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Outremer III

Page 35

by D. N. Carter

  After pleasantries and introductions had been made, Alisha and Nyla prepared a midday meal as Sister Lucy took Arri upstairs to change. Conrad sat himself down as if he owned the place and made both Alisha and Nyla feel uncomfortable with his fixed stare. Husam ushered Paul aside whilst Philip spoke with Tenno and Taqi. Upside entered the kitchen and saw everyone. He looked at Husam, alarmed, until he bowed at him in acknowledgment and pointed out Brother Teric’s presence. Upside looked confused.

  “He need fear not for he is safe,” Husam said quietly to Paul and pulled him discreetly to the far end of the dining area. “But you, my friend, may not be.” Paul looked at him, alarmed. “My fleet and I chased Reynald’s fleet aground…then we used our hunting dogs to track them across the deserts after they had beached their vessels and we captured every sailor, knight and hand that had been aboard those vessels. But no sign of Reynald, Gerard or your brother…and they were not among the captives taken from the waters back to our ports,” Husam explained quietly, his deep brown eyes searching every movement in Paul’s eyes. “I have already received word via our sources that all three are alive and well…and back in Kerak. Reynald is already telling lies that we attacked his fleet whilst they were in port…” Husam paused. “Now I do not profess to know how you did it, but the only explanation I have is that when your ship rammed his, you took them aboard…I do not know if I am more upset that you helped them or for losing my new ship.”

  Paul looked at Husam. He could sense he was not at all upset, his eyes smiling and full of admiration for Paul. Paul shuddered involuntarily sensing this with no mistake as if he could read Husam’s mind almost.

  “My ship,” Paul heard himself reply.

  Husam frowned for a moment but then his face broke into a smile.

  “Your secret is safe with me. I understand why you did what you did…but if Reynald ever succeeds in reaching Mecca one day, it will be upon your shoulders, my friend…and that is one guilt I would not like to carry upon my shoulders. What blood Reynald or Gerard spill from here onwards… that is a matter for your conscience and for Allah to decide upon. But you have my word upon my honour I will not tell anyone of what I know…for I know what fate that will bring upon you…and your family,” Husam said quietly and looked toward Alisha as she laughed gently with Tenno, Taqi and Philip. “But you will build me another ship.”

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “My Lord…so Husam knew?” Ayleth exclaimed, looking shocked.

  “That he did…and more,” the old man replied.

  “But he knew if he revealed the truth, he would never get another ship like Paul had designed, so he was looking out for himself really,” the Genoese sailor remarked and shook his head.

  “We were all told that Reynald’s ships were attacked whilst in port as you say Husam stated. I guess we were misinformed,” the Hospitaller commented as he took another mouthful from his tankard.

  “All propaganda…always propaganda, my friends,” the old man sighed. “Husam is an intelligent man, and compassionate, but even he had his limits, loyalties and orders to follow. But you are correct for he knew if he made it known to Saladin what Paul had done, the only outcome would be the execution of Paul immediately and he would never get another ship like Paul had designed.”

  “So why were Paul’s father and brother there with Conrad?” Gabirol asked.

  “Conrad sought an audience with Saladin but was refused a direct meeting to discuss terms of an agreement…that agreement being that he would not allow Reynald’s ships to use his port of Tyre, nor commit his troops to any campaigns that Reynald and Gerard started. You see Conrad had his eye on the crown of Jerusalem…,” the old man explained. “Husam had not wanted to execute any of his captives, but he was overruled by Al Adil, brother of Saladin. Husam had destroyed Reynald’s ships and even broken the blockade of the Ile de Gray destroying two of Reynald’s ships there. Reynald put out the story that the Muslim fleet had sailed down the Red Sea and caught his ships at anchor. But in reality Reynald’s fleet beached their ships and fled into the Arabian Desert. For five days Husam’s forces pursued and captured almost all of them as he explained to Paul. Despite Al-Adil initially granting quarter to the captive raiders, he was overruled by his brother Saladin, who was adamant that because Reynald had shown the feasibility of attacking the holy cities of Islam, they must be executed so the word of their incursions would not reach the Crusaders in Outremer…and if it did, they would be defeated. It also sent a clear message to the followers of Saladin, especially his detractors, that he could be relied upon to defend the holy places and keep the pilgrim routes free and safe. So Al-Adil in turn had to overrule Husam’s leniency. Saladin also publicly vowed that he would personally behead Reynald for directly threatening Mecca and Medina, challenging Islam in its own holy places. Reynald had almost succeeded getting only a few miles from Medina,” the old man explained.

  “We know many were taken to Cairo and Alexandria to be publicly beheaded. How did Paul and his father, as well as Brother Teric and Conrad, view all of that?” Peter asked.

  “Fortunately those grim fates were already carried out before Philip docked. ’Tis neither fair nor wise to make prisoners suffer needlessly,” the old man answered.

  “Then it was timely and fortuitous that Paul recognised Brother Nicholas and Baldwin as he did,” Simon pointed out loudly.

  “’Twas indeed.”

  “And I am assuming it was Philip, Tenno and Taqi that Ishmael and Luke had been sent to collect the day before then?” Gabirol asked.

  “Correct…but they were delayed in their passage from Malta as it had been agreed they would pick up Conrad Montferrat, Brother Teric and others from a secret port further along the coast,” the old man explained.

  “But why did Philip come with Tenno and Taqi during such dangerous times?” Ayleth asked, puzzled.

  “To pass on some details to Paul from Kratos…and that under no circumstances must Paul rebuild his ship design for it would change everything.”

  “What details?” Simon asked bluntly.

  “More about the bee symbolism, the fleur de lys and things that Philip had been up to.”

  “But you have already told us about the bees and lily…have you not?” Gabirol asked.

  “Some of it,” the old man replied with a slight nod and a smile.

  “So Nicholas and Upside did not get their heads chopped off?” Sarah asked.

  “No they did not for Husam guaranteed them safe passage back with Conrad.”

  “So they did not stay with Paul and Thomas’s men?” Ayleth asked quickly.

  “I shall come to that…”

  “And the bees?” Gabirol asked again and smiled.

  Cairo, Egypt, April 14th, 1183

  The sun was just beginning to turn a dark orange on the horizon causing a wide band of flickering hues to reflect upon the wide waters of the Nile in the distance. Paul sat beside his father on the balcony bench, both looking down watching Tenno and Taqi teach Arri how to hold the reins properly upon Adrastos. It felt strange to Paul to see them all together like this. Theodoric was in discussion with Husam and Conrad at the far end of the balcony whilst Brother Teric sat indoors with Upside and Nicholas. Luke, Mathew and Thomas’s men busied themselves cleaning and checking their equipment and horses. Alisha, Sister Lucy and Nyla likewise busied themselves preparing an evening meal for all their unexpected but welcome guests. Thomas and Percival would not be back until late evening.

  10 - 4

  “My son…you should be happy yet you appear saddened. Why is this so?” Philip asked and leaned closer to Paul as he sat resting his elbows upon his knees still watching Tenno, Taqi and Arri.

  “Why does Husam arrange this meeting here with Conrad…at my very home?”

  “Because both trust you…plus here they are away from prying eyes,” Philip replied quietly. “Plus it makes things less obvious when we leave taking Nicholas and Baldwin with us do
es it not?”

  “Upside is staying here. He has said so…with Thomas.”

  “I think not, my son. He will go where Nicholas goes. Trust me on this matter. But something else troubles you. Has it something to do with Husam knowing you helped your brother and Reynald as a consequence?”

  “No…for if he was going to inform on me, he would have done so by now. Besides, he wishes me to build another fast vessel…but…”

  “But you wish to know of my brother you mentioned earlier?” Paul looked at his father.

  “So you do not deny you have a brother?”


  “But you chose to never mention him. How many other family members are there that I do not know of?”

  “I see pain and anger in those eyes…why…do you feel I have betrayed you somehow?”

  “I truly do not know…I question even if I am sane at times, especially when I have such dreams that reveal things to me…like seeing my mother and your brother. They are like revelations from beyond the veil I cannot fathom if real or false.”

  “What did they say exactly?” Philip asked quietly and put his hand upon Paul’s shoulder.

  “I cannot recall much but Mother said she was buried in her most favourite place, near the praying hands of Mary…in the Glen of Lyon.” Theodoric looked up upon hearing Paul’s mention of Lyon. His eyes caught Philip’s. Clearly Theodoric could hear their conversation from his seat. Philip took a slow long deep breath and clasped his hands together. He sat back and looked toward the setting sun and squinted his eyes from its brightness. Paul knew immediately this news had hit him hard and deeply. Arri laughed out loud drawing both their gaze. Tenno tickled him as he lifted him off Adrastos. “Do you know of such a place?”

  “Arri has a surrogate father there in Tenno,” Philip said, but his voice shook as he tried to speak without revealing his emotions.

  “Father…your brother, for that is who he was, was beheaded right beside me and yet Theo did not even know him.”

  “My son…when I lost your mother, I knew not where she was laid to rest…I was supposed to receive word but the knights who were entrusted to intern her were ambushed as they returned. Just a few miles short of Balantrodach Temple. They were all killed…they refused to reveal her grave despite great torture,” Philip explained clearly struggling to keep his emotions in check with a forced smile. “And as for my brother…I know as much as you do save for the added knowledge that he was first born of my parents…and that he was given into the care and charge of Kratos. I know it nearly destroyed my mother but it was a necessary evil in order to save and protect him. Anything after that I do not know…this I swear to you by all that is of value to me.”

  Paul could sense the genuine sincerity in his father’s tone and look.

  “So we could have family elsewhere from him?”

  “We may. But if we do, they are in the furthest reaches of Georgia for that is where he went as a baby. I know he joined the Order, the Templars that is, but Kratos made sure our paths would never cross…that reason why I do not know,” Philip explained and sighed.

  Pauls mind immediately raced thinking of Percival and Queen Tamar both of whom came from that region.

  “You have mentioned Balantrodach before…is it of importance?”

  “Yes, yes it is. I have placed some details within parchments I have brought for you. It also explains another reason behind the Templar seal of two knights upon a single horse…just one of many as you are learning.”

  “Such as?”

  “All can see the rear knight is bigger, and as any good Sufi friends, like Attar, will attest and confirm, the rear knight means Jin in Islam, but is also an esoteric code indicating the hidden history line from that of tall giants. Balantrodach actually means ‘stead of the warrior’. Initially Balantrodach was the name of the area in which the main Temple Parish was situated. In 1128, Hugues de Payens visited Alba, Scotland as it is being called more these days, and was granted a meeting with King David the First of Alba. He granted the Knights Templar the Chapelrie and Manor of Balantrodach where they built a church with a round tower, and on the west side along by the river to the bridge they have built the main buildings, and along with their Cistercian monk brothers have built twelve-foot walls and a cloister. I have been there also this past year…after hiding something.”

  “What thing?” Paul asked, intrigued.

  “Oh, just a simple piece of pink stone taken from the river near Stonehenge… but engraved. It has a code etched into it should all other codes be lost to recover what is now in a safer place,” Philip answered and paused as he studied Paul’s reaction. “And Paul,” Philip said in a whisper and leaned closer and put his arm around him as if to hug him. “Know this…you must not rebuild another vessel as before…you must not! Husam cannot know this…not yet.” Paul pulled away and stared at his father hard and confused. Philip shook his head very slightly and indicated no with his eyes to say no more on the matter. “Now tell me…what else did your mother say in this dream…how did she look?”

  “Why can I not rebuild my ship?” Paul asked immediately as Philip shook his head slightly indicating he should not ask yet. After a minute, Paul realised what his father was hinting and so he changed the conversation back to his mother sensing Husam was trying to listen in behind him. “I can show you what she looked like for I drew an image,” Paul said loudly, checked behind that Husam was not actually listening then leaned back toward his father. “But why can I not rebuild my ship?” Paul whispered back.

  “Because it will change everything before it is time. Whilst I am here, if you will allow me, I need to speak with you of further matters of our family lineage. Your coat of arms, for you have one as does your brother. I must explain all I am able about the symbolism, but also of Oak Island… across the Atlantic.”

  “Oak Island?” Paul replied, puzzled. Taqi looked up at Paul and Philip. He could see the tense look in both their faces. He waved when Paul looked down at him realising he was being watched. “I would like that…now if you will excuse me I really should go and speak with Taqi and Tenno for we have much to catch up on,” Paul said rather coldly and stood up. “You will find the picture I drew of Mother in my third drawer in my study. Please be honest with me if it looks nothing like her for it could have just been a dream only.”

  Philip nodded in silence as Paul quickly walked away and down the end steps. He watched him as he approached Tenno and Taqi and picked up Arri and held him in his arms as they started to talk. As Paul spoke to Tenno and Arri laughed, Taqi knew something wasn’t right and looked up at Philip. He bowed his head toward him slightly as Philip acknowledged him back.

  Percival and Thomas rode into the courtyard slowly and pulled up. They dismounted and brushed themselves down but they were still covered in sand and sweat. Nyla came running out to greet Percival and flung her arms around him. Thomas shook Tenno and then Taqi’s hand in turn and was just about to speak when Upside led Nicholas out into view holding him up steady. A cheer went up as they came out of the house. Nicholas smiled wearily but pleased to see everyone. As Theodoric looked behind him, Husam got up from his seat, whispered something in Conrad’s ear to excuse himself and approached Philip.

  “My friend…Paul honours us in allowing us his hospitality. ’Tis a pity things cannot always be this way would you not agree?” Husam said softly as he looked down at the group below. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to sit beside him.

  “Of course. Please do for I am in dire need this hour of some reasoned company,” Philip replied.

  “You know the saying, ‘When truths appear, they do not ask if they are welcome’?”

  “Yes I know it only too well.”

  “Teach Paul this simple fact and all will be well for him. I do not wish to lose him and his skills, but he will have to face certain truths as we move forward,” Husam said and faced Philip. Philip turned slowly to look back at him. “My motives are genuine for I like, admire and respec
t Paul. He has become more than just a friend to me…he is almost like a son. I hope that does not offend you?”

  Philip sat up straight and looked Husam in the eyes directly for a few moments.

  “No, that does not offend me. It reassures me for I know you know things of Paul, his capabilities and what he has done, yet you have chosen to remain silent. For that I am grateful and eternally indebted to you.”

  “You see much and miss little. I understand why Saladin admires and respects you so much…and Theodoric there. Though I have my severe reservations about Lord Montferrat,” Husam replied and looked across at Conrad laughing loudly with Theodoric and drinking. “Theodoric has the measure of the man and appeases him well.”

  “Conrad is Italian…what do you expect?” Philip half joked, not being serious.

  “You mean arrogant, self serving, godless and greedy with a hunger for power that worries me,” Husam said quietly.

  “You do not hold back when you speak do you?” Philip said and laughed lightly.

  “Oh I hold back much, my friend. But I fear whatever agreements Conrad draws up here with Saladin’s secretary, to be witnessed by me, sadly will only serve his interests. I do not trust him. He whispers too much in that other Templar’s ears for my liking.”

  “Which Templar?” Philip asked, concerned, as he looked at Brother Teric and Brother Matthew.

  “The pasty pale looking one sat beside him.”

  Philip laughed both with amusement and relief as Husam indicated Brother Mathew and not Brother Teric.

  After a sumptuous evening meal, Husam made his apologies, gave his thanks and blessings to Paul and thanked the women for their kind service. Conrad had to be strapped across his horse, almost passing out he was so drunk. Theodoric winked at Philip as he helped place Conrad in a secure position. Theodoric had managed to learn much of Conrad’s intentions through drinking with him, heavily. Sister Lucy told him he would be sleeping alone tonight. Husam would have to endure a further week alone with Conrad and his escort he confided in Philip but it was necessary. After they had left, the rest of Thomas’s men joined them all and sat outside in the clear night sky talking away until it was late. Nicholas, despite being tired, insisted on staying with them as they joked and laughed with Nyla sat on Percival’s lap most of the time. Paul noticed Nicholas look at Alisha several times but was not angered by his looks. They were far removed from the lustful gazes Conrad had shown toward her. As Tenno started a small fire in the courtyard’s rubbish furnace for warmth, Arri almost asleep beside him, Paul gently picked him up in his arms. Alisha and Sister Lucy came out with some warm syrup of Jule to drink and relax them all.


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