Ruined: Tobias

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Ruined: Tobias Page 8

by Hildie McQueen

  The waiting room doors opened and Tobias’ parents hurried in. Behind them were Clara and her husband.

  “Come, I’ll fill you in.” Taylor went to them, taking Mrs. Hamilton’s hand in his. Her face was flushed and her eyes reddened and swollen. She rubbed a wrinkled handkerchief across the bottom of her eyes, focusing on Taylor. Mr. Hamilton held a hand on her back and they stood huddled with Eric joining them.

  The family was listening intently as Taylor and Eric filled them in on what had happened. Mrs. Hamilton and her husband looked to Luke every once in a while with worried expressions. The poor couple had to worry about both sons in this instance.

  There was very little conversation as the waiting continued. Mrs. Hamilton sat next to Luke, his hand clasped in hers. He’d not moved, continuing his vigil on the doors.

  Clara sat next to Tori. “This is horrible. He has to be okay.” She sniffed and Tori squeezed her hand.

  Eric returned to sit with Tori, his eyes constantly moving from the doorway to the others in the room.

  “Were you one of the first on the scene?” Tori asked in a whisper.

  He nodded. “Yeah, the fire department was already there. Tobias was unconscious.”

  There were so many questions, but Tori didn’t want to say anything out loud that would give her answers she didn’t want to hear. “Do you think he really swerved into the other lane?”

  Eric nodded. “By the tread marks on the road, it was obvious he did.”

  They lapsed into silence for a while until Leah and Allison stood. “We’re going to go get coffee,” Allison said. “I preordered so we won’t be but a minute. Going to the coffee shop across the street.”

  “No, you both should stay,” Tori said. “I’ll go. Family should stay.”

  Mimi gave her a droll look. She’d finally stopped crying and sat next to Mr. Hamilton. “That’s a good idea. She should go.” It was obvious she didn’t mean just for coffee.

  It wasn’t the time for pettiness, so Tori ignored her.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Mrs. Hamilton said with a tenuous smile.

  When she returned half an hour later, there hadn’t been any news yet. Just as she sat, however, the doors opened and the same nurse walked out. Immediately, everyone got to their feet and rushed toward her.

  Tori often wondered how medical professionals could maintain serenity in the face of so much travail. The nurse looked to each of them without expression. Other than seeming to be searching for the words to begin, she didn’t give any indication of what the news was.

  “Mr. Hamilton is out of surgery and in recovery. Everything went well. The doctors were able to assess the injuries and repair any damage. We will know more in twenty-four hours.”

  She waited for the words to sink in. “They went ahead and took care of the internal bleeding. The doctors had to remove his spleen.”

  “When can we see him?” Mrs. Hamilton asked. “Will he regain consciousness soon?”

  The nurse shook her head. “Not for a bit. The doctors feel it’s best to keep him asleep until the swelling fully goes down. Only two people would normally be allowed to see him tonight. In about an hour or so.” She met Luke’s gaze. “I’ll make an exception so that you can see your brother.”

  Luke nodded. “Thank you.”

  “So when can I see him?” Mimi asked, not bothering to identify her relationship to Tobias. “I’ve been here for hours.”

  Everyone’s reactions varied from flabbergasted to annoyed. The nurse, however, remained the consummate professional. “After the initial twenty-four hours, we will reassess, Miss.”

  Mimi huffed and went back to sit. “That’s ridiculous.”

  When Eric shifted, Tori realized she’s been hanging on to his arm, her fingers digging into it as if he were a lifeboat.

  “Can we continue to get updates tonight?” Tori asked then clasped her lips tight. She’d not meant to ask, but since no one else did, she took it upon herself.

  The nurse nodded. “Yes, I work the night shift. I will come out periodically to let you know of any changes.” She motioned to a phone on a small desk. “You’re welcome to pick up the phone and call the nurses station if you have any other questions. We will address any concerns you may have.”

  She left, promising to return for Luke and his parents and everyone went back to sitting and waiting.

  “I’m sure he’ll recover fine. He’s strong and still relatively young,” Eric told her, patting her back awkwardly.

  The mood in the room didn’t lighten. Although it was good news that Tobias had gotten through the surgery, there was still the fact he’d be kept unconscious.

  Leah stretched. “I’m going to go home to shower and put on some sweats. I’ll bring back a couple pillows and blankets.”

  “Good idea,” Allison said. “I’ll do the same and bring back some snacks.” She looked to Tori. “Want to come with me?”

  Tori shook her head. She couldn’t fathom moving in that moment. Things could change without notice. “No, I’ll stay.”

  Understanding, Allison nodded. “All right. I’ll bring you back a blanket and a pillow.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mimi jerked around. “I’ll go with Leah.”

  “Maybe you should stay with Mom,” Leah said, looking toward Mrs. Hamilton.

  “No, go ahead,” Mrs. Hamilton said. “I’ll be going in to see Tobias and there’s no telling how long that will be.”

  The three women left and Tori moved across from where Mrs. Hamilton sat. “Do you need anything?”

  “Just to see my son. I want to see his face,” Mrs. Hamilton said, her eyes moving to the doorway into the ward.

  Mr. Hamilton met Tori’s gaze. “Remember when you two got in a wreck in high school?”

  “Yes. That was so scary.”

  He smiled. “He hit a tree to avoid hitting a damned cat,” Mr. Hamilton said, shaking his head. “Totaled my car.”

  Taylor spoke up next. “I hit that same tree months later.”

  “That’s when I took a chainsaw to it,” Mr. Hamilton said with a chuckle.

  Tori blinked away tears as she noticed his eyes misting.

  The exterior set of doors opened and Mindy rushed in with bags and a drink container. She greeted them and then went to a side table to set up, pulling muffins from the bag and then setting up disposable cups.

  Eric tried his best not to show how glad he was to see her. But damn, she was just what he needed.

  He stood and went to her. “Thank you for this,” he said and she gave him a soft smile.

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  Her eyes met his for a second before she went to his aunt and Tori, expressing her support. The women talked for a few minutes as he watched from across the room.

  In times like these, he got comfort from knowing that if something ever happened to him, his family would be there. There was no question in his mind, they’d move heaven and earth to ensure he was well taken care of.

  His parents were headed there and would arrive any moment. They’d waited for someone to come dogsit because they planned to stay the night there at the hospital.

  It was what family was about. His anyway.

  Finally, the conversation lulled and Mindy stood. She gave both the elder Hamiltons a hug and then went to Eric.

  “I know this is a difficult time. I just want you to know, I’m praying for Tobias.”

  He took her elbow and guided her to the chairs. “Stay for a bit.”

  Mindy met his gaze. “I can’t, I have to open the shop for a group that’s meeting there tonight.”

  He guided her out to a short corridor. “I would walk you to your car but, any moment now, he’ll be out of recovery and, hopefully, we’ll get an update,” he said, looking over his shoulder at the doors.

  “Of course. Please stay.” Her gaze searched his. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  Eric nodded and, without thinking, he pulled her close and hu
gged her tightly. “Thank you.”

  When her arms circled his waist, every emotion inside threatened to burst and he let out a long, shaky breath.

  “Your Kevlar vest is crushing my boobs,” she whispered with a smile.

  “Oh, sorry.” Eric loosened his hold on her. Then without thinking, he pressed his lips to hers, enjoying the feel of his woman.

  Mindy responded, but cut the kiss short at the ding of the elevator doors about to open. “I’ll see you soon,” she said and hurried inside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tori tiptoed into Tobias’ hospital room. He was asleep, his face turned toward the door. His left arm was across his midsection, tubes connected to it. The other arm was in a cast from the elbow down to his hand.

  Thankfully, he seemed pain free, his expression relaxed. There was a beeping sound from a monitor and his brow marred with a slight frown, but then it smoothed out.

  Mrs. Hamilton had asked that Tori keep an eye out while she went home to shower and change. Everyone else had gone home this day.

  The doctors expected Tobias to remain in the hospital another few days. At first, after surgery, he’d been in intensive care for three days. Once he’d been moved from ICU to a regular room, he’d made remarkable progress.

  There was a cast on his left leg from lower thigh to foot and it was elevated. His hospital gown didn’t cover everything, so part of his bottom was exposed. She neared and tucked the blankets around him to hopefully provide warmth and modesty.

  Tori allowed her gaze to roam across his broad chest as she searched for signs he was breathing normally.

  “What are you staring at?” he mumbled groggily. “Trying to figure out where you can stab me and make it look like an accident?”

  “It would be easier to smother you with a pillow,” she replied with a smile. “Or I could always inject something into this.” Tori pointed at the bag that was dripping into his vein.

  Tobias’ brow crinkled. “Where’s Mom?”

  “She went to shower and change. You’re stuck with me until she gets back. Are you in pain? I can call a nurse.”

  He shook his head. “I hurt everywhere. They’ll bring me a shot of something in a bit.” It was endearing when he frowned and looked at the IV bag. “I do need a drink.”

  Tori went to the nurses station and asked for juice. The nurse on duty, a pretty Latina, gave her a wide smile. “Your boyfriend is very handsome. He’s a good patient.”

  She didn’t bother correcting the nurse, too surprised to find out he’d not given the nurses any grief. Then again, they were probably bending over backward for the handsome guy.

  “I’m surprised to hear that. He’s normally a pain in the butt.”

  The nurse laughed. “I’ll bring him juice and a snack in a moment.”

  His eyes were closed when she returned, so Tori went to the window. It would be at least two hours before Mrs. Hamilton returned. There was a half-read book in her tote she planned to pull out and read but, at the moment, she felt too restless.

  “I have an itch.” Tobias said. “Right above my leg cast.”

  Tori came around the bed and lifted the blanket, doing her best to avoid lifting his gown. “Here?”

  She scratched gently at the skin above the cast.

  “Yeah.” He closed his eyes with a pained expression. “Can you reach a bit around the back? Don’t touch my ass. I know how you like my butt.”

  “Shut up.” She did as he requested and stopped when he let out a sigh. “This is not going to be good. How the hell am I supposed to work?”

  “Your Mom said she’s taking you to her house. She and your fiancée will be closer to help out there.”

  He frowned. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, yes, you will,” Tori said with one hand on her hip.

  The nurse walked in. “Lover’s spat?” She smiled at Tobias who grinned back.

  Tori rolled her eyes and moved away as the nurse set up Tobias’ lunch and juice on a rolling tray. She then checked his vitals and put a small cup with pills on the tray. “Take the medication with your juice, please.”

  He did as she instructed. She then rearranged his tubing so that it wouldn’t tug and left.

  “Why can’t all women be as nice as Lydia?” Tobias said, looking to the door.

  “It’s her job to be nice to you,” Tori said. “Plus, she doesn’t know you.”

  “Where’s Mimi?” He frowned at her. “Why are you here?”

  It was so very tempting to pour the remaining juice over his head. “I have no idea. I’m here because I stopped to talk to your mom. She was tired and needed a break. Obviously, your fiancée wasn’t available.”

  She glared at him for a long moment. “I’ll leave as soon as your mother gets here. The only reason I don’t leave now is because I promised to stay and watch you. She treats you like a child, which explains a lot.”

  Other than a one-shoulder shrug, Tobias didn’t react to her statement. She dug out her book and read while he ate.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “I’m not helping you with that.” Tori went to the bed and pushed the button. When the nurse’s voice came over the intercom, she announced, “Your patient wants to poop.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Tobias argued. “That was uncalled for.”

  “You do though, don’t you?” Tori grinned.

  An hour later, they’d argued about several topics. The chair was comfortable and if not for spatting with Tobias, she would have fallen asleep.

  Her phone dinged. “Your mother is delayed. She fell asleep and just now woke up.” Tori frowned at the phone. “I’m going to text Allison and Eric. Maybe one of them can come and watch her baby.”

  “I can be left alone,” he said, but it wasn’t convincing. It was obvious being in a hospital was affecting him. Tobias was normally fiercely independent. This needy side of him was nothing she’d ever experienced.

  “You don’t like hospitals.” It was a statement, but when she uttered it, his gaze moved to hers and she saw fear. “Have you been hospitalized before?”

  “No. I spent enough time in one when Luke was injured though.” Tobias’ hazel gaze moved over the room. “I hate the idea of a hospital. People come here to die.”

  Tori nodded. “We all have to go sometime.”

  “I know,” Tobias replied. “I can’t be here. It’s too much like when Luke almost died. And those days after Taylor got shot. He was hospitalized forever.”

  “Yeah. You came home on leave for that.” She remembered how no one expected Taylor to survive the multiple gunshots. “But you’re okay and will be fine.”

  “I wish things were different,” Tobias muttered and Tori instinctively knew they no longer spoke about hospitals and his injuries.

  “They are what they are.”

  He lifted the cup of juice and drank through a straw. “If I could change anything, I would change how much I fucking love you.”

  Tori’s eyes flew wide and she inhaled sharply. “Don’t say that. I don’t want to hear that. You know damned well it won’t solve anything.”

  Pushing a button, he positioned the bed so that he sat up straighter. “Do I? Will I ever understand how someone could dump a guy that heads out to war? Tell me one day you love me and the next its goodbye.”

  Nearing the bed, Tori lowered her voice to a whisper. “I begged you not to join the military. For days, I sobbed and pleaded that you stay with me. But you wouldn’t hear it. You refused to listen to my fears and how much I needed you to stay.”

  “I had to go. My brother was gone and I couldn’t handle that I wasn’t with him. That he was in danger overseas while I stayed back.”

  Tori huffed. “What about me? You could just turn your back and leave me?” Her eyes misted as angry tears surfaced. “Did you even think about how it affected me?”

  “What the fuck, Tori? You were here, safe at home. You had family and friends. You could’ve waited for me.”

  She gulped back a sob. “I couldn’t handle it alone. I couldn’t.”

  “That makes no damned sense. Why don’t you just admit you were being a spoiled little brat?”

  “Don’t you call me that!” Her rage boiled just below the surface. “You don’t know anything.”

  There was fury in his gaze. Years of resentment shot at her. Tori figured it matched her own. “Why don’t you enlighten me then?”

  “You don’t want to know. You really don’t.”

  Tobias rolled his eyes. “What? That you had a nervous breakdown? I know about that. Mom told me.”

  “That’s only the half of it.”

  Tobias pointed at her. “So it’s all about you. How much you suffered. What the hell do you think I was doing? Vacationing in the sand?”

  “I lost our baby.”

  No sooner did the words escape than Tori realized what she’d done. She stumbled backward and looked around desperately for her tote.

  “What?” Tobias struggled as if trying to get out of the bed. Tori held both hands out. “Don’t move. Stop. The last thing I need is for you to hurt yourself on my watch.”

  “What the fuck did you just say?”

  “What is going on?” Mimi walked in and went directly to Tobias. She glared at Tori. “So now you come here to argue with him? Can’t you just leave us alone?”

  Tori and Tobias continued looking at each other. It was as if they were in a long tunnel, he on one side and she on the other end.

  “I didn’t mean to say that,” Tori whispered.

  Tobias looked at Mimi. “I need to talk to Tori. It’s important.”

  “No,” Tori interrupted. “Nothing can be done about it.”

  “Get out.” Mimi spat in a low voice. “Get the fuck out.”

  Tori rushed from the room, sobs choking her as she raced to her car and the privacy it would offer.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tobias wanted to break free of the bed and confinement of blankets and casts. The thudding of his heart was so loud he could barely hear Mimi going on about the scene she’d walked in on.


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