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Filled! Page 47

by Lexi Hots

  She labeled the next guy Blackjack. He had the look of a serious poker player, with aviator style sunglasses hiding his eyes, his jet black hair spiked stylishly on his head, and black duds from head to toe. The fact that it was just after ten in the morning told Delaney his five o’clock shadow was carefully conceived. He was probably an even six feet with a build similar to Hot Rod’s, but slightly smaller.

  With a bandana tied around his head, Delaney wasn’t sure just how long Wolverine’s hair was, but he had long sideburns and a goatee with eyes the color of jade. He looked like a predator, too, leering and mysterious. He wasn’t tall, maybe five foot ten, but he dominated his own space with a cocky stance and the same toned physique as his friends. His gray muscle shirt showed off sleeves of tattoos, and his jeans fit like skin, giving her a view of the curves of his muscular legs.

  Snake’s most prominent feature was the cobra tattooed on the side of his neck, but it didn’t detract from his aristocratic face. Honey brown eyes and a strong, square jaw were set off by dark brown locks with just the ghost of red threaded in, slicked back like an executive in a board room making a power play. But his forearms bulged as he folded them over an impressive chest, accented by a royal blue dress shirt, paired with light khakis that were fitted perfectly to a narrow waist, angled hips, and thick legs. It all worked together to give the impression that he was much taller than just under six feet, as Delaney guessed he was.

  Babyface was a bit of an oddball, with his smooth, slightly rounded face and eyes the color of a stormy sky. His lips were full, his blond hair swept across his forehead, and his flannel shirt hung open over a white t-shirt, proving he was definitely fit. He just happened to be thinner than his friends, so it was less obvious at first. He was probably right at six feet, and Delaney couldn’t help but notice as he turned around that his jeans cupped his ass in a very nice way.

  Finally finding her words, she greeted them, “Good morning, gentlemen. What can I help you with today?”


  Wolverine elbowed Loverboy with a mischievous look on his face, and Delaney wondered what that was about. Apparently the spokesperson for the group, Loverboy took a step forward and held up a piece of paper. Glancing at it, Delaney realized it was the front page of her website, with the grand opening information on it. “Are you Delaney Forrester?”

  She nodded.

  “We found your ad online. We need some shots for a calendar.”

  Delaney raised an eyebrow. “What’s the theme?” She was curious. Models? Bodybuilders? Firemen?

  He motioned to the guys with him. “We’re mixed martial artists, and we’ve got a training facility nearby.” That explained a lot. “There are actually twelve of us posing, but the others are tied up today, and we were hoping to make an appointment for them so we can get this wrapped up. We would have called ahead, but we’re running a little behind, and your site says you take walk-ins. We hoped you would have some time today.”

  Oh, boy! For these guys, she would have moved around other clients. Delaney didn’t get the opportunity to admire this kind of beauty very often, and she knew she could rock out some excellent photos for a calendar. “Sure, my first appointment isn’t until this afternoon. Let’s get you registered in the system and talk about what sort of photos you’re looking for.”

  Rounding behind the counter, she pulled up her database where she intended to log all her clients for future promotional follow up. “What’s the name of the training facility?” she asked. She saw an opportunity there to provide some marketing material for them, too.

  “Ultimate MMA,” Loverboy provided.

  Delaney nodded. She considered logging them with their nicknames, but she couldn’t exactly send mailers or emails to Hot Rod or Snake. “I’ll need at least one name, though I can get all of you in here, in case you need headshots or photo shoots for promotional purposes going forward."

  She went down the list: Hot Rod – Jamie, Babyface – Tim, Blackjack – Daniel, Loverboy – Sean, Wolverine – Adrian, and Snake – Kevin. She smirked to herself; her assigned titles fit them much better than their real names. Still, she would have to get used to the names they’d given. It wouldn’t be right to accidentally call one of them by the nicknames she’d devised.

  “Okay,” she said, clearing her throat and trying not to stare too hard at their bodies as she came back around the counter. “We have several routes we can take. We could do action shots with particular moves. Or, we could do a fitness shoot that plays to the best assets of your bodies.” She blushed as she said it, especially as Hot Rod and Snake snorted. With a little difficulty, she continued, “Or we could go with pure sex appeal. It depends on the audience you’re catering to.”

  Daniel stepped forward from the middle of the group and let his eyes run up and down her body. Delaney’s flush heated further and moved down her throat and into the cleavage his eyes landed on. When he met her gaze again, he wore a teasing crooked grin. “I’d guess you have a lot of experience in sex appeal.”

  Her mouth dry, Delaney had no idea how to respond to that. She’d shot a lot of sexy poses, but personally, sex was a mystery she hadn’t a clue about. As a larger woman, she’d rarely even had a man express the least bit of interest in her, much less want to sleep with her. She was a virgin, and until now, it hadn’t really mattered.

  Searching for words that wouldn’t lead to embarrassment, Delaney hedged, “I’ve worked with a lot of clients aiming for sexy. I’m sure, if you want to appeal to a female audience, I can create a perfect layout for your calendar. Honestly, women would be the best market for you, if you’re doing this to raise money. Women are far more likely to buy calendars than men, and especially calendars featuring extremely fit men.”

  “Is that what you see when you look at us?” Tim piped up. His boyish grin was also leering, and it took away some of the innocence from his appearance.

  Delaney had to laugh. “You’re joking, right? You’re MMA fighters. I know how rigorously you train and how much you work out. And you don’t eat ridiculous amounts of fatty foods that give you heart attacks like old school bodybuilders. What else would I see other than exceptional health and fitness?” Sex. Arousal. Beauty. She could name quite a few other things, but she wasn’t going to say it out loud. It wasn’t like it would get her anywhere. This was a professional meeting.

  “Okay, let’s do it,” Jamie decided for them. With that, Delaney turned and entered the curtained studio area, cordoned off with blackout curtains all the way around. She’d spent a great deal of money on the green screen, where she could superimpose any background image, just like in Hollywood, and that saved her a lot of money on hundreds of backdrops or travel to locations.

  She started setting up props – her first image would feature all six of them. She’d do another similar one when the additional six came in. Just thinking about meeting six more of these mouthwatering men sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. But Delaney forced herself to focus, and she arranged six chairs at random spacing in front of the screen so the guys could straddle them.

  Preparing to invite them in to assign them positions, Delaney turned and stopped in her tracks. The six hunks of man flesh stood just inside the studio space, sans their shirts. The number of ripples in their abs and chests and arms made her feel like she was floating in a gentle ocean of half-naked men, and the room tilted and swayed for a moment.

  Getting control of her hormones, she placed them on the chairs, some holding the top and leaning back, others resting their forearms on the chair backs. When she had them settled, Delaney nearly had to fan herself, the effect of the view overwhelming. She took several shots, having them tilt heads or move hair or bend their necks forward and look up through their eyelashes.

  After that, she set up a different scenario for each guy, and the longer she worked, the closer the guys who weren’t posing moved to her until they were directly behind and beside her. It made her nervous but not about her work. She just couldn’t ge
t rid of the feeling that they were staring at her the whole time.

  She set Jamie up with a pair of chaps and an old sawhorse, taking shots of several poses. Tim worked with an old claw foot tub, and Sean posed on a thick, lush rug surrounded by candles. She posed Daniel on and around a poker table with chips and cards, and Kevin wore a dress collar with no shirt and posed with an executive desk. Adrian was last and proved hardest, and Delaney finally decided on a white towel around his waist and water poured over him, like he was fresh from the shower.

  Satisfied, Delaney was ready to charge them and schedule the next session for their coworkers, but Kevin took her by the arm and held her back. She frowned in confusion. “Is there something else you wanted?” she asked hesitantly.


  Glancing at a couple of the others, he smiled pleasantly at her and asked, “Do you ever pose for the camera?”

  She laughed incredulously. “No, not really. I’m the photographer, obviously not the model.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Adrian asked, coming forward. He ran a hand down her free arm and then captured her chin in his hand. “You’re gorgeous. I bet you are incredibly photogenic. You should pose more. Hey, Daniel, don’t you know a little about using cameras?”

  Delaney looked around him to find Daniel inspecting her equipment and looking through lenses. He smiled over at them. “Sure do, and this is some nice stuff. High tech. It can do stills and video, and it’s easy operation.”

  Kevin tugged on her arm. “Come on, let’s show you just how good you look in front of a camera.” She resisted, but Kevin pulled more insistently, and Adrian moved behind her, pushing her toward the green screen, where Tim and Sean were working together to set up the daybed Delaney had among her props. It was meant for a sweet sixteen or maybe a princess shoot, but her two subjects-turned-captors sat her on the edge of it and wouldn’t let her get up.

  “Give me a sassy smile,” Daniel demanded. Delaney didn’t know what to do. Sassy? She’d never flirted in her life!

  Jamie called from the far side of the room, “I want you to think about a guy who flirts with you for weeks, and one day, he says he has a very personal question to ask you. You think he’s going to ask you out, but he actually asks you to housesit for him while he takes some other chick on a weekend getaway. You graciously agree, and when he comes home, he’s broken both legs, and the woman dumped him for a ski instructor she met while he was laid up. Think the word ‘karma’, and give us that smile.”

  Delaney grinned broadly, and every one of them laughed as Daniel started snapping pictures. Tim spoke next. “You just got asked to dance at the club, and when you get to the floor, the guy starts doing this.” She glanced at him, and he did the Dougie, the Running Man, and the Sprinkler. She giggled hysterically, and Daniel kept shooting.

  “Wait a minute,” Sean said, holding up a hand. “Stop for a minute, Daniel.” Delaney waited, curious now, as he walked over to her. “I don’t think we can see enough of you, Delaney.” She gasped as he reached out, flicked his wrist, and popped open three buttons on her blouse. Frowning, he shook his head and finished the job. “Come on, let’s get that off you.”

  Feeling exposed and vulnerable, Delaney was so out of her element she couldn’t even fight him. She curled in on herself, trying to cover as much as she could, but he gently took her wrists and spread her arms wide. His eyes burned her skin as they perused her body, and he licked his lips.

  Dropping her arms, Sean ran his hands over the sides of her breasts and down over her hips. “Now, this is what I call beautiful,” he breathed, and Delaney swallowed hard as his fingers over her skin created a tingling sensation she’d never felt before. It made her stomach flutter and heated her blood, which flowed faster through her veins.

  When he cupped her breasts in her full coverage bra, Delaney instinctively wanted to pull away, self-conscious and inexperienced, but Kevin slid up on the bed behind her and massaged her shoulders. “Relax, sweetheart. Hasn’t anyone ever touched you with appreciation?”

  She didn’t answer, not wanting to be judged, but saying nothing was informative enough. “That is just wrong,” Adrian growled, moving closer and watching intently as Sean molded her breasts. He seemed to be enjoying himself, and Delaney, despite her misgivings, couldn’t claim it didn’t feel amazing. And as she chanced a glance down, she saw that he was definitely aroused.

  Behind her, Kevin said, “I think we should change that, boys.” The others nodded and made agreeable sounds, and Delaney started to panic. But Sean moved between her legs, pushing them apart with his body, and leaned in to kiss her neck. Kevin chuckled at her back and rasped, “Let’s get this out of the way, shall we?” Her bra popped open and fell from her breasts, releasing them, and Sean leaned back so Kevin could lift her arms and pull it off.

  His hands slid around to cup her breasts, and he squeezed and massaged as Sean’s lips took hers, his hands resting on her thighs. She sighed into his mouth, her body catching fire, and she gave into it. This wasn’t bad, and neither of them were hurting her or being insistent.

  “God, you’re sexy,” came another voice, and Delaney broke the kiss to glance up and see Jamie, having stripped to nothing but a pair of bikini underwear. It showed clearly a rock solid erection, and the size of it had her eyes bulging. “Maybe I could get in there and get a little action.”

  Sean shrugged, and Delaney didn’t know what to think. Her head spun, and her body shuddered. She was out of her element and excited beyond reason. And when Sean got down on his knees and began to caress her inner thighs while Jamie captured her mouth, she whimpered and found it hard to breath. The kiss was demanding rather than tender, but it was just as sensual as the previous one. Kevin flicked his thumbs across her nipples, and something warm and tickling filled her lower belly and seeped into the space between her legs.

  Her legs were still wide, and Sean’s thumbs brushed across the creases of her thighs, their tips teasing at things far more intimate, and she nearly panicked as something wet leaked into her panties. “Mmm, I smell sex,” he groaned, and he moved one thumb deeper, caressing the folds through her pants intimately. Unable to control her reaction, she threw her head back and cried out, a beautiful and almost painful ecstasy shooting through her body and then returning to that central point at her core.

  Delaney didn’t know where to focus, so she closed her eyes and let all the sensations roll over her at once. The kiss, the hands on her breasts, and now Sean nibbling at her thighs. She wondered for a moment if she’d died and gone to heaven. After all, she’d thought more than a few times that opening her business was too good to be true. Getting this kind of attention from a bunch of sexy men who happened to wander into the studio seemed impossible in her reality.

  And yet, it felt real, especially as Jamie grabbed her wrist and guided her hand to his crotch, rubbing her palm over his shaft which stood long and hard in his pants. She pulled out of the kiss as her jaw went slack. Delaney didn’t know what she’d expected a penis to feel like, but she was shocked at how straight it was and wondered if the skin was smooth.

  As if reading her mind, he took her hand and shoved it into his shorts. Tentatively, Delaney stroked him, impressed with the softness of the skin that surrounded his hard member. She was also intrigued by the way it twitched under her touch, as if it had a life of its own separate from Jamie’s body.

  From behind, Kevin urged her to her feet, and Delaney complied as Sean stood and backed up enough to give her room. But as soon as she was steady, his hands were on her fly, and he was pulling her pants down. She opened her mouth, but Kevin leaned around and covered her mouth with his lips, swallowing her protest.

  This time, she easily kissed him back, becoming more used to the masculine taste of their kisses and the feel of tongues plying her and opening her to other actions. She suddenly didn’t care that she was practically naked as Sean rained kisses over her breasts and stomach as if she was some gorgeous model who could grace
the covers of Sports Illustrated.

  “Beautiful,” she heard Daniel say from his position behind the camera, and Delaney truly felt it. She basked in the attention, and she grew more confident as she stroked Jamie, who had pulled his shorts down and was sighing in contentment at her touch.

  She hadn’t realized until she felt hands on her ass that Tim had climbed onto the bed behind her and was joining the party. She squealed in surprise and delight, right into Kevin’s mouth, and he pressed his body against her side He, too, was rigid, and the flames in Delaney’s belly soared, flaring so high she felt like her hair was singed. But it didn’t stop there. Much as Kevin had done with her breasts, he massaged and molded her buttocks, and now Delaney recognized the feeling of arousal as it continued to grow inside her.

  She couldn’t see for sure, but she thought it was Sean who urged her legs apart, widening her stance, and she did as he directed. She never expected that a stroke of his hand over the thin material covering her intimate center would make her whole body convulse so hard. And when he snuck a finger inside the panties and touched the sensitive nub, she felt a flow of hot liquid pour from her as the rest of her body tingled and jerked with the most pleasurable sensation she had ever felt in her life.


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