Mage Throne Prophecy

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Mage Throne Prophecy Page 23

by James Haddock

  Cain shook his head, “That’s the first information I’ve gotten.”

  “We need more. Was this an internal fight, something other than us? The timing is suspicious and concerning.”

  “This couldn’t be Aaron, not this soon.”

  “I’m learning not to put anything past that boy. If it’s a choice between Aaron and someone else who has wiped them out. I’m going with Aaron, just in-case.”

  “If it is him, then he knows it was us, and is taking revenge on the guild.”

  Father nodded, “He’ll be looking at us next.”

  “Then we should move against him now before he can hire anyone to send against us. Or raise his army to come against us.”

  “I don’t think he will raise his army against us. He might hire it done, but he won’t come himself.’’

  “We should hit him now. That Kingdom is a ripe plum, ready to be picked.”

  “Yes, but it will have thorns around the fruit.”

  “Our army out numbers his two-to-one.”

  “Yes, but they are behind a wall which make us equal and gives him the advantage. We must call up the rest of our armies. From the Midwick and Klemstovel. That will give us almost 80 thousand troops. If we do that, it will take us a month to raise them, and he’ll know we are coming.”

  “Maybe he’ll fold when he sees our army.”

  “He won’t fold. If we call up the army, it will be a fight to the end. One side will be finished. This may be the time to take control and expand our Kingdom folding in all five kingdoms into one. While we are down there, we’ll take Volwick as well.”

  Amos had said nothing this whole time, neither had mother. He just shook his head. “I don’t understand,” Amos said.

  They looked at him. “You don’t understand what simpleton?” Cain asked.

  Amos smiled, “You are trying to control three Kingdoms now and their infrastructure is falling apart. Now you want to take 80 thousand men south to take two others. One of which belongs to Aaron. Not a wise move. Moving the army alone will bankrupt us. And if you take 80 thousand troops south, you may come back with 20 thousand. There is also the real possibility you yourselves will not come back. Good luck.”

  He got up and left the dining room. “He’s right you know,” mother said. “You should listen to him. Fix what you own and leave Aaron alone. You tried to take his children. I’m guessing that note said they failed, and they are all dead. He will have no mercy on you as the ones behind it, and I will not blame him if he does. Why did you do that, anyway?”

  “To force him back into the fold, to force him to pay tithes, and to fix and expand our infrastructure like he has done in the south.”

  “Did it ever occur to you to ask him to fix our infrastructure rather than forcing him?” She got up and walked out.

  “And that is why women and children don’t run Kingdoms.” Father said. “Let’s go look at some maps before we decide.” They left to go to father’s office.

  If I killed these two, I would save 80 Thousand of their troops and an unknown number of my troops. Besides, they tried to kidnap my children; I was in no mood to be merciful. I went to father’s office. They were studying the maps.

  Father finally nodded deciding. “Call up the troops, we march at the new moon.”

  I shook my head. I cast the beguiling spell. “He no longer needs you. He will betray and kill you, kill him now.” They surprised me at their reaction, it was immediate. They both drew their daggers and started stabbing each other.

  “You think you can take my Kingdom, you ungrateful child?”

  “Just die, old man, your time has ended. It’s my time now.”

  They died in each other’s grasp. Odd they never used magic to fight, no matter, dead is dead.

  Chapter 24

  I flew under my city spot checking to make sure all was well. I teleported into the wall in the castle, all was quiet. Reggie and the twins were having lunch. I came out of the wall in the hall and walked into the dining room.

  “Da” They shouted and ran to me.

  “Hey guys.” I said.

  Reggie came over and kissed me, “You are well husband?” She asked smiling.

  I smiled,” I am."

  “Is it finished?”

  “I believe it is. It seems the Crown Prince, and my father were behind it. They wanted to use the children to force us to do their bidding. Apparently, they got greedy and killed each other over who would be King.”

  “Amos, and your mother?”

  “They had advised them to leave us alone, they didn’t take their advice. Last I saw Amos and mother they were fine. I think they’ll be ok. They’ll be too busy fixing their Kingdom to worry about us.”

  She nodded hugging me. “Good, now maybe things can get back to normal.”

  I laughed, “I doubt it, but we’ll handle whatever comes together.”

  I VISITED THE PEOPLE left from the Assassin’s Guild list, there would be no second visits. Hopefully that was the last of the vipers in this pit. Well, until some migrated in, but now I knew what to look for. I went to the businesses the guild had around the city and eliminated them. I loaded all their vault’s contents into crystals. I then went to their secret storage vaults and emptied them into crystals.

  While I was out, I checked on my businesses; they were running smoothly and making money. Dov-ees sent me a message that he had news from the northern Kingdoms. I knew what it would be, but I wanted to see what they reported.

  We talked business until we were completing done. “You have news from the north?”

  “I do, reports from Norsewick is that there is an apparent war going on among the Assassin’s Guild. The Norsewick guild house was wiped out. I’m sure you have already heard the guild house here suffered the same fate.” I nodded. “There is also news of the death of your father and older brother.” He waited for a reaction.

  “Killed by the guild?”

  “They are not sure; reports say they killed each other. A power struggle perhaps.”

  “That would be just like them. They were never happy with what they had, they always wanted more. Any news from Dunwich?”

  “Nothing new, the business is doing well. No large troop movements.”

  I nodded, “good, maybe things will be calm for a change.”

  He laughed, “calm before the storm.”


  I stopped by the school and checked in with the Head Priest. “All is well?”

  He bowed, “It is Sire.”

  “I wanted to let you know that I will create a new rank equal to a knight. The new rank will be 'Sir Mage’, we will recognize them the same as a knight. With this new rank come responsibilities. When needed They must fight for the Kingdom and help when their help is called on.”

  “Will they be required to appear at court?”

  “No more than a knight would, unless specifically called upon.”

  “Will they be taxed?”

  I laughed, “no more than anyone else of their rank. I’ll be honest with you. I have recently found out that the Assassins' Guild has Mages. I’ll give you one guess where they come from. The assassins are probably using the fact that they might be killed if found out as a way to get them into the guild. More than likely threatening them with tuning them in if they don’t work with them. As far as I’m concerned, that is a dangerous waste of talent. We need them on our side. So, if you would, spread the word. I’ll not force them, but the assassins might.”

  “That is a danger, I’ll make sure the word is passed.”

  I MADE SHIELD BRACELETS, both wrist and ankle, and circlets for the twins. I also made them teleportation rings, including one for Reggie. They just had to think of teleporting to the pavilion and they would teleport. We practiced with them and told them it was for emergencies only, not to be played with. I also upgraded the wards around the castle, especially around the Royal apartments.

  I also started teaching them hand-to-hand. We st
arted with two days a week. Once we were started, we increased to training every other day, then every weekday. Once word got around other Royal’s military children wanted in on the training. We started a special training class for them and brought in trainers to do the job. I’d take over later once they were ready to escalate to my type of combat. I would teach them to fight with magic, steel, and MMA.

  “The children are really enjoying the hand-to-hand.”

  “I know, and we needed to channel that energy into something constructive before they found something to do with it.” I laughed remembering my youth.

  We got a report that the Volwick had started a road building project in their city and had started on a road headed to the new Southgate road and bridge I had built. Prince Roman was helping with the Southgate road, practicing his earth magic. He was getting stronger with age, and practice.

  I WAS STILL CURIOUS about what, or who was out west, beyond the mountains. I knew of no caravans that came from that way, well, no major ones. My map showed no cities, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one. It just meant no one had updated the map.

  I took a piece of iron with me when I teleported out to the mountains, landing underground. I felt the earth around me and found the highest concentration of iron. I put the drawing runes on the iron to make a trap like I had done for the silver and gold. That would attract the purest iron.

  I flew under and along the mountains. The mountains went all the way to the sea in the south with no breaks. I flew under to the north. I knew where one pass was; it was steep. I kept following the range north; it ended in Norsewick.

  I made the mountain sides into sheer cliffs at the border. I opened a crevasse 50 feet deep and I00 feet wide from the mountains to the King’s road. That would force anyone to use the King’s road, at least from the north and west sides.

  I teleported back to the mountain pass. I went up to the highest peak and looked west. I saw nothing, not even the ocean. This would be a good place for a fort. I could put a few hundred men in the right kind of fort, and they could hold the pass forever. I could build farmsteads and offer the land to those would move out here and farm the land and support the fort. I could even build a town, for shops, and businesses, and they could support each other. I’d build a King’s road to here and maybe out to the coast. I wanted to spread our Kingdom out. We could put one of the Royals in charge of the area to oversee it. We’d just have to choose carefully.

  I flew under straight west heading for the ocean. Under rivers, forests, and fields. It was good land. I was pretty sure the trees here were the type used in shipbuilding.

  I found no towns, farm, or ranches. When I reached the coast, I followed it north until I found where a river met the sea. There was a ship anchored off store, and a longboat was hauling fresh water back to the ship. It was a Dunwich cargo ship. There was evidence of ships stopping here to replenish their fresh water. This would be a good place for a harbor.

  I’d follow the same pattern. Fort first, then farms, then a town. Actually, I’d build this before the mountain fort. I liked this idea better. I flew under up the coast to the north. I stopped at about a few weeks travel time by horse. I found nothing. My advantage was I could raise a fort, harbor, and city pretty much overnight. It would take anyone else years. The more I thought about it the more I liked it.

  I flew all under the area as fast as I could to update my maps. Once I arrived back at the mountains, I teleported home.

  I UPDATED ALL OUR MAPS and talked to Reggie. “So, this would double the size of our Kingdom?”

  “More than double it and would cover our western flank. Moving our Army and Navy out there is the easy part, the harder part is who would we send to govern that area.”

  “And the population?”

  “Free land, farms, housing, and a year’s supplies to get started. People will line up to take the deal once the fort and castle are in place.”

  She thought about it. “You are probably right. But as you said, who do we send as governor?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. How about General Samuels?”

  “A Military Governor?”

  “To start with, if he does well, maybe keep it when he retires. We appoint him, he sets everything in place. He protects our western flank, keeps law and order. If he is not the man for the job long term, we replace him.”

  “How large a force?”

  “1000 troops, and 2 Navy ships to start, then families, farmers, and tradesmen. We’ll work up from there.”

  “I like it, let’s draw up plans, then invite the General to a meeting.”

  THE GENERAL WAS NOT slow on the uptake; he saw this for the opportunity it was. He was all for it from the start. “What we’d like you to do General, is to make a deployment plan, and supply requirement. I’ll be opening a portal for us to travel there. The ships will meet us.”


  “You tell me. How long will it take to gather supplies and prepare for movement?”

  “I’II have a plan for you in three days.”

  “Make it a week, I want a full plan, not an emergency plan.”

  He nodded, “In one week then.”

  I nodded, He bowed and departed.

  A LETTER WAS WAITING for me when we came down to breakfast. It was from my Mother.

  It read:


  It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you of the death of your father and brother Cain. They killed each other in a fit of greed and rage. Amos is now King, and I am acting as his advisor. It is in this capacity that I’m writing you. King Amos has inherited a mess. We need your help to repair the infrastructure of the city and the castle. We can’t afford to pay or to wait for people to repair these things as we are almost bankrupt. Please come.

  The Queen,


  “I’ll be back,” I told Reggie. I teleported into the wall of the family dining room. It was breakfast time and mother, and Amos were there. I stepped out into the hallway and walked into the dining room.

  I bowed, “Mother."

  She nodded, “Aaron."

  I looked at Amos. “Brother.” I smiled.

  He smiled back, “Brother. Come, share breakfast with us.”

  “Thank you.” I fixed my plate and sat down.

  “How are the twins?” mother asked.

  “Fine, growing like weeds.”

  “I would love to see them.” She said.

  I nodded and opened a portal, “kids.” I called the twins and Armor came through. “This is your Grandmother.”

  They both looked at her. “Grandmother,” they bowed. Reggie came through and stood behind them. The portal closed.

  Mother went around the table, “come here, children.” They went right to her. She was hugging them with tears on her cheeks. She took them back to her seat and started asking them questions to get them talking. That was all it took; they took off with stories. Reggie fixed their plates, and we sat down to breakfast.

  I sat next to Amos. “I understand you have a few problems and need a hand.”

  He laughed, “You could say that, yes. Father and Cain made a right mess of things through their neglect.”

  “We’ll work it out, what are brothers for.” We laughed.

  As we ate, we talked about their problems. Most of which were money related. There was very little left in the treasury, and the Crown owed everyone except the army. They had paid the army through the end of the month.

  “Father and Cain were so focused on forcing the four kingdoms to become one under their rule they destroyed this one trying to make it happen. I have a proposal. Norsewick is bankrupt, I propose we join all kingdoms under your banner, your Kingdom. I would inherit nothing, anyway. I will be your governor here. You assign another to Midwick. Let’s end this wasteful fighting and live in peace, and hopefully prosperity.”

  I looked at the Queen, “mother, what are you, thoughts?”

  She nodded, “I’m of the s
ame opinion. Your father would not listen to reason. Greed blinded him, and Cain was worse.”

  I looked at Reggie, “My Queen?”

  She looked around the table. “I am for peace. This is a better way to achieve it.”

  “What will the other Royals say?” I asked.

  Mother harrumphed, “They are so scared they are about to lose everything, anything that stabilizes the Kingdoms they will agree too.”

  “Then we shall combine the Kingdoms into one for the betterment of us all. What needs to be done first?”

  “Money,” mother said, “The Crown owes half the businesses and shops in the city. You want a peaceful transition, pay them what we owe them. They will follow right along.”

  I nodded. “Call your accountants, send word to all we owe money too. Have them present their bill to our accountants; we’ll pay our debts in full. At the same time well let them know about the joining of the three Kingdoms into one. Word will spread quickly.”

  WE HELD COURT AND PAID our debts. I as King, Reggie as Queen, Amos as Duke of the Norsewick, and mother as the Queen Mother and advisor. I opened crystals in the castle vaults as needed. I put the assassin’s guild gold to good use.

  Once our debts were settled, we called for the Commander of the Army. He approached and bowed.

  “General, send half of our army back to their homes, with one month’s pay. Keep your best troops active. Send 1000 troops to Midwick to maintain peace. We will meet you there to settle all outstanding debts and install a Governor. Do you have any urgent matters that I need to take care of?”

  “None, Sire.”

  “Very well, you have your orders.” He bowed and left.

  We restocked the castles supplies, paying in advance. Reggie and the twins went home, I stayed to finish some repair work. The clerks gave me a list of things that needed fixing right away, and I took care of them, I repaired castle walls, bridges, wells, and numerous other projects. I left the lower priority jobs undone and hired them to be repaired. We also put people to work paving the street. That would get money in circulation. I set my silver and gold traps out. Might as well make the land pay for itself.


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