Sacrifice: A Dark High School Romance (Holly Oak Academy Book 2)

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Sacrifice: A Dark High School Romance (Holly Oak Academy Book 2) Page 2

by G. Bailey

  I was a coward and that isn’t even the worst part of my past.

  It’s certainly not my biggest secret.

  “Don’t you think they should know your secret?” Ethan asks, not a hint of emotion on his face. “They are your parents, after all, and Mother always knows best.”

  I know he’s just joking, but Rory stands up, his fists clenched. Before I can even blink, he punches Ethan hard in the face, who he stumbles back, looking surprisingly panicked with blood trickling down his bottom lip.

  “Fuck, I was joking!” He spits a mouthful of blood into the fire. “This was all a game, a way of testing her and bringing her into our group. I grew up with these fuckers and we all know each other’s secrets. We want Regan in our group and the only way to get in—”

  “Was to have me kill Hunter?” I demand.

  Ethan shakes his head. “Nah. He was a fucking bastard and deep down, Nathan wanted him gone. You were just a means to an end on that one.”

  I mean, he does have a point. I might have killed that bastard without being told to anyway. But still… I hate being forced to do people’s dirty work for them. I’ve spent my whole life doing that.

  “I could have killed Nathan!” I shout at him but he just chuckles.

  “I was always there, always watching. I could have stopped you whenever I wanted to,” he cockily replies, and I’m almost tempted to punch him myself.

  What a complete asshole.

  And why do I want to fucking kiss him?

  I pounce to my feet, ready to stab Ethan in numerous places, but Rory gently pushes my dizzy-ass down.

  “Stitches first,” he growls. “And then I’ll help you sort out this shit head group of royal, entitled bastards.”

  “Ouch, my poor heart.” Ethan holds a hand over his chest.

  Maybe choosing a sacrifice for my mother won’t be so hard after all. At this point, I will happily hand Ethan Remington over tied up in a red ribbon.

  I remain still, silently burning with anger as Rory works on my shoulder and Ethan shakes the other guys awake. Josh wakes up first and growls something to Ethan that I can’t hear. Ethan merely laughs and Josh turns to stare at me. Lucas and Nathan wake up next and move to stand with Josh. They all get in a circle and start talking quietly, looking at me ever so often and whatever they see on my face makes them flinch.


  They were all friends from the start and it was a murder game I happily played into.

  Josh, Nathan and Lucas knew about the notes.

  And I’m going to make them pay.

  For the next few days, I avoid all but one of the guys. Rory follows me to my classes like normal and hangs outside my room at night, never saying more than he needs to. I like his quiet demeanour. I like knowing he’s outside my room and, even despite the doubts creeping into my mind, I like knowing he’s on my side instead of my parents’. I’m still not sure whose side the guys are on. How can I trust them when they were playing the game all along?

  “Regan, you’ve got a visitor,” Rory announces, knocking on my room door. “Georgian.”

  I grumble and throw my bag over my shoulder, opening the door with an exaggerated huff.

  Lucas smiles at me sheepishly, his messy hair still wet from a shower, and hands over a brown paper bag.

  “I brought pancakes. Figured you’d like them,” he says, and without even looking at or thanking him, I take the paper bag and close the door.

  “Give her time,” I hear Rory tell him.

  I peek into the bag, my mouth watering at the plastic container filled with pancakes and syrup. I sit down on the edge of my bed and dig into them while calling Anne.

  “Hey, Regs,” she greets in a tired voice. “I’m just up.”

  “It’s nearly time for class,” I say over a mouthful of pancakes. “Shake a leg, Anne-banan.”

  “Oh my gosh. I haven’t heard that name in years. Wait. Are you eating?”

  “Yeah. Pancakes. Lucas brought them.”

  “I take it you’re still not talking to the guys?”


  If only I could tell her the truth. But I can’t. That would risk her safety and Anne’s life means more to me than anything.

  “Are you coming to fencing?” I ask her, devouring the rest of the pancake.

  I can tell just by her voice alone that she won’t be, but I don’t let on. Anne prefers me to just act normal around her even if her illness is taking its toll.

  She yawns. “Maybe next time. I need to go to hospital this morning with Mum. And no, I don’t need you to come with me, but thank you. Just kick some arse at fencing for me, okay? We can hang out when I’m back.”

  “I’ll bring snacks,” I say, my heart squeezing at the thought of her in hospital. I feel like she’s never out of there. “And lemonade.”

  “Mm, that’d be nice. Catch you soon, girlie.”

  “See ya.”

  Anne hangs up first, and I just stare down at my phone, my appetite suddenly gone. It kills me, it really does, to know she’s in pain and there’s nothing I can do to help her. Tears fall from my lashes and splash my plaid skirt. I wipe my eyes, dump the rest of the pancakes into the bin, and open my door.

  Rory turns to look at me, his sapphire eyes searching my own. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” I reply instantly, closing my door. “Time for fencing.”

  My stomach flips. Fencing is the only class where all the guys are together. Well, since I can’t avoid them, I’ll at least be able to let off some steam by kicking their asses.

  Rory walks to me to class.

  “Do me proud,” he says with a wink, then leaves me to change into my fencing equipment.

  Once I’m ready, I step into the hall with Charlie’s Angels at my side. Mr Hines is waiting for us, his beady eyes following every girl in the room like a starved predator. It doesn’t make sense to me why Miss Hector was fired and yet Mr Hines remains employed at the academy. The guy is a total sleaze bag, always checking out his students and invading their personal space. I mention this to the girls but they just chuckle.

  “What am I missing here?”

  It’s Imogen who answers, a grin spreading over her pink lips. “He and Mrs Bitch are… well, a thing.”

  I gawk at her. “You mean he’s her slam piece?” I look over at Mr Hines scratching away at his bald head. “Ew. I just barfed a little.”

  Charlie May snorts. “Yeah, it’s totes gross. Ugh. He’s looking our way.”

  I’m tempted to flip him off. If only the creepy man knew how quickly I could snap his neck.

  “Hall, you’re up. Georgian, try not to embarrass yourself this time,” he shouts, signaling us both.

  I pull my helmet on, ignoring Lucas’ attempt at conversation entirely. I’m still not in the mood to talk to the guys right now. More than that, I don’t want to talk to them because then I’ll end up getting close again, and I can’t do that when I need to offer one of them to The Dutchess.

  I try not to imagine what they’ll do to Lucas as I fight him. Each of the ceremonies I’ve been forced to witness were utterly barbaric, worse than any Blood Party I’ve ever attended. The memories invade my mind and I lose my concentration. Lucas spots an opening and he takes it, overpowering me in two simple moves.

  He rips his helmet off, his face flushed. “I won. Now you have to talk to me.”

  I glare at him. “I never agreed to that. And you only won because I was distracted.”

  “Spoken like a true loser,” he teases, flashing that dimpled smile of his that makes my heart jump.

  “Fine. What do you want?”

  “Meet me at the fountain at the end of the day, and you’ll find out.”

  With that, he turns on his heel and joins his group of friends. Ethan casts an incinerating glare my way. I guess out of all the guys, he’s the one most livid about me ignoring him. I hope it continues to make him suffer.

  “You know I’ll have to come with you, wee one.” Rory f
olds his arms over his broad chest as we wait for Lucas by the fountain. “I can’t be persuaded with money like Georgian’s bodyguard. I don’t fly like that.”

  “Wow, you can fly?” I grin at him. “So cool. I wish I could fly the hell away from this place.”

  His stubble stretches into a lopsided grin. “If I could take us away from here, I would.”

  Those words make my heart do a stupid little dance.

  I still have my reservations about him, as I should after finding out he was my parents’ secret guard, but I can’t help but feel… safe in his company.

  “You know, I never really apologised for drugging you. That was a really shitty move even from me, and I’m sorry.”

  He blinks at me, then narrows his eyes. “Do it again and I’ll make you really sorry.”

  “Ooh. Sounds kinky.”

  He huffs and shakes his head. “You’re some girl.”

  “Admit it, you’re beginning to like me.”

  Before he can reply, Lucas emerges on the staircase. I grab my bag off the floor as he weaves his way through the students. He stops in front of me and gives Rory an almost affronted look.

  “Don’t need your money,” Rory spits out before Lucas tries to buy him off. “Where are you taking her?”

  “Who’s her?” I demand, scrunching my face at him. “The cat’s mother?” I turn to Lucas. “Where are you taking me?”

  He pauses for a brief moment, probably contemplating whether or not this is still a good idea.

  “For a walk,” he answers, nodding to the front entrance. “Bodyguard, you can let us out.”

  Rory steps forward, his hands clenching into fists. “Watch it, kid.”

  “Please let us out,” I ask, appeasing him with my sweetest smile. “We’ll stay on academy grounds.”

  After a beat, he nods and leads the way out. Instead of taking us through the entrance, he turns to a small side door and thumbs in a security number on the lock. The door clicks open and we step outside into the courtyard. It’s a beautiful evening, not a single cloud visible in the clear blue sky. The winter sun is blinding and I shield my gaze from it, watching as Lucas steps slightly ahead of me. There aren’t many people around save from a few students and guards lounging on the grass.

  I fall into step with Lucas, asking, “So, we’re going on a walk. This is fun.”

  He snorts at my sarcastic tone. “It was the only way I could get us alone. There’s something we need to talk about.”

  I harden my features. “About the little game you were playing on me with the others? Oh, I’ve just been dying to talk about this too.”

  “That’s not it. It’s about Anne.”

  I stop in my tracks, my stomach clenching. “What about her?”

  Lucas presses a hand to the small of my back and gently steers me forward. Rory follows us. I watch Lucas, the way the muscles in his face tighten as he clenches his jaw and grits his teeth. I know he and Anne are close, almost as close as I am with her.

  “Just tell me,” I spit out.

  “She doesn’t have long,” he whispers, closing his eyes. “I spoke with her mum today. That appointment she had this morning? It’s not just a normal appointment. It’s the one.”

  “You mean… they’ve told her how long she’s really got?”

  He gives a curt nod and opens his eyes, though he doesn’t look at me, his gaze turned toward the setting sun. “Two months. That’s all Anne’s got, at best. Two fucking months.”

  I root to the spot again, struggling to breathe, to comprehend the words. Two months left with Anne? No, no, no. The lump in my throat turns into a crushing weight that snatches my breath away. I stumble back, but Rory catches me and sets me down onto a nearby bench. I shouldn’t be shocked by the news. We always knew this day would come. But it feels like losing Adam all over again, watching him fall over the boat and being helpless to save him.

  “I… I…” Words fail me. I can’t even speak. My vision blurs as the grief inside threatens to erupt into sobs. “I know.” The words don’t make sense even to me.

  I knew she was hiding something from me, is what I meant to tell him but I can’t seem to string a coherent sentence together. I lift a hand to my mouth and suppress the sobs.

  Lucas sits beside me and gently rubs my back. I hold the cries in as much as I can, but a few tears escape my lids and roll off my chin onto my thighs.

  “You know something?” Lucas whispers. “All this time, I’ve been telling myself Anne will pull through, but truth is, some people just don’t. The world’s a cruel, shit place, and it takes people we love without a scrap of mercy.” “

  “Yeah.” I practically choke on the word. “I know. I… I know…”

  I repeat the words as though I’m incapable of saying anything else. I just can’t seem to wrap my head around this. My best friend, my only true friend, is going to be gone from this earth forever in the space of eight weeks? The world is a shit place; I already know that. But how…how can it take away someone as sweet as Anne Hopkins?

  Letting tears of rage slip down my cheeks, I do something that shocks even me. I reach out and take Lucas’ hand. I need a distraction. I need something else to talk about before the shock really hits home.

  “So about the game,” I start, wiping my tears on my shoulder and glancing at him. “Why did you do it?”

  His features soften. “Honestly, we just thought it would be a fun way to initiate you. I never realised how fucked up it was until now. I’m sorry, Regan. I really am.”

  I nod, just managing to hold back barely contained tears. “And your so-called sin… that wasn’t much of a surprise.”

  “It wasn’t?” He turns in his seat to look at me fully. “Damn.”

  “I saw the way that bimbo looked at you when our family visited. The baby was the spitting image of you both. What happened between you?”

  Lucas glances at Rory, who tuts and walks some feet away to give more privacy. His eyes never leave my face though.

  “My dad was away on a business trip and my stepmum always gets lonely then. One night, she called me down for pizza and she was…” His Adam’s apple jerks nervously as he swallows something stuck in his throat. “Dressed differently. She told me to sit down and eat with her and made me drink one of her special cocktails. I wasn’t much of a drinker back then, still amn’t really, but I didn’t want to piss her off so I did it. I drank and ate food and then… then I woke up as she was leaving my bed. I don’t remember what happened, and I won’t lie, a part of me used to fancy her. Fuck knows why, but I figured it was my fault she came on to me. Anyway, now every time my dad goes away, she orders pizza for us… You know, I thought it’d stop once she got up the duff, but I guess I’m just too much of a catch.”

  He gives a pained smile and my blood boils. That fucking woman raped her own stepson! The anger pulsing in my body surges in waves. It takes everything in me not to go back to my room, grab my gun and hunt her down like the beast that she is.

  “Lucas…” His name catches in my throat, and I squeeze his hand as more tears gather. “What she did to you was awful.”

  He waves me off, shrugging. “It was nothing.”

  “Don’t you realise what that scumbag did? She drugged and raped you. Tell me where she lives. I will kill her for you. You won’t need to get your hands dirty. Rory will help me clean up. Just give me your damn address!”

  This time, Lucas laughs, but I’m dead serious.

  Why can’t I offer a piece of shit like her to the Veil instead of one of my guys?

  He looks back to watch the sun dipping behind the wall that surrounds Holly Oak Academy. All the while, I think of various ways to kill his stepmum. She doesn’t even deserve to be called that. Animal. She’s a fucking animal.

  “What happened to you…what’s still happening to you…it’s not normal or just ‘nothing’, Lucas. She’s hurting you and you don’t need to brush it off.” I place my other hand over his and gently squeeze. All the an
ger I felt towards him, all of the hurt over Anne, suddenly vanishes. “I’m here if you need someone. You wanna report her? I’m here every step of the way. You just want someone to kill her?” I shrug. “Also here. You don’t need to put on a brave face, especially just because you’re a guy. Guys get hurt too and it’s okay to talk about it.”

  For a long while, Lucas just stares at me. A tear escapes his lid and slips down his ashen cheek, splashing onto our linked hands. He quickly wipes his face with his other hand and clears his throat, putting on another brave face, but I can see the relief washing through him. He lets out a breath I wasn’t aware he’d been holding and smiles at me. It’s like this is the first time anyone has ever told him that what happened to him was wrong and he did nothing to deserve it. My heart breaks for him. As we watch the sunset in comfortable silence, I realise then that I would rather sacrifice myself to the Veil in place of Lucas Georgian.

  He’s a survivor. I’m a murderer.

  It’s only fitting that he gets spared.

  “You totes have to be excited about Winter Break, right?” Charlie leans across the table and peers at me as I chew on my overcooked bacon. “I mean, you’ve been grumpy for weeks now and I know it’s not because of your bandaged shoulder—”

  “Winter what?” I snap just to stop her rambling. My bandages have been off for a while now and still she keeps mentioning them and trying to figure out what happened.

  She frowns at me like I’m crazy for not knowing what she’s going on about. Turning away, Charlie looks around the room before pointing at a poster on the wall near the door. Sure enough, the words winter break are written above a detailed paragraph below. The blue paper and white glitter snowflakes are hard to miss. It’s just that I’m not focusing on anything at the moment…except them.

  The four guys from hell who sinned as much as me.


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