Between The Lines

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Between The Lines Page 10

by Drew Sera

  Since Katherine and I have played before, she knew that this was something I did before my partners came. I wanted to feel them gasping, panting and moaning. I wanted to feel the vocal chords and throat working behind my hand. I wanted to feel their pulses as the excitement and ecstasy runs rampant through their bodies. This excited me like nothing else.

  I imagined that it was sweet Amy Andrews’ throat that my hand was nestled lovingly against as I came. I readjusted my grip slightly on her hip and thrusted my cock in as deep as it would go. My cock continued to spurt as I felt her vocal chords vibrate against my hand.

  After I pulled out of her, I cleaned myself up quickly so that I could tend to her. I grabbed the basic first aid pouch from a recessed shelf in the wall and knelt down beside Katherine. I tended to the few cuts and gently brushed over her entire back, butt cheeks and her right thigh with a few antiseptic wipes. I ensured that everywhere I hit her with the snake whip was properly cleaned. I applied a few bandages and handed her a bottle of water. Sitting on the floor, I relaxed and leaned against the whipping post. Katherine leaned against my chest, and as I wrapped my arms around her, I imagined it was Amy I was holding.

  Once Katherine left, I stood in the hallway to clean and condition my snake whip. Proper care and attention to these would ensure that they lasted. And with them costing as much as they do, I wanted this to last me a long time.

  Just as I zipped up my toy bag, the sound of my little muse coming acted as a trigger and I could feel myself start to harden again. I glanced around; no one else was in the hallway. I slowly walked towards one of the active dungeon rooms, peeking in to see if I could catch a glimpse.

  An eyeful was more like it. I looked up and down the hallway again for Dungeon Monitors, and when I didn’t see any, I pulled my phone out took a couple quick pictures. I watched my little muse for a few moments as they basked in the afterglow of coming and then I left the club.

  When I took my phone out in the car to drool over my new pictures, I saw that I had four texts from Amy, a missed call, and a voicemail. The texts came in while I was in the club.

  “Fuck,” I said and took a look at the texts.

  Amy: Hey, my romantic sadist. I couldn’t sleep and stayed up until almost 7:00 a.m. and worked on some stuff. Then I fell asleep on the couch and woke up just a few minutes ago. I’m sure you’re at work still. So, have a great day and I’ll talk to you later.

  Amy: Hi, I got my edits back from the editor today. Ugh. Looks like I’m going to be pulling a few long nights.

  Amy: And the hits just keep on coming. The bad day has now turned into a shitty day.

  Amy: Are you mad at me?

  “God, no!” I exclaimed in the car as I frowned at her text. Fuck, why would she think that I was angry with her?

  I wondered what happened. I hit the speaker phone to listen to the voicemail.

  “Hey J.P. It’s close to midnight, and I thought you’d be home from work by now. I was hoping to talk to you. It’s been a rough evening. Anyhow, I’m hoping you’re not mad at me. I usually hear from you some during the day. I know I would have been sleeping when you called or texted, but I just hope you’re okay and that you’re not mad. I’ll talk to you tomorrow…or whenever. Goodnight.”

  Fuck, she sounded so down. I knew she was upset last night when we got off the phone. I’ve never heard her sound like that. Usually, she’s so upbeat and positive. Can it just be the edits dragging her down? I quickly sent her a text and headed home.

  J.P.: Princess, I’m on my way home now, and if you’re still up, I will call you in about thirty minutes. I’m not mad at you. Not in the least.

  I kept my phone out with the volume up while I drove home. I hoped to hear an incoming alert telling me I had a new text, but it never came. I was going to call her anyway, with or without a text back from her.

  I paced around my living room while I waited for her to pick up. Her sleepy voice picked up on the third ring.

  “Princess, thank God you answered. Are you ok?” I asked her.

  I sat down as my pulse started to return to a normal rate.

  “Hi, J.P.”

  “What happened tonight, Amy?”

  “It’s pretty lame and stupid. It’s not even important, but I let it bother me.”

  “Talk to me. What bothered you? The edits?”

  “No, I mean, there were more edits and suggestion edits than I would have liked, but it’s not what upset me. I got an email today from a fan regarding the pre-release stuff about the content of Dark Kiss. She gave me the third degree about how BDSM is a label and an excuse people use to abuse others. I was so angry when I read it. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course. But she was so mean in the email. I spent an hour typing up a response to her, letting her know that it’s a consensual lifestyle and choice. And I wrote a whole paragraph about communication between those involved with it.”

  “Good for you, princess,” I said and nodded.

  “You know how she responded?”


  “She asked me to remove her from my mailing list and said that I lost a fan.”

  “Amy, you can’t make everyone happy, sweetheart.”

  I heard her sigh and sniffle.

  “Are you crying, princess?”

  “Sometimes I wish we lived closer, you know?” she said, sounding so sad.

  “I know, princess. I’d come over and make you a big bowl of ice cream, or rub your princess-ish feet, or make you come a lot.”

  She started to laugh, which made me feel better.

  “Ice cream, a foot rub and a plethora of orgasms. That all sounds lovely, my romantic sadist.”

  “I know,” I couldn’t help but admit.

  “Is that like a sadist-princess with benefits type of thing?” she asked.

  “Absolutely, princess.”

  “But you need to give pain, remember?”

  “To come? Usually, yes. But I can also give pleasure without receiving, or without coming. Believe it or not, princess, but I don’t always come. I don’t negotiate all my play scenes with the intent of coming. Like tonight, I went to my club after work, and since I haven’t played there in a while, I knew I wanted a physically intense scene. I needed to whip someone, and I needed to fuck them hard.”

  “Uh, you just took this from a sweet princess and romantic sadist with benefits to something else. I didn’t know you were going to the club tonight. I’m so sorry I bugged you J.P. Honestly, had I known you’d be tied up after work or would be tying someone up after work, I wouldn’t have been all text-needy with you tonight.”

  I could tell she genuinely felt bad, but the truth of the matter was that I wouldn’t have even gone to the club had I known I could have talked to her tonight on the phone. Looking back, I should have swallowed my pride this morning and communicated to her my plans for the day. She would have seen it when she woke up and maybe we would have made plans to talk.

  “Amy, I’m sorry. I’m going to make a better effort to try and relay my plans and schedule so we can talk.”

  “It’s okay, J.P. It’s not your fault. I just…I just miss you. You and I went from talking multiple times a day, to hardly at all the past few weeks. I know it sounds silly, but I kind of feel like I’m losing you.”

  “You’re not losing me, Amy. I’m right here and will always be right here. And whenever you’re craving some of that dick in the ass that Clayton wanted to give Sara, and what Desmond is going to give to Pamela, you’ve got a sadist on speed dial,” I joked lightly with her.

  I was hoping to get another smile out of her before she went back to bed. But then she said something that I’ve never heard a woman say to me.

  “I love you, J.P. Fever. You are a fierce friend. Not all my friends volunteer to come over a rub my feet and make me come.”

  I knew she was joking and being fun and flirty with me, but when I heard those three little words, I wished that things would be aligned so I could give her that
happy ever after she’s been chasing.

  But I knew we craved two different things.

  “Princess, I think if you posted in your Facebook group of fans that you needed to come, you’d have a lineup at your door.”

  I waited to hear her sweet laugh before I gave in and laughed too.

  Maybe, just maybe, she could learn to enjoy my kind of love.

  Chapter 15



  I glanced at the clock on my desk when the phone rang. It was 10:00 a.m. on the dot and as usual Samantha was right on time for our weekly status meeting.

  “Don’t forget, Aims; I got you scheduled for a last-minute appearance in the Author Stalkers Unite group this evening,” Samantha reminded me.

  I nodded and grabbed my schedule and made sure that I had an alert set up on my phone and laptop to remind me as it neared the time.

  “Got it, thank you. I won’t forget.”

  I wondered if J.P. would want to know about it. It was so nice when he popped in on the one I had in the Seductive Landing Strip group. I’d text him the info after I get off the phone with Sam.

  We went through the rest of the pre-release items for Dark Kiss, and I felt confident that everything was in place. I finished my edits early this morning and sent the draft back to the editing firm for another read through.

  “I’ll make sure we have double the amount of Dark Kiss copies on hand for the Myrtle Beach event. Oh, speaking of which, I’ve already got your room booked. Ryan wants to come along too. He probably won’t be at the book event but wants to hang out at the beach,” Samantha said.

  I laughed when she made it sound like her husband was dying to hang out at the beach. As if there aren’t any beaches here in Southern California. When I made that comment, Samantha said it had been a while since they had even a weekend away. Which, I get entirely.

  “We’ll fly out a few days prior so that we can get things situated. I’ll get the flights made and will email and text you the information later today. Just a fair warning though, ticket prices were high when I last looked,” Samantha warned.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. The event is only a few weeks away.” I said.

  It looked like we had gone through and discussed everything on our “to go over” list in under two hours. While this weekly status phone call could sometimes be lengthy, it’s also necessary for success.

  “Oh, hey, before I let you off the phone, what did you think of your romantic sadist’s picture upload last night?” Samantha asked me.

  I set my pen down and stopped trying to multitask. From my phone conversation with J.P. the other night, I knew that he had gone to his club after work. Yesterday when he and I spoke, he told me about the bondage and whipping scene that was followed by anal sex. I knew and had seen the pictures.

  “The pictures were something, that’s for sure. It’s kind of weird, but it’s almost like two separate people if that makes sense,” I said.

  “What to do mean, Aims?”

  “We talk on the phone about anything and everything, and he even tells me about his play scenes, but then when I see the pictures that he takes, it’s almost like I’m looking at something that someone else did. It’s hard sometimes to believe what he does.”

  “Is it seeing the physical marks that he makes the hard part?”

  I thought about what she had asked.

  “Or is it seeing him do it to someone else that makes the pictures hard?”

  Was she suggesting that I was jealous?



  Maybe a little.

  “I don’t know exactly. I just care for him to no end on the phone and then when I see the pictures of what type of scenes he does, I get very discouraged.”


  “Because I don’t know if I could ever measure up to be what he needs.”

  I told Samantha about the conversation J.P. and I had the other night where we joked about the princess and the sadist with benefits. Samantha laughed so hard at that but said that it was very sweet.

  “My dear, Amy, you two have built a very special relationship. And from what it sounds like, he would put his needs aside for you just to make you happy. Sadist or not, that is the most romantic thing ever.”

  “Yes,” I said before it registered completely in my brain what she said. “Wait...what?” I asked.

  “I’m not suggesting you run off into the corners of a dungeon with the sadist. I’m just saying that he might be falling for you too.”

  “Too? You make it sound like I’m falling for him.”

  “No, you aren’t falling.”

  “Good,” I said. I wasn’t ready to admit that I had totally fallen.

  “You have fallen,” Samantha said. “You guys have become great friends, and you tease and flirt with one another.”

  “Yeah, but that whole sadist thing.”

  “It is there, so that’s something you can’t turn off or ignore.”

  She was right, and I sighed. It wouldn’t be fair to me to not be able to meet that need of his and for me to expect something from him.

  “So, maybe you can just be that special princess and sadist with benefits thing.”

  I frowned at that suggestion. I wanted more than that. Was that selfish of me? I didn’t just want to be a go-to girl when he felt romantic.

  Or did I?

  Maybe that would work. Maybe it would be the best of both worlds. Or maybe I could stop living in my closed off box and try the kinky world of bondage and whatever else is in his world.

  “Maybe I can try it his way,” I suggested to test the waters with Samantha.

  “You’ll never know unless you try.”

  Oh, my God...she was encouraging me to try with him.

  “Do you hear yourself?” I asked.

  “Aims, he’s the nicest man you have met since Chris. J.P. sits on the phone with you and messages you throughout the day. He’s a friend before fucker. Besides, I doubt that the reason Chris and you split would even be something that J.P. would blink at.”

  I squinted and shook my head at that phrase of hers, “friend before fucker.” She was always encouraging me to find a friend before I fuck him kind of guy.

  J.P. is most certainly my friend.

  But could he be more?

  Chapter 16



  While walking to my car after a grueling day of work my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly reached into my pocket hoping that it’d be Amy.

  “Yes! Hi, princess,” I said under my breath and to myself as I leaned against the car to concentrate on her text.

  Amy: Hey, I don’t know if you’ll be around tonight, but if you didn’t have plans and wanted to venture onto social media, I’ll be on the Author Stalkers Unite Group tonight at 6:00 p.m. I enjoyed having you pop in at the last one. Hope you had a calm day at work and maybe I’ll catch you tonight.

  I glanced at my watch; 5:30. Perfect. I jumped in my car and headed home to catch Amy’s online event. I sat down with a bowl of soup and my tablet and tried remembering the name of the group.

  “Stalker something...”

  Fuck, I couldn’t remember and had to retrieve my phone from the bedroom.

  “Ah, yeah...Author Stalkers Unite,” I mumbled on the way back to the kitchen. “Better not be any real fucking stalkers.”

  Even though I knew the group of followers would be safe, I couldn’t help but wonder about her safety and if she really did have any actual stalkers.

  I brought the group up on my tablet just in time to catch an introductory post by the high energy Samantha Kelly. She made the post with a picture of a purple rose with a black background.

  Post from Samantha Kelly: Hi stalkers! Hope you guys are ready for Amy’s new release Dark Kiss. She’s excited to tell you guys all about it tonight. Please welcome Amy Andrews!

  I was blown away by all of the instant comments that started fluttering on the screen. What the
fuck? My tablet began making the pinging noise continually alerting me of newly posted comments.

  I watched as Amy posted up teasers for the new book and lots of people commented on them. I was so proud of her and just wanted to post that she was my good hot friend. She and I had something different than all these “friends” in the group. We had something very genuine, and I was filled with so much happiness watching her answer questions and talk about the new book that I helped her with.

  I remained silent and didn’t comment on things, but I made sure to “like” them. Samantha Kelly posted a game for people to post something in the BDSM world that they’d like to try. As I finished my soup, I smirked at some of the comments.

  Post from Samantha Kelly: Let’s open up the forum to any questions or comments from the fans and readers.

  The floodgates opened, and people began posting their random questions. Some were about the books, and some were personal in nature. And those personal ones intrigued me the most.

  Comment from Val Hendricks: When will you be doing the cover reveal for Dark Kiss?

  Comment from Amy Andrews: Over the next few days I’ll release the cover. You guys are going to love it!

  Comment from Sherry Landau: What’s your favorite TV show?

  I laughed out loud because Amy and I have talked about this before.

  “She doesn’t have time to watch TV, Sherry,” I said as the dots next to Amy’s name flashed indicating that she was typing.

  Comment from Amy Andrews: I actually don’t watch TV. I write and edit during most of my waking hours. I don’t even know what some of the good shows that are on TV are, lol.


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