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Filled! Page 174

by Lexi Hots

  “I thought we had the suits for that…” He looked around the high-tech facility in awe.

  “Yes, but we’ve made a breakthrough where those bulky suits may no longer be needed.” Her green eyes lit up excitedly as she began getting the computer programs online. “You’ll be feeling right at home on that alien world, just as you do on Earth.”

  “Well, I hope that’s a good thing.” He watched her dart from machine to machine, moving with an air of grace and confidence.

  “Yes, yes, of course, Jimmy.” She breathed. “You don’t mind if I call you, Jimmy.”

  “No, not at all, Doc.” He grinned. “In fact I’ll feel much more comfortable if you do.”

  “You’re basically going to be a new and improved man, Jimmy.” She nodded, prepping up the strange looking table with straps hanging off it.

  “I won’t be turning into a green rampaging monster now, would I?” He joked, with a hint of nervousness.

  “If I look like a mad scientist, you will.” She made a crazy face at him.

  “You don’t look anything like a mad scientist.” He laughed out loud. “You look normal and quite attractive even.”

  “Why, thank you, love.” Her green eyes twinkled. “Now, if you would, I want you to strip down and lie on this table here.”

  “You mean… get naked.” Marston asked in surprise.

  “Yes, dear.” She smiled coyly, enjoying the sense of dominance her station gave her over him. “Haven’t you ever had a physical before?”

  “I… sure… a couple of times.” He shuffled his feet and looked around the lab. “But never before a…”

  “A woman in a lab coat?” Her soft laughter echoed around the intricate instruments. “I assure you, it’s no different.”

  “Sure, no problem.” He nodded, eyeing her curves and hoping to keep his mind off them as he proceeded to remove his uniform.

  “We will be scanning your entire body… we need to check your molecular density, hormonal and neurotic balance and cellular activity.” She busied herself, keying in commands, tweaking knobs and turning dials on all the technological wonders surrounding them. “Even though the preliminary files say you’re the perfect specimen for this test.”

  “Sure thing, Doc.” He shrugged and removed his clothing, standing as naked as the day before her. “And I’m all dense and balanced and real active.”

  “Yes, you’re perfect, Jimmy.” She eyed his fit youthful body appreciatively and patted on the table. “Now, get on up here.”

  He climbed up and lay down on his back, allowing her to strap down his wrists, upper arms, thighs and ankles. She ran a gloved hand over his taut, lean body and sighed. He gasped at her touch and his erection pointed right up at her invitingly. She nodded with approval; it was always the same, with all the other volunteers as well. These young studs, she thought with a smile, ever ready for action.

  “I see you are quite pleased to go through with this, Jimmy.” She gave him a knowing smile.

  “I… uh… I am really… happy to volunteer…” He stammered, blushing red.

  “Don’t worry, it’s quite normal.” She laughed softly. “In fact, it’s quite an honor for a woman my age to be saluted like that.”

  “Doctor Graeme… I can’t help it… I’ve never… you’re beau…”

  “Hush, baby.” She whispered, fixing a hypodermic. “I’ve got a little something to make you relax right here.”

  “Is it going to hurt?” He eyed the large needle apprehensively.

  “A little… but you are a big boy, Jimmy.” She gave him a wide smile.

  He winced as the needle pierced into his upper arm. The injected serum raced through his bloodstream, immediately relaxing the tension. He closed his eyes, breathing evenly as his entire body went limp, his arousal included, and he drifted off to sleep.

  “Ah, beautiful.” Lilith Graeme smiled, gingerly patting his flaccid member. “It’s time to get this show on the road.”


  “Uhhh, what have… you…?” Marston slurred as he opened his eyes.

  “Ah, welcome back, sleepy head.” The redhead called out from the far side of the lab. “We’re done here, all scans at a hundred percent.”

  “Oh, okay.’ He looked around blearily. “So am I ready for my assignment on Titan now?”

  “Oh, no, dear boy.” She laughed aloud. “We’ve just run the scans. The complete procedure will commence tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I see.” He shook his head. “Geez, how long was I out?”

  “Just an hour.” She replied, powering down a few of the computers. “Now get dressed and let’s go down to the cafeteria. I’m hungry… aren’t you?”

  “Sure am.” He realized his belly was growling. “Will we be…?”

  “Yes, you’re assigned to me now for the next forty eight hours.” She smiled, walking up to him and taking off her lab coat. “That’s two days, Private… for you to be my lab rat.”

  “Uh, cool.” He grinned, eyeing her ripe curves under her tight sweater and pants.

  “Eyes up here, boy.” She slapped his thigh with a grin. “Let’s go.”

  They walked down the spotlessly clean corridors of the space station heading down to the cafeteria on the lowest level, passing several smartly uniformed personnel. The cafeteria was a modest affair, lined with rows of seating and food processors all along the walls. Most of the food and drink was synthesized, but good to eat and optimized for nourishment. A crew of six hundred manned the massive station orbiting the Earth. One of four such craft strategically placed in orbit, it was a matter of pride to be among the exclusive staff that work on them.

  “How long have you been on here?” Marston asked the red haired doctor as they collected their dinner rations. “I mean, on this station.”

  “Since the beginning of the second phase, about eleven years now.” She replied, heading for an empty table.

  “Wow, I was just a kid in grammar school then.” He chuckled, peering at the square blocks of synthesized meat and potatoes on his square eating platter.

  “Yes, I graduated in 2053 and took up an assignment on the lunar base, before getting this job.” She nodded, sitting down at the table.

  “Cool.” He grinned, watching her cut into the blocks of synthesized salmon she had ordered. “So that makes you… what… thirty…?”

  “Thirty six.” She smiled at him with a nod, placing a piece of smoked fish into her moist mouth.

  “Wow… that’s sixteen….” His eyes went wide.

  “Sixteen what?” She looked at him questioningly.

  “Sixteen years…” He said, sipping some water.

  “Well, yes.” Lilith looked distant as she stared at the wall. “I did start off as a cadet early in my life, just as you are doing.”

  “No, I mean you’re sixteen years older than I am.” He smiled broadly.

  “Seventeen actually… your file states you’re not twenty yet.” She corrected him, focusing back on her food.

  “I will be next month.” He confirmed, pleased suddenly that she had an interest in his age.

  “I hope you have a good birthday bash on Titan.” She grinned. “I hear they have a really good time on these collective monthly birthday bashes.”

  “Yeah… that’s the last thing I’d be thinking of then.” He looked down at his plate and sighed. “I’d rather focus on work and make a career.”

  “Well, of course.” She said warmly. “But you can also have some fun along the way.”

  “Sure, I will.” He grinned. “In my own way.”

  “Tell me about yourself, Jimmy.” She leaned back on her chair. “The stuff that’s not on file… stuff about you, your life down there on Earth.”

  “Uh, nothing much to say…” He scratched his chin. “I went through high school same as anyone, played football… got drafted and here I am.”

  “Basic mundane stuff.” She laughed softly. “And how about your social life… any girlfriends?”

Uh, yeah… I had a few girls…” He looked suddenly uneasy.

  “Were you the prom king and dated the cheerleading captain?” She picked up his discomfort and pushed further.

  “Heck, no.” He laughed with a shrug. “I was just a linebacker on the team… everyone knows the cheerleaders go for the quarterbacks.”

  “I’m only asking to judge your emotional status.” She waved her slender hand in her defense.

  “Yeah, I’m good, Doc.” Marston said, a little color spreading on his cheeks. “Never really had a girlfriend or even a date…I mean, a ‘date’ date.”

  “Are you a virgin?” She went for the kill.

  “Heck, Doc.” He laughed, a hint of nervousness making her smile.

  “Just curious.” She dismissed with a shrug.

  “Will that affect the procedure tomorrow?” The concern in his voice was evident.

  “Not necessarily.” She assured him, taking a sip of water. “However your reaction today was remarkable… although perfectly normal.”

  “I’ll say… I mean, I’m not so accustomed to being naked in front of beautiful ladies as you are having guys strip naked before you.”

  “Not many men find me beautiful.” She said with a soft laugh.

  “Heck, they must all be idiots.” He said, with an air of indignation. “You’re… uh… very beautiful, Doc.”

  “You really think so, Jimmy?” She looked deep into his widened eyes.

  “Yes, I do, Doctor Graeme… I sure as hell do.” He said with conviction.

  “Call me, Lily.” She smiled and playfully swirled a lock of her red hair on a slender finger.

  “Sure… uh, Lily.” He eyed her curiously.

  “Now, come on.” She stood up, breaking the cozy moment in mid-development. “You need another shot before you get some sleep. We’re starting the procedure early tomorrow, at seven hundred hours, standard orbital time.”

  “Sure thing, Doc… I mean, Lily.” He stood up and placed his plate and cutlery into the automatic dispenser.

  “Come on, Jimmy.” Lilith walked away briskly, her curvy hips swaying mesmerizingly. “I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping tonight.”


  When he woke up, James Marston didn’t remember having stepped into what look like a coffin, lit with a soft red light inside. His head felt a bit heavy. He had a strange dream, in it he was strapped to a raised platform being offered to the gods as a human sacrifice. A beautiful woman was waving her hands around and chanting, invoking the gods. She looked familiar, and she was naked.

  “What the fuck…” he groaned and pushed at the confining lid over him. It moved and he pushed it back all the way.

  He was in the lab, remembering it all from yesterday. He sat up and climbed out of the weird looking bed. Doctor Graeme… Lily, was no where in sight. He glanced at his timer. It was close to seven. Time for the procedure, but he hadn’t eaten anything.

  “Welcome back to the land of the awakened.” Her energetic voice reached his ears and he felt strangely relieved.

  “Doc, how did I get into that… that coffin?” He asked, almost demandingly.

  “That’s not a coffin, Jimmy.” She replied with an enchanting laugh. “It’s a diagnostic chamber. I had you placed in there after the booster shot last night. It’s a requirement for the procedure. ”

  “Wow, I hope you get paid enough, Lily.” He nodded and looked around the overstocked lab floor. “All this looks like a lot of work.”

  “I get by.” She shrugged her shoulders, making her ample bosom jiggle. “You hungry, dear?”

  “Uh, not really.” He struggled to look away, food the last thing on his mind.

  “Perfect.” She smiled, noting his discomfiture. “Let’s get you all strapped up and in position.”

  “Do I strip now?” He asked a bit too eagerly.

  “No need for that.” She laughed and waved at the huge monitor overhead.

  “But I… holy cow.” He realized he was naked the whole time. “But how…”

  “I took the liberty,” She replied, stating it as her professional right. “It is…a requirement for the diagnostic cocoon.”

  “Uh, yeah.” He also realized that his cock was standing up at full mast pointing at her, but he made no attempt to hide it.

  “Well, since you’re as pleased as you were yesterday.” She smiled, eyeing his arousal with interest. “We’ll need to calm you down for the procedure to take effect.”

  “Ob, fuck.” He looked at her pleadingly. “Not another shot… I can’t feel my arm anymore.”

  “Guess, this one will have to go in the back.” The doctor licked her moist lips and raised an eyebrow.


  “Or maybe you can think less happy thoughts.” She shrugged and placed her hands on her curvy hips.

  “I’ll try… but…” He waved his hands around helplessly.

  “Think of me as the doctors who frightened you when you were little.” She began keying in the codes into the computer console.

  “Don’t think that’s going to work.” Marston grinned sheepishly as he climbed up on the table. “Thinking of you, in any scenario, is only going to make it worse…”

  “Much as I am elated by the compliment.” She looked slightly annoyed, setting the straps over his ankles and wrists. “We need little Jimmy here to go to sleep.”

  “Sure, no problem.” He nodded, as the table rotated to have him face downward, making him hang in midair by the restraints.

  “This should do it.” Lilith flipped the hypodermic downward and jabbed at his posterior.

  “Unngh!” Marston grunted as the two inch needle punctured his buttock, injecting the serum into his bloodstream.

  “Well, let’s see now… stubborn little fella, isn’t he.” Her gloved hand lifted under him and gently touched his swollen member as it stood out even harder.

  “Uh, yeah.” He admitted helplessly. “But I think your touch…”

  “Not that I mind, in fact it’s quite an honor… but…” She admired the throbbing seven inch meat stick before her. “We have work to do.”

  “You must have seen hundreds, right… Doc?” He tried to compose himself, more than anything.

  “Can’t deny that.” She smiled at him as her fingers encircled his shaft.

  “So how do you think I measure up?” He ventured, a little bit boldly.

  “Huh?” She looked at him inquiringly.

  “I mean… what do you think… of it?” He said shyly, twitching his cock for emphasis.

  “Well, I’m trying not to here…” She looked at it again and cupped it in both hands. “…and focus on my work.”

  “That’s how you always do it?” He felt a little more comfortable now as she stroked his erection slowly.

  “What do you mean?” She asked as she pushed the foreskin back to reveal the gleaming head.

  “I mean, if I had a job where I could get woman to strip for me…” He said suggestively.

  “Jimmy, that’s not professional at all.” Her voice carried an edge of indignation.

  “I… I’m sorry, Li… Doc.” He stammered, looking down at the floor. “I didn’t mean to offend…”

  “That’s all right, Jimmy.” She soothed him, still holding on to his rock hard cock. “And you can still call me Lily.”

  “Thank you, Lily.” He said, exhaling heavily.

  “No worries.” She smiled at him patronizingly. “But I need this thing to go down, and it looks like the serum isn’t working… your body’s immune system has evolved a way around it… makes me wonder if the procedure might work on you after all.”

  “I’m sorry, Lily…” He looked away.

  “Well, then, let’s go for the old tried and tested method.” Lilith released her hold on him.

  “What… what do you mean?” He asked, staring down at his raging hard-on.

  “Well, I’m going to have to relieve your tension, Jimmy.” She replied as any doctor would before undertakin
g a medical procedure. “And these gloves are not stimulating the nerve endings as much as required.”

  “You mean… you’re going to jerk me off.” He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth.


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