Outremer III

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Outremer III Page 83

by D. N. Carter

  “I have much to do here. I grow old and war fighting is a young man’s business. I shall do what I can to steer Reynald back into line…and should you see your friends, and maybe even Saladin, let him know some of us seek a peaceful existence…some more than others. And when you hand over your friend, put in a good word to Al Rashid from us here.”

  “I shall,” Paul answered as Gerard shook his hand. “But I am a little surprised at this,” he said lifting the warrant up.

  “’Tis a pragmatic response from me…There is a very large shit storm coming our way and I need all the men I can get. That will also afford you some safety and security should you need it to get to Tortosa and home,” he explained and paused briefly. “Plus ’tis an expedient manner of getting you out of my hair once and for all,” Gerard said seriously…then smiled.

  Gerard looked into his eyes for a few moments. Paul could sense he wished to say more but he didn’t speak. He broke the handshake, bowed his head slightly at him and then Stewart before turning away. As he walked through the men he just raised his hand farewell. Paul looked down at the warrant again. Is this why his parchment had always shown him as a knight? he wondered And what had Reynald meant when he said crossing destiny does you no favours?

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “And just like that Reynald let them go?” Peter asked bluntly, almost disbelievingly.

  “Yes…’twas partly the shock of seeing Princess Stephanie so defiant and asking for death at his hand. Then having his daughter see them like that…it momentarily shook him to his senses,” the old man replied.

  “Momentarily you say?” Gabirol asked.

  “Yes…’twas indeed a curse that was afflicting his very mind.”

  “Like that Bull’s Head Bandit?” Simon asked.

  “Almost identical indeed for Reynald had alas lost all recognition of moral boundaries. There was still a greater fury that burned within him for he had become blinded by his own invincibility and position too…but also his own sense of destiny!” the old man explained. “’Twas the thirteenth of January when Paul looked back at Kerak Castle for what he hoped was the last time. He did not feel like a leader of men but as they all rode off he looked ahead at Stewart carrying the Templar standard, Nicholas and Upside either side of him. Theodoric drove Princess Stephanie’s caravan whilst Abi attended to Taqi’s wounds and when Paul looked back at the rear guard of Templars, he knew and realised that everyone was there because of him, his actions and decisions…and willingly so.”

  4 - 29

  “I still do not understand what you mean about ‘crossing destiny’,” Ayleth commented.

  “Reynald was told a long time ago, in a similar fashion to some of Paul’s experiences, that he had a destiny, one whereby he would not be allowed to eradicate the faith of Islam as he had vowed spurred on by the death of his first and only true love, Constance,” the old man started to explain and moved upon his chair looking uncomfortable for a moment. “But he believed nothing was foreordained and that he could set his own destiny…’tis why he constantly and deliberately orchestrated conflict between him and Saladin. That was his destiny he believed…for he had seen great battles to come whereby the souls of many thousands on all sides were slain in a sea of blood.”

  “So his original intentions were good and inspired?” the wealthy tailor asked.

  “Yes I suppose you could say in his mind they were.”

  “So are our destiny’s foreordained?” Sarah asked.

  “It is my understanding that life is like a large storehouse. We enter one door and the exit is set on the other side at a predetermined location and distance. As we walk through that storehouse, we encounter many obstacles, hurdles, trials and tribulations, as well as many good times. Well, most of us do. Also there are many boxes we can open, look in and learn from. We can also take out from those boxes, but we must also put something in them otherwise they become empty for those who follow in our footsteps, especially our own children…and like a heart with no heartbeat, they become useless. Reynald constantly took out and instead of listening to his heart, for the heart is the only teacher any of us ever really need, he simply smashed his way from one box to another…and as Princess Stephanie said, in so doing killed his own heart.”

  “I have seen too many men turn that way,” the Hospitaller interrupted and coughed. “I too almost turned that way…”

  The Templar leaned over and rubbed his brother’s shoulder reassuringly.

  “Did they all reach Jerusalem safely and join up with Alisha then?” Simon asked.

  “Can someone like Paul just be charged with a commission of warrant directly into the Order?” Gabirol asked.

  “In special circumstances yes. How do you think Gerard started off? Can you ever imagine him following orders starting as just a knight?” the old man answered, the Templar nodding in agreement. “Paul had more than proved himself as a natural leader and intelligent. He certainly fell within all the strict criteria for admittance to the Order…but perhaps Gerard meant what he said.”

  “About ridding himself of Paul once and for all?” Gabirol commented.

  “Yes, though a bond had grown between them and as I said, Gerard had developed a begrudging admiration and respect for him.”

  “I always knew that Gerard was not all bad,” Sarah said and smiled at Ayleth and nudged her elbow.

  “I still cannot fathom why we two have been given a warrant and commission to do whatever is contained here. Before we continue, can you not at least give us both a clue how so and why?” the Templar asked, his brother nodding in agreement with him.

  “I suppose now is as good a time as any to reveal parts of your true past also,” the old man replied and looked at them both in silence for a moment. “You know of Hugues de Payens as we have already discussed?”

  “Of course, as do all Templars…being one of the founding knights of the Order… in fact the first Grand Master even,” the Templar replied immediately.

  “Then know that within your warrants are copies of your family trees…you will see Hugues de Payens writ upon it for he was your great grandfather on your mother’s side but also your great grandmother was in fact his wife, Catherine St Clair… which is another pronunciation of your own surname no less.”

  Sarah gasped loudly in surprise as the Templar looked stunned, the Hospitaller just lowering his head and laughing silently. He shook his head several times before looking up at the old man.

  “Hang on,” Gabirol said and quickly flicked through his notes. “Here…you said earlier that Hugues de Payens visited Alba and met with King David the First of Scotia. The king subsequently granting him and the Knights Templar the Chapelrie and Manor of Balantrodach…where these two must first go from here yes?”

  The old man simply smiled and nodded yes.

  “And you swear you speak the truth?” the Templar asked emotionally.

  “I swear it. If you need confirmation, you can find it with the Marshal here in La Rochelle. He will happily decipher the code upon them to authenticate and validate all that will be given to you.”

  “Given to us?” the Templar asked, bemused.

  “Yes…for there are deeds and titles as well as financial matters that legally belong to you both,” the old man explained.

  “But…but if we had not accepted these, then, then…,” the Templar started to say but stopped.

  “But I knew you would,” the old man smiled.

  The room fell silent as the Templar and Hospitaller looked at each other utterly confused and overwhelmed.

  “Well if you need some new clothing,” the wealthy tailor joked.

  “I bet Alisha was relieved to see both Paul and Taqi arrive safely in Jerusalem then,” the farrier stated after several more minutes of total silence in the room.

  “She was that indeed,” the old man smiled.

  “You are not going to cry again are you?” Simon asked the Hospitaller bluntly as he stared
at his sealed warrant held in both hands. He simply shook his head no.

  “My brother and I have never been given anything, ever,” the Templar stated.

  “Next you will be telling us they are related to Paul or Alisha?” Peter remarked.

  City of Jerusalem, Kingdom of Jerusalem, January 17th 1187

  Stewart halted his horse at the edge of the tree lined road where the road opened out from the fertile hillside to the flat plateau before them. He pulled up the Templar standard that had been rolled up and attached along the side of his saddle. Quickly he unfurled it and pulled the banner taut. The midday sun blazed fiercely upon Paul’s back and shoulders as he drew up alongside Stewart and Nicholas. Paul had been given a Templar mantle to wear as part of accepting Gerard’s warrant. Though he knew it would only be temporary and he nevertheless had mixed feelings about wearing it. Half of him felt like a fraud but the other half felt proud. Thomas and his men had likewise been offered one each for the duration of the journey but refused, though it was Thomas who persuaded Paul he should wear one for ease of travel and passage through the various watchtowers and road outposts. Jerusalem shimmered and looked like it was surrounded by water. He recalled the first time he had seen the city. Theodoric applied the main brake on the caravan and wiped his brow. He was soaked in sweat. Paul was not sure if his injured shoulder was burning from the heat of the sun or if the wound was smarting. Soon he would see Alisha and Ailia again and he smiled.

  “Brother…you must lead us in,” Stewart remarked and gestured for Paul to move forward. He frowned at him. “’Tis our Order’s tradition…,” he smiled.

  Paul looked to the rear of their small column.

  “Thomas!” he called out just as Princess Stephanie opened the small sliding cover to the door of the caravan. She smiled at Paul as Thomas rode past. “Thomas…please will you join me at the front as we enter?”

  “Would be an honour…I just pray the rest of my men have not fallen back into old ways and are presently otherwise engaged in the whore house,” he laughed.

  “Then let us find out,” Paul replied and pulled his horse about and started to move off toward Jerusalem. He felt cold and shivered despite the heat and wondered if he was suffering from the heat or was indeed ill with a fever as Firgany had apparently told him. How would he explain that and what had happened to Alisha? he pondered.

  Paul stood alone waiting patiently inside the entrance area of the Templar Headquarters. He was covered in dust and sweat seeped through his chain mail and mantle. He removed the small spurs upon his boots and laughed to himself knowing Adrastos would have thrown him if he had worn them whilst riding him. Theodoric and Abi were already in the Hospitaller’s main hospice getting Taqi administered to by Roger des Moulins himself. It would be good to see him again, Paul thought, and rubbed his face where he had stitched his wound back in La Rochelle. He smiled again thinking how things had changed for the better between him and Stewart since that event. Despite Reynald’s severe beating Taqi’s injuries were mercifully minor save several broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. As he waited, his eyes fell upon the large strange mural he had studied in utter bemusement so many years previously. He shrugged his shoulders with a light laugh as he now looked upon it fully understanding all its meanings and symbolism. He took in a deep breath of the cool air inside the building and the silence all around him. In the distance a door closed and he listened as footsteps echoed from an approaching person. Paul looked at the dark star on the mural and the image of the crucifixion with the small tree shoot growing from it. Another door shut and echoed out directly into the long vaulted arch corridor as Count Henry appeared wearing his familiar cloak. He smiled broadly when saw that it was actually Paul stood before him. Quickly he approached and clasped Paul’s forearm as Paul did the same with his.

  “I hardly recognised you…what with the beard and, well…wearing all that get up too,” Count Henry said, smiling. “My Lord, you have certainly grown. Please explain how this is so,” he asked and stood back a pace to look at Paul.

  “My Lord, ’tis a long story…but I must request of you that you pass on a message to Al Rashid most urgently. We have Taqi with us, now being attended as we speak for injuries sustained from Reynald.”

  “What…how? Was Reynald attacked?”

  “No…Taqi was sent to warn Reynald but also proffer negotiations of working together. I am afraid I interceded and somewhat ruined the whole mechanism…from which Taqi was subsequently captured and personally beaten by Reynald.”

  “And you wish me to send word to Al Rashid but what exactly?”

  “Gerard wishes to open negotiations on behalf of Reynald…but also that Taqi is with us and will be returned to his Order if they will accept him back.”

  “Paul!” Alisha called out as she stepped into view, the sun shining beams of light all around her as she moved, Ailia holding her hand tightly and Tenno stood behind them. Quickly they approached. “Paul, my love, you are here,” she said and put her arm around his neck, kissed him on the lips softly, her eyes wide and excited to see him. “And Taqi?” she asked with alarm in her eyes.

  “He is with us…he sits with Abi and Theo in the hospice,” Paul replied just as Sister Lucy entered the corridor, heard what he said then quickly turned around gathered up her skirt and ran off toward the Hospitaller’s hospice. “’Tis so good to see you both,” Paul continued and rubbed his hand through Ailia’s hair, knelt down and pulled her close and took her up in his arms. Tenno stood his usual bolt upright and nodded slightly. “And you are a sight for sore eyes, my friend. Thank you for watching over my family.”

  “’Tis my honour as always,” Tenno replied in his clipped fashion and bowed his head slightly again.

  “Papa…you stink,” Ailia giggled and held her nose as he held her. Alisha laughed with relief and kissed him again, clearly happy and relieved to see him.

  “I do not care,” she remarked and smiled, her eyes not moving from his. “And he brought my brother with him.” She then kissed him again softly and slowly.

  “I…I shall speak with you later when you are refreshed for I see you have more pressing matters,” Count Henry remarked, smiling, and placed his hand upon Paul’s injured shoulder, blood instantly seeping through the chain mail and material of the mantle. “Ah…I see you too are injured. You must have that seen to…and that is an order. See, I can do that now you wear that,” he joked referring to his mantle.

  It was only then that Alisha realised Paul was wearing a filthy dust covered Templar mantle. Paul saw the look of alarm register in her eyes.

  “’Twas just a temporary measure. I shall explain,” Paul said reassuringly.

  “Then do so as Roger sorts out that wound once and for all,” she replied and started to pull him toward the main exit. Count Henry smiled and simply nodded at him and Tenno.

  “I told Mama you would be here today,” Ailia said and put her little arms around his neck, resting her head upon his uninjured shoulder.

  “She did,” Alisha remarked as she led them out into the courtyard.

  Brother Teric appeared from the direction of the stables. He stood still as soon as he saw Paul with Alisha and Ailia.

  “’Tis not possible,” he laughed. “I have just spoken with your brother and Nicholas but I never thought I would see the day when you would be wearing our mantle…or have you answered King Guy’s aria ban and call to arms?”

  “Not for long,” Alisha interjected and held him closer.

  “No not at all…but follow me and I shall explain, my friend,” Paul replied and smiled.

  “Destiny crosses our paths again does it not?” Brother Teric asked and walked with them as Paul put his left arm around Alisha. “’Tis a good day.”

  Tenno nodded yes to himself as he followed closely behind them.

  “And Percival…he is okay?” Paul asked.

  “He trains with Thomas’s men as he does all day and every day,” Brother Teric answered.

nbsp; As they walked across the courtyard Paul caught sight of Princess Stephanie and Alix being led away by the Patriarch Heracles and several of his entourage. He would catch up with her later, he thought to himself, relieved she was away from Reynald.

  Chapter 71

  The Tears of War

  Hospitallers’ quarter, Jerusalem, Kingdom of Jerusalem, January 17th 1187

  Alisha entered the long cool corridor of the Hospitallers’ great hospice and infirmary. She wore her long green dress she had not worn in years, Paul having found it at the bottom of their travelling trunk. It was the first dress he had ever seen her wear and the same day she stole his heart completely and effortlessly. Paul held Ailia in his arms, Tenno following closely as always now. Brother Teric spoke some pleasantries to two Hospitallers dressed only in their single full length working order white and blue robes. Brother Teric faced Alisha and beckoned her to follow. After a short walk along the corridor, they turned off into a side passage that had eight doors, four on either side. Incense burned away filling the air with a pleasant fragrance, the marbled floor gleaming with a clean shine. Brother Teric checked the small chit he had been handed and knocked upon the far end door to room 5.

  “Enter,” Master Roger called out.

  Brother Teric smiled and winked at Alisha as she eagerly approached the door. As he held the door open for her, she rushed inside and froze as she looked in shock at Taqi sat up in bed but his eyes hidden beneath a wrap of bandages. She gasped, which immediately drew Taqi’s attention. Master Roger stepped closer to her and smiled seeing the concern upon her face.

  “He looks worse than he is. The bandages are to help remove infection he has within his eyes,” he explained reassuringly in his usual calm and soft voice.

  Alisha moved quickly to sit in the chair beside Taqi’s bed, clasping her hand over his and kissed the side of his face.


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