Rule Breaker (Project ROOT Book 1)

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Rule Breaker (Project ROOT Book 1) Page 8

by Michele, Ryan

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You’re thirty-six weeks pregnant. You’re throwing protein in your urine.” She pointed to Sydney’s ankles and hands. “You’re swollen beyond what’s normal as well. So, you’re on bedrest. I’d like to see you get a couple of weeks farther along before we induce.”

  She sat up. “What?”

  “With your levels, I want to be prepared. If something happens we can at least monitor you through each contraction, and if something goes wrong, we can do an emergency C-section.”

  “You’re full of great news this afternoon, doc,” Joseph quipped.

  “Sorry. It’s a shock. I am optimistic, though. We will get this under control and, before you know it, you’ll have a new addition to the family and little Miss Gabby will be right as rain.”

  “We appreciate it, Dr. Rae,” Sydney said with a small smile. “You’re the first doctor who seems to understand Gabby, and I feel more comfortable with you caring for her.”

  “Hey, now, I’m both of your doctors.” She stood. “When is Gabby’s bedtime?”

  “Eight,” Joseph answered.

  “I’ll be here at seven so we can go over how everything will be set up. Then I’ll take her down to medical.”

  “Can one of us go with you?”

  “Franks can.” Asher came up beside her. “You should stay here where you’re comfortable, ma’am.”

  Sydney nodded. “Fine. I will stay.”

  “I promise I’ll have her home by eight in the morning so she can eat with you.” She turned to walk to the door. “In the meantime, her dinner should be light. Something high in protein and green, leafy vegetables, low carbs. It’ll help replenish her iron and help regulate her body.”

  “Can do.” Noah walked in the back door. “We’ll make sure she has what she needs.”

  “Great. Then I’ll get out of your hair and grab a nap. Tonight will be a long one, but worth it. See you soon.”

  Chapter Eight

  He shouldn't be awake at three a.m., but he was. Wide awake. He laid on his back with his right arm tucked under his head, staring at the greenish-colored ceiling, with a massive hard on tenting his sweats.

  Yeah, sure, he could easily get rid of it. All he had to do was slip his hand under the band of his pants and stroke himself to climax. Instead, he just laid here and dealt with it. The thought of using his hand twisted his guts. The baser part of his instincts demanded he claim Rae, and if he couldn’t, well, he’d deal.

  What was worse, he’d break all the rules for her. Not that R.O.O.T. members couldn't have wives or significant others. They could. He had made sure when they formed. Just like he had made sure, when they refurbished command, a whole level had been designated to family apartments. None were currently in use, but they were there. It didn’t seem fair, though. They put their lives on the line day in and day out, and to know someone sat at home, waiting, tore him up. What if he didn’t come home, or one of his team members?

  “Shit,” he mumbled, tossing over. If he didn’t get in at least a nap, he’d be a bear in the morning. Sleep deprivation hadn’t been a new thing for him. He’d had it plenty of times in the field. However, with his thoughts centering on the good doctor, and the ache in his balls to slip between her lush thighs, well, he’d be a crabby bastard. In the past, he’d have gone out and grabbed some random chick. Those days, it would appear, were long gone. He only had eyes for Rae Kenzie.

  Visions of naked Rae flashed through his mind. He suspected Rae's breasts would overfill his large hands. She wasn't obnoxiously large, but on her frame, they were perfect. His already aching dick pulsed. This had to stop. Otherwise, he'd end up coming in his sweats without even touching himself.

  His door swung open after a quick knock by Noah. The asshole. Fine, if he wants to waltz in here, he can deal with the ramifications.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about, it has to wait,” Hanover grunted. “We have a priority bird enroute.”

  “ETA?” He jackknifed off the bed. The only people who came in hot had been his uncle or General Blackwell.

  “C&C will let us know when they’re three minutes out.” His uncle, had to be. The general liked to be greeted by everyone. Three minutes wasn’t enough time to gather everyone. “They want you and only you in the executive level conference room.”

  “It's why I'm paid the big bucks.”

  Noah snorted as Asher reached out, pulling his shirt off the chair he had thrown it on before he got into his rack.

  “Better you than me, boss. I’ve got no patience to deal with fucking politicians who are only worried about their careers and how they appear in the press. I like the buffer you provide.”

  “Glad to help.” He finished dressing, then sat to slip on his boots. “Try to grab a couple of hours of Zs. Six a.m. comes early.”

  “I'm up, boss, and you know me. Once up, I'm not going back.” Hanover had more energy than the pink bunny who advertised batteries.

  “Keep out of trouble.”

  Noah's face twisted into an innocent look.

  Asher called bullshit. None of them were innocent. “Look in on the doc and then go bug Callahan. I doubt the bastard has even hit his rack yet.”

  “He hasn't. He's still reviewing all the tapes and satellite feeds,” Noah supplied.

  “He'll go blind if he doesn't take a break soon.”

  “Is that an order?” Noah followed him out his room.

  “Yeah. It is. We need to find the truth, but I won't let you guys sacrifice your health.”

  “Says the man who should have been asleep, but instead was thinking about a certain doctor naked in her white coat.”

  “Fuck off, Hanover,” he grumbled, making sure his door was locked.

  “You going like that, boss?” Noah gestured to his sweat pants and plain green T-shirt.

  “Yeah. If they want me in uniform, they should've arrived during a decent hour.” Done with the conversation, he split off from his friend and headed toward the elevator. Since the meeting would be on the books, his uncle would be waiting in the boardroom on the executive level of the base.

  Once he exited the elevator, he scanned his security card and waited for the locks to disengage. The door slid open seconds later and there stood his uncle, back to the door, studying the map of the base.

  “Is there a reason you needed to visit us at zero dark thirty?”

  Senator Jackson McNamara shrugged and slowly turned around to gaze at him. “Is there a reason you're not in uniform?” Leave it to his uncle to notice.

  “It's three fifteen in the morning, Uncle.” He reminded him as he walked over to the sideboard where fresh coffee rested in a carafe. “Want some?”

  “Yes.” It didn't go unnoticed his uncle didn't elaborate on why he was here. Jackson was deliberate in how he revealed information, even to his family. It drove Asher’s aunt bonkers.

  Keeping his back to his uncle, he poured two cups of freshly made coffee before walking over to hand a cup to his uncle.

  “You look like hell, son.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his unshaven chin. “So I've been told. I'm assuming this isn't a pleasurable visit, so I'll ask again. Why are you here?”

  The senator ignored his question; instead, he focused on drinking the hot brew. He tugged the chair from under the table, then sat. “Join me, Asher.”

  It wasn't a request, but an order. This can’t be good. Asher followed his uncle’s instruction and joined him at the table.

  “I just got out of a very long meeting with the president.” Jackson’s gaze fell toward the coffee mug he held in both hands.

  Asher hated long, dramatic pauses. They pissed him off and tended to make him anxious—off his stride.

  “And?” he questioned when he couldn't take the silence any longer.

  “I'm taking a lot of heat and shit is about to get hot.”

  “What else is new? Granted, I know R.O.O.T. doesn't look good, but my men, this division, are innocent
. You know this.”

  “Several senators are demanding hearings and the U.N. wants access to the village to assist and help with the investigations. Both our president and Colombia's have agreed.”

  Letting out the breath he had been holding, Asher leaned back in his chair. “It doesn't surprise me. I figured it would happen.” He rubbed the rim of the mug with his thumb. “Especially once Barclay leaked the tampered audio and video evidence. Is the president aware we have the correct evidence? With additional proof from United States military satellites, which Callahan pulled. Evidence which can't be disputed, Uncle.”

  “He's aware.”

  “Aware, but doesn't care. Has he even seen it?”

  His uncle shook his head.

  “That's bullshit.” Anger surged through him. He clenched his hands into fists to prevent himself from hurling his coffee cup against the wall. Calmer heads always prevailed. He knew this. Losing his shit wouldn't help a damn bit.

  “There's a game in play here. One I'm still trying to piece together,” he admitted.

  “Is Senator Lincoln leading the charge on these hearings?” Even though his uncle liked to keep things close to the vest, Asher didn’t miss the surprise in his gaze before returning to their natural state. “That motherfucker. He set us up.”

  “Explain, Asher.”

  “I've got an eyewitness who can place Lincoln at Barclay's base camp the night before they went into the village.”

  “This wasn't in your report.” The censure in his uncle’s tone had him tensing.

  “Because I just got the information yesterday. I took the responsibility to arrange to secure and protect his family. Which I've done. His wife and sick daughter now reside in one of the houses topside.”

  “Who is the witness?”

  “A former team member of Barclay. Their medic.”

  “Can he be trusted?”

  He nodded. Reaching forward, Asher activated the computer embedded within the conference table. The screen on the wall at the end of the table lit up while an image of a keyboard appeared on the wood surface in front of him. Typing in Franks’ name, the information they had gathered on him materialized on the screen. He then typed in the remaining members of the Barclay team’s names.

  “How Barclay ever allowed any of these men to work for them blows my fucking mind. Only Franks had an exemplary military record. The rest were all dishonorably discharged. They've also had several run-ins with the law since leaving the service. Franks took the job with Barclay because it paid well. His daughter is sick and requires expensive medical services.”

  “Son of a bitch.” His uncle placed his hands on the table and a keyboard appeared before him. He began flipping through the files, and shook his head.

  “Lincoln has powerful friends. He's convinced them and they have in turn convinced the president R.O.O.T. fucked up and killed those people.”

  “What's Lincoln got to gain?” It had been the same question he'd been asking himself since Franks dropped seeing Lincoln at the camp on Asher’s lap. Connecting the dots to Lincoln wouldn't be easy, but if the evidence was there, his team would find it.

  “Power,” his uncle answered, not realizing he’d asked the question out loud.

  “He's a fucking senator. What more could he want?”

  “The presidency. Rumors have been swirling about Lincoln possibly throwing his hat in the next presidential race.”

  Asher snorted. “Then we're all fucked if he wins. He especially hates R.O.O.T. He's got a hard on for us for some reason.”

  “I know and I can't figure out why.” McNamara leaned forward. R.O.O.T. was just as much his uncle’s baby as it was his. “I've reached out to some friends. Good friends. Old friends. They are willing to help and provide support, if and when it's needed. They've also provided me with interesting information. Information which might help you. Lincoln has been linked with Ramsond Corp in the past.”

  “Why does that name sound so damn familiar?”

  “Ramsond is a military contractor. They deal in engineering, procurement, and construction. Two years ago, they were accused of cooking their books, lying to investors, and committing fraud. They were cleared, barely, and surprisingly kept all the military contracts. Speculation is Lincoln is an investor. A big one. Rumor has it he came out of the scandal unscathed. Some say there is more than meets the eye with Lincoln and Ramsond.”

  “You know something.” Asher understood there was more...what, his uncle wasn’t saying and it didn’t sit well with him. “Are you going to brief me or leave me blind?”

  “I can't tell you any more, at this time.”

  “Don't fucking sacrifice R.O.O.T. or my team for your games. I won't be happy, family member or not.”

  “I'd hope by now you'd know I'd never do either.” His assurance didn't mean shit. They both realized actions spoke louder than words. “There's more.”

  “Of course, there fucking is,” Asher pushed the coffee cup away, ignoring the hot liquid that washed over the rim and onto the wood. “Just tell me.”

  “Isaac will be reviewing the video and audio evidence Barclay provided.” The only Isaac who Asher knew was his father. Isaac Rainer.

  “Fucking perfect.” He hadn't seen Isaac since his mother's funeral over twenty years ago. The day of his mother's burial, Isaac had walked away without a backwards glance. His uncle never fussed about helping a sixteen-year-old boy. He picked up where Asher’s mother left off. “Like that shit isn't deliberate.”

  “No doubt. But your fath—”

  “Let's get one thing straight, he's not my father. He gave up his rights to be called such when he left after Mom died.” A look of sadness passed over his uncle's face. Her death had affected his uncle almost as much as it had him.

  “Isaac is the world's most renowned audio and video expert. It makes sense to call him in.”

  “What the fuck ever. He's the world's most renowned piece of shit as far as I'm concerned. I'll make sure Callahan gives you everything we have from the mission. So, when are the hearings slated to begin?”

  “Three weeks.”

  He snorted. “Fastest hearing scheduled in all of U.S. history, huh?”

  “You'll need to have proof. Solid proof, Asher.”

  “I think you have us confused with Barclay. I don't submit false reports, or lie to make R.O.O.T. look better than what they appear. I'll have your damn proof. I'm going to nail Lincoln's ass to the wall for killing those people. Running for president will be the least of his concerns.” Determination filled his voice. Failure wasn't an option. R.O.O.T.'s very existence was in danger and someone had to bring justice to those innocent souls who were murdered at Tinsman's hands.

  “Protect Franks and his family and protect the doctor. If Lincoln is involved as deeply as you state, he'll stop at nothing to eliminate them.”

  “He'll have to gain access to the base, and we both know, it ain't going to happen. Not under my watch.”

  “Cover your six and don't take any stupid risks.” Worry etched around his uncle's mouth as he spoke. “Lincoln is a viper. An unpredictable viper.”

  “I've dealt with vipers before. Easiest way to stop them is to cut them off at the head.”

  After finishing his coffee, Asher stood and said his goodbyes to his uncle. On his way back to his quarters, he stopped by the communication room. Callahan sat hunched in front of the keyboard of his computer. Images flashed across the half dozen monitors he had set up in his space.

  “Callahan?” The man’s bloodshot, tired gaze met his when glancing away from the monitors. “Unplug, go hit your rack, and don't come back in here till you have at least six hours of sleep under your belt.”


  “It's an order. Six hours. Get a shower, a good meal, and come see me. I have to add another task to your already growing list. Bring Murray. He can help out.”

  “Aye, aye, Commander.” Rarely did he respond from his navy roots, and it caused Asher to pause. �
�If you're interested, Hanover is with the doc.”

  He was, but he sure as shit wasn't going to let Callahan know.

  Anger still simmered below the surface after his conversation with his uncle. If he saw the good doctor right now, he'd mostly like pin her against the nearest wall and fuck all his aggression out on her sweet, little body. Somehow, he suspected Rae wouldn't appreciate his forcefulness. He needed to keep some distance between him and the sexy doctor. For now, he’d be getting a shower, a shave, and finish up by eating a hot meal before locating Rae.

  Chapter Nine

  Rae stepped out of the room Gabby was in, near the office she’d claimed on the medical floor. The dialysis machine hummed and clicked as her blood worked through the cleaning process, then filtered back into her body. The girl slept peacefully beside her mom, who held her as best as she could and was also being monitored by Rae.

  When she arrived at the cabin to gather up the girl and her father, she checked Sydney’s blood pressure. It was also when she had the first contraction. Since then, nothing. Probably an overreaction on her part, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

  Once they were awake, she’d introduce the antibiotic to the little girl’s IV and get Gabby up for a little play time. Then, Rae would take her own nap.

  Being a doctor was normal. Easy. She could forget about all her issues and concentrate on something mundane.

  The doors opened to the medical bay and Asher stepped through. He looked like death warmed over. The lines around his mouth were tense, as were the ones bracketing his eyes. The set of his jaw gave a small indication his mood had taken a decidedly sour turn. Yet, when his gaze landed on her, he relaxed. The anxious energy radiating off him eased.

  He gave a small wave, which she reciprocated, then exited her office.

  “What are you doing here so early?” She kept her voice low, so not to disturb her patients.

  “I wanted to check on them. See how they were doing.” He lifted his chin in the direction of Gabby and Sydney.

  “They’re good. Gabby’s taking the flush well, and Sydney’s blood pressure is dipping into the normal range.”


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