Outremer III

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Outremer III Page 7

by D. N. Carter

  “Yes my father has told me that part several times. ’Tis but another of the reasons he sees fit to travel to London often,” Paul said and looked down as he thought about his father. Alisha sensed the sadness in Paul and rubbed his shoulder gently. He looked up at her and smiled.

  “I shall not bore you much longer,” Theodoric said and shuffled in his chair.

  “I am far from bored. Are you?” Paul answered and looked at Alisha. She shook her head no.

  “Okay to keep this short…if I can? The ruling family of Georgia seems to be related to persons of the Bible, from Noah to Jesus. But is there any truth to the Christian Bible or is it just folklore and religious rhetoric as some believe? Well, there exist many other historical documents going all the way back to the time of Jesus and even before. Egyptian history and culture generally match the biblical accounts. When it comes to the Greek myths and ancient scriptures it is quite astonishing to learn they also correspond with the biblical scriptures in many cases and that the ancient Greeks believed their myths to be true is a well documented fact. A major work of Greek mythology was The Iliad by Homer. The Sumerians were one of the earliest societies to emerge in the world, in Mesopotamia. They developed a writing system known as cuneiform, written on wet clay with a sharpened stick, or stylus. Over thousands of years Sumerian scribes recorded daily events, trade, astronomy and literature on clay tablets. And when they all speak of giants, we should take them seriously. We found many skeletons in the Caucasus region, some unbelievably huge…many over nine feet tall. Now the ‘Narts’ were a tribe of heroes. They were huge, tall people as retold in the Nart sagas, a series of tales originating from the North Caucasus. They form the basic mythology of the tribes in the area, including Abazin, Abkhaz, Circassian, Ossetian, Karachay-Balkar and Chechen-Ingush folklore. The Narts themselves were a race of giants and some motifs in the sagas are shared by Greek mythology…such as the story of Prometheus chained to Mount Kazbek and the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece in which Colchis is generally accepted to have been part of modern-day Georgia. Some believe that many aspects of the legends about King Arthur are derived from the Nart sagas, like the one where Arthur kills a giant living on a mountain. In the Georgian myths you can also read about the ‘Devi’, giants, usually believed to be evil beings. The devis lived in the underworld or remote mountains, where they hoarded treasures and kept captives. The myths usually depicted a family of devis, with nine brothers being the average number. Bakbak-Devi was most often the strongest and most powerful of the devis.” [82]

  “Sounds very much like devils,” Alisha remarked.

  “It does indeed. The bible says that God created apes and humans, not apes that turned into humans…Genesis tells us that God created Adam, the first human, from the dust of the ground and then he created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs so that Adam should not be alone. And that we are of course the descendants of Adam and Eve. Remember how I explained before the meanings behind ‘rib’ and that it meant spirit? That they were created the way we look today. But we also remember that Genesis tells us that the sons of God, or more correctly ‘Gods’ in plural, found the females of man pleasing and had children with them. Some believe the sons of God were and are the same as the ‘fallen angels’, the ‘watchers’ who according to the scriptures had come down from heaven to earth. That they gave rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim…giants so tall that the Hebrews were like grasshoppers in comparison. Most traditional Christian scholars believe them to have been powerful demons.”

  “So Abi is of the Gods,” Tenno stated more than asked.

  “That is just it. We are all the children of the Gods. Some are just taller than others and some still have the blood running through their veins that the ancient tools will work with,” Theodoric replied.

  “And our souls can migrate from a small body to a larger, depending upon what path one chooses to experience,” Attar said and nodded.

  “Look, the Sumerians developed one of the earliest civilisations on earth, from the fourth millennium BC in the area known as Mesopotamia. Their creation myth is almost identical to the Christian Bible version. Their gods created the world with sky, water, animals and humans. In the Bible we are made from dust, in the Sumerian texts they are formed from clay. In both the Bible and the Sumerian texts we are created in the image of the gods…not just a single god. Also the sons of the Sumerian gods begot children with the humans, and their offspring were giants, like Gilgamesh. Some of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets depicting the creation of the human race show the struggle their gods seem to have had trying to make us as it seems to have been an intricate process. Some texts say that this creation process was in fact a medical experiment, done by beings from the stars and we were created so they could use man as their servants, or slaves if you like. Tablets reveal texts and images that talk of these people from the stars named as the Annunaki. But the ancient Sumerians also had stories of a great flood. Their supreme god Enlil wanted mankind to vanish because they had become too many and powerful, but the god Enki, who had been responsible for creating the humans, warned the hero Ziusudra (Atrahasis/Utnapishtim) and gave him instructions on building an ark. So according to the Christian Bible, the Sumerian tablets and similar flood stories all over the world, the human race more or less was wiped out in a worldwide flood. Only a few survived and started repopulating the earth. Afterwards, very tall, white skinned, blonde and blue-eyed gods came back and helped educate mankind again. But as soon as they departed, the highly advanced civilisations deteriorated fast and completely vanished leaving only monuments in stone memories.”

  “So what is so special about Colchis other than it was renamed Camulod as you explained earlier?” Paul asked.

  “According to the Greek historian Herodotus, Egyptians occupied the area of Colchis at the eastern end of the Black Sea. He states that these Egyptians knew more about Egyptian history than the Egyptians themselves. Apollonius of Rhodes, who lived some years later, stated that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. The kingdom of Colchis, which existed from the sixth to the first centuries BC, was regarded as the first Georgian state. Some believe that secret tablets have revealed that Colchis was built on the remains of the legendary Atlantis. Well, the only source we have of Atlantis is the Greek writer Plato, who in about 360 BC mentioned in his writings a story from his ancestor Solon. While visiting the priests of Sais in Egypt, the Athenian statesman, lawmaker and poet Solon learned the story of a magnificent ancient civilisation that disappeared nine thousand years earlier, that great earthquakes and floods had destroyed Atlantis with its survivors fleeing to Egypt. Some of the mountain villages in Colchis should have been relatively untouched by the cataclysmic disaster, and that is why the ancient Greek historians talk about Egyptians in what today is Georgia for they were the proto-Egyptians! There is an ancient link between Georgia and Egypt, and there is definitely a link to Greece. The Greek historians had an intriguing knowledge about the country they called Colchis, and ancient Greek legends told of a fabulously wealthy land where Jason and the Argonauts stole the Golden Fleece from King Aeetes with the help of his daughter Medea. The Golden Fleece was the fleece of the gold-haired, winged ram. Well, the ancient Greeks referred to Colchis as ‘polychrysos’, meaning ‘rich in gold’ and it is a fact that gold has been mined in Georgia. It was said that gold was carried down by the mountain torrents, and that in ancient times was obtained by means of perforated troughs and fleecy skins! Golden Fleece…but not on a living ram! Did I forget to mention that Jason and his brave men had to fight off a gang of giants before they reached Colchis, with Heracles, Hercules, killing most of them? Also the giants of the earliest Greek legends were nothing like the stupid trolls of the Nordic myths for they were represented in human form and equipped with armour and spears. The ancient Greeks believed that their legends were true…that the gods, giants and heroes had lived. So many of the
Georgian legends are so similar to the Greeks’ that there must be a link, there must be something true to the basis of the legends! And it is quite strange that so many of their legends include Colchis and the Caucasus mountains. Why would Prometheus, the Titan from Greek mythology, be chained to a mountain in Georgia? Would it not be more natural that the gods chained him to Mount Olympus? Not only is it the tallest mountain in Greece but it was here the ancient gods lived! Also where the gods were attacked by twenty-four giants, quite successfully until the god Heracles immobilised the leader of the giants by tossing him over his broad shoulders, and rushing him over the Thracian border. Yes, the giant was sent back to where he came from but history does not really give clear information on where Thracia was situated but it was somewhere to the north or northeast. In one ancient Greek source, the very earth is divided into Asia, Libya, Europa and Thracia. Another giant from Thracia was Maximinus Thrax and we know that he was real. His name is translated to ‘The Giant from Thracia’ and he was a Roman Emperor from year AD 173 to 238. According to Historia Augusta, he was of such a size, so Cordus reports, that men said he was eight foot, six inches in height. We have busts and coins showing Maximinus with his prominent brow, nose and jaw.” [83]

  “And Abi is connected to all of this?” Tenno asked, looking confused.

  “Tenno, I am sorry. Alas once I start to talk, I find it hard to stop…but yes. For Abi’s ancestors were of a direct descent from what we would call those very same tall, blonde haired, blue eyed giants from antiquity.”

  “Why could you not just say that at the start?” Tenno quipped and sat back.

  “Because I wished for Paul to learn about Colchis and the history behind it, for much that was secret and begun in the Colchis of Georgia was taken to the new Colchis of Britain,” Theodoric replied just as Percival appeared at the rear entrance, followed in by Thomas. Quickly Percival and Thomas walked across the small courtyard and entered the far side door which led to their own private quarters without saying a word. “An early night for them two I am guessing.”

  “So this queen you mentioned…Tamar, she is important then?” Paul asked looking back at Theodoric.

  “Yes and much so. I speak of her now so that hopefully you too will remember and make a special note of her,” Theodoric replied, which made Alisha look at Paul, puzzled, almost suspicious.

  “Ali, do you know that in the region I speak of, the word Ari means a ‘bee’?” Theodoric remarked, seeing her expression.

  Ishmael suddenly appeared at the main entrance doorway leading in from the dining area. He bowed his head slightly and looked toward Paul.

  “Sorry to disturb you all…but Nyla has arrived and asks to enter with a friend. She has brought many textiles and silks for you,” Ishmael explained and looked at Alisha directly.

  Alisha stood up fast and quickly rushed across the room excited. As she past Ishmael she kissed the side of his face and hurried off through the dining area and toward the front door.

  “I think Ali has found a new best friend,” Theodoric joked.

  “I shall join them…and you can all talk man things,” Sister Lucy said as she stood up.

  Paul pointed to her chair with his hand and gestured for Ishmael to join them.

  “If you are sure?” Ishmael said.

  “Of course. Please join us,” Paul replied as Attar sat himself up further.

  “Now that Alisha has gone, perhaps we can talk on matters of more interest to you,” Attar said as Ishmael sat down.

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  “I do not wish to conceal anything from Ali,” Paul commented.

  “Then do not. Tell her all that we speak of but if you wish to learn, and more importantly understand, the wisdom of our forefathers, then you must learn of the secrets of the pyramids. To understand that we, as a people, are all one,” Attar said softly.

  “See…I am not the only one who says it,” Theodoric said and nodded.

  “We are all one. If you learn and understand the mathematical codes, the true reality of this world will be opened to you. You will truly see the beauty of our existence in a way you never believed possible. You will understand the saying ‘from one many, from many one’, and how we are all responsible in equal measure to save ourselves…from ourselves,” Attar explained as Theodoric nodded his head in agreement.

  “He speaks correctly for, as your father would confirm, we all must learn again the simple truth…that we are all one regardless of race, colour or creed…we are all One Spiritually! Our world is broken, and it is breaking more, as many prophecies claim…but self fulfilling prophecies of a negative and destructive kind must be stopped,” Theodoric explained and sat forwards on his chair.

  “The pyramids at Giza all hold truths. ’Tis why we must visit them and learn from them even though it scares Alisha,” Attar said.

  “What, even the small third pyramid?” Paul asked.

  “Yes…that one teaches us the truth about light…that light is simply the by-product of matter, regardless of how fast matter moves, light always leaves matter at a constant. That is one of the truths recalled within the legends about the EYE in the centre of a pyramid that it is trying to tell us. The other is how to truthfully view our reality…but also truths about a free and limitless energy form,” Theodoric explained, excitement registering across his face.

  “Paul, many come to these lands seeking answers to the greatest mysteries. They do so as they instinctively remember that the answers are to be found here…a memory almost and that includes some of the greatest minds from Europe. A primordial tradition transmitted from generation to generation within closed communities of initiates which still exist, such as the secret Islamic communities like the Druze, the Ismailis and the Nusairis, who have been responsible for transmitting ancient wisdom to Europe through their influence on the Knights Templar,” Attar explained.

  “Sorry…you say that Ismailis have transmitted wisdom to the Templars?” Paul interrupted.

  “Yes…and because the Templars recovered certain items, they were able to confirm facts from antiquity that proved what the secret initiates taught was in fact based upon truths. ’Tis why they work so closely together now. They have a common goal…one which unfortunately the likes of Reynald are not privy to,” Attar explained.

  “Then why not make him so and perhaps then he would not be so hostile,” Paul remarked.

  “No…we tried that years ago. His answer was to go out and try and slaughter as many Muslims as he could. He does not wish to share any knowledge…,” Theodoric answered, his tone turning serious.

  “The Knights Templar derived several of their doctrines and practices from the Ismaili Ashashin, who in turn inherited them from ancient Gnostics. The Druze and Nusairi sects were for many years the custodians of the most complete system of secret knowledge. The doctrines of the Nusairis are identical to those of the Cathars,” Attar explained further. “That is one aspect the likes of Reynald could not accept…that the key to spiritual enlightenment among the Orient’s arcane secret groups all point to the Muslim lands of North Africa and the mysterious East. Here in Cairo we have the Muslim ‘House of Wisdom’ where one of the greatest Frankish kings ever learnt secrets from when he was taught there. You have heard of him I am sure. He was Charles, King of the Franks…better known to you as Charlemagne. His legacy subsequently led to the creation of many cathedrals across Europe for the Templars and he founded a lodge for the Rosicrucian Order in Toulouse. Even the name Rosicrucian, a follower of the path of the Rose Cross, is to all purposes identical to the Moorish Sufi phrase ‘Path of the Rose’,” Attar said quietly as he studied Paul’s reaction carefully.

  “My father has explained about Charlemagne already…and his sword being made similar to mine,” Paul replied and placed his left hand over his sword handle.

  “Yes…and I note you carry that sword always,” Attar remarked, looking at the sword.

  “I carry mine also always,” Tenno said.

  “I know.
These points are not missed,” Attar replied and rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment. “You, Tenno, I know are aware that a true master can put away his weapons, but sadly, and I hate to agree with this fact…sadly you must continue to carry them in the face of so much hatred and violence that still resides in the world,” he explained and sighed before continuing. “Knowledge is but only part of a whole body of ancient wisdom as was known to Noah and Abraham, to Zoroaster, to the Chaldean, Egyptian and Greek masters, and to Muslim mystics.”

  “Like you?” Paul asked.

  “Paul, I still have much to learn, but I have been blessed so far for I have been fortunate enough to learn that the teachings contained within all the holy books have two aspects to them…one exoteric and the other esoteric. That may seem contradictory but in reality complementary. I am sure Theodoric has explained this before,” Attar remarked as Paul nodded yes. “Even when this distinction is not openly acknowledged, or even denied, there none the less exists a state of an outer and inner, like a bone and the inner marrow, the visible and invisible, the wide and narrow road and the mind and flesh. All has an equal and opposite. Black and white, light and dark…but you know this already,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  “Your God and your Devil,” Tenno stated and shook his head disapprovingly.

  “Yes, I suppose so. But why do you say that with almost contempt in your voice?” Attar asked.

  “Oh that is just the way he is normally,” Theodoric joked.


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