingers. It was overwhelming, and difficult to keep my hands and mouth in a steady rhythm while I had to parse out how my body was reacting.

  I was trembling.

  “Come on baby, let me hear your voice,” Tony said in my ear. His voice was filthy, hungry, and somehow it affected me more than his hands did. “Don’t you want everyone to know how good you’re being for us? You said you invited a third guy, let’s let him hear what he’s missing out on,” he murmured.

  It was as thrilling as it was terrifying.

  He pinched my nipple again, and although I wish it would make my voice find air, it didn’t.

  Joseph sighed, pulling his cock from my mouth.

  “That’s no way to make her make any kind of noise,” he said simply.

  Moving me, like a treasured prize, Joseph lifted me from the bench seat, and back onto the tabletop. His hands moved eagerly, quickly, as he pulled my underwear from my hips down to my thighs. I was bare to the world, yet as he tossed aside my panties I couldn’t bring myself to even pretend to care.

  I wanted this.

  I was sure he was going to go ahead and put his cock in me.

  I was sure Joseph was going to take my virginity at that very moment- yet instead of his cock, he lowered his face to my thighs instead. His stubble was sharp and surprising, rough against my sensitive pale skin, and it gave me chills as his kissed his way up from my knee.

  Every kiss was more dangerous than the last.

  Getting closer and closer to a part of me that no man knew.

  As he got to my labia, he kissed over it.

  I felt dizzy with anticipation and arousal, unsure what to do with myself. He hadn’t even done much yet, but my body was already reacting like he was inside of me. Parting my labia, Joseph licked a thick stripe from my entrance to my clit. I gasped, covered my mouth to keep a moan deep inside my chest. I didn’t expect it to feel that good. I could hear him chuckle between my legs as he licked again, before stopping to circle my clit with his tongue. It felt like lightning was aimed directly at everything that could make me feel good, like he’d figured out my body from just looking at it.

  I writhed under the attention, and a full moan escaped my lips before I could stop it.

  “No need to be so noisey,” Tony admonished me. There was a smile in his voice, but I could tell he was jealous that he didn’t get those reactions out of me. He moved, standing beside the table, and I watched as he pulled his track pants down his thighs. His boxers were a flash of deep purple, and then they were gone as he pulled out his cock. His wasn’t as long as Joseph’s, but it looked thicker, fuller.

  His fingertips tangled in my hair as he turned my head to face his cock.

  As I parted my lips, I could feel my hips moving of their own accord.

  I was almost humping against Joseph’s face, unable to control myself against the unending waves of pleasure. He was making me feel things I didn’t think were actually possibly. If I knew sex could feel like this, if I knew it was this good, there’s no way I would have put it off for so long.

  Tony’s cock slid into my mouth, stretching my lips and jaw, and I hollowed my cheeks around it. I didn’t have to move with him in my mouth, Tony’s hips pistoned back and forth as he filled my mouth again and again. It was my punishment for moaning about what Joseph was doing, and I was happy to take it.

  Joseph’s speed increased, and he licked his way back down to my entrance again. I moaned around Tony’s cock, and could feel his fingers curl tighter in my hair.

  He liked that.

  I moaned again, loving that he was enjoying it so much.

  It was a louder moan than before, and because of that I almost didn’t hear a branch breaking off in the distance to Tony’s left.

  My eyes were bleary with tears from the pleasure, but I blinked them clear. Whatever the noise was, the boys didn’t seem to hear it. As my vision focused, I realized someone was watching.


  It thought he’d backed out.

  Or, rather that he denied me. I had let myself let go of the idea of having him, and yet there he was. A couple dozen feet away, he was at the corner of the building, leaning against it and watching.

  He decided to come after all.

  My mind clicked back to me, suddenly really realizing the situation I was in.

  One man was between my thighs, face shiny with my arousal, and the other man had his cock buried in my mouth, tickling at the edge of my gag reflex. I was being used. Although I had been the one who orchestrated it, although I wanted it as badly as I
did, they were also using me for pleasure.

  Now Marcus could see all of that.

  I wished I could have been ashamed, I wanted to want to stop.

  Yet my shame couldn’t outweigh the pleasure of it. No matter how maddeningly embarrassing this was, I wanted each and every second of it.

  I made my decision.

  Instead of backing down, instead of melting away in embarrassment, I maintained the eye contact.

  Moaning again at the flick of Joseph’s tongue, I arched my back to put on a show.

  My eyes slid closed for just a moment, but I forced them back open to watch Marcus. If he was going to walk away then, if he was going to leave, I wanted to make sure he couldn’t look me in the face on Monday when school started again.

  I wanted to leave him feeling as wrecked as I did.

  Moaning around Tony’s cock again, I used my nimble fingers to work more of his length. His hands, in turn, found my chest and started plucking at my nipples again. He had a fixation, and I couldn’t be bothered to mind it. It felt good, in the surprise and pain.

  Marcus moved for a moment, like he was leaving, but he didn’t go.

  Instead, I was able to see that he was grasping at himself through his pants.

  Oh my god.

  He started unzipping his jeans, and pulling out his cock, and the moment I saw that flash of pink skin I was coming.

  My first orgasm was rough, fast, and it tore through me like a tornado trying to devour me. I let it, eager and starved for more even as it was still going. My thighs were clamped around Joseph’s head, my clit throbbed on his tongue. It would have been mortifying if it didn’t feel so damn good.

  When I could finally open my eyes again, Tony had slid out of my mouth, and Marcus was approaching.

  “Look, don’t cause any trouble,” Tony sounded defensive of me.

  It was sweet, if not misplaced.

  “He’s Marcus, it’s okay, he’s the third guy,” I said.

  My heart flared up in embarrassment at the thought that I was with three guys, but I wasn’t backing out.

  I got this far.

  Joseph, pulling back from me, made it clear what he wanted.


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