My Whole World

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My Whole World Page 2

by Davidson King

  “You got it bad, sugar.” I turned around at the voice. I’d seen the guy around sometimes, but he never talked to me. He had hot-pink hair, stunning makeup, and was dressed in some sort of glittery jumpsuit.

  “Um…what do you mean?” I shrugged and set my half-empty drink down.

  Hot-pink man lifted his chin, gesturing to where Atlas stood. “I don’t have time for pretending you don’t know who I’m talking about. You got it bad for Atlas.”

  Rolling my eyes, I didn’t deny it. “Yeah, me and like a hundred other people.”

  He chuckled. “Try more like thousands.” He stared at Atlas as if he were a science experiment, and I was intrigued by what would come out of those bright-purple lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with anyone longer than a night.”

  “Have you two, um?”

  He laughed, transforming his entire face from sharp glamour to stunning joy. “Oh, hell no. Atlas is a hell of a guy, but I don’t need that love ’em and leave ’em sort of thing.” He held out his hand. “Everyone calls me Sparkles, who are you?”

  “Oh. Toby.” Shaking his hand I noticed his nails were red glitter and…wow, he was a show in himself. “I love everything about your outfit.”

  Sparkles smiled. “Thanks, sugar. I’m a work of art, what can I say?”

  “You can say you’ll let me drive you home tonight.” Sparkles and I both turned toward the deep voice. Max stood there with a hungry gaze aimed at Sparkles.

  “Aww, aren’t you sweet. But if I wanted herpes, I’d just head on over to Vick’s.”

  Sparkles’s reaction only made Max huff, but I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

  “I don’t have herpes. Come and…come on.” Max gestured to his cock.

  “And they say romance is dead,” Sparkles said and looked at me. “Don’t sleep with that ever. You’ll likely die of something long and hard to pronounce.” With that, Sparkles took the drink Max gave him and sauntered off.

  I finished my drink, ordered another margarita, and got lost in whatever Atlas was saying to his admirers. A guy could dream.

  Chapter Three


  “What are you doing tonight?” I tried to remember all the regulars at Joker’s Sin, but there was no way to get everyone straight. I didn’t recognize the one currently offering himself to me, however.


  He chuckled and slid his hand over my silk shirt. “Let me rephrase.” The guy stood on his tiptoes, and I played along by leaning down to help him out. “Who are you doing later?” he whispered.

  “What’s your name?” Placing my hand over the one he had pressed against my chest, I made sure to give him my full attention. It took balls to put yourself out there and tell someone you were interested in them. I wasn’t about to make him feel less than the brave man he was.


  “You’re very sexy, Lance.” And he was. He had on super tight jeans, a sheer white shirt, and he did his hair and makeup in a way that screamed he gave a shit. “I gotta work till close, though. I’m short a guy, but…” I said when I saw his lips dip. “Gimme your number. I’ll call you when I’m done for the night, and if someone else hasn’t snatched you up, I’ll gladly take you up on that offer.”

  Lance was fast. He pulled his phone from the back of his too-tight pants and handed it to me. I wasn’t an idiot. I never gave my number to one-night stands. I’d take his digits and call from my office when I was done. I learned that the hard way.

  “Gimme your digits.” I handed him his phone and took my own out. I knew he likely wanted to have my number, but he didn’t argue. After I had it, I excused myself to check out the rest of the floor.

  Ledger—DJ Edge to everyone here—had just started another song, and when I walked up the stairs and signaled to him that I was going to get ready, he knew he had to prepare. I quickly went into my office and got into my stage wear.

  “Good evening, one and all!” I loved the roar of the crowd as they focused on me, at center stage. All the dancers had moved to the floor, and it was just me and Ledger. “This crowd has been amazing, haven’t they, DJ Edge?”

  “Oh, hell yeah, Atlas. The best,” he said into the mic attached to his headphones.

  “They deserve a reward for being so great.” I eyed the crowd that was cheering and shouting how much they agreed with me.

  “All of them?” Ledger asked. “You should make it fun.”

  This was part of the act, and Ledger had it down pat. “Oh, you have an idea?” With my microphone in hand, I moved closer to him. “Tell me.”

  He hummed, and I knew the echo of his voice was sending shivers through everyone. Ledger was a sexy fucking man and rivaled me in getting attention from the patrons. “I say we pick five people to come up here and dance. The winner gets…” I loved how he paused for dramatic effect and how everyone was eating it up. “…dinner with you.”

  Oh, how the crowd was loving this. We often did things like this: rewarded them with dinner, a lap dance, or something more with either myself or Ledger, and on occasion, gifts. We hadn’t had many bad experiences, and we made sure security was close by.

  “Dinner you say, hmm. Wonder where we’ll go.”

  Ledger chuckled, “They get to choose.” Even more roars from the crowd now.

  “To make it fair though, neither one of us should pick the dancers, wouldn’t you say?” Now I was walking closer to where Max was working below. “Max, pick someone you want up here dancing.”

  He turned, narrowing his eyes at me, hating when I made him part of my show. “Pain in my—” he started to say but stopped when one of the other bartenders shoved a mic in front of him. “I choose Sparkles.” Of course he did. He’d wanted to bang that glittering beauty forever and likely thought getting him up here would give him brownie points.

  “Okay, Sparkles, where you at?” It didn’t take long to spot him. He sat on a barstool, bright-green drink in hand, looking like a rainbow. He was glaring at Max something fierce, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Like a good sport, Sparkles hopped off the stool and made his way over to the stairs.

  “Heya, Sparkles.” I winked and handed him the microphone.

  “Well, good evening to you, Atlas.” His smile was sinful. “I assume you want me to pick the next dancer?”

  “That would be fabulous,” I spoke into the mic that was in Sparkles’s hand.

  “Very well.” He walked all along the stage. So many people shouting his name, begging for a chance. He winked, blew kisses, really worked the crowd. He stopped, smiled at me over his shoulder and said, “Toby.”

  I knew the name, as it wasn’t incredibly common. When Sparkles pointed, I followed his finger to a terrified-looking guy. Wavy brown hair with purple highlights, full pink lips, and a “deer in the headlights” expression. No question, he was someone I’d love to spend time getting up close and very personal with.

  Walking over to Ledger, I gestured for another mic, and he tossed it into my hand. “You sure, Sparkles? He looks like he doesn’t want to be up here.”

  Toby hadn’t moved at all, even with Max telling him to join us. I didn’t want him participating if he’d rather not. Oddly, I felt a pang in my chest to get the spotlight off him and make him not look so terrified.

  “Oh, trust me, he’s just wondering how he got so lucky.” Sparkles chuckled. “Come on, Toby, get your cute butt up here and show me how you shake it.”

  So slowly, slower than I’d ever seen anyone get up on this stage when summoned, Toby made his way over. I watched, intrigued by the shy, adorable guy. I’d heard Max and Ciro mention him, but I’d never had the chance to meet him. Like I said, I always try to remember the regulars. And watching this trembling cutie move closer to the stage did something to me. I’d certainly remember meeting him.

  What felt like a year later, Toby stood beside me. He had to crane his head to look me in the eyes, but I found I liked how he stared at me. Twinkling brown eyes, a light shimmer of
eyeshadow, and liner decorated his gaze. Stunning.

  “Hey there, Toby,” I said and brought the mic to his mouth.

  “Holy shit,” he practically shouted, making the whole place laugh.

  “Wow, you got some fire in that body, don’t you?” I shared a look with Sparkles that said he was likely out of his depth. “Well, Toby, I’m Atlas.”

  “Um, yeah, I know…I…you’re great.” Toby rolled his eyes, and I felt his embarrassment. That wasn’t my intention, so I chose to move on.

  “How about you pick the next person? If you don’t know their name, simply point, sweetheart.” I winked and Toby’s Adam’s apple bobbed, his lids fluttered, and yeah, he was enamored. It was sweet. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by the shy beauty standing before me too.

  Sparkles came over and handed Toby his mic and stood beside me. After Toby took it and started walking the stage, stiff as a robot, Sparkles covered my mic with his hand.

  “That guy comes here once a week, only has eyes for you. And not in a creepy ‘I want to wear your skin’ way. Trust me, he’s living a fantasy right now.”

  Nodding, hoping Sparkles was telling the truth, I continued to watch Toby.

  “How about that person?” Toby pointed, and I saw he was referring to Lance, because of course, that was my luck. I was okay with that, though. Even if Sparkles was hoping I’d let Toby win, I was totally up for feeling Lance all over too. But as I saw Lance’s beaming smile and Toby’s hesitant one, I couldn’t help wishing I’d met Toby earlier in the night instead of Lance.

  “Ahh, Lance.” I gestured him onto the stage, and he practically ran.

  “Looks like I get more time with you sooner than we planned, huh?” Lance said into the mic, and for some reason I turned to see if Toby had heard, but it was into the microphone, so of course he had. And damned if his frown wasn’t equally as adorable as the rest of him.

  When we had all five dancers on the stage, I began explaining the rules. “Okay, boys. There are rules.” All but Toby groaned. He appeared to really be afraid. “DJ Edge will start the music; you dance the best you can. There’ll be a chair.” One of my security walked up at that moment with one and placed it in the center. “There will also be streamers.” I moved over to Max, who held up two pairs of dancer’s streamers, I took them and put them on the chair. “We also have a dancing cage.” I pointed to the ceiling, where a cage slowly dropped. “And two, yes two, poles.” I took a step back as two dancing poles rose from the floor. “After each song, one of you will be eliminated. When the last one is standing, you’ll be deemed the winner.”

  Sparkles smirked, Lance was clapping, and the other two seemed excited enough, but I was worried about Toby, who was already sweating.

  “Okay, let’s begin, shall we?” I gave Ledger the cue, and he started the first song.

  Chapter Four


  I couldn’t do this. I mean, I wanted Atlas to finally notice me, but not like this. There was a reason I only sat at the bar when I came here. I. Couldn’t. Dance. Not like the music intended, anyway.

  “Shake it, sister,” Sparkles said to me as he took my hand and tried his hardest to get me to move.

  “I can’t dance.”

  Sparkles’s eyes widened. “But…” He looked around; everyone was watching Sparkles and me not dancing. “That’s what you do here.”

  “Move it, boys,” DJ Edge’s voice rang out. I saw Lance and the others dancing like their lives depended on it. One took to the pole and another to the cage.

  “Leave me, save yourself,” I urged Sparkles.

  “I never leave a man behind.” He winked and I watched as he grabbed the chair Lance was about to sit on and dragged it over to me. “Sit.”

  I did as I was told because I was terrified and everyone was watching, even Atlas. He crouched down over by Max, and they were talking.

  “Let’s do this, tin man. I’ll get you oiled up.” And Sparkles straddled my lap. “Grab my ass.” I did exactly as I was told; I sat there while Sparkles danced on my lap. He was like liquid as he slid to the floor, climbed up, and wow, he was really rubbing himself on me. “Touch me,” he said. When I glided my hands along his waist, over sequins and rhinestones, I felt so alive. The crowd was cheering, and Atlas only had eyes for us.

  Through the corner of my eye, I saw one of the other dancers move over toward him, twirling streamers and doing their hardest to get his attention. But he was transfixed, and it made me feel bold. Sparkles stood for the briefest of moments, and I followed. When I gripped his hand and spun him, he gasped. I wasn’t the bump-and-grind kind of man, but I remembered how my dad would dance with my mom in the kitchen.

  “Are you slow dancing with me?” Sparkles smiled.

  “Add some flair and just…yeah, it’s all I know.”

  With a wink, he slid an arm around my waist, and we spun all around the stage, in our own wonderful world. He laughed when I dipped him, and I couldn’t hold back my joy. I was having so much fun, I almost didn’t realize the music stopped.

  “Well, well, that was a twist I didn’t see coming.” Atlas’s laughter boomed through the entire club. “You two, get over here.” Sparkles took my hand, and we moved to where Atlas and the other three dancers were. None of them, besides Atlas, appeared too happy with us.

  “Where’d you learn to dance like that?” Atlas asked me.

  “Oh, um…my folks. My dad loved dancing with my mom in the kitchen…” I heard Lance snicker and saw the other two roll their eyes.

  “You did all that by just remembering how your pops and your mama danced?” When Atlas smiled, it drowned out all the negativity coming from the others.


  There was a brief silence before the crowd started whistling and hooting.

  “Okay, then.” He turned to the other dancers. “You.” He pointed to one, I couldn’t remember their name. “Thanks for the dance with the streamers, but you didn’t make the cut. Max, give the man a free drink.”

  The man’s bright smile faltered and, shoulders slumped, he walked off the stage. “And then there were four,” DJ Edge said.

  “Indeed. Let’s slow things down this time. Sparkles and Toby, do that again. Lance and Chad, you two partner up. Dazzle me with some slow dancing. Best couple remains, and I’ll choose from the two of you.” Atlas waggled his brows and pointed to the DJ. “Make it happen.”

  “You got it.” DJ Edge did his thing, and a slow song began to play.

  Sparkles once again wrapped his arm around my waist. “Show a girl a good time, would ya?” He smirked, and I would do exactly that. I wasn’t sexually attracted to Sparkles, though he was gorgeous, but he made me feel relaxed, like myself.

  Once again, I tuned out everything but Sparkles and the music, like we were in a cloud of melody and laughter. We danced until the sounds of the crowd burst through, and the song came to an end.

  “Damn!” Atlas shouted into the mic. “You two are on fire.” He was speaking to us, much to the chagrin of Lance and Chad. “You two are absolutely still in it.” He turned to the other two. “Great try, guys. Max, drinks for these two, please.” Chad shrugged and walked off, but Lance looked livid. Atlas lifted his brows and stared him down until he stormed off the stage.

  “That was amazing, but how do we judge who out of the two of you is the winner?” He tapped his chin and looked out into the sea of people. “What do you think?” He gestured to someone sitting on a stool.

  “Dance with each. Best one wins.” The guy seemed very pleased, and I could tell by the grin on Atlas’s face, he liked that too.

  “Perfect. Who’s first?”

  “I’ll go,” Sparkles said, not giving me a chance but at the same time giving me the moment I needed to calm my shaking nerves.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Atlas tossed his mic to Max, and DJ Edge began to play something, I wasn’t sure what it was, because all I could do was watch as Sparkles and Atlas danced in
perfect symmetry. I didn’t think I could compete with that. They laughed like lifelong friends. And when the song ended, Sparkles whispered something into Atlas’s ear that made the big guy chuckle.

  “Thank you for the dance,” Atlas said once he got the mic from Max. “Now, Toby, your turn.”

  I realized Atlas was going to be leading, and I took a deep breath and stepped into him. DJ Edge started the music, and I knew this one. “Fire on Fire” by Sam Smith.

  My hand slipped into his, and he placed one of his on my back and crushed me to him. It felt more like flying and a lot less like dancing. He pulled me up, to the point I swear my feet weren’t touching ground. The feel of his breath on my neck told me that was exactly what was happening. We weren’t dancing together at all; Atlas was taking me on a ride, and I never wanted to get off.

  It all felt like a dream, and if I didn’t win this contest, if I was never in Atlas’s orbit ever again, I’d cling to this moment. When my lungs felt like they were seizing from the stresses of life, I’d remember his scent. When the world was falling all around me, the way he felt pressed against my body would be my happy place. In times of darkness, this moment would save my life.

  The song ended and I slowly crept back to earth and wanted to weep when he stepped away. Our eyes met, and I wondered if he felt that dance like I did. Would it save his life too?

  “You’re one hell of a dance partner, Toby.” He whispered into the mic, almost like he was in awe of me, but that couldn’t be right.

  “Thanks, you’re um…not too shabby yourself,” I said and the mic picked up on it and the room laughed.

  “I know when I’ve been beat.” Sparkles winked and sauntered off the stage.

  Wait. What?

  “Congratulations, Toby. Looks like you and I are going on a date.” Atlas gently touched my cheek and I stood there, frozen.

  No fucking way. I was going on a date with The Atlas Durand?


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