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Filled! Page 78

by Lexi Hots


  Space travel turned out to be interesting. We were sent on 10 different ships, which represented the entire fleet of craft our world had that were able to make a journey this long. After the first colonization trip to Mars, research into developing new spacecraft accelerated rapidly. We had tons of great ships for taking cruises through our own solar system now, but going the distance we were embarking on required doing so much faster than we used to think was possible.

  Even with the advancements, the journey was several months long. We were all assigned pods that we could use to sleep for any amount of time we wanted. At the beginning, I chose to keep normal cycles, and stay awake for the majority of the trip. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity after all.

  The 8 women I was traveling with soon made this unbearable. I had pictured old movies where actors gazed out of windows to look at picturesque views of stars, drifting colors, and planets. The truth was that for structural reasons, there were zero windows anywhere on the ship and even if there were, we were going too fast for our eyes to make sense of anything.

  So each day I had to spend my waking hours surrounded by eight other women literally obsessed with sex. I have no idea how I was stuck with this particular combination out of all of the other 70 women it could have been, but I couldn’t take it. It was okay for the first few weeks, then the first one stood up one day and said, “I can’t take it anymore.”

  She walked to the other side of our living quarters and began to masturbate. I assumed we’d all tell her to stop, but, I shit you not, three others joined her. The others watched and jokingly cheered them on.

  Before long they were all doing it and it became a daily habit as they watched that video on repeat over and over and over.

  The masturbating became the manageable part of their sexual escapades. After this grew boring to them, the actions on the ship boiled down to something that would have outsold the best porno in the history of adult film if it had been caught on tape.

  The women were animals. Each time they pushed a new boundary, I was sure it would be the last. The first step beyond masturbating was going down on each other. They would take turns.

  “I swear I’m not a lesbian,” they would all qualify their actions in some way, like it mattered.

  They had pairs they would use, and I’d just watch. I tried to ignore them, but with little else going on, it was hard not to watch. If I’m being honest, I even sometimes massaged myself discreetly. I was sick with myself, but even I am a sexual being. Surrounded by little stimulation other than nude women and their sexual moans, it's hard not to get worked up on occasion.

  Sometimes I’d do it just to end the boredom. Other times I’d do it out of self-pity. I’d reason with myself that if they got to enjoy the ride, I should to. I always felt guilty when I finished, like I had stooped below some unmarked level that marked the difference between me and them. Looking back, I was doing what I needed to survive and come out the other side mentally stable.

  I never joined them. The closest I came was when they made a train in a circle, all pleasuring themselves at the same time. They alternated between lying on their back and laying on their stomachs so everyone's face lined up with another woman’s pussy. They begged me to join them. This was near the end our journey, and it was obvious they were on the brink of losing their sanity. I’m happy to say I sat quietly and watched, fingering myself in the corner behind a blanket like usual.


  When we finally arrived at the planet, we were detained in holding cells to go through an ‘adjustment period.’ This was partially to protect their planet from any disease we may have brought, and partially to allow our bodies the time to slowly acclimate to the changes in atmosphere. Their planet had oxygen, but the general make up and proportions were different. It took another couple weeks for human bodies to adjust.

  During this time we were forced to be nude the entire time. I didn’t mind being naked, but I did mind how much the others enjoyed it. The first time a Zeithen researcher came in to do testing, whooping and cat calls filled the room. I stood silently as my body trembled. The significance of this moment may have been lost on the sex-crazed lunatics who I had travelled with, but I recognized this as a major event in the history of our species.

  If I’m being honest, there really was a certain attractiveness to the Zeithens from the first time I saw one. For one, they have a commanding presence due to their size. They’re long and bulging muscles also contribute to their appealing appearance. They gave the impression that they could pick you up with one arm and break you in half if they needed to, but that this was an ability they would never actually use.

  Despite this impressive and imposing presence, they also were quiet and calm, so unlike the men of Earth. This contributed to my appreciation of them. This is what I had been looking for years.

  We were all assigned tiny earpieces that sat deep inside our ears. I still have no idea how they work, but they functioned by automatically translating to whatever your native language was. The nerd in me couldn’t get over how amazing this was.

  Without it in, the noises they emitted were entirely unintelligible. I literally couldn’t discern them from a lunatic screaming, gurgling, and clicking. They weren’t loud, just jumbled. As soon as the earpieces were placed inside the ear, however, the weird noises were filtered out and the only thing you could hear was your own language’s equivalent words and sounds. This was the most amazing innovation I had ever experienced first-hand. Again, the significance seemed lost on everyone but me.

  When the adjustment period finally ended, a huge event was organized where we would be presented to the Royal family. It was being held in a large stadium, as apparently the rest of the Zeithen people were eager to see us as well. We represented the largest group of ‘aliens’ to visit their planet yet.

  Being naked around all the other women had grown normal, but when I found out we would stay this way during the ceremonies, I was suddenly nervous. My plan was to get this part of the whole ordeal over with, then figure out how to make a living for myself on this new planet.

  Part of the deal with coming was that no return trip would be provided. We were all bound to stay on this planet unless we were able to pay for the provisions necessary to get back to Earth. The sum was astronomical, and I wasn’t about to put myself back on a flying coffin for a few months just to get back to the idiots I used to surround myself with. It had to be better here.

  I didn’t expect to find anyone to marry. My short stature and big tits meant only the least appealing of their people would want to be with me. I tried not to think about what would happen after we were released and done being courted. The prospect of having to make my way on an entirely new planet without knowing anyone and knowing very little of these new people and their customs terrified me.

  No one knew how the actual events with the Prince would unfold. Apparently the Prince himself wasn’t even sure how he was going to pick one of us. The way it was explained was that it may take months or even years for the process to end. He would have to meet and get to know each one of us individually. It was like a giant season of the Bachelor, only with interplanetary implications.

  This was another reason I wasn’t worried much about figuring out what I would do when it was over. We had a long time of being housed by the royal family as the Prince waded his way through his options, likely dipping his cock in each one while he could.

  I felt slightly embarrassed standing on the stage with all of the other women. I was not just the shortest woman on the stage, I was the shortest on the entire planet. This hadn’t occurred to me, until I saw throngs of people watching us. To top this off, my breasts were significantly larger than everyone else's as well. I felt like I was some freak show, added just for diversity's sake.

  You can imagine the shock I, and everyone else, experienced when the whole shindig ended moments after it started. The Prince was introduced by his father, who explained what was g
oing on, as if anyone on either planet didn’t already know. As he was still talking, the Prince walked up and down the entire row, looking at each one of us. When he got to the end, he turned, walked directly towards me, grabbed me by my arm, and led me out of the event.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  I didn’t answer. I just followed, heart pounding and leaping to my throat. I was relieved to be off the stage. I was relieved to be away from all those women and all the prying eyes. But I was confused and terrified regarding what was now happening.

  The Prince broke into a run. I could not keep up. His long legs easily doubled my biggest strides. He looked back at me, allowed me to catch up, and picked me up with his long, strong arms.

  He could tell I was scared. “Don’t worry. I just want to get away from all of that spectacle. I can’t stand it. I don’t want to pick a wife like it is some pageant. I hate all of that. It goes against what we stand for here. Your diplomats suggested it and we just went along. As time went by, everyone started taking it seriously. I just wanted out. You seem like the only one up there that wasn’t completely fake. You’re free to go at any time.”

  I listened in awe. I nodded, but said nothing. This is not what I expected. He cradled me like a football, as my arms wrapped around his neck and back. I had never been this close to a man before. His bulging muscles rippled against my naked skin, and I felt a warmth growing between my legs.

  I was used to this from when I had masturbated, but this was a sensation I wasn’t used to just have happen. A combination of his sheer strength and pleasant candour had me swooning. Moments ago I had been treating the whole event like a sham that didn’t matter because I would never be picked. I still felt the same way about the event, but here I was wrapped up in this guy's arms.

  We eventually made it to what turned out to be his home. There were few walls and everything had a cabana like feel to it, breezes flowing through and large pools of something other than water that they used for swimming.

  Everything was pleasantly subdued and not at all over the top, again the opposite of what I had been expecting.

  He set me down and apologized for how abrupt everything was. “Again, you can go anytime. I was just amazed at your beauty. You are nothing like I have ever seen before. Every other women up there looked fake and designed, you seemed natural. And your chest muscles are huge, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

  I smiled at his ignorance of breasts. I started to explain that they weren’t all muscle, but was blushing so badly I just stopped myself. People had told me I was attractive, but never that they were ‘amazed by my beauty.’

  We began talking about our cultures, our personal lives, and getting to know each other. We were talking about the preconceived notions our respective races had of the other when I mentioned the video.

  “Ah yes, your women are very good at sex,” he interjected.

  I blushed again. “We had the opposite impression.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, your penises, they’re just…” I trailed off, not sure how to even begin to describe the differences.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his crotch area. I was ashamed. I felt like all of the other women now. Looking at his muscular body, I wanted to see what was below the garments he was wearing. I could feel myself becoming more aroused. I was still naked, and tried to keep my legs tight together to hide this fact.

  “How does courtship work on your planet?”

  I wasn’t sure how to answer that. “It depends on the type of person and what you mean by courtship.”

  “I have heard wonderful things about human women. I would like to have sex with you, but want to be polite about it. What is the proper way to initiate this?”

  If a human had said something like this, I would have been appalled. Something about this situation had me turned on. He was so genuine. He was so muscular. More importantly, he had one of those dicks from the video.

  My body was rebelling against my brain. I felt myself continue to get more and more aroused. My brain tried arguing for abstaining, but the situation was so foreign it didn’t even make sense not to give in.

  “I’ll have to teach you. For starters, you aren’t supposed to let the other person know you want to have sex with them,” I explained.

  “That seems dishonest. I do want to have sex with you. You are beautiful.” I’m not sure if I thought he made a good point because I wanted his penis more with each passing second or because it actually did make a lot of sense.

  My breathing became shallower and with more speed. My heart began to race. There was no backing out of this now. We had reached the point where nothing had been officially initiated, but only by technicality. We were experiencing the electric moments just before the first time you start having sex with another person where you still are nervous about what's about to happen.

  These feelings were amplified due to the significance.

  “H-h-how do you normally do things here?” I asked.

  “Normally we show our interest by allowing our penis to begin to extend. Sometimes we just express the desire verbally, such as situations like this. If the woman is also interested, she then initiates contact.”

  I swallowed hard, it felt like I had a lump in my throat. This was it. That was the invitation. It was on me to start this. I had never actually touched a man, but I began reaching out towards a man from another planet, possessed by some desire that was as foreign to me as he was.

  My hand trembled as it bridged the gap between our bodies. I reached to his abs first and drew my hands along them, reaching for the fabric over his lower body. They weren’t exactly pants, and pulled away very easily. I leaned over as I removed them, excited to see his dick for the first time.

  I looked down and couldn’t believe what I saw. He was small. It appeared to be the size of a normal human penis, but given the circumstances this made it seem like a twig. I tried to hide the disappointment, but failed.

  “What is wrong, did I not do something?” He asked.

  I shook my head, worried I had come too far and that I was being too shallow to turn back now. I reached down and touched it. I had no human equivalent to compare it to, but I didn’t have long to examine it anyway.

  Almost the second I made contact, it began to extend. My heart started racing again and my hairs stood on end as I watched. My disappointment faded away quickly. As it reached its full size, my vagina started to throb. My excitement quickly returned.

  I wasn’t sure what to do next, but as it turns out I didn’t need to do anything. He was like a homing missile. Within seconds I felt his long dick burrowing inside of me. As it entered, I saw the tip narrow. I wasn’t expecting this, but was grateful. I had been concerned about my ability to handle his size.

  I stared down in amazement as he narrowed the part entering me to the size of a pencil in order to slide in easily. This seemed to defeat the purpose of having such a magnificent cock, I thought, until it began to widen again after entering me fully.

  He slowly moved in and out, widening with each stroke, as my vagina also widened to accommodate him. As I found myself fully aroused, his penis continued to push outward until he was filling my vagina completely. He pushed against every part of me, leaving nothing untouched.

  An indescribable pleasure shot through my body. Every nerve ending I had tingled, electricity radiating from between my legs. He pushed upwards with it with so hard it began to lift me, before abruptly pushing down in the opposite direction. The same thing continued until he shifted to pushing side to side.

  Along with the remarkable movements, the intense warmth that came from him only intensified the pleasure. My back was arched now, and I dug my fingers into the couch like object I had been laying on. I could not contain myself and began breathing very heavily. The breaths slowly turned to moans as he continued.

  Before long, I felt the pleasure coming in stronger and longer waves, completely encompassing my body. My m
oans became louder as my breathing continued to intensify. Finally I yelled out as an orgasm overcame me. Until this point, all the orgasms I had ever experienced were self-created. This one blew those out of the water.

  He slid himself out and asked if that had been good.

  “So good.” I then realized I hadn’t been doing anything for him. “What should I be doing?”

  “I like the noises. And when you squeeze. I really like when you squeeze. You are much tighter than our women.”

  He gave me a moment to compose myself, then asked if I was ready to start again. He said he had many tricks to show me that he thought I would like.

  The first one he showed me can only be described as a jackhammer. We started just as before, with him sliding inside me then slowly expanding. This time the motion he went with was simple, pushing in and pulling out again, just like sex seems to be with all humans.


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