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Reckoning: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 3)

Page 9

by Dakota Brown

  "Someone you know?" Nikolai inquired.

  Doc sighed and nodded.

  "Is that a problem?"

  Doc ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "Pretty sure she thinks I'm dead. It's a long story." He shrugged. "Should be interesting at least."

  "Well, who's hungry then?" Jasmine broke the awkward silence. She glanced at him and Allan and smiled. "I don't think I've met a young man who wasn't hungry all the time. Victoria told me none of you really had food restrictions so I hope these are okay?" She gestured to a plate full of roast beef sandwiches.

  Allan blushed and nodded. Ed grinned.

  Victoria and David grabbed a couple of sandwiches and everyone else but Doc did the same. Nikolai handed Doc his plate as if they were going to share, and they all found places to perch.

  "How are you, Sofia? Victoria says you're doing okay, but going through something like that has to be traumatic," Jasmine asked.

  Sofia sighed. "Mostly I'm just really pissed off."

  Jasmine nodded. "That's understandable. I hope Donna and Adriana can help."

  Sofia nodded. "We just want them to leave us alone."

  He noted that she left Ash out of it for now, but they all knew that even if the Andersons were willing to back off now that their plan had failed, Sofia and their pack wouldn't until Ash was free.

  Sofia wanted him free because she hated to see someone controlled like that. The rest of them had actually started to like the grumpy demon. He tried as hard as he could to help them even though he belonged to the Andersons.

  "How is school going, Victoria?" Xavier changed the subject to something easier to talk about.

  "It's fine, Dad. I like classes still. Love Sunnyglade. Well, except for the Andersons. They suck. My roommate is pretty cool." She winked at Sofia. "And I like her friends, too. So, I can't really complain."

  "David?" Xavier glanced at her boyfriend.

  "If my program at UD wasn't one of the best, I'd consider transferring up to Sunnyglade. Classes are going fine, though."

  Xavier glanced at Sofia and she shrugged. "Playing catch up, but it's going okay."

  "Ed, Allan?" Jasmine encouraged them to join the conversation.

  "It's a great school. Still no idea what I'm doing with my life, but I'm definitely learning a lot," He answered.

  "Yeah," Allan agreed. "It's been an interesting semester."

  Sofia laughed and shook her head at that. "That's one way to put it."

  Before they could continue talking about school, the doorbell rang.

  Ed jolted, not used to doorbells.

  Doc had a hand on Nikolai's arm. He had probably sensed whoever it was approaching the house. The mage had probably never heard a doorbell before.

  Jasmine, either pretending she didn't notice, or ignoring the pack's reaction to the doorbell, got up and went into the other room to answer.

  David glanced at Victoria. "Take you out to a movie?"

  She glanced at Sofia.

  "Yeah, go. We'll be fine. Thanks, Victoria."

  David held out his hand and pulled Victoria to her feet.

  "See you all later," David said. Victoria waved, and they headed out the side door.

  He listened to Jasmine talk with Donna and Adriana, though she didn't do much more than greet them before leading them into the kitchen.

  He glanced at Doc. The vampire's shoulders were tight and his jaw clenched, though he smelled more resigned than worried. Sofia had retreated to stand between Nikolai and Allan. She glanced at him and Doc, eyes shifting around, clearly upset.

  Nikolai looked more curious than anything and Allan had his arm around Sofia but didn't seem too concerned. Ed wasn't quite sure how he felt either. He didn't want people to know he was a werewolf, but at the same time, he didn't think it would be the end of the world, either. He was more worried for Sofia and Doc.

  Jasmine entered followed by two women. Ed's eyes were immediately drawn to the taller of the two. She had dark olive skin, and gray hair pulled back into a tight braid. Piercing brown eyes studied all of them intently. They widened slightly when they landed on Doc and Ed was certain that would be Adriana. She smelled powerful, like Nikolai did, but more blatantly. Nikolai was more casual about his power, and also had practice hiding things, where as this woman wanted people to know she was a badass. Or that's how Ed interpreted her demeanor anyway.

  Donna struck him as more of your average suburban woman. Tan skin, even in the middle of winter, short brown hair, light brown eyes, average height. He saw steel in her expression though, too and decided that while she could probably pass for average, she wasn't. Not that he had expected average from anyone involved in the supernatural rights movement.

  He just hoped they could also be trusted.

  Jasmine made quick introductions. Adriana focused in on Nikolai for a moment. "Nikolai, you're from Russia?"

  "Obviously," he replied. He kept his tone friendly, but Ed sensed a bit of tension in him that hadn't been there before.

  Adriana arched an eyebrow. "I thought I knew all of the powerful mages in the Russian guilds. How did you stay out of their control?"

  That comment got both Jasmine and Xavier to study Nikolai in surprise.

  Nikolai shrugged. "Must have slipped their notice."

  Adriana arched her eyebrows at his evasive answer, but didn't continue to question him. She turned her attention to Doc.

  "It's been literal years, Roy. How are you?" She sounded casual but she studied him intensely.

  Ed noticed that Doc had positioned himself in a shaft of sunlight from the window, even before the mages had arrived.

  "I'm doing well. How are you, Adriana?" He stayed polite, but didn't offer anything.

  "Quite all right," she answered before turning to Sofia. "I hear you have a problem with the Andersons."

  Sofia nodded. "I'm surprised more people don't have a problem with them. They're unpleasant."

  Adriana actually smiled. Donna laughed. "Everyone has a problem with them. Unfortunately, they have a particular asset that keeps them immune to repercussions. No one can stand against their demon."

  Ed glanced at Jasmine and Xavier. They traded concerned glances. He didn't know how much Victoria had already told them.

  "Ash is powerful, yes, but he's not omnipotent." Nikolai shrugged. "Could be defeated. Also, he is not terribly willing, so unless the person directing him knows what to say, he finds loopholes."

  Adriana and Donna's eyes widened at Nikolai's casual dismissal of Ash's abilities.

  "When the Andersons first began making waves we discussed controlling them. Not one of the more powerful mages was willing to try because of the demon."

  Nikolai shook his head and muttered something disparaging in Russian. Sofia's lips twitched.

  "We will handle Ash," Nikolai said. "We would be happy to handle the Andersons, as well, but will get messy."

  "How, exactly, do you plan to handle the demon?" Adriana sounded incredulous.

  Nikolai stared at her for a moment before shaking his head again. "With magic. Yes? Is there any other way to handle demon?"

  "You really think you can simply handle him?"

  "Yes, of course, or I would not say it. Sofia and I can manage Ash." He stressed Ash's name. "Doc, Ed, and Allan would need help with the other mages, however."

  It was Adriana's turn to shake her head. "I was under the impression that Sofia was relatively untrained, and I do not think that anyone would be willing to join a fight against the Andersons with Ash still in the picture." She also emphasized Ash's name, but her tone held derision and a hint of fear. "I was prepared to offer to help relocate you all someplace safer and out of their reach."

  Ed tensed. He did not want to leave Sunnyglade and he knew the others didn't want to leave, either.

  "I can see from your expressions that you don't like that idea."

  "No," He answered for all of them.

  "It may be the only option," Donna said. "Any overt a
ction would gain too much public attention. Especially now as we're starting to really make progress in the courts."

  "Tell that to them," Sofia grumbled. "They attacked me in the middle of downtown Sunnyglade yesterday."

  Donna and Adriana shared a surprised glance. "That is quite reckless."

  "It's getting annoying," Sofia growled.

  "Do you happen to know what they want with you?" Donna asked.

  "They wanted to turn me into a host for a great demon. Fortunately, they failed and now they're just pissed off about it." Sofia left out a lot of details.

  Ed thought that might actually be wise. Adriana kept glancing at Nikolai like she wanted to dissect him.

  "You think we should move," Doc interrupted. "We aren't going to. You can't help us until Ash is dealt with. What can you do if Ash is out of the picture?"

  "In the unlikely event they no longer have their demon to hide behind, the Andersons have quite a few crimes that we're aware of they need to answer for. The council can step in and arrest them under some quiet rules we've worked out with the various governments of the world."

  "Arrest them?" Nikolai sounded dubious. "You think you can contain them?"

  "Yes." Adriana didn't elaborate.

  "Interesting." Nikolai looked thoughtful.

  Ed knew the Russian mage's solution was usually just to kill the enemy, but he had grown up during outright war. They didn't have the luxury of trying to contain the enemy.

  "So, once we contain Ash, how do we contact you?" Nikolai asked.

  Adriana and Donna shared another surprised look. "He's a demon."

  "Yes, yes." Nikolai waved his hand. "We know Ash quite well. I have a plan. Assuming plan works and Ash doesn't simply kill all of the Andersons in a fit of deserved rage, how do we contact you?"

  "You're planning on releasing him?"

  "Of course."

  Ed supposed it was safe enough to admit that. The Andersons already knew that Nikolai could release demons, so the plan wouldn't be a surprise if it got back to them.

  "That knowledge is lost. We've already explored that idea. No one knows how."

  Nikolai stared at Adriana for a moment before opening his mouth to say something that probably wasn't complementary.

  "Just pretend we actually manage it. It's our lives to risk, right?" Sofia interrupted. "Should we contact you, or handle them ourselves."

  "You should contact us," Donna answered. "It would be better if we could handle this with as much legality as we can manage. Otherwise, we could simply provide more evidence that those of us in the supernatural community simply can't be trusted."

  Nikolai muttered under his breath again.

  Doc put his hand on the mage's shoulder and Nikolai fell silent.

  Adriana handed Sofia a card and Donna did the same. "Our phone numbers. If you change your mind about relocating, let us know and we'll help you with the details and help you find a safer location."

  "Thank you," Sofia said politely. "Is there anything else you can tell us that might be useful?"

  Donna shook her head. "Lay low, don't get discovered. If you do and it causes problems, we'll support you of course. That's what we do right now."

  Sofia nodded, but that wasn't new information and Ed thought it was fairly useless.

  "Roy, I would enjoy a chance to catch up. I must admit, I hadn't thought I'd ever see you again," Adriana said.

  Doc shrugged. "I'm pretty hard to kill. Glad you made it out okay."

  "You as well."

  They had clearly helped as much as they could for the moment, so everyone stood.

  "Thank you for coming down to see us. It has been interesting to meet you all. If we can be of assistance in the future, don't hesitate to contact us," Donna said.

  They both thanked Jasmine and Xavier as well, then Jasmine walked them to the door.

  As soon as they were out of earshot, Nikolai let loose with a bunch of what had to be Russian cursing. Sofia laughed.

  "Nikolai, we did warn you," she said.

  "Modern mages," he said in disgust. "Useless."

  "Hey." Sofia put her hands on her hips and glared at Nikolai.

  "Present company excepted, obviously." He pulled her into a hug.

  "Well, I hope that was at least somewhat helpful," Jasmine said quietly.

  "Yes," Doc answered for all of them. "It was, actually. Despite Nikolai's attitude," Doc smiled fondly at the mage, "we know a lot more and once we rescue Ash, we can get help."

  "Do you really think you can?" Jasmine asked.

  "Of course," Nikolai replied. "We rescued Sofia, didn't we? Will be similar."

  "What exactly do you mean by modern mages being useless?" Xavier asked.

  Nikolai glanced at Doc, looking a little embarrassed at his slip in words. Doc shrugged.

  "Eh, I am from a different time. We used magic constantly. Makes a difference."

  "How did that happen? Am I even allowed to ask about that?" Xavier asked hesitantly.

  Nikolai shrugged. "My student stabbed me in the back and locked me in a dimensional prison. Sofia let me out."


  Jasmine and Xavier didn't seem to know what to say to that, so they fell into an awkward silence.

  "Why don't we take Nikolai out for a drive since he's never been to Denver before. We'll come back this evening," Doc offered.

  Jasmine brightened. "That's a fantastic idea. Do you know the city well?"

  Doc shook his head. "Well enough, but I'm open to suggestions if you have any. You're both welcome to join us."

  To Ed's relief, Jasmine and Xavier declined to join them. They offered a bunch of suggestions and Doc led everyone out to the truck with the promise they would be back in the evening.

  Chapter 9


  "Well, that was interesting," I said once we had all piled in the truck. Ed took the passenger seat and Allan and Nikolai had gotten in back with me. I sat between them, hooking a leg over Nikolai's thigh, and leaning back against Allan.

  "They certainly don't think we can actually handle Ash," Ed added.

  "It will not be easy," Nikolai said. "I have a plan. Should rescue him soon."

  "I think that's our next course of action," Doc said. "I want to say we should do it tomorrow, but this week is exam week. He can probably wait until next weekend." Doc's tone of voice made it clear waiting was not his preferred option, but he was right, there were only a couple of weeks left in school and getting the exams taken care of was important. Maybe not as important as rescuing Ash, but it would give me a little more time to practice with Nikolai if nothing else.

  "Do you think they'll actually help with the Andersons if we can save Ash?" Allan rubbed my hip as he spoke.

  Nikolai traced random patterns on my thigh with his finger as he stared out the window.

  "Yes." Doc answered.

  "We're not going to be able to disappear off their radar after this, are we?" I asked.

  "Radar?" Nikolai said absently.

  "Um, actual radar is, well," I hesitated not actually sure how to explain it. "A way ships keep track of things at sea. And, well, airplanes and stuff. Technology. The saying means we won't be able to stay out of their notice now."

  "Ah." He glanced at me. "No. Not likely. This Adriana is far more interested in Doc than I like and I suspect I'm interesting to them, as well."

  I glanced at Nikolai. Was that jealousy I heard in his voice? His brow was furrowed as he looked at our vampire.

  Doc shook his head. "She thinks I'm a mage. She was interested, many years ago. I was never about to get involved with her. Not safe. Not interested."

  Nikolai's expression lightened a bit.

  "Convenient that everyone thinks you're a mage," I said.

  Doc nodded. "Even if something changes in the next few years and it becomes safer to be known as a supernatural, I doubt it will ever be safe to be known as a vampire. We're too dangerous."

  "And difficult to contain," Nikolai agre
ed. "How many do know?"

  Doc shrugged. "A handful of my mother's people know what I am. Sofia's dad's friend. The Andersons. Which, basically, once we take Ash, I bet a lot more people are going to know." He sighed.

  "We will deal with that if becomes an issue." Nikolai leaned forward and put his hand on Doc's shoulder.

  "So, we'll spend the next week taking tests and preparing to steal Ash away. Then we'll deal with the consequences." I turned the conversation away from the more disturbing topic and back to tests.

  "Yes," Doc agreed.

  "So, where are we going now?"

  "Natural history museum. Then we'll wander up the 16th street mall, grab some dinner, and head back to Victoria's house. Tomorrow we'll go home," Doc answered. "I have no idea what their rotating exhibits are, but it's a really good museum."

  It didn't take long before Doc had parked the truck and we stared at the banner advertising the current attraction. Mongolia, past and present.

  Ed laughed. "Well, this should be interesting."

  "Very," Nikolai agreed.

  We hurried inside, got tickets, and started working our way through exhibits. The natural history ones really caught Nikolai's attention, and we spent several hours wandering the museum before we got to the Mongolia exhibit. I thought Doc and I spent more time watching Nikolai's reactions than actually paying attention to the things around us, but his intent interest was quite entertaining. The building wasn't super crowded, though there were plenty of adults and children around, so we weren't real free to talk. Even Nikolai remembered not to be too obvious about his gaps in knowledge.

  I threaded my hand into his as we went into the exhibit about his part of the world.

  "It is very strange to see this in museum," he whispered as he studied some of the modern pictures of life on the Mongolian Steppes. "Would say, not much has changed."

  Ed and Allan wandered ahead. We let Nikolai take his time, though he didn't let go of my hand and he stood close, occasionally pointing out a small detail to me.

  He studied one picture of a Mongolian family and pointed at the woman. "She is mage. See, her sash signifies her position."


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