Rule Breaker (Project ROOT Book 1)

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Rule Breaker (Project ROOT Book 1) Page 14

by Michele, Ryan

  “You fucked her without protection? What the fuck, Asher, you didn’t learn anything from me?” O’Malley paled even more.

  “Don’t go there, O’Malley. Who or how I fuck isn’t your concern. It’s mine,” he snarled, his eyes narrowing in warning at his friend.

  “It is, when you possibly compromise our mission with your involvement with Rae,” O’Malley came back at him.

  “Fucking Rae isn’t compromising shit.” He didn’t miss the hitch in her breathing at his bluntness. “But if you feel she is, file a fucking report and take it up with McNamara. If you do, remember you blow our case, because everything we’re slowly putting together will be out there for the government and the world to see. The element of surprise is something we rarely get in this job.”

  O’Malley sighed, finally stepping back from Asher’s personal space. “I just want to understand what you’re thinking.”

  “That’s not your job, O’Malley. This isn’t a fucking democracy. Your job is to follow the fucking orders I give,” he bit out.

  “That’s enough,” Rae stated. “I’m really not feeling well. I can’t stand here anymore listening to two friends all but beat the shit out of each other.” The door slammed shut behind Rae, echoing down the empty hallway.

  “You got more to say, say it now.”

  O’Malley shook his head. “No, I got nothing more to say, boss,” he sneered.

  “Then you’re dismissed.” It was a dick move, dismissing him. He knew it, but he didn’t give a fuck. Friend or not, O’Malley had overstepped. Big fucking time.

  O’Malley saluted, which he ignored, before he stormed away.

  Removing his own key card, he swiped and pushed open the door. Rae was sitting on the bed.

  “If you’re pregnant, will your headache meds hurt the baby?” Bone weary from the shouting match with Jake, he crossed to the table near the bed.

  “No. Too early. Asher…” She groaned. “I don’t even know why I said it.”

  “Not talking about O’Malley, Rae. Anything else but,” he stated as he sat on the chair and pulled his boots off.

  “Has this happened to you before?”

  He stared at her in confusion. What the fuck is she talking about?

  “The not using a condom,” she finally added after a long, silent moment.

  It surprised him she brought it up. He thought he made himself clear earlier. Obviously, it had been wearing on her.

  “Rae, baby, do I look like the type of guy to forget to use protection?” He always covered his dick. Always. Something flickered in her eyes. “First time.”

  “This is all new to me. I don’t have a lot of experience with men.”

  “I’m aware. You’ve slept with two guys.” He stood and moved to the bed.


  “Right now, it isn’t important,” he said. “You getting rest is. You’ve worked your ass off here since you arrived, and I don’t think you’ve gotten a proper night’s sleep yet.”

  “I need you,” she said.

  In those moments staring at her, he could see how much it took for her to say that. She put herself out there, even though his team had done nothing but treat her like shit. “You got me. I’m going to lie with you until you fall asleep. If you wake up and I’m not here, don’t worry, I’ll be back.” He climbed into bed with her and kissed her temple. “If you feel up to it later, I’ll let you ride my face.” Asher winked.

  “Are you always this blunt?” She snuggled into his chest when he lay on the bed.

  “No point in beating around the bush,” he admitted. “Sleep.”

  And she did. She went limp in his arms and, within minutes, soft puffs of her breath floating across his chest.

  * * * *

  When she woke, she reached out for Asher only to find the bed empty and cold. The dent in the pillow and the rumpled sheets told her he’d at least stayed with her a while. The laptop sitting on her desk also told her at some point he left and came back to work.

  She remained in bed longer than normal, wanting to make sure the headache was gone because she didn’t particularly like taking the pain pills. They did the job of knocking out her headache, most times, but they also tended to leave her disoriented. Usually, she would have to drink or eat something sweet and carb-loaded to help her focus. For her to get those items here, she’d have to take a shower, get dressed, and make her way to the cafeteria. Something she didn’t have the energy to do now.

  Sitting up in the bed, she saw a bottle of orange juice and a muffin sitting on the table beside the bed. A note sat beside them telling her to eat up and drink the juice.

  She added bossy to her already growing lists of ways to describe Asher. Jackass and asshole were still her personal favorites. She picked up the bottle off the table. It was still cold. After cracking open the lid, she guzzled the entire contents like a co-ed getting their first taste of beer. The surge of sugar into her bloodstream was immediate and the fog in her head started to clear.

  After eating the muffin, she showered then dressed, before she walked to his computer. Tapping a key, she gasped when the screen lit up. No. She shouldn’t be doing this. If she could sleep with a man she barely knew, she had to give him some benefit of the doubt and trust him. Doing this now could wreck whatever they were building, right?

  Only one way to find out. After clicking on an icon, she dropped into the chair in front of the laptop. She began to read the copious amounts of notes he had made. One side had facts, the other side had theories. He was detailed. It looked like dashes were next to facts he had kept from the senator and asterisks were next to facts only he was aware of.

  She kept reading until she got to the reports of the massacre of the village in Colombia. Pictures of every victim flashed up on the screen, along with possible connections to Lincoln, drug cartels, and the U.S. government. It was daunting and might be easier if he just explained it to her instead of reading it. Not wanting to see anymore, she closed the program then snapped it shut. She needed to get out of there so she could think.

  Once she checked on Gabby, Sydney, and baby Rhett, she’d seek out Asher and ask…ah hell, who was she kidding, she’d have to demand he allow her to help them. Gathering what she needed for the day, she snagged her key card on the desk before opening the door and stepping into the hallway.

  “Morning, Doc,” Hanover said over his shoulder as he fiddled with the keypad two doors down.

  “Morning, Noah. You just getting to bed?”

  “Late night,” he replied as the light went green. “Boss man said to tread carefully around your room. Said you weren’t feeling too good.”

  “Headache. It’s gone this morning.”

  He nodded, pocketing his key card into one of the many slots in his pants.

  “Do you happen to know where your fearless leader is?”

  Hanover scratched at his day-old beard as he leaned against the metal door frame. “C&C,” he replied.

  “C&C? That’s a new one for me. What is it?”

  “Command and Control. Everything is run out of it. It’s the brains of the base. It’s the thirteenth floor on the elevator.” Whoa. It was down deep inside this massive underground base. “You don’t have clearance, so your key card won’t let you get there. If you need boss man, just pick up any phone and dial 125. It’ll ring to his cell, which he carries at all times.”

  “Much appreciated. Are you on night shift?” She hoped she was using the correct terminology.

  “Nah. I’m only taking a short nap. Asher has been sending shit to my phone almost nonstop for the last couple hours.” He started to move into his room, but stopped. “Hey, Doc, rumor has it O’Malley’s been like a bear with a sore paw all damn morning. You know anything about why?”

  No doubt O’Malley was pissy this morning. Asher had ripped him a new asshole. Best to be diplomatic in her answer.

  “You should speak with Asher or O’Malley about it,” she replied.

  “Good an
swer. Anyone else asks you, you should give them the same response,” Hanover said nonchalantly as he walked into his room, letting his door slam shut.

  Was everything a test with these assholes? If so, she was getting sick and tired of it. Stomping off, she’d stop to get herself the largest cup of coffee she could find and toast a bagel to eat as she headed to the medical floor.

  Getting off the elevator, she made her way to the area which had slowly become hers. Placing her cup of coffee on the desk, she threw out the foil from her now consumed breakfast. A baby’s cry rang out at Sydney’s arrival. Rhett didn’t sound too pleased this morning. Gabby appeared first.

  “Doc!” the little girl cried out as she ran and jumped into her arms. “You got a lolly for me?”

  “Gabby Elizabeth, it’s all of nine o’clock in the morning,” Sydney said as she stepped into the room, baby Rhett in a snuggly on her chest, whimpering.

  “I’ve created a monster,” she teased as she ruffled Gabby’s hair. “Tell you what, when we’re done with our exam, I’ll give your mom the lollipop. She can decide when you can have it. Deal?”

  “Deal.” The little girl held her hand out so they could shake on it.

  “He okay?” she asked as Sydney started to remove the baby from the contraption on her chest.

  “He’s hungry. Although, Doc, I’m not even sure how it’s possible he could be. I fed him less than an hour ago,” Sydney said. She could hear the underlying tiredness in her new friend’s voice.

  “He’s a week old. It’s the first of many growth spurts.” She gestured to the chair in the room. “Sit, get comfortable and let him nurse. I’ll start with Gabby.”

  “Thank you.” Sydney sat now that the baby was finally free.

  The ease at which Sydney handled her son, preparing for him to breastfeed, fascinated her. This could be her life in a little over nine months. She dropped her hand, cupping her lower belly in wonder.

  “Got something to tell me, Doc?” Sydney gazed at her hand which cupped her belly.

  “No. Why?” Jerking her hand away, she started to make herself busy while Gabby changed into her gown in the bathroom.

  “You were cupping your belly. Only a pregnant woman or woman wondering if she is pregnant tend to do that.” With an efficiency of a practiced mother, Sydney moved Rhett to her breast. “The rumors are true then, huh?”


  “Of you and Asher. Whole base is talking about it,” the new mother informed her.

  “It’s nothing,” she claimed.

  “Um hm. Like I said, a woman doesn’t cup her belly lovingly like you just did unless she is…” Gabby stepped out from the bathroom, dressed in the blue hospital gown and skipped to the table. She gave thanks for the little girl’s timing, since her mother stopped speaking. “P-r-e-g-n-a-n-t.” Sydney, apparently not finished with their conversation, felt the need to spell the word around her oh-so-curious young daughter.

  Not willing to give the rumor mill any more fodder, she lied. “I wasn’t feeling so well last night. I’m still feeling some of the effects of the medication I took.”

  Sydney’s brow cocked and her gaze went knowingly to her belly making it clear she didn’t believe a damn word she had just said. Damn it.

  “It was a headache. I always get them close to my period.”

  “What’s a period?” Gabby asked as she situated herself on the table. Her hands tucked under her thighs as her little legs pumped up and down on the edge of the table.

  “Something women have to get to have babies.” She let go of the breath she was holding when Gabby nodded taking her mother’s simple, matter-of-fact explanation.

  More than willing to change the subject from periods and babies, she got the little girl’s attention. “Just so you know, Gabby, we have to draw blood today.”

  “Okay. Why, though?” the little girl inquired.

  “I need to compare the results from this draw to the first draw of blood we took when you arrived here. It will allow me to verify your treatment is working,” she answered the precocious little girl who had quickly captured not only her heart, but those who worked at the base.

  She gathered her supplies then quickly and efficiently withdrew two vials of blood. “I’ll have the results in the next twenty-four hours,” she informed Sydney, who moved the baby from one breast to another.

  “Almost done, Gabby. You’re doing great,” she said. She listened to her heart and lungs before she took her temperature. All were within range for a girl her age.

  “Doctor Rae, can I have two lollies?” Gabby’s tone had been innocent and sweet. Looking at the little girl, you would have no idea just a week ago she’d been on death’s door.

  “You have to talk to your momma about it. For now, let’s get you down and get you back into your clothes.” Placing her hands around the little girl, she removed her from the table and put her on the floor. Gabby scampered off, leaving the door open a crack as she changed.

  “I’m not going to say anything, Rae,” Sydney announced as she righted her bra and top.

  “I’m not pregnant,” she assured the other woman as she tagged and bagged the blood samples.

  The door opened and Asher stepped in.

  “Sydney,” he acknowledged the woman sitting in the chair. “Where is Gabby?”

  “Changing,” her mother replied, standing up and handing Rhett to Asher. “Hold him. I need to get this stupid contraption back on.”

  Her gaze flickered to Asher, who cuddled the newborn high on his shoulder, expertly. One large hand cupped his rump and the other held his head securely.

  Why was he even here? Wasn’t he supposed to be elbows deep in research?

  “Hanover told me you were looking for me,” Asher announced as if reading her mind. It was something he did often. Freaked her the hell out.

  “He told me how to reach you. I was going to contact you when I was done here,” she informed him.

  “Asher!” Gabby bounded out of the bathroom, running to Asher as quickly as her little legs could take her. She frowned up at him when she realized his arms were full. “Guess what?”

  “What?” He smiled down at the little girl.

  “I’m getting two lollies.” Gabby held up two fingers to hammer home her score.

  “I’m jealous,” he chuckled.

  “Doc Rae will give you two if you let her check you out, too.”

  Oh, hell. Sydney laughed. Out of the mouths of babes.

  “I’ll take Rhett back now, Asher.” He handed her the baby and she slipped him into the carrier. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” His gaze swung back to hers and he gave her a heavy-lidded look. “What do you say, Doc? Can you check me out so I can get two lollipops?”

  Reaching into her lab coat, she pulled out two pops for Gabby. The little girl squealed in delight and ran toward her to collect her boon.

  “And two for you.” She held out the lollipops to Asher.

  “Maybe we can find some creative way to use them later,” he said it in a toneless whisper that had her shivering in need. Warmth flushed her chest and cheeks at the sexual aspect of his comment.

  “You okay, Doc?” Sydney queried, her gaze flicking back and forth between Asher and herself.

  “Fine.” She ducked her head, ignoring the other woman’s gaze.

  After saying their goodbyes, Gabby, Sydney, and Rhett left the office with the agreement to come back if Rhett continued to fuss. As the door closed behind them, silence settled over the space, and she and Asher were alone.

  “What did you need?” He pocketed the lollies he had taken from her.

  I need you to take me back to bed and fuck me silly. “I want to do more. I want to contribute to the mission. I know how to research. Doctors know how. I realize I don’t have clearance. Maybe you can give it to me?” She was babbling and couldn’t seem to stop herself as she continued. “Gabby is well on the road to recovery and neither Rhett or Sydney require twenty-four-hour care
. Let me help.”

  “Rae, I don’t—” His tone told her he wasn’t going to concede and it pissed her off.

  “Don’t say no, Asher. Please. I want to help. Wait.” She shook her head. “I need to help. This affects me, too. I was there, a part of it. I can help in some capacity.”

  “Rae, I’m not—”

  “Oh, my gosh,” she interrupted him again. “I almost forgot. The tooth I pulled from Tinsman had a batch number on the screws.” She moved to the countertop where she performed most of her research. Papers scattered everywhere as she looked for the report she wrote the other night. “Here it is.”

  He moved beside her, taking the report from her hand.

  “Explain, please.”

  “Sure. When they removed the molars, they had to use a screw to anchor the fake tooth. More often than not, teeth are one of the primary ways to identify bodies. Murderers can be crafty and pull all their victim’s teeth. Because of this, manufactures of implants started etching batch numbers on the screws. With this information, I can track down which doctor or practice did it,” she told him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Do it. The sooner we have answers, the better off we’ll be.” He paced the confines of the office, knowing it would piss Rae off, but he had to keep active. They needed one piece of evidence connecting Lincoln to the Barclay mission. Just saying he was there, or he ordered it, wasn’t enough.


  He paused and glanced at Rae.

  “Stop. I can only do this as fast as the computer can work.”

  Right. He had to wait. He hated waiting. It made him impatient. “Sorry.”

  “It’s a big deal. I get it.” She magnified the picture of the screw. 08B57PJK1. She flipped to a blank screen then typed in a dental website specifically made for these types of implants. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this with a regular connection. Thanks.”


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