Her Dragon Destiny

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Her Dragon Destiny Page 9

by Roxie Ray

  “My head hurts and my neck hurts.” She pointed to the front of her neck.

  “You mean inside your neck?” Her pitiful little nod made me hug her close. She meant her throat. I wished desperately I could’ve felt the pain for her, but of course, that wasn’t how life worked.

  I lifted her in my arms and walked to the bathroom beside her bedroom. After rummaging around for a thermometer, I walked her through holding it under her tongue until it beeped. “Hey,” I said and squeezed her tight. “Your fever is down. How about a popsicle to celebrate?”

  She nodded almost eagerly. It was still very pitiful and lethargic compared to her normal levels of enthusiasm. I was just grateful her temperature was under a hundred.

  “I’m sleepy,” Tiffany whispered halfway through her popsicle. I figured she’d want to rest more. Ear infections always took it out of her.

  We dropped the popsicle in the sink, and I hummed as I held my girl close, then tucked her into bed. After I got the correct dose of her antibiotic and gave her a bit of pain medicine, I stretched out beside her and thought about all the things her dad had missed over the three years since she’d been born. I liked to think he was there for it all, watching from heaven.

  When her breathing was even and steady, I closed her bedroom door and headed to the kitchen. This was a good opportunity to get some cleaning in, starting with the groceries Maddox had laid out so carefully. He’d even put them in neat rows by food type.

  By late morning, I’d made my way through most of the kitchen, disinfecting and wiping everything down, when my phone beeped on the island. It was a text from Maddox. Hope you’re getting hungry. On my way.

  He’d said he would bring lunch, but I’d been expecting him to put it off or something. I didn’t know why I expected him to let me down but knowing for sure he was coming over set my stomach on fire. I had no idea what to expect.

  The doorbell interrupted my vacuuming, and I nearly jumped when I heard it. Scrambling toward the door, I opened it to find Maddox on my doorstep with his arms full of paper bags. “Madd,” I exclaimed. “You should’ve told me you intended to cook! I probably have some of the ingredients already.”

  He shook his head. “Nope, I didn’t want you to have to worry about anything today. This is all on me.” He leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss right on my lips. It took my breath away, to my chagrin. I didn’t know why he affected me so strongly.

  I mean, sure, he was super hot. But this was more a personality thing. When I was with him, the hotness factor melted away and he was just Maddox. I didn’t sit and think about how hot he was.

  “Ma’am, go back to what you were doing. I’ll be in the kitchen.” He nodded with his lips pursed and walked around me, through the living room, and into the kitchen. I loved my open floor plan, even more at the moment. It meant as he moved around the kitchen and I moved around my living room, I was able to watch him.

  “May I have permission to find what I need?” he called over his shoulder once he’d unpacked his bags. I couldn’t see all the ingredients, but he had a rotisserie chicken.

  “You have permission!” I called.

  He gave me a thumbs-up and shot a smile over his shoulder. I watched for a minute as he found a stockpot and poured a bunch of chicken broth into it. He glanced back once and caught me staring, so I went back to vacuuming, but my gaze kept slipping to the kitchen. Within a few minutes, he moved around like he’d been in my kitchen all his life.

  By the time I had my living room dust-free, Maddox had cleaned the kitchen up and sat on the couch. “It’ll be ready in about a half-hour. Just giving the vegetables time to soften and the flavors to mix well,” he explained.

  The house already smelled delicious. My stomach growled. I sat beside Maddox with the intent of kissing him—a real kiss. Slow, sensual.

  But as soon as I leaned in, I heard Tiffany’s bedroom door open. “Mommy?”

  With a sigh, I leaned back and smiled at Maddox. “In here, sweet cheeks.”

  She walked in much brighter-eyed and with more energy than this morning. “I’m hungry.”

  Tiffany stopped dead when she saw Maddox.

  “Hello,” he said gently. “I’m Maddox. I’m friends with your mommy.”

  I’d never hand another man around Tiffany. Nobody but family and my girlfriends. This was entirely new ground for both of us.

  She took it in her stride, jumping in my lap. “I’m Tiffany. I’m three.” With her occasional lisp, it sounded like her th- words were f- words, but Maddox grinned at her.

  They struck up a conversation about dinosaurs, and I sat back and watched with relief and deep happiness. For a man that didn’t want kids, he sure had stepped up and taken care of Tiffany.

  When his phone beeped, he jumped up. “Stay there,” he commanded. Soon, he returned with steaming mugs of soup.

  “My mom always put it in a mug so I could drink it. Then when your broth gets low, you eat all the yumminess at the bottom of the mug with the spoon and these crackers.” He set a little tray in front of Tiffany, then handed me one. He sat close to help her. “Eat,” he told me with a wink. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t spill.”

  I hadn’t been able to eat a meal with Tiffany since she was an infant without having to jump and go back and forth making sure she was okay.

  Looking a gift horse in the mouth wasn’t my vibe, so I sat back and sipped the soup. It scalded my mouth, but flavors exploded on my tongue. “Madd,” I exclaimed. “This is delicious!”

  He grinned. “It’s an old family recipe. My mom’s and her nana’s. As I said, she made this for me.”

  I blew on it to cool it faster so I could eat, and when the first mug full was gone, I hopped up for more. Maddox tried to take the mug and do it for me, but I held out my hand. “I can get my refill.”

  While I was in the kitchen, I filled up a mug for him and made his tray. “I’ll take over Tiffany duty,” I said and settled it in his lap. “Your turn.”

  Tiffany and Maddox laughed and talked while we all ate. It scared the bejeezus out of me. I didn’t want Tiffany getting attached to Maddox. Why had I said he could come to bring lunch? That had been irresponsible of me, to say the least.

  While Tiffany tried to spoon out the last bit of chicken from the bottom of her mug, Maddox put his hand on my leg. “Hey,” he said softly. Tiffany didn’t even notice him speaking. “We’ll take it one day at a time, okay? This is new for both of us.”

  I nodded and calm washed over me. It would be okay. Maddox had a good heart, that much I was sure of.

  After her soup, Tiffany asked to watch a movie. I started to turn it on in the living room, but she shook her head. “No. Mommy’s bed.”

  I chuckled and relented. She was sick, after all. I didn’t have a TV in her room. I was always afraid she’d wake up in the night and turn it on, then not sleep.

  “Sure, come on.” I left Maddox on the couch and carried Tiffany to the opposite side of the living room, where my master suite was. Pausing in the doorway, I turned back to Maddox. “I’m going to give her a quick bath. She feels clammy, probably from sweating through the fever.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Sure! I’ll just finish up in the kitchen.”

  As I entered the bedroom, I couldn’t help the huge smile on my face. He cooked and I didn’t have to wash dishes? Hot damn.

  By the time I gave Tiffany a quick bath, brushed her hair, found pajamas, and set her on the bed, it was nearly her bedtime. But I turned on the video anyway. She snuggled in and by the time I had her all tucked in, her eyes were already heavy. I knew she’d be asleep in minutes.

  I had a king-sized bed, which I’d purchased when pregnant. I couldn’t seem to get comfortable and I’d become convinced I needed an enormous bed.

  It hadn’t helped. Nothing had helped until I had Tiffany.

  I tiptoed out of the room and when I glanced back, she was blinking rapidly, a sure sign sleep was imminent. The movie’s opening credits weren’t e
ven done.

  When I walked into the living room and looked toward the kitchen, I found Maddox hanging up the hand towel. My kitchen looked as clean as it had before he arrived. Which was pretty damn spotless, since I’d spent half the morning on it.

  “Want to watch a movie?” I offered. I didn’t want to eat his food then send him on his merry way. That felt too rude.

  His face broke into an ear-to-ear grin. “Sure.”

  We settled on the couch. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  I sighed and leaned my shoulder against his. “I have to admit. This day was a lot easier with you here. Normally, that dinner would’ve been much more difficult, and I probably just wouldn’t have eaten.” I looked over at him and smiled, then leaned closer. When he pressed his lips to mine, I couldn’t keep my nipples from pebbling against his arm. The way we’d shifted pressed me against him.

  A low growl from Maddox set my body totally on fire. I hadn’t been kissed this way in a very long time and my body reacted. I couldn’t hide my whimpers when my hands slid across my waist.

  If he stopped now, I was pretty sure I’d bawl my eyes out. “No,” I whispered. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Oh, I don’t plan to,” he murmured against my lips. “I think this evening should be all about you. What do you think?”

  I was almost powerless to answer, but I forced my head to bob up and down, and he chuckled.

  “I can’t kiss you if your head is moving.”

  I gasped as he cradled my head between his palms, taking control of me, positioning me in just the way he wanted. His thumbs smoothed across my cheeks and his tongue flickered against my lips.

  Yes. I wanted this. He always seemed to know exactly what I wanted. No. What I needed. From helping me with groceries to this.

  He shifted, pressing me into the couch and lying across me as his tongue plundered my mouth and a growing bulge in his pants signaled his arousal.

  He sucked in another breath, and I rubbed against him, searching for something. A release. More of him.

  His answering groan sent a shower of sparks through my body. I pressed against him again and sighed before sucking in a breath as his tongue slid against mine.

  He drew back. “You sound so good,” he murmured before he nuzzled my neck, trailing kisses of fire across my skin.

  I pushed my hands into his hair, anchoring my fingertips at his scalp, holding him against me, hoping he would never pull away. Well, maybe a little. A bit of movement would be pleasurable, for sure.

  He chuckled when I pressed against him again. “There’s no hurry. I’ve got all night for you.”

  I shivered at the promise in his tone.

  He kissed lower, his tongue trailing over my skin as he unfastened my shirt. I arched against him, giving him better access to whatever he wanted to touch. Heat thrummed through my body, scorching me everywhere he lingered.

  My nipples peaked, and he brushed the pad of his thumb over my bra. Thank God I had decent underwear on. Something small, black, and lacey rather than something big, beige, and decidedly granny.

  I reached a hand behind me to unhook my bra, but he shook his head.

  “Leave it on. I like the view.”

  I relaxed, and he moved lower still until he nudged his chin and mouth against the waistband of my jeans. My breath caught in my throat as I waited. Then I pushed gently against his head, urging him lower.

  He lifted his head, and I glanced down my body, meeting his gaze. “You are Miss Hurry tonight.”

  “I know what I want.” I grinned at him.

  “Oh, yeah?” He trailed his hand between my legs, pushing the thick seam of my jeans against my aching clit.

  I moaned, a needy sound I’d never made before with anyone else, not that there’d been that many. “Don’t tease me.”

  “Hm?” He sounded completely distracted, but he absolutely wasn’t, because he pressed against me again. “You mean, nothing like this?”


  He looked up; his movements sharp as he assessed me with eyes that almost seemed molten. “No?”

  “I mean, yes.” Hell, what did I mean? “I mean—”

  “Tell me what you want,” he crooned. “Tell me, Beth.”

  “Touch me.” I blurted the words out. They weren’t tentative, but they weren’t quite an order. More a plea.

  “Is that all?”

  “Just touch me, dammit.” I surprised myself with the unexpected command, and he barked out a laugh.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He unfastened my jeans, and I shimmied my hips, lifting my thighs off the couch as he pulled my pants down and discarded them on the floor in a crumple of denim.

  He ran his finger lightly over my panties, taking the same path he had over the seam of my jeans. “Touch you like this?”

  I wriggled, looking for more. “Please.”

  Maddox moaned in response to my desire. “This?” He did the same thing again, and I sighed, exasperation warring with desire.

  “You want me to take them off?” It would’ve been easier if I could’ve vaporized them with my mind.

  “Do you want to?” he countered before sliding his finger under the fabric and flicking it softly against me as I moaned and gripped the throw draped over the arm of the couch.

  I moaned and nodded. “Off is good,” I ground out as I tried to control my breathing.

  He braced his arms, and I glanced at him. “But the old-fashioned way. No ripping my expensive panties.”

  He grinned, and I couldn’t be sure if he was disappointed or amused. Then he bent down between my legs and slid my panties down so slowly that every movement of them over my skin sent another shower of sparks through me.

  I let my head drop back as cool air kissed my skin, then his tongue flickered across me, and I jerked like I’d been electrocuted. He did it again and again then nudged a fingertip just inside me as he sucked gently on me, rolling my clit beneath his tongue.

  “Holy Mother of God,” I squeaked out, and his answering chuckle sent vibrations of pure lust rocketing to my core.

  He moaned like I was a five-star meal, and I tightened my thighs around his head, trying to keep him in place.

  My hand found my nipple almost of its own accord, and I arched against him as two of his fingers moved inside me, caressing places I’d begun to think were mythical after so long giving myself orgasms.

  My thoughts deserted me as he licked more and more. The dancing sparks meant I was only aware of him. I could only feel him. Maddox’s name echoed through my mind, and I tasted it on my lips and my tongue as it emerged on a sigh. Somehow, I also heard something like a growl, but I was so unfocused I didn’t register it as more than Maddox enjoying himself.

  Hearing his name seemed to spur him on and every muscle in my body began to tighten, curling in on itself as I caught my breath, so I had nothing else to focus on but the way Maddox made my body respond to him.

  My breathing became more rapid, and I closed my eyes to block out the senses. My thoughts swam, fracturing as I lost myself in the pulsing and fluttering of my muscles.

  I’d never come so hard. “Did I…did I pass out?” I murmured, and Maddox laughed.

  “Not unless you moan like that while you’re unconscious.”

  My entire body was useless, just melted on the couch. “I feel like wet noodles or soggy bread.”

  He laughed again, the sound deep, and rich and mellow, and it gave me goosebumps. “I can honestly say no one has ever said that to me before.”

  “I’ve never felt like this before.” Even my voice was slurred and drowsy. “Your turn?” Hope beat a quick tattoo in my heart.

  I wanted to touch him, to please him the way he’d just pleased me.

  “No.” He held his hands out like he was warding me off. Then he softened his tone. “I mean, this was about you.”

  But my gaze zeroed in on the bulge in his pants. “You sure?”

  “I am so ready.” He stretched back out beside me. �
�Literally one touch and I’ll go.” He smiled, but desire lurked in his eyes as he stretched out alongside me.

  “Oh, yeah?” Curiosity colored my tone.


  “One touch, right?”

  He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Something like that.” But his voice deepened as I smoothed my hand down the front of his shirt, over his abs and cupped his cock.

  “Just one touch,” I whispered, and he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to my neck.

  “I want so much more,” he mumbled. “Just not tonight. Tonight was about you.”

  Disappointment flickered inside me, but I nodded. “Quick and dirty, then.”

  He thrust his hips against me. I took that as agreement and popped his button fly open before he could say anything else.

  Maddox’s cock was hot and heavy in my hand, and the skin slid smooth and soft as I stroked my fingers gently up the shaft.

  He trembled. “Oh, shit. So close already.” He gritted his teeth and pushed his hips forward again as I let him fuck my hand at whatever speed he wanted.

  I pressed my other hand to the back of his head and guided him closer for a kiss, and his tongue thrust in time with his hips as I sucked gently on it.

  He drew in long breaths through his nose and his movements became more urgent until he ripped away from me. His entire chest rumbled with a growl as hot cum spurted over my palm and fingers.

  “Shit. Shit. Sorry. Fuck. Sorry about that.” He sat up quickly and reached for my Kleenex. “That went so fast.”

  I tilted my head and looked at him. “Why are you sorry?” He seemed so embarrassed.

  His cheeks colored a little. “For the mess?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, Maddox. You should be sorry for depriving me of that cock moving inside me.”

  He grinned and looked down before meeting my gaze again. “Next time, I promise.”



  As I squirted shampoo into my palm, the hairs standing up on back of my neck alerted me to their arrival. Artemis recognized family. I didn’t get freaked out. It was either my uncles or my cousins. Or both.


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