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Filled! Page 55

by Lexi Hots

  “You can’t be him.” She looked around desperately. “A J should be a young man, in fine clothes and a gentleman of class… and live in a mansion fit for a king.”

  A low growl from the wolf made her stiffen; she felt her heart begin to beat faster.

  “This is as much class as you’ll get out here in the cattle ranch.” Hartford tipped his cap, his jaw clenching and the thick muscles of his bull neck pulsing.

  “I can’t be here… this is all wrong.” She turned back to the Coach as it left, starting to run after it. “I’m leaving at once.”

  “That coach ain’t taking you nowhere tonight, and you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” The large man grated, barring her way and towering over her as the wolf sniffed at her heels. “I am your legally wedded husband and I got all the paperwork signed for right here.”

  She looked up at his imposing bulk and felt a shiver run down her spine. He was the biggest, roughest looking man she had ever seen. And even though his weather beaten face was handsome, in a rough cut kind of way; he was at least fifteen years older than her. She took a step back and flashed out her small palm at his face. His iron hard grip closed over her slender wrist before she could make contact and he grinned. The wolf growled as he caressed its head with his other hand, calming it down.

  “I like the ones with some fire and spirit.” His gravelly voice grated. “It makes the breaking in so much more fun.”

  “I’m not some steer or mustang, you hairy brute.” She spat. “And you’re hurting me.”

  “No, I’m not.” He grunted, releasing her. “Not yet.”

  “What do you mean?” She glared at him as he stepped back, his large pet following him.

  “It will best serve you, Amy Sue…” He said, turning and walking away from her and toward the large ranch house. “To behave like the proper woman of the city that I have paid for.”

  She exhaled loudly and stood with her hands on her curvy hips, watching him walk away. Her travel bags were lying near her feet. No one else had come from the old ranch house and the huge cattle rancher had already entered the building.

  “Do you at least have a servant to help me with my bags?” She called after him.

  “Carry them yourself. It’s your own baggage.” He called back. “It’ll help build some character.”

  Amy Sue cursed him under her breath. She hadn’t expected him to help her anyway. He didn’t look like the sort that would care much, and she was married to him. She decided to put on her worst ever tantrums and make an absolute nuisance of herself, so that he would send her packing within a few days. Lugging her heavy bags along, she recollected feeling a strange sensation when he was near, something she couldn’t quite understand. He was a handsome enough man, hardened and made tough from years of wrangling cattle and wild horses, and he looked more like a ranch hand than the owner of the place.

  “Oh, lord.” She gasped, struggling with her bags near the front door. “I can’t do this.”

  She dropped her bags by the door and stepped inside. He was sitting on a wooden stool by the window, watching her intently. The wolf lay at his feet, its golden eyes locked on her.

  “What the hell… A J?” She threw up her arms. “You’re supposed to be the richest man in the State. And you live in this beat up shack with no servants at all?”

  “The bedroom is upstairs.” He pointed with his horn pipe.

  Amy Sue groaned and squatted on the wooden floor, shaking her head. He laughed and stood up, grabbing up her bags as if they were filled with feathers. She eyed him warily, watching his huge muscles rippling under the cotton shirt he wore. He looked at her and jerked his head in the direction of the bedroom upstairs.

  “Do you want to do it already?” She gave him a sour look. “I’ve been traveling for hours. I’m tired and hungry.”

  “Not tonight, Missy.” He grinned, glancing over his shoulder. “Tonight you dine and rest, and preserve your beauty for later.”

  “I’ll preserve my beauty alright.” She muttered, and followed him up the stairs. “All the way away from you.”

  “I hope you like steak, Amy Sue.” She heard him say as he entered the bedroom. “Home grown and aged, right here on my ranch.”

  “Judging by what you have here, I can’t really say I’m looking forward to it.” She sneered.

  “Well, I got some smoking in the pit and that’s what we’ve having tonight, with cabbage and beer.” He said with pride as he placed her bags beside the bed.

  “Oh, that sounds so gourmet.” She snorted, looking around the Spartan bedroom.

  At least the bed was large enough and comfortable looking, and she knew he would want her on it soon enough. She eyed him again, taking in the dense muscularity of his powerful body. His dark hair and handlebar moustache had streaks of grey in them and his tanned face bore a few wrinkles when he smiled. But he reeked of a masculinity that overpowered her senses. She felt weak in the knees and her belly fluttered every now and then. The thought of her under him, naked, writhing on the bed while he ravaged her made her head spin.

  “Are you alright, Amy Sue?” He asked in concern, holding out a cup of water to her.

  She took a sip gratefully and shook her head. “I… I am fine. It’s all the travelling, I guess... and then this... this disappointment”

  “Oh, you’ll get used to it.” He clenched his teeth, walking toward the door. “Now freshen up and be down for dinner. The steaks are just about done.”

  The steaks were perfect. Amy Sue had never tasted anything so delicious before in New York. The beef was tender and juicy, and the flavor of the herbs and wood smoke gave it that extra sense of guilty pleasure. But she took a few bites and pushed her plate away. She had to make him angry enough to send her back to New York. She pushed back her chair and made a face.

  “What’s the matter?” he looked up at her. “Not hungry?”

  “Hungry, yes.” She said, turning up her nose at the meat. “But this… it’s not fit to eat.”

  “Is that so?” His dark eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “I don’t know… it’s just… bad.” She looked at her fingernails disinterestedly.

  “I see.” He nodded slowly. “Bruno.”

  The huge wolf reared up and turned its head sideways, snatching up the remaining beef steak off her plate. It a few rapid gulps, it made short work of the steak.

  “Bruno seems to like it.” He smiled.

  “Yes, but I’m not some dumb animal.” She retorted.

  “I like it.” He eyed her coldly.

  “My point exactly.” She almost laughed.

  “You think me an animal?” He leaned back on his chair until it protested with a loud creak.

  “If the scent fits…” She eyed him defiantly.

  “I see that city gals are far different from what we have here out in the country.” He rubbed his temples.

  “Oh, really… aren’t all the women here from the cities out east… mail order brides like me?”

  “Yes and every one of ‘em tamed.” He growled.

  “Oh, should I be afraid now.” She sneered defiantly.

  “That depends on how you take this.” He shook his head. “Time for bed.”

  “But I’m still hungry.”

  “Would you like some chicken?”

  She watched him in silence, but her eyes lit up eagerly.

  “There’s plenty out in the barn.” He grinned. “If you wish, you can catch one and cook it.”

  “I am not some savage to go hunting for my food.” She hissed. “I’d rather go hungry.”

  “As, you wish, Amy Sue.” He said, clasping his large hands together. “Get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow, after you have rested, you will see things in a different light.”

  “Maybe tomorrow I won’t be here anymore.” She whispered to herself, carefully stepping over Bruno and walking off haughtily up to the bedroom.

  The next morning she went a step further and threw the bowl of gri
ts down to the floor. Bruno’s low growl sent a shiver up her spine as Hartford stood before her, his huge fists on his hips.

  “Amy Sue, that kind of behavior isn’t going to be tolerated.” He said calmly.

  “I don’t like it.” She stuck out her tongue. “I don’t like anything here.”

  “That’s a pity.” He said. “Cause you’re stuck here, no matter what you do.”

  “You can’t keep me here against my will.” She yelled.

  “Oh, yes.” He shook his head, and patted the bulge in his coat pocket. “The contract we have here says I can.”

  “Damn that stupid contest, why did I have to win.” She wrung her hands. “They lied to us; they said you were the richest cattle baron in Texas.”

  “They didn’t lie.” He sipped his coffee. “No one here has more cattle than I do.”

  “And you live like a vagrant cowboy.” She spat. “Where are the mansion and the servants and the many carriages and horses?”

  “A man doesn’t need to make a show of the wealth he has, if his needs are satisfied.”

  “But what about my needs?” She almost wept.

  “Your need should be to stand by your husband.” Hartford smiled.

  “That’s bullshit!” She screamed and hurled the bowl of milk to the floor.

  “That, Missy, is not going to be tolerated.” He said slowly, through gritted teeth. “And you must be taught a lesson in manners, the hard way.”

  “Oh, what are you going to do, big man, tie me up and whip me like a horse?” She taunted him.

  “Something like that.” Hartford snarled and lunged at her.

  Bruno’s loud bark echoed around the room as the huge cattle rancher lifted her slender form off the floor and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of meal. The sudden movement made her breathless; her head swam as he rapidly rushed out of the house with her over his shoulder. Hartford strode briskly over to a wooden structure beside the ranch house. Bruno followed them growling all the way.

  The place reeked of horses and oiled leather as Hartford carried her inside. He roughly dragged her off him and threw her over a saddle on a wooden stile. He dropped down and tied her wrists to her ankles with thick leather thongs. He rose up and ripped away her night clothes in one quick move. She lay there, slung over the saddle, naked, hands bound to her feet, her plush buttocks sticking up at him. She heard him tell Bruno to go outside and guard the barn door.

  All this happened so fast, her head was still spinning. She was terrified when Hartford had pounced on her, but she also felt excited being manhandled by the huge rancher. When he had slung her over his shoulders, she had grabbed at his rock hard buttocks over the leather pants he wore. She remembered liking the hardness on her soft hands. A cold sweat broke all over her as she waited trussed up for slaughter like a turkey; a sense of fear, mingled with expectancy filled her heart.

  She couldn’t see him, but she heard his heavy boots treading over the wood floor. His shadow fell across her and she heard him exhale heavily. She knew he was admiring her naked body, pleasing his eyes on her soft white flesh, drinking into every supple curve of womanly ripeness she offered. The thought of him enjoying her filled her with a perverse lust that she had little known before.

  “Not a word I hear.” Hartford said soothingly. “I would have thought to have gone deaf with all your complaining and whining. Anticipating this reprisal, were you?”

  “Go to hell, Cow herder.” She spat. “Whatever you do to me, do your worst and be dammed.”

  “That’s a very harsh place to condemn a man to.” He laughed. “All I wanted was a loving wife to dote upon… and by God, I will yet.”

  She jerked up, her bonds biting into her flesh, as his rough callused palm caressed her porcelain smooth buttocks. He played with the soft, yielding flesh for a while, whispering strange words she had never heard before. His hard fingers kneaded into her and she felt a warm wetness begin to dribble between her thighs. Suddenly he let go of her and a fiery, stinging sensation ripped across her rump. She hadn’t expected this and her involuntary scream echoed all over the dark wooden barn.

  “Ah, she is indeed made of flesh and blood.” She heard him whisper through her whimpering sobs. “Not so much of the cold flawless marble she pretends to be.”

  His hand came down hard again over her smarting ass. She jerked violently, biting down on her lips, refusing to scream and give him the satisfaction he sought again. Repeatedly, his stinging blows rained down on her plush behind, leaving welts upon welts of the darkest red over her soft white buns.

  “You will cry, woman.” He snarled into her ear, leaning over her. “You will beg for mercy.”

  “Never… yuh... you fucking bast… aahhrrdd.” She clenched her teeth.

  “Ah, such colorful language.” He snickered. “Now, we are getting somewhere.”

  She moaned, more as if in pleasure than in pain, as his large hand spanked her again, making her body shiver. He deftly stuck a finger into the swollen crack between her buttocks, smearing the wetness all over her ass.

  “Ah, what have we here.” He said excitedly. “The little naughty wife is naughtier than we thought. She actually likes being disciplined… oh, what a joy to behold.”

  “Fuck yourself, you dumb animal…” She wept as pain and pleasure lanced though her in twin spasms.

  “Oh, no… that’s why I have you here, my lovely wife.” He yelled and stuck a finger into the swollen cleft, making her gasp and yank at her bonds.

  Her buttocks stung like the devil as Hartford traced over the welts with his salivating tongue. He coated every red streak with his saliva, making her squirm. His hard fingers dug into her buttocks, pulling the spongy softness apart to expose a very wet and dripping pussy. He took a deep breath and moved in. His lips closed over her quivering pussy and his tongue searched for her clitoris.

  “Oh, lord.” Amy Sue squealed as her body went stiff from the sensation.

  She had no control over herself, bound and being taken advantage of, a perverse sense of excitement washed over her. Her belly clenched, knees and elbows went numb and she let herself cave in to the orgasm building up like a summer storm. When it hit her, she couldn’t even move. No sound escaped her breathless lips; no vision swam before her glazed eyes. Her body went limp, slung over the saddle, her mind in euphoric disarray, she didn’t know if it was night or day.

  Hartford untied her and threw her exhausted body down on the soft, hay covered floor. He looked down at her disdainfully, licking his lips, tasting her virgin flavor. She didn’t look up at him, her eyes still rolling in her head, her mouth open in stupefaction. He grinned and turned away, leaving her there for the rest of the day, until she came to her senses.

  The sun had almost set when Amy Sue stepped out of the barn. There was no one else about. Since the time she had arrived the night before, she had seen no one there other than Hartford and his pet wolf, Bruno. She looked across at the ranch house. The lights were already on inside and she could hear music playing. Wrapping her soiled nightclothes around her naked body, she walked up to the door. It was ajar with the wolf asleep outside and she gingerly slipped in.

  “Ah, the mistress of the house returns.” Hartford looked up from his banjo playing.

  “If you can call this a house.” She retorted, glaring at him.

  “Still sore from the morning’s exercise.” He asked her with feigned concern.

  “If that was an exercise, why, I’d have to call you Hercules.” Amy Sue swatted away his extended hand.

  “Well, I may be strong, but not that strong.” He laughed as she winced trying to sit down.

  “I haven’t eaten since the morning.” She whined. “And I want real food.”

  “Help yourself, there’s eggs in there and bread.” He gestured in the direction of the kitchen.

  “You don’t say.” She replied with a smirk. “I’ll go fix me some then.”

  “Don’t make a mess.” He cautioned as she walked into th
e kitchen.

  “Too late for that, Farm boy.” She yelled, walking back from the kitchen with a basketful of eggs.

  Hartford turned around in surprise and two large chicken eggs hit his face, cracking on impact, covering his face with the slimy, gooey mess. He opened his mouth and another hit him in the teeth. Swatting aside two more, her ducked and weaved until he was upon her. She shrieked as he lifted her up and swung her around in the air as if she was made of cotton.

  He sat down and pressed her face down over his knees. She gasped at the sudden rush of movement, dropping the basket of eggs. Ripping off her dirtied nightclothes, he rested his callused palm on the welt covered buttocks, gently caressing the softness.


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