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Kink Page 8

by N. M. Catalano

  The air surrounding them has become charged, there are unseen sparks shooting between John, Elsie, and Brian. There’s a shift in the looks on John’s and Brian’s face. No one says anything for a moment as the atmosphere changes, John, Brian, and Elsie have become locked on each other.

  “Marco, I forgot to ask Janie something, let’s catch her before they start. See you later guys,” Elizabeth says as she pulls Marco away, noticing something was happening there that they were not a part of.

  “What?” she asks John and Brian, her eyes moving from face to face.

  “You have some cream, Angel, right here…,” John’s voice had become rougher and deeper.

  His finger slowly moves to touch the whipped cream on the corner of Elsie’s mouth. Her lips part slightly as his finger moves gently across her lower lip.

  “…and here…,” Brian’s voice whispers huskily.

  Brian’s lips part, as his finger moves to the tip of her nose to touch the white cream waiting there.

  Elsie’s eyes move to look at Brian and his eyes are glued to her mouth, watching John’s finger caress her lip.

  “Give us the tip of your tongue, Angel,” John quietly rumbles.

  The pink tip of Elsie’s tongue peeks out between her white teeth.

  “Lick the cream off our fingers, Angel, taste how good it is…” John quietly commands.

  Elsie’s mind is imagining her tongue flicking the tips of their cocks and the strokes of their fingers over her hard nipples and through her wetness. Her breasts are aching to be touched, and her walls are pulsing as wetness oozes from within her.

  Both men’s fingers touch the tip of her tongue and it moves to stroke both of them, curling and swirling, licking and tasting, as it glides over the rough texture of their fingers, wanting so much more. Brian lets out a soft curse as he clenches his teeth and a low growl can be heard rumbling in John’s throat as they both fight for self-control. Elsie’s eyes flutter, and her head dips back just a fraction, as a soft moan escapes from deep within her. They are lost in this moment, reveling in the feelings of this simple act, which promises so much, so much erotic pleasure, so much passion, so much to be discovered.

  “We are going to bring you such pleasure, Angel, more than you could ever imagine,” John says quietly, his look searing into her.

  “We are going to make your body scream with desire, again and again, until it shatters in complete satisfaction, Elsie. We are going to worship you,” Brian’s voice caresses her.

  “Oh, God…,” Elsie moans. She is lost in their seduction, their promises intoxicating her. And there’s no turning back, they have unlocked her desires and have already entered into the deepest part of her.

  “Shhh, Angel, you’ll stay with me today. I’ll take care of you, then tonight, you’re ours,” John says with a look of hunger and dark promises.

  Brian’s face comes closer to Elsie’s ear and he whispers, “We are going to take care of you, Elsie. We are going to adore and devour you, but most of all we’re going to make you come alive, you sweet thing,” his voice soothing and exciting her at the same time.

  The passionate moment is broken by the emcee’s voice coming over the portable speakers, “Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for coming out today and supporting the Christmas Angel project, coordinated by Azalea Pediatrics, let’s have a round of applause to show our appreciation.”

  The crowd bursts into a loud reverberating applause.

  Elsie’s body is humming from the vibrations all around her. The intense arousal coursing through her is causing her to tingle from head to toe, especially in her lady parts. She closes her eyes and takes a couple of deep breaths to ground herself.

  John bends close to Elsie’s ear to ask, “Did you walk here, Angel?” over the excited man’s voice.

  “Yes,” is the only response she can give him, not really knowing where he’s going with his questions, but she has a pretty good idea.

  “Good, Darlin’, you’re leaving with me, and you’ll be staying with me today,” he pauses to look into her face and read her expression, but also to give her an opportunity to give him a good reason why she can’t.

  Elsie hesitantly looks into John’s face, her eyes wide with uncertainty as they scan his, looking for something. What she finds in them is comfort, desire, and sincerity. She pushes aside all of her fears and insecurities. Grabbing that single moment of courage that glows brightly, she replies, “Ok.”

  John and Brian both beam at her, genuine happiness showing all over their faces. They’re both very proud of her. Although she hasn’t told them with words that she’s just won a battle with her demons, everything in her, her words, her body movements, that cocky lift of her chin, everything screams it loud and clear.

  The men move to either side of her, each of them placing a hand on her back, one on her upper back, the other on the lower curve. She feels safe, nestled between these two warriors, each one completely different from the other. Each has dents and dings in their armor but they shine with strength and power. And for the first time in a very long time, Elsie feels right.

  John’s eyes scan the crowd again, just as he’s programmed to do. What most people would miss, he sees. This talent has saved his life, and many others, too many times to count. And right now his senses are pulling his attention towards the new guy from the gym. Everything on the surface says that he’s a stand-up guy, clean-cut, but he’s probably got a past. There’s something about him that sends a very loud warning to John not to trust him. His hand, resting on Elsie’s back, clenches into a fist. She can’t help but feel it and it causes her to jump, moving away from both of them.

  “I’m sorry, Angel, I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought I saw something,” John gently tugs Elsie back.

  “What are you going to see on Water Street at 9:00 in the morning, Mountain Man?” Elsie tries to joke, but she’s all too aware of John’s abilities. She’s seen him with opponents in the ring, and he can read them perfectly, his intuitions are sharp.

  “You’re right, Angel,” John smiles down at her, keeping his expression soft.

  Brian knows his friend well, too, and he looks to him over Elsie’s head for information. John directs him with only a subtle glance. They’ve done this a million times, their actions were perfected years ago, in the desert villages of the Middle East. Brian’s gaze falls on the man John’s indicated and his jaw instantly clenches, his instincts giving him the same signals.

  Something’s not right.

  CHAPTER 6 “It’s what you do, it’s what you see. I know if I’m haunting you, you must be haunting me. It’s where we go, it’s where we’ll be. I know if I’m onto you, I’m onto, you must be onto me…,” Lyrics “Haunted” by Beyonce’

  The runners are gone and the crowd is beginning to thin out. They’ll make their loop and come back around here, as this is also their final destination. It’s a five kilometer, or three mile run, and although these are very well-trained athletes, it’s going to be a anywhere between fifteen minutes to an hour until they all return back.

  There’s a DJ playing on the portable stage. A mix of Christmas music, top 40, and some beach music fill the chilly air. The DJ’s well prepared to cater to everyone in the diverse crowd this morning.

  Elsie is so proud of her friend, Janie had only began running a couple of years ago, but once she started, nothing stopped her. Now she runs in these marathons, and races, regularly. While she might not finish in the top ten, she always finishes and she gives it more than a 110%.

  “I have to go home and get a change of clothes, Mountain Man, if you’re kidnapping me today. And I’ll need a shower before the party. So, if you can’t make those things happen, then forget it,” Elsie tells him with a hand on her hip and one foot tapping on the ground.

  “Angel Girl, whatever you want is yours, if it’s in my power, and those are such simple things to ask for. What I can’t wait to hear, is what you’ll be begging for,” he says, smiling mischievously at

  John knows that Elsie is putting on her tough girl façade, it’s her coping mechanism and helps her feel empowered in situations where she feels intimidated. He’ll keep melting that front until she finally realizes she doesn’t need it with him anymore. And when she’s naked in his and Brian’s arms he’s going to enjoy taking her exactly where he wants her…to ecstasy. His dick grows hard just thinking about it.

  Hang in there, boy, John tells his cock, soon, just a few more hours and she’s yours.

  “You boys are pretty sure of yourselves, aren’t you?” Elsie asks, trying to sound cocky and self-assured. It might have worked if her voice didn’t quiver and raise an octave on that last word.

  His smile gets a little bit bigger.

  “No, Angel, we’re not sure of ourselves, you are,” he answers her quietly, his look so intent it touches her in her most intimate places.

  Elsie’s face turns a flaming, bright, crimson as the heat rushes through her body, from the arousal instantly ignited within her. It flicks at her nipples and tickles her sex, making her walls clench in heated anticipation.

  John chuckles wickedly at Elsie’s reaction and quickly takes her arm, leading her away from the crowd before she can argue with him.

  “Come on, Baby Girl, let’s go get your things now, then I can get you to my house as soon as possible, we’ve got some other stops to make before home,” he says turning to look for Brian in the remaining crowd of people.

  “Where at?” Elsie asks. Her nerves are starting to dance in her stomach.

  “Got to get some last minute things for this afternoon. Let’s go tell Brian we’re leaving,” John says, scanning the clusters of people milling around.

  They find Brian talking to the group of guys wearing the Evolutions Gym sweatshirts. When he sees John approaching, he walks towards them to put a few feet between them and the additional ears.

  “You heading out?” Brian asks.

  “Yeah, Elsie’s riding with me, but we’re stopping at her place first so she can pick up a change of clothes. You’re gonna come by early, right Bro?” John asks Brian.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in a few hours and we’ll get everything finished outside, I’m bringing my ladder,” Brian answered. Then his attention moves to Elsie, “I’m glad the three of us are going to be able to spend some time together, hanging out, before everyone else gets there, Baby Girl. We’ll have fun.” There are so many unspoken promises in his words and it makes Elsie stomach do a somersault.

  The sincerity in Brian’s voice and face disarms Elsie. All of the defense mechanisms she had finely honed over the years are of no help to her, with these two men. Nothing has prepared her for their genuineness….or the beasts that lurk, waiting to come out and play.

  “Yeah, me too,” Elsie mumbles a little shyly, she’s completely unfamiliar with men acting like this towards her. This is such foreign territory for her, she doesn’t know how to react.

  I should be running in the opposite direction, Elsie thinks to herself, but John has been completely attentive to me. If I let myself believe it, I would think he really wants me…for me. And Brian seems so real, so nice, so…open. And I feel good when I’m with them, they make me feel appreciated. I’m going with them, even if it’s just for tonight. And I’ll let them take me, make me feel like a woman who’s wanted and desired…for once.


  John’s house is located in an upscale, secluded section of Scotts Hill. It’s at the end of a quiet cu-de-sac right on a canal. The large, grey, two-story house with white trim and a white picket fence across the front yard, has a wraparound, screened-in front porch complete with a swing and white rocking chairs, as well as fans for those very warm, humid, days. As they pull up, a feeling of calm and serenity washes over Elsie just from looking at the house. Her mind has visions of lazy days spent sipping iced tea with lemon as sweat drips down the sides of the glasses, rocking leisurely in the chairs with only the sounds of cicada’s, crickets, and frogs filling the air. The outside is already decorated with Christmas lights, pine garland, a huge wreath on the front door, and a ‘candle’ burning in all the windows.

  This is a house for a family, Elsie thinks to herself, and she’s suddenly filled with shock and dread. She’d never thought to ask him if he was, or even worse is, married.

  John must have felt her immediate discomfort, maybe he sensed the sudden shift in her body with her sitting next to him in his monster truck.

  “What is it, Elsie?” he asks, his strong voice breaking the quietness of the cab.

  “Nothing,” Elsie tries to say, but it comes out sounding more like a grunt.

  Get a grip El, just relax and ask him. There is nothing concrete here, just some people hanging out, she makes an attempt at a pep talk.

  “Come on, Elsie, don’t shut me out. We have to be open and honest with each other,” John encourages her, slowing the truck as he pulls into the three-car garage. He turns to her once they’re inside and the door is closed behind them. He takes her hand in his large calloused one, “I want you to trust me, and Brian as well. You need to trust us, for this to be perfect. Understand, Angel?” his voice is low and soothing.

  She studies his face and everything in her yearns to believe his words, desperately wants and needs to believe them. She has never trusted anyone so much before. Completely letting her guard down to let someone in was a huge step.

  “Are you married?” she finally asks, her voice hesitant.

  “What?” the surprise is obvious in his expression and his voice.

  She looks at him, waiting, and the longer he sits there the more annoyed she gets. Each second he stares at her with his eyes wide, makes her feel even more stupid for asking.

  “Fine,” she finally snaps as she turns to let herself out of the truck.

  “Hold on a second, Angel, whoa. No, I’m not married, and I’ve never been married. Whatever gave you that idea?” John asks her snapping out of his surprised stupor.

  “The house,” she says waving her hand through the air with an expression that’s says, isn’t it obvious.

  “Ok, I get it, you’re wondering why I need such a big place…,” he nods his head realizing what she meant, and why she might think he was married. “Come on, let’s go inside and bring in the stuff, and I’ll tell you about why I live here,” he says, looking back at her, giving her hand a little squeeze.

  As they’re taking the last minute groceries out of the truck, he starts to tell Elsie a little bit about himself, only sharing the safe things that won’t open the doors to his demons.

  “Brian and I were in the Marines together, that’s how we met. We served several tours together. Here, Angel, let me get that bag, it’s heavy,” John stops to take the bag with the sodas from Elsie, then he hands her the keys, “Get the door, Sugar.”

  Elsie takes the keys from him and goes to unlock the house door. When they enter, she hears the beeping of the security system. John drops the bags on the counter and moves to the keypad on the wall where he enters the numbers to disarm it. He turns back to her and smiles when his eyes land on her, he is genuinely happy to have her in his house. Her being here feels really good to him.

  “We started out in boot camp together, walked side by side through the streets of those shitty desert villages. We became invaluable to each other’s survival, along with everyone else in our group. It was like one of us would start a thought, and the other would finish it,” he says, smiling to himself and shaking his head at the memories, almost in disbelief.

  Moving to the counter to unpack the groceries and supplies from the bags, John continues, “After we got out, I didn’t have anyone back home so I came out here and I loved the peacefulness of it,” he looks up at Elsie’s face and shrugs his shoulders, “so I stayed.”

  Elsie is moved by his story, by the things he didn’t put into words but were so clear in that tiny excerpt of his life. He bought this house because he needed a home he never had. And he needed the peace to
blot out the still ricocheting bullets and bombs in his head.

  In that moment, Elsie realizes they are the same, two lost and damaged souls without a home, finally finding a place of their own.

  He’s not perfect…he’s better.

  John knows, he feels, that Elsie has seen a glimpse of his battles and scars, and her face glows with acceptance and understanding….and warm affection. Inside, he feels a piece of the heavy chains, which bind him to his past, falling off and bringing him one tiny step closer to freedom.

  Turning her attention back to the sacks of food, vegetables, and drinks, Elsie notices the stirrings of anxiety beginning to rumble and churn within her. She feels her body tensing as sweat begins to cover her palms, forehead and upper lip. Her tongue flicks out to swipe it away as the back of her hand moves to her forehead to do the same thing. A heavy breath leaves her and she reaches down to wipe her hands against the front of her jeans.

  “Here Angel,” John is saying as he comes up behind her.

  Elsie stands facing the kitchen counter, taking the vegetables out of the plastic shopping bags one by one and placing them on the granite surface in front of her. John’s arms slide under hers as he lowers his face so they’re cheek to cheek. The beginnings of his 5:00 shadow scratch her cheek and it makes her smile. The warmth from his body soothes her, and his strength comforts her, stilling her nervous tremors.

  “Would you help me get these vegetables ready?” he asks, while opening the box of cherry tomatoes and taking one out.

  “Sure,” relief at the thought of having something to do calms Elsie’s mind. Arousal begins to heat her, slinking its way through her body at John’s closeness. And uncertainty causes a battle between the two.

  “Baby Girl, open your mouth,” he tells Elsie, his voice becoming deeper, as he’s holding the bright red tomato to her lips.

  She parts her lips, and her tongue pokes out just past her teeth, reaching for the juicy offering he’s giving her. John slowly places the round orb into her mouth. Elsie bites down on it, and juice oozes from the corner of her mouth. John’s tongue snakes out and licks the trickle of red liquid from her pale skin. With his mouth still on hers, she chews again. John nibbles on her lips.


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