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Filled! Page 62

by Lexi Hots

  “Yeah, I am.” Lexi grinned. “Gordon better put on a good show tonight.”

  “Oh, he always does.” Teresa grinned as they entered backstage. “You’re going to love very moment of it.”

  Gordon Fletcher was already up on stage, waving at the gathering. Lexi peeked from the wings; she could see a very elite group of super rich people, sitting on round tables surrounding the front part of the stage. They all looked like they could own countries of their own. Mostly men, and a few women, dressed in finery she only saw in fashion magazines. These were the people who needed to be impressed to keep the money rolling in. Lexi felt excited at the prospect. She had never been naked in public before. She had never been a part of anything exciting before, it was time to live life a bit more adventurously, and get paid in the bargain too.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, members of the board of trustees,” Fletcher announced into the microphone. “Once again, I, Dr. Gordon Fletcher, present before you the fruits of our labors, the results of your valued investment and continued trust in us.”

  Few claps and murmurs followed as overhead screens and monitors came alive and a spotlight flooded over a large examination table. Lexi swallowed hard, eyeing the table, knowing that she would be spread-eagled naked over it for all to see.

  “Behold!” Fletcher exulted. “The Hewitt Jackman Omni-Sensor 2020, a one of a kind prototype, on display tonight for your viewing pleasure.”

  A few more murmurs and claps followed as Fletcher strode around the stage, flicking on switches and twiddling knobs. A low hum reverberated all over the auditorium as the machines came to life.

  “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the star of tonight’s show.” Fletcher waved at Lexi. “Miss Lexi Anderson. Please give it up for our brave volunteer for this presentation.”

  That was her cue, and she walked onto the stage and bowed, dressed only in a flowing lab coat. She stood beside Fletcher, shivering slightly. Teresa stood behind her, whispering encouragement.

  A few men in the audience stood up, others clapped. She could hear a few cat calls, suddenly feeling very unsure of herself. But it was too late; Teresa grabbed the lab coat by the collar and pulled it off her. Naked as the day, Lexi stood before a crowd of people for the first time in her life without anything on. Instinctively her hands moved to cover herself, she heard Teresa whisper to her to not do that.

  “I’m cold… and embarrassed.” She whispered back.

  “It’s only a show… play along.” The blonde hissed and ushered her toward the table.

  The bright light from above exposed her to the crowd completely. She would hear the shouts and claps growing louder. Teresa and Fletcher helped her on to the table, fastening her hands and feet with leather straps. She felt vulnerable and frightened, trussed up like a feast for hungry wolves. She noticed that the ankle restraints were different from the table in Fletcher’s office. Her legs were stretched much farther apart, her knees bent out wide to expose her virgin pussy to everyone present.

  “Teresa!” She whispered in fear. “What’s going to happen… why is it different?”

  “Shhh! It’s beginning.” Teresa put her finger on her lips.

  “Ah, our lovely volunteer is ready and waiting for the presentation.” Fletcher addressed the spectators, waving at Lexi. “And if you would look up at the monitors, you will notice every aspect of her nervous system, her cellular activity and her cardio-vascular data is on display, in real time.”

  Lexi stiffened, straining at the leather straps. She knew she had to go through with this, she had chosen to, but her fears were eating away at her. Thankfully the lights all around had dimmed and she couldn’t see the spectators anymore. They, of course, had a full view of her under the glaring spotlight.

  “And now, before we begin,” Fletcher addressed the gathering again. “Assisting me on this demonstration is my lovely assistant, Teresa Fleming, whom you remember from last year’s show and my friend and respected colleague, Dr. Manfred Donovan.”

  Lexi looked around frantically. Nothing was mentioned to her about another man joining in before. She twisted her head, straining to look at Teresa, who seemed to be fawning all over the newcomer. Lexi had never seen him before. He was as tall as Fletcher, and even more powerfully built. His black hair and emerald green eyes set on a chiseled face added to his handsomeness, making her wonder how many dreamy doctors would she be running into there.

  Donovan waved at the spectators, shook Fletcher’s hand and kissed Teresa on the cheek before turning toward her. “Hello, Miss Anderson. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Who wouldn’t have pleasure in meeting a naked woman all tied up like this?” Lexi thought, but smiled at him weakly instead, wondering what his part in this was going to be.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the operation begins.” Fletcher clapped and Lexi noticed the tools he held in his hand, getting reminded of the first time he used those on her.

  The buzzing sound filled her mind and the vibrating tips sent shivers down her spine even as Teresa secured the suction plugs over her aching breasts. Her body reacted like before, writhing and jerking and she didn’t stifle her moans this time. She could hear Fletcher informing the gathering about the wondrous machine that displayed all her vital data before them. She couldn’t care less, her mind was slowly travelling down a deliriously pleasant road and she wanted it to go on.

  “You’re exceptional, Miss Anderson.” She heard Donovan whisper into her ear. “I didn’t believe Gordon when he said they found you. You’re going to give Teresa here a run for her money.”

  “Well, it’s for the good of Hewitt Jackman, so I won’t mind being upstaged.” The blonde medical assistant smiled. “The show’s just beginning though… she has a long way to go.”

  That didn’t sound right, Lexi thought. Why should she have a long way to go, it wasn’t her but the machines that were on display, right? Whatever it was, the pleasure was beyond any she had experienced and she eased her mind. Fletcher’s delicate touch had once again brought her to the brink of climax, and she could hear the songs and see the colors in her mind as her naked body shuddered in anticipation of a powerful release.

  “Notice the change in the neuro-synaptic readings, imagine the possibilities.” Fletcher went on, exciting his audience.

  “And this is just the beginning.” Donovan added, waving at the monitors. “Dr. Fletcher will now demonstrate the next level of this amazing invention.”

  “With the help of my esteemed colleagues, of course.” Fletcher laughed, glancing at Lexi.

  She looked at him wide eyed as he put away the tools and freed her breasts from the suction plugs. Was it over? No. Her mind raced as Fletcher took off his lab coat, his shirt and trousers. Why was he undressing? She was aghast. The young doctor nonchalantly dropped his boxers and stood as naked as she was on the brightly lit stage.

  “What’s going on?” She almost screamed.

  “The most important stage of this experiment.” Donovan whispered. “We are going to track the body’s reactions entirely during sexual intercourse.”

  “What… you mean…” She couldn’t come up with the rest of her jumbled thoughts.

  “Yes, darling.” Teresa helped her. “Gordon is going to fuck you now… and the sensors are going to record all the details.”

  “But… but, I didn’t agree to this…” Lexi stammered, her body still quivering from her impending orgasm.

  “Too late now, sweetie.” The blonde smiled impishly.

  “Don’t mind her, my dear.” Fletcher smiled, standing naked before Lexi. “You’re more than ready for this, even though your mind tells you otherwise… and you will be well compensated.”

  “But… I… I’m a virgin.” She protested.

  “That’s one of your valued qualifications for this job.” Donovan winked, stepping back from the table.

  Lexi’s breath quickened as Fletcher began to run his hands all over her body. She felt the roughness of his palms qu
ite pleasurable on her soft, trembling skin. The monitors above displayed new readouts from her as his touch stimulated areas all over her body.

  She looked down at his nakedness. His body was lean and tight, muscular and powerful. Her eyes went wide at the sight of his engorged cock. It had to be at least ten inches, she thought. Bigger than any she had seen before, in books and medical files, never this size in the flesh. It excited her, watching it twitch and throb. She wanted to reach out and touch it, but her restraints held her back.

  “Isn’t that a real beauty?” She heard Teresa’s husky whisper in her ear.

  “Ohmigod, it’s going to hurt.” Lexi almost wept.

  “Only a little, and then it’s heaven.” The blonde kissed her cheek. “Trust me, I’ve been there.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Lexi shuddered.

  “You’re doing great. Just enjoy yourself.” Fletcher encouraged her as he lowered his face to her swollen pussy.

  She jerked up as his tongue dipped in, teasing and swirling all over her arousal. She took a sharp breath, her ears picked up the hush murmurs from the gathered. She realized she was going to be deflowered in public view and for a moment she wanted to scream and run. Her body responded to Fletcher’s pleasant caresses and she relaxed.

  “Oh, yes…” She moaned. “Do that again, Gordon. It’s so good.”

  “Gordon’s the best.” Teresa breathed into her ear. “Enjoy him thoroughly.”

  “Oh yes… yes.” Lexi bucked her hips, pushing more of her pussy into his face.

  She relaxed as Donovan began to massage her aching breasts. She wanted him to suck on her nipples, to relive the throbbing. He seemed to have read her mind and obliged, sucking on her left breast slowly. Teresa took the other one into her mouth and lavishly pleasured her.

  “Those readings are amazing.” Fletcher looked up at the screens. “Perfect capture of every sensation at synaptic level.”

  “Oh, enough of the science stuff… just fuck me already.” Lexi moaned. She felt a strange need to have something fill her up.

  “Ah, I love proactive volunteers.” Donovan sniggered. “Come on, Gordon… do her, or I will.”

  “Wait your turn, Manny.” Fletcher laughed and rose up, holding his rock hard cock over Lexi’s dripping pussy. “This instrument is primed for inaugural entry.”

  “Are you ready for this, little bear?” Teresa whispered into Lexi’s ear.

  “More ready than I’ll ever be, Tera Firma.” She gasped as Fletcher’s hard cock prodded her virgin pussy. “Make love to me, Gordon… I want this… so bad.”

  Fletcher groaned and pushed her legs apart wider nestling his thick cockhead on the quivering rose petal pussy lips. Lexi’s stomach tightened and throbbed at the expected fear of impending pain crossing her mind, but she fought it.

  “Come on, Gordon…” She moaned and thrust her hips up against the heavy weight of his pulsing cockhead.

  “Initiating entry.” Fletcher grunted. “Relax, Lexi, don’t get tense…”

  “Aaahh… Eeeeeehhh!” She screamed as his thick cock forced into her resisting membranous sentinel. She clawed the air, her wrists held down fast by the leather straps. His rock hard organ ruptured through and penetrated into her virginity. The pain was excruciating and she bit her lip, cursed at him and wept on out loud.

  “Yes, let it all out.” He whispered reassuringly. “Let your body’s every reaction be recorded.”

  “Oh, yes… Gordon, yes…” She whimpered. “It hurts like hell… but it also feels so good….”

  “Relax, Lexi… enjoy this.” His comforting voice soothed her. “The pain is temporary… the pleasure will last forever.”

  “Oh, yes, Gord… oonnn, yes…” Lexi trembled, gasping and sobbing. “Fuck me… oh, please, fuck me hard.”

  “That’s the spirit, that’s what we like here at Hewitt Jackman.” Fletcher laughed quietly as he began thrusting his hips back and forth, filling her to the root.

  “Oh, Gordon… it’s so good…” She moaned. “The pain’s almost… gone.”

  “It’s natural.” He whispered and increased the speed of his thrusts. The force of his hips slamming into her shook the table.

  “She’s set with the program.” Donovan looked up. “…time to free her of the straps.”

  “You’re right, Manny.” Teresa nodded and undid Lexi’s restraints.

  Free of her bonds, Lexi threw her arms around Fletcher’s thick neck and her legs encircled his slim waist. Fletcher grunted, further turned on by her aggressive action, he hugged her close, lifting her off the table. It was evident that by his reaction he preferred her free and willing than restrained and subdued. It was all the more exciting for him like this; and for her as well. She sensed his passion surging as he plunged his throbbing erection into her with increased intensity. Lexi cried out in pleasure as Fletcher’s hard cock buried itself to the root filling her up completely. She looked up at his attractive face; he smiled at her, his breath sharp and hard. Being with him like this, rocking at a steady rhythm, sent shivers of tingling pleasure all though her quivering body.

  “Oh, Gordon!” Lexi moaned imploringly, “Fuck me, oh please… don’t stop… it’s so good.”

  “Yeah, Gordon… fill her up, make her cum.” Donovan grunted.

  Lexi glanced sideways, and she gasped at the sight of Teresa on her knees, stripped to the waist, sucking on Donovan’s rigid cock. It had to be bigger than Fletcher’s as Teresa struggled to get half of it in her mouth.

  “Oh, what are they…” She grunted between thrusts.

  “Yes, they are part of the presentation too.” Fletcher groaned. “I’m going to cum pretty soon, baby.”

  Lexi felt a chill run all over her; she tightened her hold on him, digging her nails into the hardness of his back muscles. Her virginity was a thing of the past, and now she would be filled with a man’s seed. Her head swam as her belly clenched, heralding the onset of another orgasm, the first one ever with a man deep inside her.

  Lexi shrieked as she came, her whole body convulsing. The screens above registered the highest readings, all flashing blue and green. A loud roar and furious clapping ensued from the darkness where the spectators were. She closed her eyes and sighed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her.

  Fletcher continued his frontal assault on her, even as she slumped under him, spent and trembling from the sheer force of her explosive climax. He grunted like an animal, her flowing juices making his cock slide in and out faster. His butt tightened and she felt him slam into her harder. He gasped and gripped her with more urgency. She knew he was going to orgasm as his eyes rolled upward.

  “Mercury rising…” He bellowed and his whole body shook.

  His orgasm took her by surprise. Lexi had never expected her first time with a man would be so intense. Hot globs of his erupting seed splashed deep within her. Her belly clenched and her heart raced, she could feel every explosive burst of semen inside her. A hundred tremors of delight ran over her all at once.

  “Oh, Gordon… I’m going insane.” She gasped.

  Fletcher clung to her like a desperate cur, releasing his ecstatic emission deep within her, shaking his head with appreciation.

  “You’re wonderful, Lexi…” He panted, delighting her by taking her first name. “You have helped take this presentation to another level.”

  “You know… Gordon.” She sighed. “I could do this all night if needed.”

  “Not all night, but one more round.” Donovan piped up.

  Lexi looked at the powerfully built man standing over her, his thick cock straining for release. Teresa grinned at her as she stroked his erection from behind.

  “Wasn’t Gordon great?” The blonde gushed. “And Manny’s going to be just as good.”

  Lexi gasped as Fletcher slid off her. Manfred Donovan was going to fuck her next. She couldn’t believe it. Part of her was terrified but again, she was also exited at getting nailed by two of the dreamiest men she had
ever met. She looked up at Donovan grinning at her, his massive cock twitching and ready to explode.

  “Oh, God!” She whimpered. “Please Dr. Donovan, please… be gentle.”

  “Don’t worry your pretty head about that, doll.” He guffawed. “After having Gordon, you’re going straight to heaven with me.

  Her body went stiff as the huge man straddled her and placed his thick cock over her pussy. He was in with a swift stroke. She felt like her insides would tear apart. He was bigger and thicker than Fletcher, but also more pleasurable as the fullness made her head spin. Her orgasmic fluids, mingled with Fletcher’s, made a natural lubricant for Donovan’s enormous erection. She closed her eyes and let him work on her, slowly building up her third orgasm of the night.


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