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Sight Page 4

by Shelby Hild

  As she stood up, the baby began to cry again.

  “Why can’t they keep him quiet?” Freya asked quietly through clenched teeth as she looked over at the princess and her husband trying to soothe their son. “He’s taking everyone’s attention.”

  “This is technically family time that we’ve all barged in on,” Entra said. They all watched as Darissa spoke with Princess Elissa. As the Princess handed Darissa baby Henry, the baby immediately stopped crying and began to giggle.

  “Still,” Freya said, before looking over at Vivilyn. “Why are you standing?”

  “I am going to talk to the king,” Vivilyn responded. Brayleigh scoffed slightly and raised her eyebrow as Vivilyn took a few steps forward.

  “Excuse me, Your Majesty,” Vivilyn said as she approached the men. She curtseyed as soon as the king and his sons looked over. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but…”

  “Lady Vivilyn,” the king said. “I am glad to see you’ve healed so well. Did your visit with your brother help?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you very much for allowing him to come.”

  “We will be forever in your debt for what you’ve done for us,” the king said.

  “It was my duty,” she said, trying to wave the statement away. “I just…” She lifted up the paper to the king. “I tried to draw the man I spoke with at the ceremony,” she said.

  King Warrick gently took the paper from her and as soon as he saw the sketch, all color left his face.

  “You’re sure this is who you saw?” The king clenched his jaw. When she nodded, he closed his eyes and with his free hand pinched the bridge of his nose. King Warrick handed the paper to Prince Aiden. He lost his coloring as well.

  “It can’t be,” Prince Ethan said, as he looked over his brother’s shoulder.

  “Don’t tell anyone you saw this man,” the king said. “Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir,” Vivilyn said. “But…”

  Prince Aiden opened his mouth to speak, but his father cut him off.

  “In this situation, the less anyone knows the better. If they know you are aware of what he looks like, I don’t know what they’ll do. But I can assume no one would like it.” The king rapidly strode out of the room.

  “Ladies,” the queen said, standing to follow her husband. When all attention was on her, she continued, “breakfast will start soon in the next room.”

  Chapter 4

  Vivilyn entered the room for breakfast last of those who’d joined the royal family for coffee. They arrived at the same time as those who hadn’t gotten up early to “see the sunrise” began filtering in.

  “There aren’t enough chairs for everyone,” Marisol said as she ran up to Vivilyn and Darissa. “I’ve counted. Twice. There are only 170 chairs here. That’s fifteen less than there should be.”

  “You didn’t hear?” Brayleigh said coming up from behind. “People have been leaving all week. They just weren’t strong enough to handle the stresses this situation places on people.” Brayleigh looked towards Vivilyn with her nose slightly wrinkled. “It’s just a matter of time before others join them.”

  Vivilyn rubbed the back of her neck. “But people can’t leave, unless they’re sent home,” she said quietly.

  “What are you talking about?” Brayleigh said. She shook her and cringed as though she had a bitter taste in her mouth.

  “The people that are chosen have to be here,” Vivilyn said, her voice sounded flat as she tried to keep her uncertainty from being noticeable. “Otherwise they are exiled. That’s what happened in Princess Elissa’s Trials.”

  When everyone continued to look at her as though she’d lost her mind, she nibbled at her bottom lip before adding, “…aren’t they?”

  Brayleigh and Freya both laughed harshly.

  “Where did you ever come up with that?” Rose asked. She covered her mouth as though she were trying to keep from laughing.

  Vivilyn felt a flush creep across her cheeks. Her ears warmed and she realized they had to be bright red.

  “My mother told me,” Vivilyn said. Her voice was faint. She wanted to be anywhere but that room.

  “As far as I’m aware, nobody has ever not wanted to come to the Trials,” Darissa said. Her voice was soft and comforting as she tried to set a hand on Vivilyn’s shoulder. Vivilyn flinched away from Darissa’s touch. “It’s an honor to come to the Trials, an honor to be considered as an option.”

  Jolene and Louise waved to Vivilyn, Darissa, and Marisol as they walked into the room.

  “A peasant rumor,” Brayleigh laughed even louder as the others approached. “Did you hear about that, Lady Jolene?”

  “What?” Jolene asked.

  Vivilyn turned away. She wanted to run out of the room all the way home and hide her face in the pillow she’d had since she was little.

  Could I go home? Vivilyn thought as she looked at the tables, trying to decide where she wanted to sit. If I won’t get exiled, I could just leave and not worry about my secret being discovered.

  For a few moments, she imagined what it would be like if she went home. Despite being excited for her return, her family would be disappointed in her for quitting. And she would miss the friends she’d made since she’d arrived at the palace.

  I couldn’t bear the look of disappointment Iza would give me, she thought as she spotted a table out of the way, but still close enough she’d be able to hear any announcements. I’d always wonder what could have happened if I stayed. And I’m not a quitter.

  Vivilyn claimed a table with seven chairs in the corner of the room. Her chair half faced the window, half faced a raised stage area. Darissa, Marisol, Jolene, Louise, Rose, and Daisy sat with her.

  “I heard that Alicia left sobbing after a mean note was left in her room saying she was related to a pig,” Rose said. Daisy nodded, her eyes wide, in agreement.

  “I’ve heard that Prince Aiden actually went to each person’s room and eliminated them. He’s not willing to drag this whole process out longer than necessary,” Jolene said. “I was talking with Tera, and he came by and asked for a few moments of privacy. When I came back to finish our conversation, the only things left in her room belonged to Lady Sarah.” Jolene paused for a moment, then continued when no one else had anything to add. “I find that sort of decision-making skill a great asset in both a partner in life and my future king.”

  As soon as everyone was seated, food was brought out.

  Rumors continued to fly about where everyone had gone. It seemed to be all anyone wanted to talk about. Vivilyn was glad no one else brought up her belief that a contestant was required to be there or else they’d be exiled.

  She glanced out the window as the sun gleamed brightly over the forest. It almost looked as though the forest was on fire.

  “The leaves are changing colors,” Vivilyn said, not to anyone in particular. Her mouth rose in a smile as she thought of home. When she noticed the talking had stopped, she looked back to the table. Everyone was staring at her. Daisy’s head tilted.

  Vivilyn continued. “In Treelyn, as soon as the first leaves hit the ground, we have a festival. Everyone comes together and we have a parade and feast. It’s so much fun. It will be Iza, Eso, and Mo’s first festival with my family and I bet Iza will be given a role in the play. She’s got so much energy.”

  “We have an autumn festival too,” Marisol said. “Normally it’s the beginning of the rainy season for us so we have rituals thanking the gods for the rain.”

  “Doesn’t it only rain ten days out of the year near Savrille?” Darissa asked.

  “Exactly.” Marisol smiled. “I didn’t say it was a long season. We celebrate all ten days. The eleventh day is always rough because of all the drinking.” Vivilyn’s mind showed her a vision of Marisol as a child, weaving her way between adults passed out on couches and the floor.

  “It’s probably already snowing in Eta.” Jolene looked out the window with a sigh. “My sisters are probably helping Mama org
anize the food.” Vivilyn saw a tall woman, just as pale as Jolene, ordering girls who all looked exactly like Jolene around a shed.

  “Kleesta doesn’t have an autumn festival. There’s too much to do,” Louise said. Vivilyn saw Louise in the middle of a large group of people all leaning forward over their knees while on the ground. “But we do take one day and one evening to meditate in remembrance.”

  “We don’t have any festivals or celebrations until the new year,” Rose said. “Frinta has too much to worry about beforehand, or else we might not make it to the new year.” Vivilyn’s mind showed people in a small room, coughing as though they were ill. Two men carried in someone with blood falling in pools below.

  Rose sighed and rested her chin on her hand before resuming. “Between illness and bandits from the borders, we need everyone who can help heal or defend.”

  Vivilyn’s mind released her from the vision allowing her to focus completely on the conversation again. She wasn’t sure how much of the visions were due to eating the Seer’s fruit in her vision and how many she normally would have had. There was a noticeable increase, but she’d had visions of the past and present before. Not as often as events that hadn’t yet occurred, but they had happened. And now, she was starting to be able to link the visions to what was being said to her.

  At least I hope it’s the fruit causing this, she thought as the conversation lulled.

  “Who’s Iza?” Daisy said, her voice barely audible. Vivilyn wondered if Daisy was attempting to change the subject or if it had taken all that time for her to work up the nerve to ask.

  “She is the youngest child of the family my father hired to help with harvest season. When I was Chosen, my parents decided to keep them on longer.”

  All the cameras that had been roving around the room suddenly stopped and pointed directly at the front of the room. Adontus walked in.

  His dark suit was crisp. His hair had enough gel in it that it looked frosty with ice.

  “Ladies, Ladies,” he said as he moved to the front of the room. “How are all of you this fine morning?”

  There were murmurs of greeting.

  “As you have probably noticed, a few of you are no longer with us. It’s a mixture of our good Prince sending them home and personal choices.” He straightened his tie. “It is no consequence to any of you beautiful ladies, so you need not worry. Today…” he lifted his hands up and smiled. “Today marks a momentous occasion.

  “It is the first date.”

  Cheers erupted in the room. Vivilyn wondered briefly if Fiona managed to get the sketch of Adontus to him the night before.

  “Joining Prince Aiden on a beachside picnic will be fifteen of you lovely ladies.”

  A few of the women shuffled in their seats.

  Adontus smiled at their movements and then said, “if you have received a golden envelope in your rooms while you finish your breakfast, then you are one of those going on today’s date.

  “Throughout the next few weeks, all of you will be going on dates. There will be five single dates. The rest will be with anywhere between five and thirty others.”

  No one was focused on the food in front of them anymore. Excitement hummed through the room. Vivilyn was sure all the women wanted to run back to their rooms to see what dates they got. Her mind flickered between different envelopes on beds and tables. If she knew what each woman’s room looked like, she would have been able to determine who got which date. Either the images went by too quickly in her mind, or she didn’t see an envelope in her room.

  “If I could please see Lady Vivilyn before you leave,” he said.

  Vivilyn jerked her head up at the sound of her name. She couldn’t understand what Adontus wanted to talk to her about. Had he discovered something about her visions? She looked directly into Adontus’ eyes.

  He smiled before continuing, “Everyone else is dismissed."

  "Would you like me to wait for you?" Darissa asked, one hand on Vivilyn's wrist.

  "No, you go ahead," Vivilyn said. All the other women said goodbye and emptied the room as they whispered to each other, glancing back at Vivilyn. Gossiping about why Adontus wanted to see her, no doubt. "I'll be the first you tell if you get a golden envelope, though, right?"

  "Of course, Viv!" Darissa pulled Vivilyn into a quick hug before she skipped out of the room.

  Vivilyn wiped her hands on her pants as she racked her brain trying to recall anything she could be in trouble for.

  "Lady Vivilyn," he said as he came up to her, "you look just radiant today."

  Vivilyn smiled a little bit.

  He patted her shoulder before he spoke. “Not at all as though you stayed up late sketching or anything.”

  In the corner of her eye, she saw one of the cameramen move closer to the two of them.

  How can he know I stayed up late sketching? Vivilyn thought. A sour taste filled her mouth. What if he found the drawing of the spy I did last night?

  "Thank you," Vivilyn said hesitantly. "You look quite well yourself. I like the tie." She gestured at his long gold and black diagonally striped tie.

  "Oh, thank you," he said holding it out. "My mother gave it to me years ago. And by years ago, I mean last week." He looked to the camera at their side. "Thanks, Ma!" Then he faced Vivilyn again.

  He pulled out a sheet of paper from the inside of his jacket, somehow without a wrinkle or a crease. She couldn’t catch her breath and her fingers seemed to grow cold. He had to have the picture of the spy.

  When he handed the paper to her, though, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Do you like it?" Vivilyn asked as she looked at the picture of Adontus she'd sketched.

  "Do I like it?" he asked. He tilted his head to the side for a second, then smiled and looked at the camera again. "She asked ‘do I like it?’ Ha. I love it. How long did it take for you to make?"

  Vivilyn shrugged. If she had wanted to vocalize an answer, it wouldn’t have mattered.

  "It doesn't matter. I was surprised when your serving girl appeared at my door late last night, but as soon as she handed me this, I forgave the late-night intrusion."

  He held the sketch up to the camera.

  "She even got the mole under my ear here. But I—and I'm sure the whole kingdom and even Prince Aiden and his family—are curious, why did you send it to my room rather than give it to me at our next interview?"

  Vivilyn looked up at Adontus and then the camera and then back.

  "I…" she started and then pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Her reasoning came out in a rush. "It wasn't really my best work, and I wasn't sure if you'd prefer to be given it in public or private. I couldn't quite get your forehead right and—"

  "It's perfect." Adontus said, before Vivilyn could continue.

  "It just seemed like the best option. That way if you didn't like it…"

  "Well, I love it. I do appreciate that you wanted to give me the option to show it. And if I get my way, it's going to be all over the place."

  Vivilyn smiled again. It wasn’t a very good representation of her skills, but if he liked it, then there wasn’t much she could do about it. If he wanted to plaster it all over the kingdom, it was his now.

  "I got to decide one of the fifteen and as a special thanks to you for my new favorite picture," he pulled out a golden envelope from the front of his suit. "I decided on you. I mean, you are in my top 100 for winning this whole thing." He winked at Vivilyn. "Although you might not be the country's favorite yet, I'm sure you can sneak your way into their hearts."

  Vivilyn's smile faltered slightly.

  It's not like I'm going to be here long enough to really need the kingdom's approval.

  "Thank you," Vivilyn said as she accepted the golden envelope.

  Vivilyn quietly left the room after saying farewell to Adontus. One of the guards with purple armbands led her all the way to the Chosen’s Wing. As she walked, she carefully slid her finger to open the invitation to the first date.

t of the envelope, she pulled out an even lighter gold paper.


  As the leaves from the trees begin to fall

  I hope to hear your voice call

  Among the waves of the sea

  And the sand dunes with me.

  Prince Aiden

  She couldn't keep her mouth from lifting into a smile. I've never seen the ocean or sand. With that smile, she entered the Chosen Wing to shrieking louder than Princess Elissa's baby. It shocked Vivilyn out of her daydreaming walk.

  “How dare you,” someone yelled from down the hallway to Vivilyn’s left. After tucking the envelope into her back pocket, she quickly followed the noise.

  It seemed to be coming from one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. The guards at the entrance looked over to the door, and then at each other. She guessed they were debating whether to do something about the yelling. For a moment, she wondered how often yelling occurred in this hallway. It was on the opposite side of the wing than her room was, so she’d never be able to hear it.

  When the guards noticed Vivilyn heading towards the screaming, they noticeably relaxed.

  As soon as she reached the door, someone on the other side flung the door open with a grunt. The woman was facing someone else within the room.

  “And if you think I’m going to just sit by without telling anyone, then you’re mistaken,” the young woman concluded as she turned to storm out of the room. She nearly ran into Vivilyn standing in the hall.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Vivilyn recognized the woman as Lady Natalie Darleen of Grayston, with her curly dark hair and pale gray eyes. She was the only girl Vivilyn had ever met that was as tall as she was without the help of shoes. The only time Vivilyn recalled seeing Natalie was at the Choosing Ceremony.

  “I heard yelling,” Vivilyn said. She stepped backwards.


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