My Whole World

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My Whole World Page 9

by Davidson King

  “I do see you, Toby. You mesmerize me.”

  Toby stepped away, quickly rebuttoning his pants and adjusting his T-shirt. I thought he was going to leave, but I followed him as he walked around the stage to the stairs. “Will you dance with me before we go, Atlas?”

  There wasn’t a force on Earth that would make me deny him that. I went up the stairs right behind him, and as he stepped onto the stage, I took his hand.

  “There’s no music,” I said.

  He shrugged. “I sometimes think you’re the music. Hold me, move, and we’ll find our rhythm.”

  Center stage, in a very vacant Joker’s Sin, I gently pressed Toby to my body, and we danced.

  Chapter Twenty


  Tendrils of happiness, contentment, and desire corded all around me as Atlas danced with me on that empty stage. Unfortunately, there was also guilt. No matter how I swung it, I had been lying to Atlas and as amazing as this bubble I was in was, the second he found out it would burst, and this would be no more.

  “Toby,” Atlas whispered against my ear. “I don’t know what this is I’m feeling, and I can’t promise you it’ll be anything more than this here. But, I want so much to kiss you right now. Honestly…” he chuckled. “If you weren’t hurting, I’d likely seduce you and not let you go until morning.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” I joked even though my insides were thrumming with excitement. “You don’t think I can take a little seducing?” I wanted to tell Atlas I wanted more than a kiss, that I’d dreamed about having a man like him want me and keep me forever. But at the end of the day, I was a liar and if a kiss or one night was all I could get, I’d take it.

  “Here’s how this is gonna go down, you little minx.” His hands gently caressed me, lowered to my ass, and scooped me up carefully. I yelped but immediately wrapped my arms and legs around him. He was so gentle as to not hurt me.

  “I’m gonna go right ahead and kiss you breathless for a while, then take you home. You’re gonna heal, Toby, because Friday night, after the bachelor party, after everyone is gone, I’m gonna get wicked with you.”

  Holy shit. “Damn. I’m all for that plan.”

  Staring into Atlas’s lust-filled eyes, I had no idea where he was taking us. I felt the jolt in his steps, so I knew we were walking down the stairs. When we evened out, I pressed my lips to his neck, feeling the hum he released as I tenderly kissed his pulse point.

  “Damn,” he said, and in a second, my ass was on a cushion. Leaning away, I realized I was on a barstool. “I was gonna go to my office and kiss you a fuckton on my couch, but I’d never stop.”

  “I keep hearing a lot about this kissing, Atlas. Maybe stop with the talking and—” Oof. In an instant, Atlas’s arms wrapped around me, and his soft lips pressed against mine. It was like hot meeting cold—thunderous, powerful, jolting in the best way. My hands tangled in his silky braids and his scent, his feel, his everything invaded every part of me. I’d wanted to kiss this man forever.

  His tongue dipped into my mouth, and I wasn’t sure what was here or there, whether it was day or night. I just knew Atlas. At that moment, ensconced in his passion, I felt no pain, felt no anger, sadness, or guilt. I felt happy. Lust poured between us. It was the most fluid kiss anyone had ever given me, and I was greedy enough to take it.

  “You taste so sweet,” Atlas said, and I didn’t get a chance to respond before he was taking my lips once more. I don’t know how long we were wrapped around each other, kissing. But when we came up for air, his lips were puffy and his eyes were glazed over. I loved how I’d done that to him.

  “I can’t wait until Friday night,” he said, and I laughed at the pure joy and need in his voice.

  “Me too.”

  “Mmm, okay, let’s get you home.”

  He helped me stand and grabbed my messenger bag from the bar and handed me my hoodie. As we walked out of the club to Atlas’s car, he kept his hand on the small of my back and for reasons I couldn’t untangle, it anchored me.

  The ride home was full of talk about the bachelor party I dreaded, music, and a little bit about my parents. I found myself telling Atlas more about my sister and the accident that put her in a wheelchair. He didn’t shoot me looks of pity, just deep understanding of life’s pains. My life wasn’t a tragedy, no matter what people on the outside might think. Well, I guess it wasn’t always a tragedy. Vick Keller was doing a great job of turning it into one.

  “Here I am,” I said as he pulled up to my place.

  “I had a great time tonight, Toby, and I don’t mean the hours of work, I meant after-hours.”

  Smiling I daringly leaned in, thrilled when he gave me a chaste kiss. “Me too. I’ll see you Friday.”

  I knew he was going to say something, but I couldn’t bear to hear it. I needed to get out of the car because the moment he smiled and kissed me good-bye, the guilt flooded me.

  I was relieved when I went into my apartment and Poppy wasn’t around. She was likely asleep or watching TV in her room. I decided I’d shower in the morning and quickly slipped into my room. I plopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I could smell Atlas’s cologne on my hoodie, and that was how I fell asleep, wrapped up in him.

  As I walked into Vick’s Thursday night, I was filled with terror. Atlas had sent me many texts asking me to stay away and not go. Last time I saw Vick, I left black and blue and with a threat that I’d never be done with him. And after showing Atlas my latest bruises, I understood his worry, but I had to go in. There was no choice. Shane saw me and waved from across the bar. I went straight into the kitchen to store my stuff. I just had to hope that when I left after my shift, it would be just as I was then, and hopefully Vick wouldn’t need me anymore.

  “Last night?” Shane said as he entered the kitchen.

  “Right. I don’t really think Vick’ll let me go.” I pushed my messenger bag and cell phone behind the bread, hoping no one stole it.

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking. Have you talked to Poppy? Asked her if anything weird has been going on?”

  “I ask her about her day all the time. Nothing.”

  “So maybe it is nothing. Maybe Vick is trying to scare you.”

  I went on to tell him about the diner and how the guy came up to me, knowing I was meeting with Atlas and to say nothing.

  “He has ears everywhere, Shane.”

  “Just be vigilant. And…” he leaned in to whisper. “Maybe see if there’s a job opening at Joker’s Sin. This place will be shit without you.”

  I smiled at him. “I promise I will find you something if Atlas doesn’t kick me to the curb for lying to him.”

  “I don’t think he will.”

  We got to work right after that. Same old patrons as always, plus a few new ones. One I swear I’d seen at Joker’s Sin before, but that wouldn’t shock me at all. I did my job and kept my head down. I kept conversations short and wanted the night to end so I could leave. I knew me leaving without Vick calling me into his office was futile. After the last patron left, Liberio told me to meet Vick in the back. Shane offered me a sympathetic smile, and I walked to what I hoped wasn’t my doom.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  If it wasn’t for Ciro’s friend Desi texting him through the night Thursday, and Ciro updating me on things with Toby, I’d have gone crazy. As it was, I was barely hanging on. I tried to sway Toby from working, but his refusal was absolute. There were two hours left until Joker’s Sin closed, which meant Toby would be off shift at Vick’s right about now. I leaned against the bar, my gaze roaming over the leather-clad bodies moving in rhythm with the music, but I couldn’t feel it like I usually did. I felt disconnected. My whole mind was on Toby. I needed to know he was safe.

  “Drink this.” Max pushed over a brandy snifter. The brown liquid glided and settled. “Your finger-thrumming and pacing, it’s not going unnoticed. People come here for you, Atlas. Right now, you’re giving off a very unapproachable vibe.”

  I knew Max was right. I took the brandy and drank it, loving the smooth burn, and when I placed the snifter on the bar, I took a deep breath.


  I nodded to Max and decided to walk up to the VIP floor. Less folks there and maybe I could stay off people’s radar.

  They were all faces I knew, and I spent a few minutes with each making small talk and then sequestered myself in a corner area. I had a view of the entrance, so if Ciro walked through, I’d see. How I was feeling about Toby occupied my thoughts. Relationships were not something I ever wanted.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I saw that it was Ciro.


  “Where are you?”

  “VIP, why?” I was up and making my way to the stairs before I finished talking.

  “Desi called. Something’s up.” The chill that ran down my spine almost had me tripping on the stairs.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  I stopped at the bar. “Max.” He came over, concern marred his face.

  “I gotta go, tell Ledger. You guys close up.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Toby. I’ll call you when I know more.” I didn’t stay to hear what he said. I stepped out front. The line was gone since we would be closing soon. Ciro stood next to his car.

  “Come on, I’ll tell you on the way.” He got in the driver’s seat and I slid into the passenger’s side.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Desi texted, said Toby was called back to Vick’s office after his shift. The place was closing, so Desi had to leave the building but decided to wait outside. He was discreet, but when Toby didn’t come out after twenty minutes, he moved to the side entrance. He saw Liberio tossing Toby into a car.”

  I was digging my nails into the upholstery, I hated where this was going. “Where is he, Ciro?”

  “Desi followed in his car and texted me. That’s when I called you, but while you were on your way to me he said they drove Toby to his apartment but barely stopped the car before pushing him out.”

  What the fuck? “Drive faster.”

  When we pulled up to Toby’s place, there were no cops, no ambulance, nothing. Which meant Toby went up to his apartment in fuck knows what condition.

  “You go up, I’ll park,” Ciro said.

  I only knew what floor and number Toby’s apartment was because I’d read his paperwork. When I got up to his floor, I saw Desi standing outside his door.

  “You had one fucking job,” I growled. “Seriously?”

  “Atlas, I couldn’t follow him back there.”

  When I was an inch from him, I grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. “You saw Liberio throwing him in the car!”

  “And I was outnumbered!”

  At this point we were shouting, doors were opening, and Ciro stepped onto the floor.

  “Let him go, Atlas. It’s not his fault,” Ciro said.

  “What the hell is going on out here?” The sound of a very irate woman made all of us turn. In a wheelchair, there was no question who she was—Toby’s sister. Fraternal, sure, but there was no mistaking she was his twin sister.

  “You must be Poppy,” I said as I released Desi. “I’m—”

  “Atlas, I know who you are. All of Haven Hart knows who you are.” She eyed Ciro and Desi. “And who are you fine men of Fight Club?”

  “I’m Desi, this is Ciro.” Desi stepped closer to Poppy and while I knew it wasn’t his fault Toby was hurt, he was the closest to blame.

  “Well, Ciro and Desi, how about you two and Atlas come inside before Gretel two doors down calls the cops.” Poppy gave a little wave to someone behind me, no doubt Gretel.

  I wanted to see Toby, so I quickly agreed and followed her inside. Their place was small. A living room with an adjoining kitchen. Open plan, which I liked, but with the three of us and Poppy, it felt too small.

  “Is Toby here?” I asked.

  “Um, I believe I heard him come in. He often showers and passes right out after work, although…” She frowned and glared toward the hallway. “He didn’t shower. He always showers after Vick’s since he hates the smell. Not after Joker’s.” She winked at me, but her gaze returned to the hall.

  “Would it be okay if I knocked on his bedroom door?” I asked, my whole body vibrating with the need to move past her to Toby’s room.

  “I suppose that would be fine.” She wheeled back, letting me pass, and when I was in front of Toby’s door, I was about to knock when I heard it. Crying.

  I met Poppy’s eyes, and I knew she saw something in my expression, because when I refrained from knocking and just opened the door, she didn’t try to stop me.

  Toby mustn’t have heard me, since he didn’t budge when I shut the door. As I got closer to the bed, what I saw nearly broke me.

  He was on his side, clutching his pillow. The moonlight shone over his face…his swollen, bruised face. I wanted to scoop him up in my arms, but I knew there was more wrong than what I was seeing. I needed to get him medical attention.

  I moved over to the side of the bed, where I knew he’d be able to see me, and kneeled.

  “Toby,” I whispered.

  He hiccupped and lifted his head slowly. His left eye was swollen shut, and his lip was split. Blood painted his pillow, and I had to breathe slowly to stop from storming out of his room, finding Vick, and ending him.

  “Atlas?” He narrowed his one good eye. “Oh, God, Atlas.”

  “What did he do to you?” I reached out, glad he didn’t flinch. Blood had crusted against his skin, his hair was matted, and I wanted to weep. I wanted to make Vick pay.

  “I’m so sorry, Atlas, I—”

  “Shh. No, don’t be sorry. But, Toby, we need to get you to the hospital.”

  “No…” He started sobbing again. “Leave me, I deserve it—”

  “Stop.” I didn’t like snapping at him, but I wasn’t going to let Toby break himself. “We need to get you to the hospital, but I’m afraid to touch you, so I’m calling an ambulance.”

  He started to say something, but I stopped him. “No. Listen, don’t speak. We tried it your way. Now I’m taking over. Hospital first. No arguments. We’ll talk after.” Leaning over, I pressed a kiss to his forehead, and his skin tasted like copper. “I have to talk to your sister too.”

  “Poppy, no wait, she’s in danger—”

  “She won’t leave our side. I have Ciro and another guy here. We won’t let anything happen to her. Please, Toby. Let me lead here.”

  “Like a dance,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from crying.

  “Yeah, baby, like a dance.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I could hear Atlas moving around, talking. I also heard Poppy and crying. I decided to rest my throbbing head and wait. I didn’t have much choice in trusting Atlas, but at the same time I wanted to. I didn’t deserve his help and his worry, but I was just so tired.

  As they all talked and the world moved on around me, I replayed everything that happened at Vick’s. He’d once again asked about the private party that was happening on Friday; it was the first thing out of his mouth. When I said I didn’t know, I watched as Vick’s face turned from his usual scorn to violent.

  After that, it was something out of my worst nightmare. Liberio had grabbed my arms and held me. Vick shouted that I was a liar, that he knew about the senator’s son and fiancé and if he knew, then I did. He told me he no longer trusted me and that Poppy would pay the price for my deceit. That was when I reacted. With his face so close to me, I head-butted him and blood poured from his nose.

  After that it was a series of punches, pain bloomed behind my eyes, and Liberio pulled me so hard, my shoulder dislocated and I heard the pop. When I was on the ground, trying to breathe, I heard Liberio telling Vick he’d drop him at my apartment and handle Poppy when she left our place. I tried to speak but was met with a kick.

  Liberio lifted me and I could ba
rely walk on my own, so some other guy helped, and it was such a blur after that. I knew I was at my place when I was tossed out of the car, and I got up close and personal with concrete. It was so late, not many people lingered and as quickly as I could, pain radiating through my body, I made it to my apartment. I could hear Poppy’s television on in her room, so I quickly slipped into mine and collapsed onto my bed.

  “Mr. St. Claire, can you hear me?” There was a light shining in my eye. I think I made a grunt of some sort. “We need to move him off the bed,” the woman said.

  They began doing whatever it was they did, I heard myself scream when they moved me, and Atlas yelled at them to give me something for the pain.

  “Mr. Durand, please move and let us do our job.” I didn’t hear Atlas’s response because at that moment, I passed out.

  When I opened my eyes again—well only the one, the other wouldn’t cooperate—I knew I was in the hospital. What I didn’t know was how long I’d been there. I didn’t dare move as right that second, I felt no pain and shockingly, I wasn’t disoriented. I knew what had happened to me, and I knew I needed to talk to Atlas.

  As carefully as I could, I looked around the room. The bed was slightly elevated, so I was able to make out enough to see that two people were there. Poppy and some other guy I assumed was someone Atlas knew.

  “Poppy,” I whispered, my throat feeling like it was on fire. She wheeled over quickly, and her warm hand immediately took mine.

  “Jesus, Toby, you scared the ever-loving shit out of me.” Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

  “I’m sorry, Poppy, I didn’t mean to.”

  I knew if I wasn’t laid up in a hospital bed, injured, she’d have smacked me.


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