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Filled! Page 36

by Lexi Hots

  I had different plans. I tightened the grip I had on him with my legs, forcing him to stay inside me. His face contorted in odd directions, as he struggled to contain himself. I began to flex the muscles of my inner vagina even more than they were already spasming, and this did the trick. I felt his dick throb and begin pumping his seed deep inside me.

  Almost involuntarily, Moose’s hips started rocking slowly again. While he wasn’t able to create much speed, each thrust was extremely strong and forced my back to drag against the green velvet of the pool table. I felt as each spurt of cum shot deep inside me.

  I lay there, unable to focus on much other than the extreme sensitivity and pleasure his massive dick caused as he pulled out one final time. An audible slurping noise was created from the vacuum and cum he left behind him. His dick popped out, as cum began running down my ass cheek towards the table. I looked beside me and wondered how many of the stains I saw were from activities such as this one.

  As he finally finished, he buckled his pants and lifted me off the table. He carried me to his office behind the bar, where he left me on his couch for the rest of the night. He would come visit from time to time, and each time we would fuck again in some new way. We barely talked, but our eyes did all the communicating we needed to be doing anyway. Months of sexual frustration were being released for both of us.

  That first night was the beginning to a wild and erotic relationship. It was also the start to an extremely eccentric family, as his fertile seed found itself a home inside me. While most conception stories don’t involve being ravished by a huge man on a pool table, I wouldn’t have mine any other way.

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  Story 17

  The bone-chilling wind blowing down from the frigid north whistled sharply through the pass and made the pine trees sway slowly. The narrow pass between the towering mountains was the only way in and out of the valley that the hardy people of the White Bear Clan called home. This approaching winter was no different from the last few, cold and unforgiving, casting its deathly gloom over everything for the months to come.

  Garth Kane squatted down slowly, his old knee injury making him wince. The fresh snow from the storm overnight had the tracks covered many times over, but his skills as a hunter were legendary. Grabbing a handful of snow from deep down, he brought it up to his face. The faint spoor told him that his quarry had indeed passed that way, barely an hour ago.

  “We are on the right trial, my brothers.” He called out to the other three burly men in the hunting party.

  “How much further, great chief?” One of them asked, holding on to the hard leather collar of the large hunting dog under his care.

  “Another mile, downwind.” The tall leader replied, rising to his full height. “The spoor is still fresh. This way.”

  The biting morning air was mild and clear, a refreshing change from the storm that raged all night, but the north wind maintained its hostility. Garth Kane, clan chieftain for about a year now, knew the land of ice and snow he lived off well enough and the land was good to him. But his clan, the Highlanders of the Northern Mountains called White Bear, rulers of the glens for generations, had dwindled in its numbers over the years and times were bad for his people.

  At thirty nine, Kane lived by himself. He had taken one wife, a lifetime ago, but the harsh winter in the year of the Frost Bear had claimed Julia. He remained alone since then, having sired no offspring in his short married life of three years. A man of immense height and strength, he towered over most of his fellow men, who themselves were as tall as oaks. A great hunter and warrior, master of sword, spear and bow, his massive muscular arms and legs gave him an advantage in both the hunt and in battle. Long blond hair, usually braided, and pale blue eyes on a ruggedly handsome face, Kane had every woman in the clan swooning and he could have had any of them, but his heart was still set on Julia and he could never look at another in the same way.

  “You are the greatest of us.” Goran Han, his best friend and war-brother had told him ever so often. “And yet you have no heirs to carry on the great name of your forebears.”

  “My line will end with me, old friend.” He remembered replying each time and watched his friend sadly shake his head and walk away.

  Goran too was lost to him two years gone, in one of the great battles with rival clans over the short summertime fishing rights. Ever more alone now, he looked to no one for confiding in, not anymore. The life he loved and cherished had ended with his beloved Julia thirteen years ago. Now Garth Kane lived only for his people as he walked a desolate path alone, but he was a great leader and commanded respect from everyone in the clan. Every one except for Sienna, the only daughter of the great Sagan, the war chief whom he succeeded the year before.

  “She is young, and a fool, Kane.” Sagan had often laughed. “She will learn the error of her ways once she is wed to Daren.”

  “I have my doubts, Sagan.” He replied each time. “She is born of the restless spirit, with a will all of her own. She will rather break than bend.”

  “You know my blood better than I, old friend.” Sagan had laughed even louder. “Yet what you say is indeed true. She should have been my son.”

  Sagan was no longer with the clan, claimed by the merciless ice storms of the winter before, and now everything rested on Kane’s immense shoulders. The future of the clan and the people he held dear - everything. He stood at the edge of the precipice, looking down, with the weight of the clan’s future hanging over his head and all because of a young woman who preferred to flaunt the clan’s rules and consort with the enemy. Sienna had gone too far this time and she had to be disciplined.

  “The trail ends in that small ravine below.” Kane pointed down. “They are inside that alcove.”

  “The dog is excited.” One of the others grinned. “Release him.”

  “No, we must use stealth.” Kane whispered, lowering himself down carefully. “You remain here with the dog, Hagar.”

  “As you wish, chief.” Hagar muttered, struggling with the large animal.

  “Perak, Dalen, stay close.” The huge clan chief whispered to the other two. “No harm must come to her.”

  “And to him?” Dalen inquired agitatedly.

  “I care not.” Kane snarled; making the two men following him exchange smirks.

  The makeshift door made of dead branches and snow easily gave in to his immense kick as Kane stormed into the little cave. Letting the broad shield remain on his back with the massive claymore still sheathed under it, he flicked out his foot-long hunting knife instead. He hadn’t intended to kill the rival clan boy, just knock him senseless. The clan chieftain exhaled deeply and shook his head, the cave was empty.

  A loud yell outside made him turn and dive out of the cave in one move. As he rolled up off the snow, he saw Perak on the ground, his rich red blood staining the gleaming snow and a young man with a bloodied wooden club standing over him while Dalen struggled with a red haired woman, blood smearing the side of his leather hauberk. Taken by surprise, the two large clansmen had gone down quickly.

  “Sienna!” Kane roared. “Enough of this.”

  “Leave us alone.” The young woman cried as the man accompanying her squared off with Kane.

  “You belong with us, child.” He snarled, eyeing the other man with care, his grip on the hunting knife tightening.

  “I am a child no longer.” She screamed as the young man lunged at Kane.

  The huge war chief dropped the hunting knife and went down on one knee, the injured one, and grabbed the diving man’s throat and belt. In one lightning fast move, the veteran warrior rose to his feet and hurled the youth against a tall pine tree. The sound of the dull impact of bone and sinew on immovable wood made Kane wince. The young man slid down the trunk of the tree and lay very still on the snow.

  “Muriel!” Sienna gasped. “You… you’ve killed him.”

  “He sought to do the same.�
�� Kane walked up to the young woman, ignoring the stiffness in his knee. “Come with us willingly, child, back to where you belong… and honor your father.”

  “My father is dead.” She spat, whipping out a dagger and holding it up to her own shapely throat. “Take another step and my blood is on your han…”

  She didn’t see the swift backhand that rendered her senseless. Kane sighed, regretting his assault immediately, but she had left him no choice. He glanced at his men; each sported flesh wounds that would heal in a matter of days. They had recovered from far worse.

  “We have her, chief.” Perak nodded, wiping the blood off his mouth. “Or rather, you have her.”

  “And what of him?” Dalen grunted as he pulled out the three inch kitchen blade from his side and pointed at the motionless Muriel with it. “Do we take him with us… or kill him?”

  “Leave him here. He is not of our people.” Kane growled as he slung Sienna’s limp body over his massive shoulder. “… he is the master of his own fate.”

  “His fate is left to the wolves tonight.” Hagar called out from the overhanging cliff above, extending his muscular arm to Kane.

  “So be it.” The great hunter growled; taking the canine-master’s hand and levering himself up the cliff with his prey.


  Kane took a sip of mead, half caring about its strong taste as he sat on the ancient wood carved throne fashioned a millennia ago for clan chiefs and wise men. He didn’t feel like either, not this day, when he had to pass judgment on one of their own - the young daughter of a friend. Of all the times he felt unworthy of being a clan chief, it all paled in comparison to this.

  Sagan’s only daughter, the fiery haired, emerald eyed beauty smoldered like a volcano about to erupt. Her hands and feet shackled like a common thief, with two armed guards on either side, the daughter of the former chief glared at everyone in the great hall where she had often played by her father’s knee.

  “Murderer.” She rasped yet again. “Slayer of the innocent.”

  “Sienna Paean, you have dishonored the clan yet again.” One of the elders in the council intoned in a deep voice. “This time even more gravely than ever before. Consorting with rival clans and cavorting with their men-folk. What have you to say for yourself?”

  “Why do you still want me here?” She screamed. “Let me go… I am of age and a master of my own destiny.”

  “You know we cannot allow that.” The man continued in a sepulchral tone. “Our bloodlines cannot he watered down. Our clan must remain pure. As the spawn of the great Sagan, you have a responsibility to the clan…”

  “I have nothing… this clan is dead.” Sienna laughed out brashly. “You choose to remain sequestered in your own limited world while all around you everything is changing. We are a dying people because you refuse to accept change.”

  “Our way of life is what keeps us strong.” Kane spoke up. “We cannot idly sit and watch our children slip away to ways that are not meant for us. What future does that hold for us if we let our progeny walk away from all that we hold dear?”

  “So says the great chief who cannot sire an heir of his own.” The red haired beauty sneered, much to the surprise of the council.

  “Hold your sharp tongue, lass.” Regan Holm, elder and clan historian wagged a gnarled finger at the defiant young woman. “Garth Kane is a great man, and he chooses to honor his lost love… by remaining faithful, even after the void claimed her.”

  “Yes, ancient one.” She snickered. “We have all heard of such a tale… but isn’t thirteen years too long a time to mourn?”

  “Indeed it is.’ Kane smiled tightly. “Elder Holm, trouble yourself not over my accord.”

  “You are as courteous as ever, great chief.” Holm smiled warmly. “Yet she must learn to respect her betters.”

  “Undoubtedly,” Kane nodded, and glared at Sienna. “I have two choices for you, daughter of Sagan. One, you will be wed to Daren Han, as per your late sire’s wish, and hold dear the customs of our people… or two, you will serve as a slave among us until you have redeemed all your offences. Choose wisely.”

  “I have a third, an even more profitable choice for all of us.” She cried, narrowing her eyes. “Banish me from here and all of you drop dead. That should solve the problems of the clan entirely.”

  “It seems our precious delinquent here suffers from an affliction that requires a more robust remedy than mere imprisonment by slavery or betrothal, my brothers.” Holm rubbed his wrinkled hands together, smiling tightly.

  “What do you propose, Elder Holm?” The first councilman who spoke asked, leaning forward.

  “Since she has a special discontentment toward Garth,” Holm waved at the hulking chieftain. “I propose that she be confined to his care and make it his personal duty to educate her in the ways of our clan.”

  “We agree.” The others nodded.

  “You honor me greatly, my brothers.” Kane exhaled heavily. “I will do whatever I can, for the clan…”

  “Enslaved to the great Garth Kane.” Sienna screamed. “Oh, kill me now… you old fools have honored my father well.”

  “Silence!” Kane growled. “Take her away. The judgment has been passed.”


  His nostrils flared as he took in the tell-tale scent in the air. It was still fresh. The Elk was a large one, judging by its hoofmarks in the snow as it moved from tree to tree spraying its territory with its virility to draw in a mate. He glanced at Hagar and put a finger on his lips, jerking his head in the direction it was most likely to be next.

  The canine-master nodded his understanding and waved at the other hunters as he released the two hunting dogs. Kane stood back, breathing a little easier as he watched the well-trained animals silently pad through the snow. He had done this countless times over the years, yet each time it felt different. He lived for the thrill of the hunt, it made him feel alive - the only thing that did these days. He missed Julia every single day but he accepted that she was gone forever.

  The barking of the dogs and the thrashing in the dry brushes made him look at the direction he had deduced the Elk to be hiding in. He was seldom wrong, if ever. The thrum of arrows being released from taut bowstrings told him he was not this time as well. Fresh meat was always welcome. He smiled in satisfaction at the size of the hunted animal. It was a large bull, and slain cleanly, without allowing fear to make its muscles flex too much. The meat would be good to eat.

  “Well done, my brothers of the hunt.” He waved at the others. “Stack it with the other kills and let us head back. We have enough meat for a week now.”

  “All thanks to you, great chief.” Hagar walked up, leading his dogs. “Yet we have to travel further each hunt.”

  “Once the winter passes, the land will welcome back the bounty as ever.” Kane patted one of the dogs on its broad head. “Now come, we must salt the meat for curing.”

  Returning to the village, Kane instructed the meat to be sent for butchering. Every family was to receive an even share. It was a well contained barter system. The fresh meat the hunters brought in gave them the right to receive weapons and armor from the blacksmiths, bread from the bakers, milk and produce from the diary farmers, fish from the fishermen and so on. Life for the Highlanders of the Northern Mountains couldn’t have been better, if only their numbers were not reducing so fast.

  “The clan will need sons and daughters to prosper.” He thought ruefully. “And who am I to enforce such a law, I the great chief who does not have an heir of his own.”

  He opened the door to his stone walled hut and dropped his shield and blade. The house of the chieftain was the largest in the village and the strongest built. For years it had stood and served as the home of chiefs. Sagan lived there before him, and Sienna grew up there. And now she was a prisoner in her own former home. He sighed and glanced at the locked door that led to the cellar. That was where he had been keeping her since the council had passed its judgment, a few hours ago that morning.

  At first she wouldn’t stop screaming, so he found it impossible to be near her and decided to go on the hunt. The hunt always cleared his mind, filled his heart and made his spirit rise. He stared at the door, wondering if he should go down and check on her, since he had heard no sound after his return. Perhaps she had fallen asleep.

  Holding a small platter of roasted deer meat, Kane carefully opened the cellar door and walked down the thick stone steps. He had removed her shackles earlier and left her free of any bonds, assured that she could never find a way out of there. He sighed in relief as he spotted her sitting on the floor with her head resting on the side of the bed.

  “Ah, the great hunter returns.” She said, surprisingly in a pleasant tone. “And with nourishment for his dear little prisoner.”


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