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Filled! Page 26

by Lexi Hots

  “You are absolutely killing me.”

  She laughed. “You need to take a cold shower before we go down.”

  “Maybe.” Davis shook his head again. “I’m going to need a few drinks, if you plan to have me join you with some old, crusty CEO.”

  “I was picturing him as a more rugged, mature type, you know?”

  “Killing me, girl. Absolutely killing me.”

  “We said we’d do anything.” She winked and turned away from him. “We’ll call it plan B for now. I’ll give you the signal, if it comes up.” Susan held her fist up in the air and twirled it around.

  “Do the executive for the job signal … I got it,” Davis said. “Maybe a pounding fist motion would be better.”

  He watched her ass move under the black dress as she walked to the door.

  Susan opened the door and twisted her body so he could see her ass and her untouchable breasts from the side. “Let’s go get all networky and drunk, player.”

  He licked his lips and nodded because he couldn’t find his voice. He decided if there was any opportunity, even the slightest opening, to have sex this weekend, he was going to pounce on it. This convention was about landing the dream job. He was going to land all his dreams, if he could.

  She nodded back and they walked down the stairs to the ballroom. The lights were low, the music was just loud enough to let talking still be possible, and people were already getting their drinks. Davis and Susan followed suit.

  They stood together much of the night on the edges of conversations. Other young prospects circled the room either looking like lost sheep or some species of hungry shark. The power brokers mostly talked to each other. Davis suspected the young things on their arms knew little about medical administration or bioengineering. He did suspect they were being paid far more than him at the moment, so who was he to judge.

  “And they are getting more sex too.” He mumbled.

  Susan put her hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his ear. “What did you say?”

  He took a deep swallow of scotch. He might be able to drink six figures worth of booze, if it was open bar all weekend. Susan’s breath smelled like she was trying. Maybe she would be nice and loose by the time they went up to bed, if she didn’t pass out.

  “Nothing. You want me to fill you back up, Sooze?”


  He took her empty drink, but halfway across the room he stopped and set the empties on an unoccupied table with dozens of others. He went to the bar and ordered two more.

  “One is for my girlfriend.”

  The bartender shrugged as he handed them over. “Sure, dude.”

  “No, really. She’s over there.” Davis motioned with one of the glasses. He saw Susan chatting it up with an older, rugged, mature type in a suit that looked like it cost more than their combined tuition. The silver-haired fox handed Susan a card and leaned close to her as he spoke in the dark. She was looking down at the card and smiling as she nodded. She brought one hand up to brush a strand of auburn hair away from her face. Davis had a moment of fear where he thought she was going to actually give the twirling fist pounding motion signal.

  “Dude, I don’t care. Drink them both or don’t. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Enjoy.”

  Davis waved the drinks at the bartender without looking at him. “Yeah, um, thanks. Okay.”

  Davis absently sipped from one glass and then the other as he crossed the room. The silver fox peeled away by the time he reached Susan. He saw one glass was empty which he did not remember finishing. He handed Susan the other and popped a piece of ice into his mouth which he crunched loud enough to hear over the music. He knew from psychology classes that crunching ice was a sign of sexual frustration.

  He crunched a second cube.

  “Who was that, Sooze?”

  She slipped the card inside the top of her dress as Davis watched. The card was getting more action than he was. “Desmond. He is an executive with MGC.”


  “Desmond, he’s …”

  “No, I heard that part. Who is MGC?”

  “Meta-Gyn Corp, Davis. Come on. They are in all our textbooks.”

  Most of their textbooks were digital, but they still called them textbooks for some reason.

  “I never read those.” Davis winked and crunched a third piece of ice.

  “I wouldn’t lead with that when we go up for a meeting.”

  Davis froze in mid crunch. “Meeting? You got a meeting with Meta-Gyn? What kind of meeting?”

  He pictured the fist pounding twirl and Susan bent over a desk by the rugged executive. Davis crunched more ice and thought about baseball.

  “We are meeting with the head of the company up in their corporate suite. Just you, me, and the big boss. There are only a handful of these invites all weekend and you and me got one.”

  “Both of us?”

  “That’s right.”

  “With the head of the company?”

  “That’s what I’m telling you. What’s the problem?”

  “Why us?”


  “Because we have something none of the rest of them have and I am looking out for you, player. We are going to wow him and make it big and on the first night too.”

  She drew close and he thought she was going to kiss him. She took a drink instead and he crunched his last piece of ice.

  “When is our meeting?”

  “Thirty minutes.”

  “No, not how long. I said when is the meeting scheduled?”

  “She held up her hands and said, “In thirty minutes.”


  “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “We’re drunk, I think.”

  She laughed and took his empty drink away. “You want to tell him we can’t make it?”

  Davis swallowed and shook his head. “No way. This is the chance of a lifetime.”

  She slapped him on the butt and started walking. “Well, come on.”

  He followed behind her watching her ass. A butt slap? Could he have gotten away with that? He wanted the interview, whatever it turned out to be, but he wanted to get Susan back to their room while she was still in the butt slapping/ drunk/ not passed out yet state.

  As they got into the elevator, they went up seven floors silently before they were alone.

  Davis sighed after the other guest stepped out leaving the two of them. “We should have stopped on two and went to the room for mouthwash.”

  Susan snorted. “Yeah, because that will fool him.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t throw up, Davis.”

  “I won’t.” He watched the floors light up number by number above his head as they ascended. He thought he might now that he thought about it. “What if this guy wants … stuff.”

  Susan laughed. “I was joking about that.”

  “But what if that’s how it works?”

  “Then, I call top and you get bottom.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Well, get serious about getting hired, Davis. You’re being weird. It’s such a double standard anyway.”

  “What do you mean? What double standard?”

  “If some hot, female executive wanted to do you for a job, would you want me to stop her?”

  “If only.”

  She turned and narrowed her eyes at Davis. “Stop it. Don’t mess up this opportunity for me … for us.”


  The elevator dinged a couple floors shy of the top and they stepped out. Susan read the signs and led Davis around the corridors. They reached the door to one of the lounge suites. The silver fox Desmond was waiting and smiling. It really was a nice suit. Maybe Davis should let him have his way with Susan. She might do him next out of guilt.

  Desmond opened the door and waved them in, but closed it without following.


  A woman that looked to be just shy of forty stood up from a sofa in a red dress t
hat was a couple sizes shy of being the right size. Her breasts bulged up from the top and as she walked, Davis could see the definition of both her ass cheeks and the split between. She had dark hair down straight and long around her back and shoulders.

  Davis looked around for the executive this paid girl went with. Maybe she was one of the pre interview perks. Davis was loving Meta-Gyn’s style already. They all shook hands.

  She said, “Thank you for coming. You are my first interview.”

  Davis and Susan exchanged a look.

  Susan said, “Thank you.”

  “I’m Martha Seller. I’m the president and CEO of MGC. You two caught my eye right away.”

  She sat back down on the sofa and crossed her legs. Davis swore her dress was going to split. He could see high up her legs and had yet to spot panties.

  “I don’t have our resumes with us. I can e-mail them after we finish here,” Susan said.

  She was doing far better than Davis who realized he was just staring.

  “I know everything about everyone here,” Martha said. “I don’t waste time having people retell me things I could already know. Sit, please.”

  Davis and Susan looked around them. Other chairs were across the room. They started to walk.

  “Don’t go all the way over there,” Martha said. “Sit here beside me. One on each side.”

  Davis and Susan complied. Martha put her arms across the back of the sofa behind them so that her cleavage spread and they could see down with no evidence of a bra.

  “We’re impressed by your company,” Susan said.

  “Of course, you are.” Martha smiled. “I like that you two have stuck together through a competitive environment. You stand out to me for that reason.”

  “We were just talking about that when we arrived,” Susan said.

  “So this one does talk?” Martha put her hand on Davis’s neck.

  He shivered and she left it there. He said, “Yes, sorry. I may be a little drunk.”

  “Davis.” Susan hissed.

  “No. It’s okay. I like honesty over a show,” Martha said.

  She patted Susan’s leg where her black dress stopped and the leg showed above her knee. Martha left it there and Susan made no motion to stop her. Martha started stroking Davis’s neck and slide her hand up Susan’s thigh a few inches pushing up the little, black dress as she went. Martha squeezed Susan’s leg and Susan did not stop her.

  “We need team players like you two,” Martha said. “But sometimes we have to play hard. Are you a player, Davis?”

  “I’m sometimes called one.”

  Martha laughed and let her hand slide from his neck down his chest. “What about you, Susan? Would you let Davis do anything I needed him to do for me or MGC without questioning me or getting in my way?”

  “I’m a team player. We are onboard,” Susan said.

  Martha’s hand drifted past Davis’s belt and clawed over the front of his slacks. There was no hiding his raging hard on now. He wasn’t sure Susan was getting the message that Martha was sending.

  Martha pulled up Susan’s dress until her black, satin panties were showing. Davis didn’t even know she owned those. He wondered if she wore them all the time or just with the black dress.

  Martha was undoing his belt. She started stroking the front of Susan’s panties and Susan spread her legs.

  “What are you doing?” Susan whispered.

  “You know what I’m doing.” Martha whispered back. “Are you willing to prove loyalty and commitment and obedience in order to earn more in one year than most of those hyper knuckleheads down in the ballroom will earn their entire lives?”

  “We’ll do whatever it takes,” Susan said, but looked away.

  “What about you, Davis?” Martha opened his fly.

  Susan looked down at his bulge with Martha’s claws on it and then up at Davis. She actually nodded at him with a straight face. Davis raised his fist and twirled it in the air. “We are all yours, Martha.”

  “Good.” She pointed at the floor. “Susan, I want you there to watch as Davis does his first job for me. I want to be sure you can handle it.”

  Susan stood up and walked to the spot. She smoothed her dress back down and folded her hands in front of her. Martha slid Davis’s cock and balls out over the top of his boxer briefs. He gasped. Susan licked her lips as she watched and Davis actually felt dizzy from seeing it.

  Martha pointed at the floor again. “On your knees, I mean. I don’t want you standing over me while I’m working.”

  As Martha stroked Davis’s cock, Susan knelt. Her heels clicked and scraped as she got down on her knees and folded her hands in her lap. Davis found he really liked that sound for some reason.

  Martha nodded and then leaned down over Davis’s cock. She licked the head and then took long licks up the sides of his shaft all the way around with her tongue out in a curl. Davis’s eyes rolled back in his head and then he thought about Susan – watching. He looked down and Martha was tonguing the head of his cock again as she looked at Susan. Davis dared to look and saw Susan’s attention focused on his cock. He thought about baseball, but not to lose the erection; he needed to keep from cumming so this wouldn’t stop.

  Martha went down on him and back off. She stroked her saliva into him. She ran her mouth over the head and down one side an inch. She went down and off and slid a bit over the other side. He had watched a lot of porn, but Davis had never seen this move before. He sure hadn’t felt it. It was like she was missing on every other thrust on purpose and it felt awesome. He was actually worried every blowjob in his life after this one might pale in comparison.

  Martha gave one deep thrust down on him and then pulled off completely. She spoke with her own spit running down his shaft and over her wrapped fingers. “Get over here, Susan.”

  Susan crawled forward on her hands and knees and Davis shivered. “Yes, ma’am,” she whispered.

  Davis swallowed. “Oh, God.”

  “Suck him, Susan.”


  “I’ve never done this before,” Susan said.

  Martha rolled her eyes and stroked the cock. “Consider this on the job training. You suck him with as much enthusiasm and commitment as you would give any job I would assign you. I need to see your work ethic.”

  Susan leaned forward and licked around the head of Davis cock. She was clearly less experienced, but her mouth on him was electric. She took a deep breath and held it before plunging down over him.

  “Less teeth,” Martha said.

  Davis could have kissed her for that instruction. Martha actually did lean up and kiss him lightly on the lips as Susan bobbed her head on Davis’s cock in Martha’s fist.

  Martha pushed Susan away. “Do what I do?”

  Martha went all the way down with her mouth open wide and then stuck out her tongue and licked his balls. She pulled off and spit on his cock.

  Susan attempted the same. Halfway down, she coughed. Martha put her hand on the back of Susan’s head. “Don’t you quit on me.”

  Susan relaxed and actually went deeper than Martha did. She licked out her tongue at the base and almost sucked his balls in too. He was disappointed when she finally pulled off. Susan spit a thick string of saliva onto his cock and Martha stroked it in.

  Martha went down and did her side to side alternating motion with her mouth. Susan tried it next.

  “No,” Martha said. She did it again.

  Susan got it perfect the next time with a level of intensity that nearly sent Davis over. If Susan could do this for him after today, he would be the happiest man alive. Martha gave him a soft kiss as if to celebrate as Susan licked and sucked.

  Martha pushed Susan away and started sucking and licking one of Davis’s balls. She spoke over it in her mouth. “Like this on the other one. Gently.”

  Susan dove in. She wasn’t as gentle, but Davis moaned and licked his lips.

  “Keep going,” Martha said.

  She fucked Davis wit
h her mouth as Susan sucks and kissed his balls.

  As he dug his fingers into the sofa to prepare to cum, Martha stopped and pushed Susan away. “Get back to your spot until I need you again.”

  Susan crawled back and knelt with her hands in her lap. Her chin was shiny with her own spit and probably some of Martha’s too. Susan actually smiled. “I’ll be here for anything you need, ma’am. Anything at all.”


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