Outremer III

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Outremer III Page 21

by D. N. Carter

  Stewart raised his hands, then turned and vanished from sight as his sword was drawn and raised and he rushed toward the fight. Paul’s heart sank and he feared for his brother. Paul and Percival struggled to pull their vessel about to face Husam’s and Reynald’s ships, and they watched as several engagements started between other ships in the fleet. One of Reynald’s cog vessels was already fully ablaze, men jumping into the sea, some burning and screaming. Flashes and bangs rang out from Reynald’s ship. Suddenly another flame thrower fired up from the rear of his ship spewing out a large gout of orange flame across the rear of Husam’s ship. Heavily armoured marines rushed to the area with other oarsmen and immediately and effectively started to douse the flames. Arrows and crossbow bolts were zipping between vessels and the clash of swords echoed out amongst the shouting. The pilgrim vessel set its sails and tried to steer a course northward against the wind away from the fight, but it hardly moved. Husam’s ship started to push away from Gerard’s ship as its main sails caught fire from the grenades. Paul and Percival watched as Husam’s men jumped back to their own ship. Paul prayed Stewart was okay. Reynald and Gerard were surrounded by many of their own heavily armed guards when Reynald ordered his ship to run down the pilgrim vessel. Husam’s ship turned away in the opposite direction unable to shield or assist the pilgrim vessel. A loud crack sounded out as the pilgrim Tarida vessel’s back broke, its bow sticking up in the air sinking, its weight out of the water too much for its keel to take the stress.

  Several marines and the whole upper-bank of oarsmen, heavily armoured in preparation for battle and armed with lances and swords, along with other sailors wearing padded felt jackets (neurika) for protection, aimed their bows and crossbows at Reynald’s ship as Husam tried to manoeuvre into a better assault position. Many javelins started to be fired off toward Reynald’s ship from two other Dromons closing in. The sky around his ship appeared to turn black as hundreds of arrows were unleashed against it. Paul gulped hard knowing his brother was on board.

  “Look…he is going to ram the pilgrim vessel and take her down with him,” Percival shouted as they watched the helmsman steer Reynald’s vessel on a direct collision course with the pilgrim ship.

  Husam’s ships were all too far away to intercept fast enough as Reynald’s ship closed in. Paul immediately saw that at both vessels’ present courses and speed, Reynald’s ship would ram the smaller and lower in the water pilgrim vessel centrally and with all likelihood break her in two.

  “If you wish to live this day, you had better get off now!” Paul shouted to Percival, then aimed his vessel directly at Reynald’s ship. He pitched the vessel and aligned the sail to catch the wind. As he was coming in from the north, his sails picked up instantly. “Remember I said the bows on this are reinforced…well!”

  Percival jumped beside Paul and helped him steady the rudder lever. He winked at Paul briefly.

  “I can’t swim!” Percival laughed.

  Paul looked at him for a second before flinching as arrows whizzed past, fired from Reynald’s ship. As the vessel picked up speed, the bows raised up in the water offering protection from all the incoming arrows and bolts that thudded against the hull. Paul calculated where Reynald’s ship was heading and steered accordingly almost blind.

  “Quick…quick…ram that damn pilgrim shit carrier!” Reynald shouted as his men tried to eek out every last breath of wind in the sails. “Hurry!” he yelled even louder as he saw Paul’s vessel approach. He squinted momentarily confused. “Is…is he going to try and ram us?” he asked bemused and laughed as he nudged Gerard.

  Gerard looked down towards Paul’s fast approaching vessel heading directly for the bow of their ship.

  “That, my friend, I think he is…and at that speed, he will not only sink himself, but he will put a massive hole in us,” Gerard replied looking on half fascinated at the strange sight of Paul’s ship speeding towards him, the bow raised on the two stabiliser fins.

  Stewart rushed to the side, the rear of the ship becoming more engulfed in flames. The pilgrim vessel was now directly in front of them. Stewart saw the look of horror on several of the women and children crowded upon the open top deck as they bore down on them. As Stewart’s eyes widened and he braced for the impact, he was suddenly knocked sideways instead as Paul’s vessel slammed into the bow of Reynald’s ship with such force it threw most of the crew, including Reynald and Gerard, to the deck. The force was unlike anything Reynald had ever experienced. Shocked he tried to stand, but the force from Paul’s vessel pushed the bow causing the entire ship to turn away from the pilgrim vessel hard, just missing it, the swell almost swamping the upper decks. Reynald looked up as the main mast creaked as it leaned and bowed under the pressure. A sickening loud crack rang out as it snapped. Stewart jumped to his feet and dived at Gerard knocking him out of the way as the broken half of the mast and part furled sail crashed down beside them. Paul and Percival looked up wondering what was happening, their vessel firmly stuck in the bow of Reynald’s ship pushing it on a tight arch about itself.

  “Well you were correct about the reinforced bow,” Percival called out and laughed nervously.

  Fire began to engulf the rear of Reynald’s ship as cheers went up from the pilgrim ship. Paul looked over to see many sailors from the Hospitaller ship, now completely ablaze, and survivors from the Muslim Tarida all swimming in the water amongst the odd pool of Greek fire as it burnt away on the surface. Reynald’s ship seemed to sigh and then the stern suddenly dropped deeper into the water as internal beams began to break. Quickly Paul jumped up.

  “Stewart!” he shouted and ran to the front of his vessel, pushed past the sail and looked up at the side of Reynald’s ship. Quickly he grabbed hold of protruding broken planks and climbed up. As he jumped over the balustrade he looked about. The stern of the ship was ablaze and men were ditching their armour and jumping over the side. He turned to look forwards just in time to see Stewart helping to drag Gerard along the foredeck. “Stewart!” Paul cried out and rushed towards him. Bemused Stewart looked up, sweat pouring from his face. “Ditch the chain mail, brother, for you will surely drown if you enter the water.”

  “Brother…these are my brothers. I do not know who you are any more… or what that is!” Stewart shouted back defiant and looked down at Paul’s vessel, Percival struggling to cut away entangled woodwork.

  Paul rushed forwards and grabbed Gerard’s feet and started to lift him.

  “Well you want this man to live do you not?” Paul shouted.

  Stewart looked at Paul hesitantly until the aft mast collapsed and crashed down with a loud bang across the deck, throwing up smoke and dust. As they all coughed, Gerard slowly coming round, Stewart lifted him under the arms.

  “And just where do we take him?” Stewart shouted.

  “To my vessel. You will both be safe upon there…you have my word!” Paul yelled back as Percival jumped into view, concerned after the mast had fallen.

  “So where is the prick Reynald now?” he asked.

  Stewart nodded toward the broken main mast section lying across the forecastle deck.

  “Is he dead?” Paul asked. Stewart shrugged his shoulders he did not know. “Percy, take Gerard’s feet and get them on board our vessel. I will check Reynald!” Paul shouted as he lowered Gerard’s feet.

  Stewart looked at Paul, confused, as Percival lifted Gerard’s feet. Paul nodded at Percival and then vanished into the swirling smoke.

  Paul pushed past parts of the sail, holes burning through it as it lay across both the broken mast and decking. Paul coughed as he breathed in acrid smoke. His foot hit something soft. He looked down and immediately saw it was Reynald lying unconscious, his leg trapped under the broken mast. A large cut and raised bump was clearly visible upon his forehead as Paul knelt beside him. He moved Reynald’s head to look up and slapped him across the cheek to wake him. Reynald coughed and spluttered as he tried to clear his throat and rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus through the sm
oke that swirled in ever increasing thickness like someone was waving a blanket up and around them. His eyes widened in alarm as his vision came into focus and he saw Paul standing over him, beams of sunlight flickering through the smoke and burnt sail almost silhouetting Paul as he raised his arms, a large fighting mace in his hands ready to swing it down. Reynald raised his arms protectively as he struggled to move, but his trapped leg holding him fast.

  “No…have mercy!” Reynald shouted.

  Paul looked down at him as he swung the heavy mace several times to gain speed and momentum behind it. He could kill Reynald right here and now and end the madness of his power he thought…but then images of Princess Stephanie filled his mind. Her beautiful smile, her soft touch as she held his hands at the wadi. Then his eyes caught sight of some initials etched deeply into the main balustrade. It was his and Alisha’s initial. Momentarily stunned, he froze. Reynald squirmed on the deck and then frantically started to pull at his leg. Water started flooding over the deck as the ship started to sink slowly. Paul slipped briefly on the wet deck just managing to grab hold of the balustrade. Quickly he ran his fingers over the initials. Alisha had told him she had carved their initials upon a ship when she sailed to Tortosa years ago. A wave washed over Reynald and he shook his head to clear the sea water from his eyes and spat some out. Quickly Paul stood up straight again, raised the mace high and swung it several times as Reynald stared at him transfixed thinking he was about to be slain by Paul or drowned…trapped. With all his strength, Paul swung the mace down hard. It smashed into the decking beside Reynald’s trapped leg smashing the planks downwards. Instantly Reynald started to pull his leg but it was still trapped just as another wave washed over him and pushed Paul backwards. Quickly Paul raised the mace again and in one fell swoop swung it over his head and down hard upon the decking, this time smashing his way through the planks. As they shattered downwards, it gave just enough room for Reynald to pull his leg free. He staggered to his feet and looked at Paul. Their eyes met and both stood in silence for what seemed an age but was only seconds. They both fell sideways as the bow of the ship suddenly raised a few feet as the stern of the vessel started to slip beneath the waves, pulling the bow upwards. Paul threw the mace aside, grabbed Reynald and pulled him across the broken mast and half dragged him towards his own vessel as Percival and Stewart fought to push off away from the sinking ship, black smoke bellowing upwards mixed with clouds of white steam as water extinguished flames. Paul pushed Reynald hard into the rear of the vessel forcing him to land upon Gerard, who was semiconscious. Stewart helped pull him on board as Paul leapt from the sinking ship onto the foredeck of his vessel. It groaned noisily as the reinforced bow pulled free from the sinking ship just in time as the stern started to pull it down faster amid a noise of bubbles and breaking wood. Men were still in the water, some screaming mixed with cheers from the pilgrim vessel. Paul could see Husam’s fleet engaging at close quarters Reynald’s remaining ships which had turned to head back to the eastern shores. The Muslim Tarida had completely vanished beneath the waves. Paul looked behind him, pushed past the main mast in time to see Husam’s ship pulling alongside. If he saw Stewart, he knew he would be executed as an example as Saladin had ordered. He jumped down into the aft deck area and pushed Gerard hard and rolled him down the steps leading into the main hold. He grabbed Stewart and almost threw him down the stairs. As he turned to look at Reynald, he stood up straight to face him.

  “I shall not be held captive like a rat,” Reynald stated proudly as he stood soaking wet, his head bleeding.

  “You arrogant arse. I am trying to save your miserable soul…now get down there and hide and do not come up until I call…NOW!” Paul shouted back and pushed him hard.

  Hesitantly Reynald looked through the part furled sail as Husam’s ship approached. He looked at Paul half surprised then quickly stepped down into the hold looking back up at Paul shaking his head.

  “Ahoy…are you seaworthy?” one of Husam’s marine officers called out as the ship steered to move alongside. Percival stamped out a small fire and patted down part of the sail that was alight. “Ahoy!”

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  Paul stood up and waved as Husam stepped into view on the rear aft castle.

  “We have put out the fire but I fear we are taking on water,” Paul shouted back.

  “What were you thinking of? You could have got yourself killed?” Husam shouted down. “And is Reynald dead?”

  Paul looked back as the bow mast of Reynald’s ship slipped gently beneath the waves and out of sight. Slowly he turned to face Husam.

  “He was going to ram the pilgrim transport. I could not sit idly by and watch him do that…but…but as for him, I do not know. Some were picked up from the waters by his flanking ship!” Paul shouted up by way of explanation, his heart feeling like it was in his mouth and fearing Reynald would come up on deck any moment.

  “Can you get back to shore, for we must pursue the Red Wolf and finish this…can you?” Husam shouted down.

  Paul looked around at the damage on his ship. Percival stood up and nodded his head yes.

  “If we can’t, we shall board our service boat and start rowing for we are taking on water,” Paul replied.

  “Then scuttle her here and now and join us,” Husam said and ordered one of his men to lower a rope ladder.

  “No…she is too valuable to scuttle if we have a chance to get her back. We won’t make Port Aydhab but we can run her aground on the shore,” Paul explained and shielded his eyes from the glaring sun above. Husam seemed to take an age in considering Paul’s idea. “Besides, you need to capitalise upon your gains this hour and get after Reynald and his other ships.”

  Husam pondered Paul’s comments as his ship nudged against Paul’s vessel.

  “Make sure you put your safety first. If she sinks, we can replace her but we cannot replace you…do you hear me?” Husam called out and raised his hand and indicated for his men to unfurl all of their sails completely to move off in pursuit. “Make sure!” Husam shouted again as his ship started to pull away fast.

  Reynald lifted the trap door to the hold and looked up at Paul.

  “Just stay exactly where you are or we are all dead,” Paul muttered, trying not to move his lips and waved at Husam. “We will see you back on shore…we will make it!” Paul shouted and waved again as Husam moved to the rear of the aft deck.

  As Husam’s ship slipped away, Paul could see the day had not gone well for Reynald’s forces. The Hospitaller ship was still afloat but the entire top half was ablaze. Should he stay and pull on board other survivors? he wondered. But then Reynald’s men would outnumber him and Percival and it would be them who would become captive, Reynald’s words still echoing through his mind.

  “Percy, set our course for the shoreline. That one,” he said and pointed to the western shore just visible. “As fast as we can make it,” Paul continued and immediately went below to face Reynald and Gerard.

  “You must be insane. Do you intend to make us prisoners or ransom us?” Reynald demanded to know, standing upright, his fists clenched.

  “You…you utterly deranged fool. You caused all of this…and for what? Some piratical gain. Why?” Paul asked, exasperated and angry at the same time.

  Gerard started to come to and Stewart helped him sit up and lean against the side bench. Confused, Gerard rubbed his head and looked around the strange interior of the vessel.

  “Are we dead?” he asked and sat up further.

  “No…not yet but this traitor has plans of ill intent for us I am sure,” Reynald said through gritted teeth then suddenly lunged at Paul.

  Instantly Paul stepped back and to his side, drew his sword and as Reynald outstretched his arms to grab him, Paul simply smacked the back of his head with his sword pommel, Reynald falling to the deck hard and sliding across the wet floor. Gerard raised his eyebrows.

  “Bit undignified that was, my friend,” Gerard half joked to Reynald as he rolled over onto
his back.

  Paul stepped over him, his sword just inches away from his chest.

  “One more stupid action like that will be your last…you fool. Now get up and sit over there,” Paul ordered and nodded toward the bench near to Gerard and Stewart. “I will not have your blood upon my soul this day.”

  “Then why in the name of the Lord did you ram us?” Stewart almost pleaded.

  “Because you were about to murder innocent women and children,” Paul replied, still pointing his sword toward Reynald.

  “They are just Muslims…so we know where your loyalties lay,” Reynald snapped angrily.

  “They are people first and non-combatants,” Paul shot back.

  “Horse shit. You think that Armenian mercenary Husam Lu Lu whatever his damned name is was bothered in the slightest about using them as bait?” Reynald snarled back and stood up again fast.

  “Sit down before I put you down for good,” Paul said through gritted teeth, his voice deeper through anger. “I would have stopped him from doing exactly the same thing if I had to.”

  “Bit of a sanctimonious holy shit aren’t you, Paul,” Gerard chipped in as he wiped his forehead and looked at the blood upon his hand.

  “You have no idea how much so,” Paul replied, refusing to be drawn into an argument with them.

  “Well, I did tell Reynald this was a trap…but would he listen?” Gerard stated and feigned a mock look of disapproval at Reynald.

  Reynald looked at Gerard hard for a moment before hitting his arm.

  “Aye that you did…but what now. Come on…what now? You cannot exactly hide us forever on here can you…unless you intend taking us to our shores?” Reynald asked and folded his arms.

  Paul looked at him, puzzled, almost bewildered at Reynald’s total apparent lack of fear or conscience.

  “I cannot take you to your shores as we would sink long before we reached it. If we are lucky, we may make the western shore…if we are lucky.”


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