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Page 115

by Lexi Hots

  “Say nothing, my love… only do.” The doctor smiled with satisfaction as he heard her lustful whisper through the closed door.

  “And not a moment too soon.” Dixon chuckled, stepping away from the door and turning to leave. It was imperative for Kilburn to make love to his newly wed bride that night or all his teachings would have been in vain, he had told his friend, and that she had to conceive right then as well, for she may relapse into her old self later.

  She would never do that, of course. No one sane goes back to the error of their ways once they know better. But Kilburn didn’t know that or had needed to; as much as he didn’t need to know that his new bride now carried his best friend’s child.

  “To life.” Gaspar Dixon smiled, pouring himself a large glass of whiskey. “And love.”

  Story 52

  My heart is pounding. I honestly can’t believe what I’ve just done, and I don’t know how to feel about it.

  Everything started earlier this week. With the temperatures so hot, my friend Alyssa and I have been spending a lot of time tanning and lounging by my pool. We’re both 18 and really don’t have anything better to do during the day, so she ends up over at my house almost every day while our parents are at work.

  Monday started just like any other day. Alyssa came over around 11.We watched a little TV and then decided to put our swimsuits on and head out to the pool. We’ve known each other our whole lives, so changing in front of each other has never been a big deal.

  This day was slightly different. As I slipped out of my bra, I looked at Alyssa and she rolled her eyes at me. I was confused as she looked genuinely annoyed. I asked what was wrong.

  “I know you don’t like talking about it, but you are wasting that body.” She gestured from her breasts to mine, making the size difference clear.

  This was a topic that we had covered endlessly. The nicest way to put this is that she is much more experienced than me. I’ve had one boyfriend in my life, and we never made it past second base. Alyssa on the other hand has always been unabashedly obsessed with sex. She lost her virginity years ago and never looked back. She has tried to get me to hook up with people more times than I can count, including a few times with her and her ‘fuck buddies’ as she calls them. I’ll be honest, there have been times I’ve wanted to say yes but was too scared to, fearing the repercussions of getting caught. I live in a very closed-minded house so I responded bluntly:

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “I would literally kill for your body Sam,” Alyssa said as she stepped closer. “Look at you! You’ve got perfect C-cups, a waist most women would die for, and a perfect ass. And to make it more insulting, you’ve got blue eyes. Do you realize the guys I could get if I looked like you?” She said all this as she bounced my boobs up and down with her hands. She was very handsy and not ashamed of it. I had grown used to it, even though sometimes she seemed to be enjoying it a little too much.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied. Her boobs were smaller than mine, but still pleasantly perky. She was also fit and well-tanned from all the time by the pool. She really didn’t have much to complain about. “I will eventually, I’m just nervous. You know how my parents are.”

  Alyssa rolled her eyes again. “It’s not like they will know. It’s your life afterall! I don’t know how you’ve gone this long without feeling a real dick inside you, or better yet a tongue all over your clit. You must have the best toys in the world to hold out this long.”

  I winced for two reasons. Number one, I’m not comfortable with words like dick and clit. They seem so crass, but maybe that just comes with the territory of being a virgin. Secondly, as I begrudgingly admitted, was that I didn’t have any toys.

  “I don’t actually have any. I can’t afford to have my dad find something like that in my room.” My dad has a knack for violating personal space.

  She looked at me in astonishment. “I know you don’t like talking about this, but you can’t be serious. Are you a magician with your fingers? I would have gotten you something if I knew this! All these years I just assumed! I’ve never asked because I know how you get. I honestly can’t believe this! You’ve been missing out on some high-quality org…”

  I interrupted her. As embarrassing as this was, I had never actually orgasmed before. It wasn’t for lack of trying. Back in high school when they tried teaching us about our anatomy, I spent ample time ‘exploring’ down there. I just never really got to the point where anything happened. Every time anything would start feeling good, nerves washed those feelings out at the thought of my parents catching me. God knows what they would have done if they did.

  Even when I was dating Teddy, we never got that far. I saw him naked once, and he had rubbed me down there over my jeans. Not exactly thrilling stuff. I explained all this to her. I’ll never forget the look she gave me. It was part disbelief and part pity.

  “Jesus, Sam!”

  “It’s not that big of a deal. I’ll learn eventually…” I tried to explain.

  “Learn!” Alyssa was so incredulous at this point that she started cracking up. My entire body started turning beet red with embarrassment, and suddenly I became very aware that this whole conversation had taken place with both of us fully nude, sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “How long do you plan to wait, exactly?” She asked with a mocking tone in her voice.

  “Until the time is right,” I was starting to get frustrated, but I also knew that she was right. I didn’t want to end up in my 20’s not knowing anything about sex.

  I had let this ‘problem’ go on way too long. It got to the point where I had waited so long, I was becoming more and more afraid of ever actually doing it. Part of this was embarrassment, part of it was just the fact that I had no idea what to do.

  Alyssa jumped back up on my bed, looked at me and said, “This ends now. You need to know what you’ve been missing.”


  I started to explain that I wasn’t ready to do anything like that, but she said she just wanted me to watch her so that I ‘had some ideas to try later.’

  I don’t know what came over me but I just nodded and let her continue. She started massaging herself and explaining different techniques she found exceptionally pleasurable. “Guys like to look at things, I personally don’t need anything, but it can’t hurt.” She explained this while staring straight at my chest. At first, I was more uncomfortable than I ever remember being in my entire life. I tried looking at her face, but she insisted that I watch what she was doing.

  Before I knew it, I was completely caught up watching her. I was becoming excited in a way I had never experienced and could feel myself getting hot.

  She eventually stopped talking and closed her eyes. I took this opportunity to really look at her body. I had seen it before, but never like this. And certainly not with this attention to detail.

  For the first time ever, I noticed how perfect her nipples were. Her breasts were heaving up and down as her free hand rolled her nipples between her thumb and index finger. I could tell she was getting close to finishing. She was becoming very flush, and was starting to make a very large wet spot on my bed.

  I became entranced by her soft moans. They were electric, and each one caused a feeling of desperation to grow inside of me. I was so focused on her body and the pleasure she was feeling, I swear I could feel what she was doing to herself on my own body.

  Even the smell that was starting to fill my room was captivating me and drawing me in to the experience. It was heavy, yet somehow sweet. I will never forget that smell.

  As she continued, I decided ‘Fuck it.’ My hands were already tracing back and forth along my thighs, but I wanted what she was experiencing. The room was full of electricity, and I was no longer able to focus on anything but the growing, pulsating feeling coming from my groin.

  I laid back on the bed beside her and started mimicking what she was doing. It was a little fast, so I slowed down a bit and
closed my eyes. Small jolts of pleasure started shooting through my body, and I was beginning to see what Alyssa meant when she said that I had been missing out. This was definitely something I could get used to.


  Our legs rubbed together, and this only further excited me. I didn’t want to do anything with Alyssa, at least not now, but the feeling of another person’s skin while I did this drove me crazy.

  All of a sudden, the loudest, bellowing yell in the world overwhelmed my senses. For the briefest of moments, I had no idea what was happening.

  As it turns out, in my ecstatic bliss, I had somehow missed my dad coming home, walking down the hall, and opening my door. The sensory overload I was experiencing was my dad screaming and flipping my entire dresser to the floor.

  “Get out of my house and stay away from my daughter, you ungrateful slut!” My dad never used language like this, but even once was too much. I was livid.

  I yelled back at him as Alyssa grabbed her clothes and ran out of the door. We haven’t talked about it, but I’m pretty sure I saw tears start to roll down her cheek. This was always a sore spot for her. She was always quick to defend her love of all things sexual, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt when people were so hateful towards her about it.

  I demanded my dad leave my room and locked the door. As I tried to calm down, I realized things wouldn’t be the same anymore. I couldn’t go out there and apologize to smooth things over. I wasn’t sorry, I didn’t do anything wrong, and he had acted like a real asshole.

  I got dressed, and in an uncharacteristically bold fashion marched out to find my father. We both started yelling at the same time. He tried to shame me for what he had caught me doing, but I wasn’t taking it. I felt liberated.

  “I’m EIGHTEEN years old. I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions.”

  We fought like this for what must have been hours. It was the worst fight my dad and I had ever been in. I was determined to be treated like an adult.

  This backfired.

  “Alright. If you want to be an adult so bad, that’s what you get. I’ll call Tony right now.”

  “What are you talking about?” This comment had thrown me. The only Tony my dad knows is a friend of his. He owns a small hardware shop in town that my dad uses a lot for his business. Even though Tony is in his early thirties, he became good friends with my dad after my dad started inviting him over to have some beers by the pool.

  For a brief moment, I thought this was going to be some weird thing where my dad and his friend made me drink too much alcohol to see what being an adult was like. I had heard of parents doing that with cigarettes if they caught their kids smoking. It didn’t make sense, but it’s the only thing I could think of.

  I listened in on the phone call. “Hey Tony. Sam thinks she's ready to be treated like an adult, so that’s what I’m going to do. Any chance you are still looking for a cashier?”

  My heart sunk.

  I tried fighting him after he got off the phone, but he calmly told me that everything was fine and I would get what I wanted. And that I started on Wednesday.

  The passive aggressive bullshit my dad was pulling by acting like everything was fine now was driving me crazy. I wanted to yell all night if that’s what it took.

  I stomped to my room, slammed the door, dove onto the bed and started to think about everything. The more I thought, the more I realized that a job may actually be really good for me. I would finally have money which would give me independence, and it would get me out of our oppressive house.

  ‘Two can play this game,’ I thought to myself.


  I woke up yesterday feeling confident. I never feel confident. Something about the day before left me feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Suddenly the world felt full of possibilities.

  I decided to wait until my parents left for the day to leave my room. I didn’t want to start anything with my dad that would leave me feeling down again, and I was fed up with my mother. She lets my dad bully the two of us, and takes his side on everything. I wasn’t about to hear it from either of them.

  I texted Alyssa in the morning and told her everything that happened. I apologized for my dad’s behavior, but she completely understood. She felt bad for me, it seemed, but was happy I was trying to stick it back to him.

  “I have a great idea.,” She texted. “Let’s go down to the hardware store and make a good first impression.”

  I loved the idea of my dad’s anger when he found out I was taking the job seriously. I told her it was a great idea and that she should come over to go down at 1.

  When Alyssa got to my house, I was waiting outside. She took one look at me and simply said “No, go change.”

  I was confused. I had tried hard to pick a responsible looking outfit.

  “Number one, show off these babies a little more,” Alyssa said as she reached out and gave my breasts a joking squeeze with one hand and slapped my ass with the other. “And how about some tight shorts to show this booty off.”

  “I want to take this seriously,” I explained.

  “It’s a small town hardware store. That Tony guy isn’t going to be upset about this, I can guarantee you that. Worst case scenario is he tells your dad, and that would truly be priceless. Could you imagine your dad having to hear that from Tony?” Alyssa had a point. I begrudgingly obliged.

  I changed into a simple low-cut black top. It was low cut to begin with, but the first inch or so of fabric was a lacy see-through material that drew the eyes in. I had worn it on only one other occasion, always being too modest to purposely draw attention to myself.

  There was also a built in bra-type feature, meaning wearing one wasn’t completely necessary. I argued that it wouldn’t hurt to wear one, but at Alyssa’s insistence, I opted out of the additional bra.

  This top along with short daisy-duke type shorts was all I wore to meet my first boss. I felt exposed, but it was invigorating. I never went out in public like this, and for the first time ever I was enjoying the thought of attention on my body.


  We walked to the hardware store, as it was within 10 minutes of my house. Normally this isn’t a big deal, but it was over 90 degrees. The walk was more strenuous than usual.

  I was relieved to reach “Tony’s Fix-It”, as I discovered the hardware store was called from the sign I had never noticed hanging above the door. As we opened the door and stepped in, an icy blast of air ran down my back. A sign beside the door read ‘Cool your customers with the ETX Artic Blast” along with an arrow pointing up.

  No one was around, so I stood there for a minute cooling off. I was slightly embarrassed by the light sweat I had developed walking over, and was hoping to cool off before talking to anyone.

  The air felt amazing, but I quickly noticed Alyssa grinning at me. “Nice touch,” she said with a devilish grin, looking at my chest.

  The faux bra my shirt had built in was failing miserably at hiding my now rock-hard nipples, as it turned out. Blood rushed to my face. I couldn’t believe it. They weren’t just lightly poking through, they were jutting out of my shirt. At least that’s how it felt from my perspective.

  At this very moment, with the worst timing possible, we heard someone open a door in the back of the building. They were hidden by shelves of paint, so we weren’t sure who was coming.

  “Sorry, door’s supposed to be locked. We’re closed for a lunch break,” a man’s voice boomed from behind the cans.

  At this moment, I was more than happy to run out the door, but the man rounded the corner of the aisle and stepped out to apologize. As he did, he was explaining that he could help us quickly but as he looked up and saw it was me, he stopped. To my horror, it was Tony.

  He looked us up and down, smiled, and said “Didn’t know you were coming down. I don’t really need any help today.”

  I explained I just wanted to say hi and ask about what to bring the next day. I choked on the words as I
tried to talk. Tony had always just been one of my dad’s friends to me before, but as I looked him up and down I realized how attractive he was.

  He was wearing a thin white tank top, leaving his entire arms exposed. His chest bulged through the tight shirt, and sweat rolled down his arms. Somehow this just accentuated how strong and manly he was. I immediately began to feel flustered.

  Alyssa discreetly squeezed my thigh, gave me a look that said she was just as impressed as I was, then said she was going to go grab a drink across the street while Tony and I talked about work.

  I pleaded with her with my eyes to stay, but she just grinned and walked out. The tension was palpable. There I was, standing with barely any clothes on and erect nipples, staring at a man I had never before realized was hot, and hoping to make a good first impression. The pulsating feeling in my groin that I had experienced the day before was coming back.


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