Outremer III

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Outremer III Page 53

by D. N. Carter

  Paul opened his eyes and saw a large shadow cast of a man wearing a tall pointed hat. He knew immediately who it was. He turned around and looked up to see Kratos stood before him silhouetted by the sinking sun. Paul stood up slowly and moved to stand beside him, the light showing his features as he turned to the side.

  “Kratos…what brings you here?” Paul asked surprised and clasped Kratos’s large hand to shake.

  “Oh…many things…the celebration for the birth of Christ perhaps,” Kratos replied with a smile just as Paul noticed Abi sat upon her horse pulled up alongside Ishmael and Percival. Kratos looked over his shoulder back at them. “Besides, Percival is in need of us.”


  “Yes…Percival,” Kratos repeated and turned to face Paul. “We have other plans for him I think he will gladly accept…for his soul is greatly wounded. Staying with you only hurts him more.”

  “What! How?”

  “Nyla’s passing has cut him deeper than he lets on. Alisha with child soon to be born reminds him daily of what he has lost,” Kratos explained quietly as Paul looked toward Percival just as Abi waved.

  Paul raised his hand in reply but he felt sick. The sudden realisation of the pain Percival had been suffering in silence now so obvious. He felt guilty but also alarmed that he would lose perhaps his best friend. Kratos placed his hand upon Paul’s shoulder and looked at him in the way only he was able to do, his deep blue eyes telling Paul all he needed to know. Percival would, and had to, leave with him.

  Paul opened the main door into the kitchen and smiled at Sister Lucy as she washed Arri’s feet, which were covered in mud, as he sat up on the side, his little feet in the wash basin. Paul raised his eyebrows at Arri, who just waved his hands and smiled back. Paul held the door half shut behind him as he stepped into the room. Alisha entered carrying several plates ready to set the table for the evening supper, with a large lanthorn slung under her left arm. Her eyes widened, pleased to see Paul home.

  “I hate to do this, but I think you will require more plates I am afraid,” Paul explained and opened the door fully as Alisha and Sister Lucy looked on.

  Abi stepped into view, ducked her head and entered the room.

  “Abi!” Alisha called out excitedly, quickly placed the plates and lanthorn down and rushed over to her. “I cannot believe it is you,” she said and flung her arms up and around her. After a short hug, Alisha stepped back a pace looking up into her eyes. “You…you look so well…and…and what are you doing here?”

  “I am here for you and your unborn…,” Abi answered and gestured to Alisha’s large tummy.

  “This is the best Christmas present ever,” Alisha said just as Kratos bowed his head low to step through the door. He stood up straight, his hat held in one hand, his staff in the other and smiled at her. “Kratos!”

  “Yes, my dear child. We have come to assist where best we can until the baby is born.”

  Alisha hugged Kratos, leaned up and kissed the side of his cheek and then stepped back so she could look at both of them. Kratos nodded a greeting smile at Sister Lucy and Arri, who picked up his toy Clip clop and hid his face, embarrassed.

  “We hope you do not mind us visiting and staying a short while?” Abi asked.

  Alisha looked at Paul just as Theodoric entered the room carrying two wine jars. Quickly he placed them down on the main table and rushed around, grabbed Kratos’s hand and shook it vigorously.

  “My Lord…we shall require more wine this eve,” he bellowed as Sister Lucy shook her head disapprovingly but laughing at his behaviour, seeing him so excited. “And Abi…you look different,” he said loudly as he moved to grab both of her hands.

  Whilst Theodoric shook Abi’s hands just as vigorously, pulled her close and hugged her, Paul noticed she did indeed look different. Whatever Kratos had done to heal her had clearly worked, but she was also dressed differently. New clothes and new leather armour beneath her cape. Percival entered the room quietly and closed the door behind. Kratos faced him and gave a slight nod. Percival returned a faint smile and stood still, his hands together across his waist.

  “I note you have Mamluk guards outside,” Kratos spoke out loud to no one in particular.

  “They are needed,” Percival replied.

  “Sadly so I hear…now come with me. I must have words with you in private,” Kratos said to Percival, put his arm around him and ushered him across the room. “Nothing bad, I promise,” Kratos assured him as he opened the door to the main corridor.

  As the door closed behind them, Alisha grabbed Abi’s hand excitedly and beckoned her to sit down. Paul smiled and was pleased to see her smiling so happily. It had been a long time since he had seen her smile like that. Sister Lucy dried Arri’s feet and helped him to the floor. He ran over to Paul, embarrassed, as Abi watched him.

  “He has grown some,” she said softly. “You must be very proud of him?”

  “Oh we are…’tis such a pity you cannot feel this pride and love of a mother,” Alisha said still clasping Abi’s hand.

  “Do not be so quick to say such,” Abi replied and smiled in a manner that made Alisha instantly know there was more. “I too know what it is like for I am also a mother now.”

  Theodoric sat down hard on the end chair, his mouth open in surprise. Abi and Alisha both laughed.

  “How so?” Paul asked, puzzled.

  “The same way all babies are made,” she answered.

  Theodoric’s eyes appeared to widen even more.

  “Who…and where is your child. Is it a boy or a girl?” Alisha asked excitedly.

  “Oh that matters not who…and he is a boy,” Abi replied and looked at Theodoric.

  Sister Lucy sat down opposite Abi.

  “Well this is a double surprise for I thought it impossible you could ever be with child,” she remarked.

  “So did I…but a son I now have. He is safe in Malta and looked after very well,” Abi explained.

  “That explains the difference in you,” Alisha said and laughed. “A mother too.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised…I am after all still a woman,” Abi laughed.

  “But it does mean that I can only stay a short while until your baby is born…if you do not mind of course?” she asked but looked at Sister Lucy.

  “Of course we do not mind. It is reassuring to know I will have you present when the time comes,” Sister Lucy replied and nodded at Alisha as she nodded her head in agreement.

  Theodoric scratched his head, looking confused.

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “Abi…with a son?” Simon said, bemused.

  “I want to know, who was the father?” Sarah asked.

  “Think back upon this tale for I have told you already if you recall…when Philip visited her in Malta,” the old man stated.

  “Tenno!” Gabirol remarked.

  “Of course,” Sarah said loudly.

  “Did Tenno know?” Peter asked.

  “No…not then but he would find out in time…just in time,” the old man answered.

  “Sounds ominous as well?” the wealthy tailor remarked.

  “Perhaps…,” the old man said quietly. “But that Christmas was a delight for Alisha and Paul. Percival was kept busy with Kratos and Theodoric instructing him on many things…at times to the exclusion of Paul altogether…not that he minded as he was pleased to see Percival start to gain some sense of purpose again. Theodoric got into trouble on more than one occasion drinking far too much wine and mead beer,” the old man explained and laughed to himself.

  “What did Abi do all that time then?” Ayleth asked.

  “She literally guarded Alisha and Arri constantly. Paul learnt how to use the compass and made preparations for the arrival of the new baby, which, he was adamant, would be a girl as he had seen. He also drew up the tattoo that was on Theodoric’s back and painted it on the inside of his shield…a shield Ishmael had made as a gift and painted Paul’s coat of
arms upon that Philip had presented to him before.”

  “Why did Ishmael make him a shield?” the Templar asked.

  “Ishmael felt Paul should have one to put his coat of arms upon. And in case the day should ever come when he may need a shield,” the old man replied then looked at Stephan.

  “Shall I fetch it to show?” Stephan asked as Sarah looked at him quizzically. The old man simply nodded yes.

  Everyone’s eyes followed Stephan as he left the room, then went upstairs and several minutes later returned carrying a shield wrapped in a protective leather hide cover. Sarah looked on utterly bemused having not known Stephan even had a shield.

  “Where have you been hiding that all this time?” she asked.

  “In the loft within the chimney breast cupboard,” Stephan answered and gently placed the battered shield upon the table so they could all see it.

  “Ishmael was obviously correct…that he would need it as this shield has seen much combat,” the Hospitaller commented as he looked over the many grooves, dents, cuts and arrow marks upon the battered shield, Paul’s coat of arms faded but still clearly visible.

  “It did indeed,” the old man sighed.

  “How did it come to be kept here?” Gabirol asked.

  “Yes…pray tell!” Sarah said and folded her arms and raised her eyebrows at Stephan.

  “I shall come to that soon…,” the old man said and turned the shield over to reveal the tree-wings tattoo drawing. “You will see Paul copied it exactly. Even the slight differences on either side of the sword, for like twins, though they be identical, they still have subtle differences,” he explained and looked at the Templar and Hospitaller.

  “There is much dried blood upon this shield,” the Templar remarked, pointing out several dark stained areas.

  Ayleth put her hand to her mouth at the realisation the marks were blood.

  “The shield is here by the same manner the sword was also brought here along with Paul’s journals. But as for Alisha and Paul…when the baby was due, though a little late actually, it was a time of happy arrivals and sad farewells…”

  “But what happened with Saladin after he left the siege at Kerak?” Ayleth asked.

  “As I said, the siege was lifted in December and Saladin retreated to Damascus, though he would have cause to attack it again later in 1184.”

  “But the baby arrived okay?” Sarah asked.

  Cairo, January 21st 1184

  The morning air was cool as Paul stepped out of the front door followed by Ishmael and Thomas. Two Mamluk guards bowed to greet them when several riders on horseback appeared trotting toward them. The Mamluk guards made ready but soon relaxed their stance when they recognised their fellow men and Husam riding up front. Paul squinted from the sun as he tried to make out the other rider beside Husam.

  “Oh great. ’Tis Lord Montferrat…,” Thomas muttered through gritted teeth. “Why is he here again?”

  Husam dismounted passing his reins to one of the Mamluk sentry guards and pulled Paul close and greeted him enthusiastically.

  “Assalamu aliekum,” Husam bellowed almost.

  “Wa allakam assalam”, Paul replied smiling at Husam’s exuberance.

  Husam looked up to the second floor of the house sensing he was being watched. He noticed three of the upper windows had crossbows aimed from them. Quickly Thomas waved them to withdraw back into the property.

  “An unfortunate but wise necessity,” Husam remarked and gestured for Conrad to approach. “I trust my men have been vigilant and helpful?”

  “Very,” Paul replied, looking at Conrad with suspicion.

  Conrad eased his horse nearer, looking down at Paul. He bowed his head very slightly at him.

  “We meet again,” Conrad nodded with a grin.

  A cold shiver ran down Paul’s spine. Something had changed with Conrad since they last met. He was hiding something and it made Paul feel uneasy.

  “Please, come inside for some refreshments,” Paul said and gestured toward the door just as Theodoric walked out, stopped, took one look at them and spun back around on his heels and walked back into the property. “Please, if you would follow Theo.”

  Theodoric asked Sister Lucy to go upstairs and let Alisha know they had guests. As she left the main dining area, Percival held the doors open for Conrad and Husam to enter.

  “I am glad all is well here,” Husam said as Paul offered him a chair.

  Ishmael pulled out a chair for Conrad, who sat down upon it without acknowledging or saying thank you to him.

  Within minutes, Sister Lucy returned and immediately started to sort out some cool refreshments.

  “You have no real servants, I note,” Conrad said, looking at Sister Lucy, who shot him an instant look of disdain and frowned hard at him. He just laughed. “You should, you know…have proper servants.”

  “I do not believe in holding servants unless they work for pay and of their own free will,” Paul replied and sat opposite Conrad. “So please pray tell what brings you to these shores?”

  “Oh the usual. Another truce or treaty to be negotiated. Husam was good enough to bring me all the way. We meet Karaksh, Saladin’s deputy and Gokbori tomorrow. Whatever foolhardy schemes that reckless idiot Reynald thinks up next, I do not want his actions interfering with my men and my ambitions.”

  “And what pray tell again are those ambitions exactly?” Paul asked, his tone serious.

  “Swear and pledge your sword to me and I will reveal all,” Conrad replied and stared at Paul intently. “The likes of Reynald, the so-called Red Wolf, need to be brought to heel like a dog…for all our sakes.”

  Paul looked at Husam, who nodded in agreement with Conrad’s remarks.

  “Conrad is the sole rightful heir to the crown of Jerusalem, Paul, and all of Outremer. We could have peace if he sat upon the throne for he is not like Reynald or the other Franks,” Husam said and studied Paul’s face for his reaction.

  “Reynald and all the barons of Outremer war with each other over petty matters and who has the most legitimacy…yet it is I and I alone who has that right. Join me and you will have security and safety,” Conrad explained.

  “Bullshit!” Theodoric coughed, his words barely discernible as he covered his mouth and coughed again and pretended to clear his throat.

  Paul tried not to smile as Conrad looked at Theodoric. Husam had heard his words and smiled but shook his head no.

  “What did he say?” Conrad asked.

  “Prove it, I think he said?” Paul replied and looked at Theodoric who raised his hand and kept on coughing.

  Sister Lucy took him some cool water to drink and frowned at him hard.

  “Oh I can prove it. ’Tis why I am here and to secure agreements with Saladin and my forces,” Conrad stated, looking indignant that he had been verbally challenged by Theodoric.

  Alisha entered the room with Arri by her side. He looked at Husam and Conrad and quickly held her hand.

  “We swear allegiance to no one,” she said forcefully and placed her other hand across her tummy. “I heard what you speak of…and we shall not be coerced into siding with any king, lord or whatever,” she continued to state as Conrad turned around fully in his chair to look at her.

  “Alisha…you must be due soon for surely you are overdue?” Conrad asked calmly. “But in this real world I am afraid we all must decide and chose a side…eventually.”

  “Paul,” Husam interrupted. “I hear you have one of those new compass devices. May I see it before we move on?”

  “Of course,” Paul said and stood up, a little puzzled how he knew but also how Conrad knew Alisha was late.

  “Will you be here long…in Cairo?” Alisha asked bluntly.

  “I shall remain but a few weeks whereas Conrad must leave when we have agreed terms,” Husam replied politely.

  “Did you come alone?” Alisha asked, her tone clipped.

  “Are you interrogating me?” Conrad asked and stood up.

she is not…but she is tired no less,” Paul said and walked over to her.

  “I sense perhaps we intrude. Will it be more convenient if we meet later at Husam’s?…If he is in agreement of course,” Conrad asked.

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  “Of course. Please bring your compass with you when you do. Conrad has but only four men of his own guard with him on this visit. ’Tis a mark of his trust he has in me,” Husam explained and stood up and bowed at Alisha. “And I trust him.”

  Alisha suddenly bent forward in pain, her face grimacing as it flushed red. Arri looked up at her, puzzled. Quickly she held on to the door for support as her legs started to shake. A pool of liquid formed near her right foot and she looked down then back up at everyone.

  “’Tis her waters. Her baby is coming…and fast,” Sister Lucy said aloud and started to push Husam toward the rear door and gestured for Conrad to follow. “Come on…this is women’s work and no place for men to be standing around gawping.”

  Husam looked at Paul and smiled reassuringly at him.

  “Paul…come to my residence when you can. We have much to catch up,” he said and then looked at Alisha as she started to turn herself around. “And may Allah bless you with a swift and easy birth this day.”

  Alisha simply waved her hand as she breathed in and out quickly, Arri still holding her other hand, Paul now trying to support her upright.

  “Paul, think upon what I have said…,” Conrad stated as he followed Husam.

  Theodoric ran to the main oven and started to fill a large pan with water ready to boil.

  “Paul…just get her upstairs now!” he called out and started to blow the hot embers of the fire grate below the pan. “And he will most certainly think about your words…My Lord.”

  Conrad looked at Theodoric, unsure whether he was being serious or sarcastic toward him. Sister Lucy gave him one of her looks. Conrad shook his head and stepped out of the rear door. Husam smiled as she passed him, nodded at Alisha and Paul and followed Conrad out. As soon as the door was shut, she slapped Theodoric across his shoulders and raised her hands in mock despair.


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