by D. N. Carter
“But we have no way of proving the validity of these details,” Peter stated.
“No…just like you have no way of proving the validity of the Bible itself except by blind faith alone,” the old man replied. “We know how ancient texts of pyramids told us about connections between the star Sirius and the goddess Isis. She played a great role after the death of Osiris, at the climax of the Zep Tepi. So, when Giza was projected, the builders gave her a key role; they built a monument to celebrate the goddess who preserved Egypt. The monument is located southeast of the Sphinx, known today as the Tomb of Khentkhaus…but this is not its true name and origin. Alas it will be many hundreds of years before mankind has the tools and methods to fully understand and accept the reality of the information. Especially when so many will misinterpret what the ancient writings actually say.”
“In what manner?” Gabirol asked.
“Cheops or Khufu who we are told built the Great Pyramid…is an utter rubbish statement for even he himself admits, as written upon a great stele, tells how he simply cleared the area, repaired certain parts and claimed it as his own. The oldest ancient book, the ‘Virgin of the World’, tells us clearly that the Giza pyramids were already there at the dawn of their civilisation. Also how he found the Temple of Isis that was beside the pyramid near the temple of the Sphinx. But where? In 36,450 BC an astronomical map would show Sirius is just above the horizon between the Lion and Orion constellations. The Tomb of Khentkhaus has the following strange properties. The lower part was built at the same time as the pyramids and Sphinx and the lower part of the tomb has water erosion just like the Sphinx; its base is entirely carved in the rock and has a spiral shape. Its transposition on a plane surface is equal to the orbital movement of Sirius.”
“Meaning?” Simon asked, confused.
“Meaning the lower part of the Khentkhaus tomb is the ancient throne of Isis! Or at least represents her. It is just part of the hermetic message that the lost civilisation who designed and built Giza wanted to convey. In the Age of Leo, the Lion, an extraordinary event took place. This event marked the climax of an amazingly developed civilisation that managed to colonise emerged lands and whose fingerprints have resisted the passing of time, but who wished to leave a record of their presence on earth,” the old man explained.
“So what you are saying is that the entire Giza complex, including hidden passages and hidden chambers, like the one with twelve chambers as Paul saw, was designed and constructed around 36,000 years before Christ…but that a time marker to indicate Sirius by the positions of the planets and stars was set to coincide with 10,500 BC to show Sirius as Isis was hidden beneath the ground in relation to where Sirius would be upon the ground…yes?” Gabirol commented.
“Yes. You have understood well, my friend,” the old man smiled.
“But the passages they are now sealed for eternity,” Simon interjected enthusiastically.
“Indeed,” the old man nodded.
“I am so glad we have you here,” the Genoese sailor said and patted Gabirol on his shoulder.
“Then how do people in the future gain access to it?” Ayleth asked.
“Well as the old hermetic poem reads, the Lord will reveal helpmeet tools and souls who will again access it…from above…but with the use of harmonics…sounds,” the old man replied.
“So what happened to all the drawings Paul did of the twelve chambered site then?” Peter asked.
“I have but a few in my possession. Some here this day, but the majority are now hidden, and as the language of the Ancient Egyptians is being eradicated by the Church, it will be a long time again before people can read the images of their symbol language,” the old man said and opened his leather folder and pulled out several parchment sheets. Gently he pushed them into the centre of the table where Sarah immediately opened them flat. “Those images you can view.”
“Vesica Pisces, symbol of the fish,” Gabirol stated as he looked at the top image.
“I once heard that Jesus was from India. Is this also true?” Peter asked.
“I can tell you he travelled to India. Also that a god variously named Issa, Isha, Ichtos, Iesus, Ieshuah, Joshuah or Jesus, linguistically as a name, indisputably originated from India. A lot of Jesus’s life and, particularly, his childhood has been likened as matching, if not being identical to, those of Krishna. A well-known instance of this is the so-called ‘Evangel of the Infancy’, an apocryphal, as in not accepted gospel, directly taken from its Indian precursor. Even the Church clergy recognise this undeniable fact, hiding away such books and rejecting them as I have previously explained.”
“But, could we not in fact argue that all evangels are really apocryphal, having been written by anonymous writers under the pseudonym of the Apostles years, if not decades, after the events? I know some who have claimed the whole history of Jesus is a fraud, for he never existed at all, at least as a real person some claim,” Peter commented.
“But as I have explained, there was a real Jesus,” the old man replied. “Dates and certain details have been changed or lost in translation but he was nevertheless a real person. As explained he deliberately acted upon prophecies and knew a great deal more than most people even suspect. But a time will come when we can all recognise and see just what he did know and reveal. The very names Issa or Ieshuah are not indeed Krishna, as his name is taken directly from that of Ishvara, ‘the Lord of the Universe’ in Sanskrit, Ish Vara. Ishvara, but pronounced Ishwar is also called Ishva meaning ‘Lord’, pronounced Ishwa. The name of Ieshua or Ioshuah means ‘Saviour’ in Hebrew, and is taken directly from the above Sanskrit term, which also has this acceptation, particularly when applied to Vishnu and to Shiva. Ishvara, Ishwar is widely worshipped in the Far East, being also called Isha or Ishana in India, Issara in Pali, Isuan in Thai, Jizu or Jizai in Japanese, and so on. In turn, Issa or Issi is a corrupted form of the Sanskrit Rishi or Riksha.”
“Issa is how the Muslims say Jesus Christ, whom they acknowledge as a sort of saint is it not?” the Templar asked.
“Yes it is indeed,” the old man replied.
“What are Rishis?” Ayleth asked.
“The Rishis are the sages or seers who revealed the Vedas…the Hindu evangels to the world. They date from Vedic times in India, being far older than the times of Christ, and even of Israel as a biblical nation in Palestine. The Rishis are widely worshipped in the Far East, whence their cult passed to the Near Orient and, thence, through Alexandria, into Greece and Rome. Isha or Ishan or Ishwa means ‘Lord’, as already said. Emmanuel or Manuel derives from Manu-el, that is ‘Lord Manu’, meaning ‘Saviour Lord’. Ishva, pronounced Ishwa, means ‘master’, which equals Rabbi, a frequent term for Christ. Ishi or Isha means Rishi, that is, the one who reveals the evangels, like the Seven Rishis, who preceded Jesus.”
“So there is some truth in what I hear…that the Essenes, from whom most of the doctrines allegedly preached by Jesus were copied from older sources?” the Hospitaller asked.
“Many ancient Indian initiates and prophets were known and named Issar, or Issarim for two or more of them. In Sanskrit, which was the sacred language of India in which such myths were composed, Ishu means missile and, more exactly, envoy, messenger, emissary. Jesus as Ishu is thus the Celestial Messenger or ‘Angel’. Angelos in Greek means just this, the avatar commemorated in the Mass, in Latin Missa equals Emissa meaning Emissary,” the old man explained.
“So how in the Lord’s name did Jesus become associated with the pyramids as you have explained earlier and such symbols as a lamb?” the farrier asked, frowning hard.
“Isha is also the same as Rishi or Riksha or Rishabha, meaning the sacrificial bull…or lamb…which represents the Saviour in many ancient traditions, as well as in Christianity. Isha also means the Elixir or Soma, to which Christ is mystically identified. In fact, Soma is an ancient Hindu god whose sacrifice, the same one as expressed verbatim in the Christian Mass, results in the production of the Elixir or Eucharist prec
isely as in Christianity. Also Ishta, a variant of the name of Christ as the Ichthus or ‘Fish’, in Greek means ‘the Sacrificed One’. In fact, the fish, which was the early symbol of the Eucharist and of Christ himself, is an avatar of Krishna as the Fish Matsya that saved Manu from the Flood, precisely as in the Judeo-Christian myth of Noah. The mystic identification of Christ with the fish, the ichthus, can be explained as an abbreviation of the Greek phrase ‘Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter’, meaning ‘Jesus Christ Son of God, Saviour’, which as I explained before when converted into Gematria the total value equals 1746, which in turn is directly connected to the Great Pyramid itself.”
“Are you saying that the whole Jesus story is then just a borrowed myth copying older myths?” Ayleth asked nervously.
“No…the Jesus myth is Jesus fact but continuing a long hidden tradition in plain view…for those who can see it for what it is. There is no fraud or deception at all. This is something Nicholas knew as a Templar initiated into most of the upper circles secrets,” the old man explained reassuringly.
“It appears a mere contrivance, a very poor one at that, to explain Christ’s mystic connection with the fishes of Pisces does it not?” the wealthy tailor said.
“As I already explained, Jesus as Ichthus is the god of the era of Pisces, the zodiacal era that will end in around the year 2,000, along with the present Church as she stands,” the old man started to explain.
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“Ah…so that is why Alisha and Paul experienced that dream event standing in the ruined cathedral…and how they would rebuild it anew,” Simon interjected excitedly.
“Correct, Simon. Well perceived,” the old man smiled as the rest all looked at him, surprised. Simon started to blush with embarrassment. “’Tis obvious is it not?” he asked.
“To some select few ’tis indeed obvious,” the old man smiled. “But in fact, the Greek word ichthus for fish was used to designate the Oannés, the legendary ‘fish-people’ who were the alleged saviours of the Sumero-Babylonians, as well as other equivalent fish-deities, both male and female, such as Dercetto and Dagon. Images from their artwork and murals show their gods with fish heads…identical in form and shape to our modern clergy hats. Moreover, the crossed fishes of Pisces were used directly to symbolise Jesus Christ. And he himself affirms that his zodiacal sign, the one that represents him, is ‘the sign of Jonah’. That sign is the Whale or, more exactly, Pisces. Just read Matthew 12:39 and Luke 11:29. Even the story of Jonah and the Whale that Christ here mentions is identical to the Indian myth of Matsya.”
“So it is possible, as some legends claim, that Jesus, as Christ, having identical symbolism to Hindu myths, went to India as Issa after his resurrection…or escaped as some say where he lived to an old age with his wife and children…or have I got that totally wrong?” Gabirol asked.
“Some say that, for the protection of his family, Jesus went to India whilst Mary went to France. She had a daughter as you now all know, before journeying on to Britain and Iona where she again met up with Jesus after which they then had a son. Do you recall that I have already explained how the town of Bethlehem did not exist during Jesus’s time and that he was of the David line from the tribe of Judah who usurped the house of Saul, the first king of the Jews, from the tribe of Benjamin?” the old man asked. Ayleth shook her head no but the others all nodded yes except Simon, who shrugged his shoulders. “I shall repeat then…that Mary was from the tribe of Benjamin and Saul, so by marrying each other, the full legitimate king of the Jews was re-established. It was the Jewish Sanhedrin who could stone Jesus to death without Roman permission, but they did not…it was the Romans who were responsible for his crucifixion as a revolutionary. Plus Jesus was not crucified at Golgotha, hill of the skull, but in a private garden opposite Joseph of Arimathea’s house and the tomb was owned by him proving his wealthy background. Jesus was an aristocrat and wealthy, as well as the rightful priest king, and after his crucifixion, Islam claims that Jesus went to Kashmir after surviving the cross where he lived to a ripe old age. At the risk of repeating myself again, the Cathars teach that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. After all these events had passed, only then a new religion, started by Saint Paul, based upon the faith of Jesus and his divine status started to compete with Roman and Egyptian gods,” the old man explained. He paused as he studied their faces to see what reaction this solicited.
“But is it not true that the whole history of Jesus Christ, who is not mentioned in any contemporaneous historical sources, except in some so-called fraudulently inserted passages of Josephus and others, was in fact taken word for word from earlier Hindu sources…such as the killing of the innocents, the virgin birth, the Christmas Star, the visit of the Magi Kings, the episodes concerning John the Baptist, and so on. Most of these have an esoteric sense in Hinduism, which became lost when they were adapted to the person of Jesus?” Gabirol asked.
“You are indeed well versed, my learned friend. But is it also not the case, as I have explained, that perhaps the Hindu myths and legends are likewise copied from a far older civilisation for are they not in turn identical to those of Ancient Egyptian myth and legend, which are in turn taken from even earlier sources again…for you see there is a continuing current that pervades throughout all of them, and they all carry the exact same codes. Remember when I started this tale I explained that the very real Jesus of antiquity had his entire life set out to mirror and mimic the past Messiahs and fulfil the prophecies of the Old Testament…but more crucially to continue the ancient codes from our ancient forefathers across time and remain intact. That is why the same reoccurring and identical themes and actions keep being repeated. And as I said then, an even greater code using mathematics runs throughout all of them…identical!” the old man explained.
“For future generations’ benefits…,” Ayleth said quietly as the old man nodded yes.
“And what of these seven rushes?” the Genoese sailor asked.
“The Seven Rishis you mean?” the old man said. “They are often identified to the seven stars of Septemtrio, or Ursa Minor or of Ursa Major. They are often alluded to in the Bible and in the Gospels in connection with these constellations, said to be their celestial representations in Revelation. 1:16; 1:20; 2:1; 3:1; Amos 5:8; Zech. 3:9;. This is ‘the mystery of the Angels of the Seven Churches’ mentioned there, and who are the Seven Manus or Saviours or Angels of the seven eras of humanity that have already elapsed in the Hindu scheme that is indeed followed by all ancient nations. Every time a new zodiacal era starts, such as when Aries, with all its shepherds and lamb symbolism passed into Pisces and all the fish symbolism, and just as we again pass into the age of Aquarius with all its water symbolism to come, then a new angelic Saviour or Manu will descend in an avatar, or at least manifest, in order to ‘save’ humanity and make safe our crossing into the new era of Aquarius. It was thus with Jesus as a ‘Saviour’, and it will be so again when we enter the third millennium and a new lord, whose secret name cannot yet be disclosed, manifests himself to all. It is no coincidence that Jesus was also called Emmanuel or Manuel, that is, ‘the Lord Manu’ Manu-el. Christianity as a religion was contrived in Alexandria for the new era that was then starting, the one of Pisces, the Fishes. It was composed from the fragments and secret traditions of the older Mystery Religions, particularly those of the Orient, by the sages that then congregated there from all nations. There were many religions contending for supremacy then, including, among others, Mithraicism, Essenianism, Osirianism, Serapianism, the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris, the Orphic and the Eleusinian Mysteries, and so on. Christianity assembled from these Mystery religions and, originally, from the Gnostic traditions which eventually won the dispute and gained the favour of Emperor Constantine, becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire. But, to achieve that hegemony, it adapted and cut with the Gnostic tradition. Then began a ferocious persecution of all other religions, particularly the ones that followed the ancient Mystery cults. The Church branded t
hese cults with the stigma of ‘heresy’, burning the ‘heretics’ at the stake, together with their holy books. It is a consequence of this ferocious censorship that we know so little about the ancient pagan Mysteries.”