Tempted at Midnight

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Tempted at Midnight Page 9

by Cheris Hodges

  “Glad you asked. I have a few ideas, but I haven’t written the report yet.”

  “Can you have it ready in the morning? I want to let the board know what we’re doing to keep the company afloat.”

  She nodded. “Unlike you, I don’t have a life, so I can work on this tonight.”

  “Ingrid, you’ve been working really hard. If you need to take the night off, you can get me the report by three tomorrow.”

  She rose to her feet and then bowed in his direction. “Such a benevolent taskmaster. I’ll have it ready in the morning.”

  “Great.” Erik glanced at his watch and realized that he needed to get down to the lab if he wanted to make any progress on Logan’s line. “All right, I’m taking the CEO hat off and heading for the lab.”

  “Cool. I’m looking forward to this new line. If I can be candid, our cosmetics have been kind of stale and safe lately.”

  Erik sighed because this was the same conversation he’d been having with his father. “Well, things in the game have changed.”

  * * *

  Sylvie snapped at the mover when a box toppled over. “If those chairs are damaged, you’re paying for them!” She crossed over to the box and opened it. Her face flushed with embarrassment. The box didn’t contain a chair at all. It was a few area rugs. She looked up at the young man and offered him an apologetic smile.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s hot. Let’s take a break and I’ll spring for cool drinks for everybody.”

  The two movers shrugged and leaned against the truck. Sylvie had worked with this company her whole career and the last thing she wanted was to piss them off. But she’d been in a mood since her run-in with Amanda.

  Sylvie pulled herself together and treated her moving crew to ice-cold drinks and protein bars. Her good-natured gesture calmed any bad feelings, leading Sylvie to believe that Kind bars and Smartwater were the key to world peace.

  She even helped unload the chairs, especially the chairs she’d been coveting. While standing beside the truck, she peeled her wet T-shirt off and wiped the sweat from her face with it. She was glad that she’d opted to wear a sports bra underneath her shirt.

  “Stripping in the parking lot is appreciated but not allowed,” Erik said as he seemed to appear out of nowhere. Sylvie tossed her shirt at him.

  “What are you doing, waiting around every corner when I take a piece of clothing off?”

  “I prefer to see you when you take off everything. You’re pretty hands-on with your job, huh?”

  “When you’re the boss, you have to do it all sometimes.” She leaned in to him. “Especially when you piss your workers off because you’re having a bad day.”

  “And why are you having a bad day?” Erik placed his hand on her bare shoulder. The heat that rippled through her body had nothing to do with the blazing sun overhead.

  “Eh, it happens. Ran into someone who I could’ve gone the rest of my life without seeing. But the best thing that happened today was these chairs.” She pointed to the red and black leather chairs lined up beside the truck.

  “What’s so special about these chairs?”

  “You’ll see when everything is in place.”

  “Have you thought about what you want for dinner? Because no matter how bad your day has been, I can make your night even better.”

  “I think I want a nice thick steak.”

  Erik took a step back. “And I thought you were a vegetarian or something.”

  “I am when I want to be. But again, I had a bad day and a good meal is going to make it better.”

  “All you need is a steak? Then your day couldn’t have been that bad. We can trade war stories tonight. I have to get to the lab.”

  “Ooh, can I see it?”

  “See what?”

  Sylvie smiled. “Where all the magic happens.”

  “No. Sorry, but my lab has to be pristine and everything that goes on there is top secret.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Are you saying you don’t trust me?”

  “When it comes to my work, I don’t trust anyone. Don’t take it personal. Besides, you’d probably take off with samples of my red lipsticks.”

  “I do wear other colors, you know.”

  His gaze fell to her hot-pink sports bra. “I see that now. Pink looks good on you.”

  Before Sylvie could respond, one of the movers walked over to tell her that the floors in the lobby weren’t dry enough to bring the new chairs in. Erik nodded at her. “Handle your business, Miss Lady.” He blew her a kiss and Sylvie’s knees went weak.

  Pull it together, girl. Sylvie turned to her crew and directed them to get some of the industrial fans and set them up to blow on the lobby floor. She was grateful that Erik had given her carte blanche with everything. And it didn’t go unnoticed that closing the lobby kept the media at bay.

  Around four thirty, the floor was dry and the logo of Jordan Industries was shining in the center of the wooden floor. She loved the combination of the cherrywood and bamboo flooring. The red and black logo in the center of the room laid the foundation for the art deco look that she’d drawn up in her plans. Sylvie loved this part of the job, watching her ideas become real. Sometimes things didn’t work out, but this project was turning out to be everything she wanted. She just hoped that Erik liked it as well.

  It was after seven before Sylvie and her crew finished installing the chairs and clearing the walls.

  “Good job, guys. Thanks for your hard work today.”

  “Miss Sylvie, you know we like working for you better than we did with Amanda. But you gave us a little flashback today,” one of the men said.

  Sylvie stroked her chin and muttered her apologies. “It won’t happen again. This project is just so . . . It won’t happen again.”

  “We all have bad days,” the other man said as he nudged his partner. “See you tomorrow.”

  As the men left, Sylvie turned and looked at her handiwork. Then she remembered, she had to get home and get ready for dinner.

  Dinner with Erik. She had to say a silent prayer that she could keep her hands to herself over the steak.

  * * *

  Erik glanced at his watch as his chef plated the medium-rare steaks and smashed potatoes. Sylvie was late, and now he was wondering if she’d stood him up. Leaving the kitchen, he laughed because he’d never had this kind of issue with a woman before. No one had ever captured him in this way, making him question if he was going to be stood up. And he couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually wanted a woman in his house.

  Granted, he knew going out anywhere would lead to flashing lights from the cameras of the paparazzi, especially after today’s announcement. Maybe he and Sylvie needed to be out of the public eye. But she was the kind of woman he wanted to show off. Fine. Smart. Sexy. Something about her made him feel different. Made him think about things more than just sex and moving on to the next one. And for the life of him, he didn’t understand why.

  “Mr. Jordan,” the chef said, breaking into Erik’s thoughts. “I made two desserts, banana pudding and the chocolate cake you requested.”

  “Great. I think we’re done here.”

  “You don’t want me to serve the meal?” he asked.

  Erik smiled. “I think I got this.” He handed the man an envelope filled with cash. “Thank you for this.”

  “No problem, sir. I hope you all enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure we will.” Erik walked the chef to the front door, then sent Sylvie another text with his address and the message that he was looking forward to seeing her.

  * * *

  Sylvie was late and lost. That’s what she got for not charging her phone before turning her GPS app on. She couldn’t even call Olivia and ask her how to get to Erik’s place because she’d been in such a rush that she’d forgotten her car charger. Maybe that was a sign that she needed to leave Erik Jordan alone. She was about to turn around when she saw a sign for Jordan Way. Maybe hope wasn’t lost
after all.

  When she turned down the private street and saw the house, Sylvie was taken by the beauty of his place—classic columns, wide porch. And some of the ugliest chairs. She couldn’t help but think he had picked out those white wooden chairs himself. Or an ex who only had taste in her mouth, Sylvie thought as she pulled into the driveway.

  She glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Super late. Somehow, she’d have to make it up to him, she thought as she walked to the front door. She was certain about one thing as she rang the doorbell. Whoever picked out this furniture could not be trusted.

  A couple of beats passed and she realized there didn’t seem to be any movement inside. She pressed the doorbell again. Nothing.

  That man can’t be this petty, she thought as she turned to leave. She’d walked down one step when the porch light flicked on and the door opened. Sylvie gasped when she saw him standing there, shirtless—his six-pack on display—wearing a pair of low-waist jeans and no shoes.

  “I could’ve sworn I told you to come around the pool-side entrance.”

  Sylvie blinked and sucked her bottom lip in. Did he realize how breathtaking he was? “My phone died. It’s amazing that I made it.”

  “And here I was thinking I’d been stood up.” Erik ushered her inside. “Your food’s cold.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “You’ll be happy to know the steak is seasoned to perfection.”

  “You ate without me?”

  Erik nodded. “You do realize that you’re two hours late? And you didn’t call.”

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Jordan. But it’s actually your fault.”

  “My fault?”

  “Yes, because I did such an amazing job with your lobby, I had to admire my work.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Everything about my work is serious.”

  Erik placed his hand on her shoulder. “We’re going to table this discussion because this isn’t a business dinner.”

  She smiled. “You invite all of your dates to your house for dinner? Or is that why you keep a penthouse in Midtown?”

  “Nope, just the special ones. They usually arrive on time,” he quipped as he led her to the French doors that opened out to the pool area. This felt like the real Erik. Sylvie drank in the deep earth tones on the padded furniture surrounding the Olympic-size pool. A wrought-iron table was set up near a fire pit with matching chairs surrounding it.

  “You do a lot of swimming?”

  “Every morning, unless it’s snowing.”

  “It’s Atlanta. There aren’t many mornings when it snows.”

  He winked at her. “You’re just as smart as you are beautiful.”

  “So, where is my perfectly seasoned steak?”

  He pointed toward the sand-colored chaises near the edge of the pool. “Right over here.”

  Sylvie was impressed with the chairs. Clearly the person who purchased them was a smart person. “I’m really sorry that I was so late.”

  “All will be forgiven if you can swim.”

  “I don’t have a suit.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “You don’t need one. I’ve seen you naked twice.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “That doesn’t mean there’s going to be a third time! And I’m not skinny-dipping with you.”

  “Okay, just keep your underwear on.”

  She raised her right eyebrow. “Who says I’m wearing any?”

  Chapter 9

  These days, not much shocked Erik. But Sylvie left him speechless as he looked at that pink-and-purple maxi dress she wore. Was she really naked underneath? Just the thought of it made his body hotter than July.

  “The pool is heated, and global warming has made this a warm winter night.” He closed the space between them and stroked her shoulders. “Your choice, though.”

  “I’m choosing to keep my clothes on. And eat my steak.” She walked over to the chaise and sat down. Erik picked up the covered dish and set it on her lap.

  “Would you like tea or wine?”

  “Ooh,” she said as she lifted the silver cover from the plate. “Wine for sure.”

  “Red or white? I’m just going to give you red, because that seems to be your thing.” Erik’s gaze fell to her lips, and for the first time, he noticed her lipstick. She had followed that request. Those full lips were painted Jordan red. “That lipstick looks good on you.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. It feels good too. Did you add some kind of moisturizer to the formula?”

  “Now you know I can’t tell you that. But I’m glad your lips feel as good as they look. I might be inclined to name this color after you.”

  She cut into her steak and rolled her eyes. “Tell me, how many times have you used that line?”

  “First time for everything. I’ll be back with the wine.” He headed over to one of the pool cabanas and grabbed a bottle of Ace of Spades rosé. Looking at the wine, he changed his mind and went for a bottle of 1992 merlot from the Jordan Winery. Tonight was special, and he wanted the drinks to be as well. Uncorking the bottle, he smiled as he thought about the imprint her lips would make on the rim of the glass. His body clenched as he remembered those lips sucking his dick on New Year’s Eve. And then she had the nerve to tell him she wasn’t wearing panties.

  “It’s just dinner. Just dinner,” he muttered as he poured the wine, then headed for the door.

  He was surprised to see Sylvie half done with her New York strip. “This is delicious,” she said when they locked eyes. “If you tell me that you cooked this, I might just fall in love.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you. But I’d be happy to introduce you to my chef.”

  She took another bite of her steak and raised her right eyebrow. “Is he cute? Anyone who can make a steak sing like this has to be my dream man.”

  Erik set her glass on the edge of her chaise. “You’re telling me that all I have to do is learn how to cook and you’re mine?”

  “Cook like this and keep making me red lipstick, and maybe.”

  Erik sat down in the chair beside her. “You have a mouth on you.”

  She dropped her fork. “You say that as if it is a bad thing.”

  Leaning closer to her, he picked up her linen napkin and wiped a bit of sauce from her chin. “I like your mouth. A lot.” Erik captured her lips in a hot and wanton kiss. Sylvie’s moans urged him to kiss deeper, and his tongue danced with hers. Exploring her mouth as if he’d never been there before. She placed her hand on his chest, breaking the kiss and taking a deep breath.

  “We need to make something clear. You can’t keep kissing me like that if—”

  “If I don’t want to find out what’s underneath that dress?”

  Sylvie sighed. “Can we be serious for a minute?”

  He nodded, though there was one thing he wanted to get serious about and it wasn’t a conversation.

  She relaxed her shoulders and Erik realized he was still holding her. And damn, it felt good.

  “Working with your company is really important to my brand, and I don’t want things to get confused. If we’re going to give in to this heat between us, there need to be rules.”

  “I get it. But what kind of rules?”

  She wiggled out of his embrace. “Nothing that happens after hours gets in the way of business. And maybe we shouldn’t tell anyone about us.”

  “You got something to hide?” Erik folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in the chair. “I don’t care who knows about us.”

  “But I do. I can hear the haters now: She got that job because she’s sleeping with him. I’ve worked too damned hard to let that be a part of my narrative.”

  He nodded and reached for her hand. “All right. But you had your job before I had mine and long before I had you on New Year’s Eve.”

  Sylvie inhaled sharply. “Is this just about sex? I mean, it’s cool if it is. Because to be honest with you, I can’t stop thinking about that night.” She inc
hed closer to the edge of her seat. But when her fork clanked to the ground, she eased back. Setting her plate aside, Sylvie joined Erik in his chair. He stroked her cheek, his mind still burning with her last statement. Sure, sex was on his mind. How could he forget the amazing night they shared a few weeks ago? But Sylvie made him want more. Her drive matched his. And that mouth. Her wit was amazing and kissing her was just as exciting.

  “It’s not just about sex for me, but if that’s what you want . . .”

  She didn’t reply, she just ran her hand across the fly of his jeans. “Remember I told you that I was having a bad day?”

  “Yes. And I’d be happy to listen to what made you so upset.” Erik stroked her cheek, genuine in his concern. But clearly, Sylvie didn’t want to talk. She made that clear as she stroked his hardness through his jeans.

  “I don’t want to talk. I want you.”

  Erik moaned as she unzipped his jeans and eased down his body. But the moment she wrapped those red lips around him, he screamed. She took him deeper into her hot mouth and he buried his hands in her curly hair. Erik lost himself in ecstasy as she licked, sucked, and slurped him. He didn’t mean to come, but that thing she did with her tongue across the head of his dick made him explode.

  And Sylvie didn’t stop. She lapped his seed and winked at him. Erik almost came again. “Damn, woman,” he moaned. “That mouth. That mouth.”

  She wiped her bottom lip with her thumb and smiled. Rising to her feet, she straddled his body and brushed her nose against his. “So, you liked that?”

  “Understatement of the year.”

  She ground against his hardness and wrapped her arms around his neck. “This is wild,” she breathed against his ear. “You do something to me.”

  “That’s my plan. That and finding out if you really aren’t wearing panties.” He slipped his hand underneath her dress and was excited to find that she wasn’t just talking about skipping underwear. “Did you come here to seduce me?”

  “No. I came to eat dinner. This is just a pleasant side effect.”

  “Hmm,” he said as he slipped his finger inside her. Sylvie moaned as he brushed the pad of his finger against her throbbing clit. “Just a side effect, huh?”


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