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[←1 ]
Throughout the text I use form of life as an explicit reference to Nietzsche’s use of the concept as inter-cultural and intra-cultural differences that are always at odds with one another; such as his understandings of noble and slave morality. See Chapter Five for greater explanation.
[←2 ]
Cornel Sandvoss (2003) uses deterritorialization to denote a detachment of social, cultural, political, and economic life from specific locales. It is this meaning, rather than the Deleuzian opening up of existing relations to new potentialities, that I have in mind here.
[←3 ]
Beyond meeting my eventual wife and partner in crime, that brief discussion with Professor Schneider is perhaps the most important few minutes of my life.
[←4 ]
Quoted on RAI News, February 3, 2007.
[←5 ]
La Repubblica, Friday, February 9, 2007. Sec. B, p. 2.
[←6 ]
Bar-On, 2007, pp. 6–25.
[←7 ]
Dal Lago and De Biasi, 2002; De Biasi and Lanfranchi, 1997; Podaliri and Balestri, 1998.
[←8 ]
Griffin, 2007, p. 181.
[←9 ]
Sternhell, 1994, pp. 7–8.
[←10 ]
Wolin, 2004.
[←11 ]
Ferraresi, 1996, p. 56.
[←12 ]
Ferraresi, 1996, p. 201.
[←13 ]
Fugo, 2003, p. 19.
[←14 ]
Turner, 1979, p. 48.
[←15 ]
Kertzer, 1988, p. 4; Kertzer, 1996.
[←16 ]
Pronger, 2002.
[←17 ]
Schechner, 1988, p. 197.
[←18 ]
Kertzer, 1996.
[←19 ]
Hoberman, 1984, p. 17.
[←20 ]
1980, pp. 87–94.