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Filled! Page 162

by Lexi Hots

  “We could run a test and see if the DNA matches any of the crew. Correct?” The captain looked from the doctor to the commander and back.

  The doctor nodded. “We could. That would embarrass someone from the crew potentially. Your leadership would be questioned by the corporation. The corporation would be open to lawsuits too.”

  “That is true,” the captain said.

  The commander cleared his throat. “If we were to get her safely to Earth and set her up with a cheap place to live – somewhere nice where she can get started and get the care she needs – that could be done rather cheaply from peaty expenses and I’m sure she would stay quiet and out of our lives from now on.”

  “That’s not what the peaty account is for,” the captain said.

  The commander shrugged. “Due respect, sir, keeping the corporation clear of trouble is exactly what it is for.”

  The captain turned to Eva. “You have caused us a lot of trouble, girl, but that solution works for me if it does for you. You were pregnant when you snuck aboard. Once we set you up on Earth, you were never aboard and we never see or hear from you again. Got it?”

  “Somewhere warm,” she said.

  The captain narrowed his eyes. “What?”

  “The cheap place you find for me to live quietly,” Eva said. “I want some place warm, near the ocean, where I am always in the warm sun.”

  “I’ll see what we can do,” the captain said.

  The doctor smiled. “I think I know just the place, Captain. I’ll see to the arrangements.”

  Eva smiled and looked up at the artificial lights imagining sun on her skin.

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  Story 75

  “This is the end of the road for you.” Galina Delarosa said to the lovely young woman staring back at her from the shiny reflective surface of the tiny space carrier’s outer hull. Her deep blue eyes were misty, dark hair set firmly in a tight braid, and her sleek bodysuit delineated every tantalizing curve of her young body. She couldn’t have looked more appealing than a juicy lamb set up for slaughter.

  The year 2215 had just begun and everything on Earth was just the same as it had been for the last hundred or so years. Exhausted of its natural resources, the population of the planet relied on raw materials from its various space stations and settlements around the Solar System. The sector M-69 also known as Hagar Mills was one such settlement on Earth’s nearest neighbor, Mars, the red planet.

  Life on Mars was difficult. After terra forming the planet’s surface and creating an artificial hospitable atmosphere, the settlers from Earth formed their own government and by the year 2095, Mars had become and independent world, with its most productive regions being governed and ruled by self appointed warlords or chiefs. Earth’s only recourse was to trade with the rogue settlements, with women being the primary source of barter for the raw materials needed for its existence.

  Galina Delarosa was among the current group of young women chosen by the authoritarian Earthgov to trade with the Martians. She had nothing to lose and agreed to it without coercion or threat of consequences. It couldn’t get any worse, with life in the old North American region as barren as any settlement on Mars. At least on Mars they had the power to call the shots with their seemingly endless supply of raw resources like biodegradable fuel and unlimited source of mineral deposits.

  She sighed and looked at the other baleful faces all around her. There were a dozen girls including her, aged between nineteen and twenty four. They would be presented before the warlord of Hagar Mills and he would choose one of them for his personal pleasure, the rest would then go to other lesser officers, to be their wives or mistresses.

  “Why so glum, girls?” She tried to alleviate the tension all around her, as they waited for the doors of the space carrier to open. “It couldn’t be any worse than here. We are all to be wives of rich men on a more productive world as opposed to living with nothing here on Earth.”

  “This is worse than death.” One of the women responded morosely. “Mars is a dead planet, with only old men who rule over criminals condemned to life imprisonment there. We will be as valuable as petting animals for these rich old men.”

  Galina said nothing. She knew the dark haired woman was right. This indeed was the end of the road for her. But still, she had the smarts to make it work for her; if she could survive through the thirteen days it took to fly to Mars.

  Two weeks in a confined, limited space was enough to drive anyone mad, especially trapped with a gaggle of hysterical women. Galina was on the brink of losing her sanity and doing someone bodily harm when they were informed that the ship had reached its destination.

  The sleek space craft smoothly docked and the hissing of pressure chambers and airlocks coalescing sounded all around them. Galina could feel her heart beating against her chest. She was terrified and excited at the same time. Since the time she was little, she was made aware of the people on Mars and other settlements. Of how important they were to Earth and how after nearly two hundred years of life outside Earth’s gravitational and atmospheric influence, they had evolved differently.

  She wondered how the Martian men, descendant of the first human settlers back in 2035 would look now. Due to the severe political and survival reasons, no information or even images were made available to the general public about any of the human settlements around the solar system, but rumors were thick and fast everywhere.

  The doors of the space carrier opened with a hiss, allowing the artificial Martian atmosphere in. Galina gagged at the strong pungency of iron and magnesium in the air assailing her senses. She quickly placed the breathing apparatus back on her face, glancing around at the others. No one else had tried her stunt, and some glared at her for being stupid. Galina laughed inwardly; it seemed she was the only one who felt excited about all this. She had heard that the women chosen by settlement chiefs had a good stead of lording over the place as much as their husbands. She made up her mind to be the one who catches the eye of Ogden Maalox, warlord supreme of Hagar Mills.

  “Ogden Maalox!” A metallic voice addressed the huge man brooding on what looked like a throne made of rough hewn sandstone. His eyes were half closed and his gnarled chin rested on a huge fist. He wore a body hugging exo-suit with little gadgets all over it that updated him of everything going on around his domain, including his own heart rate.

  “Speak!” He drawled in a deep voice.

  “A fresh group of Earth’s bid has arrived.” The announcer went on. “You are free to choose one or more for your own from these ten lovely maidens.”

  Galina stared at the lone figure shrouded in shadow before the assembled women. Ogden Maalox must be a pretty powerful warlord to sit all by himself in a makeshift throne room, or a very poor one, she thought. She glanced at the other women; every one of them shook with fear.

  The room was dimly lit, stifling and hot, and yet the women shivered. The metallic announcer introduced each one of them to the warlord, giving him a brief description of their backgrounds and skills. He sat as still as a statue, only his cold, languid eyes regarded them one by one. Galina knew this was her chance. When her name was called out and he looked at her, she made eye contact, unlike the others who stared at their feet. She felt his gaze intensify as their eyes locked. She went a step further and ran her tongue seductively over her lips and narrowed her eyes.

  Ogden Maalox’s dark eyes remained in her, even as the next girl was introduced. She knew she had him. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, exaggeratedly pushing her curvy hip outward. As he raised his large hand for the announcer to stop, Galina closed her eyes and smiled. She had won him over.

  “I choose her.” He pointed at Galina. “The rest may leave.”

  As the other women hurriedly exited the stuffy room, Galina ignored them and walked up slowly to the makeshift throne. Ogden’s eyes remained on her, his grim lips slowly curving up in a smile.<
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  “A willing one I never did see, so far in my twenty two years in charge of this place.” He said, rubbing his chin.

  “Have you had many women from Earth then?” She dared to probe.

  “Every five years, that’s Earth years, they send us a fresh group, to barter for resources.” He sighed. “Sadly, I have found none to my liking.”

  “What happened to them?” She looked at him apprehensively, still unable to discern his face in the dimness.

  “I killed them all.” He snarled, cracking his knuckles for emphasis.

  “What?” A cold chill seized her entire body.

  His laughter was loud and booming. He waved his hands and the room began to grow brighter and even warmer.

  “Do not be alarmed, little one,” He leaned forward. “I am merely jesting. All of them are well and wedded to others. Women are rare here on Mars, and thus that gives the Earth leverage over us.”

  She stared at him, unsure of herself. She could see his face a bit better now and the rest of his body. His head was clean shaved and he was pale of skin, almost white with a greenish hue. She understood that the hostile Martian environment required the humans to evolve that way, over the last two hundred years. Other than that he was just as human as she was. His huge muscular body and powerful limbs emanated a feral strength she had rarely seen in the men back on Earth.

  “Now you, young Galina Delarosa, of the American North Sector S-659.” He stared into her wide eyes. “You intrigue me. And I am impressed by your lack of fear and your daring spirit.”

  “So you’ve chosen me as yours?” She braved.

  “Oh yes, it’s about time the supreme warlord of Hagar Mills had a wife to rule beside him.”

  “Why are you a warlord?” She raised an eyebrow. “Are their wars going on here all the time?”

  His laughter boomed out again. “No, we are a peaceful settlement of miners, harvesters and traders. We call ourselves warlords because we are on Mars, the planet of war.”

  Galina shrugged. “What then would they call those on Venus… lovelords?”

  “I wouldn’t know, but love…” He looked at her appreciatively. “I can be good at it too.”

  “And why is it so hot here?” She ran her hand over her brow.

  “It’s the byproduct of the artificial air we need to create.” He replied casually. “You’ll get used to it. Now enough talk, show me why I chose you. Undress and let me feast upon your beauty.”

  “Really, am I just supposed to parade myself before you in the nude?” She cocked her head, glaring at him.

  “Yes, you are mine to do as I please.” He leaned back on his throne as if to enjoy a whore.

  “And what if I refuse?” She folded her arms over her chest.

  “You have no choice.” He shook his head from side to side. “And didn’t I pick up signs that you are here on your own free will.”

  “Yes, but that was before I knew you’re a king of a barren world, without even a palace or a proper throne room.” She challenged him.

  “Is being insolent to your lord and master a thing prevalent on Earth this century?” His lips curled in a smile but his eyes were grim.

  “May be, but you’re not my lord and master.” Galina examined her nails.

  “Oh, I am…” He grinned. “You are mine, by seal and contract. Now strip.”

  Galina knew he was right. The moment she had agreed to this arrangement, she knew that she would become no better than a slave, a property owned by an Alien. Yes, indeed, by being away from Earth for so long, the humans themselves had become the very Aliens they had sought for most part of the 20th and 21st centuries.

  The heat had begun to make her feel uncomfortable and the idea of dropping her body hugging suit felt like a good one. She had nothing to hide from Ogden. Sooner or later he would be making love to her anyway.

  Ogden waved his hand again and strange pipe music, haunting and yet sexy, floated all around her. She sensed it taking over her mind, almost hypnotically. Her hands rose up and she swayed from side to side almost as if in a trance. Her body began to undulate like an exotic dancer, and her hands began to caress herself. She knew what she was doing, completely aware of herself, yet unable to control her own body.

  She slowly began to peel off her containment suit, undoing the complex fasteners and many buttons and straps. She had else nothing on under it, and when she peeled it all off, she stood naked as the day she was born before his cold, appraising eyes. The sickly heat in the room felt clammy on her naked skin and yet she was covered in Goosebumps.

  “Marvelous.” She heard him whisper. “A most desirous creature indeed.”

  She looked at him and her pulse raced. He was still sitting on the throne, watching her, his eyes drinking in every sensual aspect of her young naked beauty. She wondered if he would take her right there in his makeshift throne room, but he still sat there like a block of stone. Her body began to move again, without her telling it to, and her hands caressed her nakedness as she danced for his pleasure to the most haunting music she had ever heard.

  “Satiate yourself for my pleasure.” Galina heard his deep voice; it seemed to echo inside her head. She had no power over herself as her hands lazily roamed all over her shivering body, making her moan. She held her succulent breasts and squeezed the warm flesh, pushing them out toward him. She heard his breathing rise. Her slender fingers teased her nipples, tweaking them to rise up and poke out. The rich brown little nubs stood out proud, pulsing painfully. She moaned again and rubbed her naked thighs together. Dampness spread over her inner thighs and she massaged her swollen clitoris, as she lowered herself to her knees and spread her legs wide. Exposing her wet pussy to the unobstructed view of the smiling warlord, Galina slipped her slender fingers over her aching pussy and reluctantly began to masturbate herself. Her breathing was sharp and ragged as she stroked herself with passionate abandon.

  “What am I doing?” Galina thought frantically, she wanted to stop but her body was beyond her control. It seem to have a mind of its own, and she felt a cold chill run down her spine, Somehow Ogden had the power to control her. It must be a Martian evolutionary mutation, she concluded. She was in full coherence of what she was doing and tried to fight it at every moment, but she felt completely helpless.

  She looked up at Ogden, he was watching her intensely, and his dark eyes had an eerie glow to them. She felt a thousand impulses come alive all over her at once and her body gave in. An intense orgasm ripped though her, making her shudder and curl up on the floor before him. She could sense his wanton lust for her inside her mind, mingled with the explosive colors of pleasure flooding her.

  “Well done, my lovely.” She heard his voice calmly say but she couldn’t focus clearly on it; her mind felt heavy and lost in rapture. She didn’t even know where she was. Then everything went black.

  When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a cool, dark place with an open skylight. She could see the stars twinkling high up in the thin atmosphere of the red planet. She was wearing a translucent material that wrapped around her curvy body like a sarong.

  “Where am I?” She asked in awe.

  “On Mars.” He replied patiently.

  “No, I mean… where on Mars am I?” She looked around the strange looking room they were in. It was a semi-spherical dome like structure and the walls were studded with sparkling stones of all shapes, sizes and colors.

  “This is the Quarra Loa Dome. When we stand here to take the oath and consummate our union, we are officially wedded.” Ogden said solemnly.

  “Wedded?” She was confused. “But we are the only ones here.”

  “Yes, on Mars, a wedding is a very private affair.” He took a deep breath.

  “Really? And how will everyone know…” She searched his face.

  “On the holographic viewer that I as Warlord can transmit this wedding trough to one and all.”

  “You mean everyone gets a peep show?” She was aghast.

p; “Yes, and they pay well for it too.”

  “Then how is it private?”

  “It’s on a private network.” He laughed.

  “I don’t believe this.” She shook her head. “This is so freaking crazy.”

  “On Mars we make the best of everything we can.” He nodded grimly.

  “So that’s why you need all the women from Earth.” She spat.

  “Yes, and also for the procreation of our species.” He said. “But all that matters little to you, here you have a better life than on Earth… as the warlord’s woman.”

  “Sure, that sounds good, but I wasn’t prepared to star in a sex movie for Martian pervs.” Galina pouted.

  “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” Ogden sounded solemn.


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