The Two of Us (Love in Isolation Book 1)

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The Two of Us (Love in Isolation Book 1) Page 24

by Kennedy Fox

  Eli notices my mood is off and wraps his arm around my waist as I make coffee.

  "What's wrong?" he asks. Anytime he's around, my whole demeanor changes.

  "Just thinking about graduation, that's all," I tell him, turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck as he dips down and presses his mouth against mine.

  "Babe." He smiles, lifting my chin. "You should be so fucking proud of all that you accomplished, especially since you finished your last semester online and during a pandemic when you were sick. You are at the top of your class at one of the most difficult universities in the country. No one or nothing can ever take that away from you. Ever."

  I smile and nod. "You're right. I don't want to seem like a brat. I'm just disappointed."

  "You're not a brat for that. For other things, absolutely, but for that, nah," he tells me with a wink, and I playfully smack him. I love how grounded he keeps me. It's nice to have a boyfriend who isn't an elitist.

  "Hungry?" he asks.

  "I'm always hungry," I throw back. "For your Prince Harry."

  “I thought you named him Zeus?” He arches a curious brow.

  I giggle. “Not when it gets me off better than the vibrator. Then it deserves the royal name.”

  He laughs and goes to the fridge and pulls out ingredients for breakfast. "You're a sex fiend, but that's why I love you."

  "That's not the only reason," I argue. My stomach growls just as the espresso finishes brewing. I fill two mugs, then hand him one. After I add cream to mine, I lean against the counter and admire how sexy Eli is. I can't stop staring at his bare chest and how his sweats hang low on his hips, showing that V that goes to the happiest place on earth, but I’m not referring to Disney World. Though what he does sure is fucking magical.

  He catches me gawking and lifts an eyebrow, and I swear if he wasn't almost finished cooking, I'd fuck him until tomorrow. “Yes?”

  I clear my throat, not even sorry he caught me. “Stop looking sexy, and I’d stop staring.”

  “My bad.” He smirks.

  "So..." I speak up to get my mind out of the gutter. "I’m going to FaceTime Mommy Dearest today."

  He laughs. "Yeah?"

  "I still can't believe how giddy she is about us being together," I say. I think back to a couple of weeks ago when I finally told my parents. They were so supportive that if I wasn’t already living in the twilight zone, I definitely would be now. Daddy always stressed to marry a wealthy man with status who could contribute to the family name. My mom, on the other hand, always told me to marry for love. She didn’t and later regretted it. It’s obvious they’re not in love and would be happier apart.

  "Your mom has always loved me. Seriously, I was more worried about your dad than her."

  “Really? I was worried he’d give you one of those fatherly ‘you break my daughter’s heart, and I’ll break your neck’ speeches. Or worse, they’d make you join the country club.” I look down his body again. “But there’s just no way you’d properly fit in,” I say with laughter.

  He chuckles, shaking his head. "Oh really? Don’t think I can pull off a thousand dollar polo and slacks and order the servers around while I brag about my mistress?"

  I roll my eyes at his mockery. "You’re hilarious. Keep that up, and they’ll forbid us from being together. Then again, if they would've disapproved, we'd be married right now."

  "Hot damn!" he shouts ecstatically. "That's too bad because I'd marry you in a heartbeat."

  He turns off the stove, slides our food onto plates, and we move to the bar. I'm sitting so close to him as we eat that I'm practically on his lap. "Did you mean it?"

  "Mean what?" he asks around a mouthful.

  "That you'd marry me in a heartbeat."

  Eli finishes chewing, then turns and grabs my hand. We're nearly facing each other in the barstools. "Without a doubt, Cami. I've seen you nearly every day for the past ninety days, and while I hate the state of the world, I'm grateful to spend this uninterrupted time with you. I honestly don't remember what life was like without you in it, and I don't want to. You're my everything, baby. I mean it, but I do worry sometimes that I'm not good enough for you."

  My eyes go wide, and I pull back slightly at his confession. "Not good enough for me? Don't be ridiculous. You’re more than enough."

  He shrugs shyly. "I know the type of guys you've dated. The money, well-known name, extravagant dates. But all I can offer you is my love."

  I tilt my head and flash him a small smile. "You are definitely not the kind of guys I’ve dated in the past, and I’m grateful for that. I've never felt this way about anyone before, which isn’t something I'm used to. It's different with you. Most men just want to use me to get to my parents. Status and materials don't matter to you, and when it comes to who I want, it doesn't matter to me either. You've loved me in ways I've never been loved before. It can't be faked or bought, and I hope you know that because I don't want to lose you."

  "Lose me? You'll need to put a restraining order on me to leave you alone," he says with a chuckle.

  I sigh, hoping he’s right. "When all of this is over, and we go back to the real world, things will change. I know that, and I'm trying to prepare myself for it. Some people don't want to be in the spotlight, and I don't want the added attention to ruin what we have. It scares the shit out of me, Eli. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm scared of losing you and everything we’ve built. I keep telling myself it's all too good to be true, and I don't know what I did to deserve you." I can feel my emotions bubbling, but I need him to know what’s burning inside me.

  "Cami," Eli whispers my name. "I've known you for a long time. I've been best friends with your brother since we were kids. I understand what you and your family go through, and I'll be there by your side, no matter what happens. I promise you with everything I am. It’ll take much more than some paparazzi and gossip stories to ruin what we have. And if we go out of town, I could always hide you in the trunk of a car when we leave for the weekends just like Taylor Swift does."

  I snort and laugh. "Yeah, I heard that rumor too. She was wheeled out in a suitcase and loaded in the back of a car to avoid the photographers. It's clever actually, and I wish I would've thought of it. Kendall suggested it one time, too."

  "Of course she did." He shakes his head and picks up his fork. "I’ve waited this long, and I'm not giving up being with you for anything or anyone. Love you, baby."

  "Love you more. You're mine forever, Eli."

  "Forever and ever," he echoes. "I promise."

  I let out a relaxed breath, and we finish eating. After we’re done, I go into the living room to call my mom while Eli cleans up the kitchen. She answers, and I can tell she's in a pleasant mood by her wide grin.

  "Cameron! So happy you called. Eleanor was just putting on some morning tea for me, and your father is outside playing golf on the mini green he had installed a few weeks ago," she says. She's well put together with her hair perfectly done, pearl earrings, and a diamond necklace. I wouldn't be surprised if she's wearing pantyhose as well because my mother dresses up like she's hosting a tea party every day. She’s weirder than those who quarantine in jeans.

  Eleanor is one of the maids who helps around the house, and it worries me that my mother has still allowed her workers to come and go. They could easily afford to pay her time off.

  She clears her throat, bringing the attention back to her. "I was thinking about you this morning. I miss you dearly, sweetie. I wish you'd come home and see your father and me soon."

  "Mom, I know. I miss you too, but I have no desire to set foot in the city right now. I talk to Ryan as much as I can, and it doesn't sound like things will let up soon."

  "Honey, we're past the curve. That hunky governor said things are better. I'm sure life will get back to normal soon."

  I roll my eyes, but she doesn't notice. He never said that. The fact that our political views don’t always align can be frustrating, but I learned
a long time ago to keep my mouth shut to avoid a family feud. "It won't, Mom. It may take years."

  "We’ll see," she says in her typical patronizing tone. I watch as she reaches for her tea that's being served on fine china. She even holds out her pinky when she sips, and I almost laugh, but hold back. "So, how's Eli? Where is he?"

  I snort. "I swear you have a crush on him, Mother."

  As if he was summoned, Eli comes from the kitchen and leans over the back of the couch. "Hey, Mama C! You're looking so gorgeous today," he says in an overly flirty voice.

  I turn and shake my head at him. "Why, thank you, Eli. How have you been feeling?"

  He takes the phone from my hand, laughing, and chats with my mom. I swear she loves talking to him more than me. I even hear her giggle, and the way he charms her has me chuckling. Popping up off the couch, I walk toward him, and he has the camera turned around facing Bruno, showing Mom how big and well-mannered he is. I shake my head. "He doesn't know how to listen," I whisper-hiss.

  As soon as I do, Bruno jumps up on me. He's so heavy he nearly knocks me over, then he starts licking me to death. "Aw, sweetie. I wish you treated Coco like that. You never were much of a dog person."

  Bruno is relentless, and once I push him down, I lean over and pet his head. I motion for Eli to give me the cell so we can end this conversation.

  "Okay, well, I'll give the phone back to Cami. Chat soon. Bye!" Eli flashes a cheesy grin, then hands it over to me with a cocky smirk.

  "He's such a nice young man. So charming and handsome. I love what he does with his hair. Perfect for you, dear," Mom gushes, and I swear I catch her blushing.

  "I'm so glad you approve," I deadpan, and Eli does a little dance on the other side of the screen, completely distracting me. His fingers play on the edge of his jogging pants, and he slides them down just a tad lower, and my cheeks burn. I don't even know what my mom is saying because I stopped paying attention.

  "Don't you agree, Cameron?"

  I try to ignore him the best I can. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I ask, clearing my throat.

  "I was saying how disappointed and upset I am that I won't get to see my little girl walk across the stage to receive her diploma," she repeats. “After all the money we spent for you to go there,” she mumbles, and I suck in a long breath, reminding myself not to engage.

  Nodding, I give her a forced smile. "I know. Me too."

  "Well, hopefully it’ll make graduate school that much sweeter for you," she says.

  "Yes. It’ll be extra special when I finally walk across the stage." In two more years.

  Thankfully, Mom changes the subject and chats about Ryan and praises all the good work he's been doing. Then she mentions the hefty donations they gave in his name, but I don’t tell her what he told me about not wanting people to know. She voices her concerns but, in the same breath, downplays the situation, which is one reason I get so frustrated speaking with her. I love my mother, but sometimes, she pushes my buttons, even if she's not trying. For decades, she's been living in her own little elite world where money can buy anything and problems don't exist, so during a pandemic is no different. Instead of going back and forth with her, I ignore it and discuss the weather and Chanel.

  "I'm just waiting for things to get back to normal. I knew it was dire when fashion week was canceled," she brings it up again. I swallow down a groan. My head is about to explode if I don’t get away from this conversation. “When do you think you’ll come back?”

  "I’m not exactly sure. Eli's still working remotely, and I think we might stay through the summer and just see how it goes before we decide." Things change every day so if I give my mother a timeframe, she’ll expect me to abide by it, but if I leave it open, then she can’t hold me accountable.

  "Summer? That's nearly four months from now," she exclaims as I sit back down on the couch. “Surely, you can come back before then.”

  All I do is shake my head. “I want to, Mom, I really do. But I don’t know what the future holds, so we’re just taking it day by day. No telling what’s going to happen in a few days, nevertheless, a few months.” While some parts of the country have loosened their restrictions, the hospitals are still overflowing, and there’s still no cure or vaccine. I may be in limbo with my penthouse and graduate school, but as long as Eli is with me through it all, I don't care. We’ll figure it out together.

  “I worry about you,” she says.

  "We’ll be fine and can FaceTime as much as you want," I remind her.

  "Cameron, you know I'm not very good with technology."

  "Well, luckily, you'll have plenty of time to figure it out. But anyway, I’ll let you go. I'll chat tomorrow if you want," I say quickly, wanting off the line.

  After taking another sip of tea, she grins. "Okay, sweetie. I love you. Chat soon." She blows two kisses, then I end the call.

  If I was home, I know she'd wrap me in a big hug and press a kiss on each of my cheeks. I let out a lengthy sigh and lean my head back on the couch, then close my eyes. When I open them, Eli is standing above me, and I jump.

  “Jesus, you scared me.”

  His lips tilt up. "We should go for a hike today."

  "Seriously?" I ask, furrowing my brows. I haven't hiked since Ryan and I were kids. “Do I look like someone who hikes?”

  He licks his lips and chuckles with a shrug. "I noticed there were some trails cut out. They might be slightly overgrown, but I'd love to go check them out. Take Bruno with us and let him wander around the property for a few hours."

  "Alright, I'm down, but you can’t make fun of me if I trip and fall or something." Because it’s a high probability.

  “I can make that deal.” He leans over and places his lips on mine. Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, I smile against his mouth.

  "Go get dressed," he tells me, and I notice he’s already changed. When I get up, he takes the opportunity to smack my ass before I run upstairs.

  I dress comfortably in one of my tennis skirts because it's so beautiful out today, then tie my running shoes nice and tight. As soon as my foot hits the bottom stair, he's grinning ear to ear, reaches his hand out, and I meet him. "You're wearing a skirt to hike, huh? Why am I even surprised?"

  I roll my eyes at his little dig. "It's a thing. Google it."

  He shrugs. "If you say so. I mean, I'm not complaining about the view at all."

  "That's what I thought." I wink. "Now, let's get some fresh air. I’m shocked we haven’t gotten cabin fever yet."

  “You and me both,” he retorts.

  Bruno follows us, and as soon as he can get around us, he's off in a full sprint going straight to the pond. Eli laughs, and I groan, knowing that means he'll need a bath when we return. We take a trail that leads to some woods, and Eli and I walk in silence, holding hands. The wind rustles through the dense forest, and it brings me back to being kids and playing out here with Ryan. We never had a “normal” childhood, and the only time I felt like a kid was when we came to the cabin. I didn’t have to put on fancy dresses or sit up straight or do any of the things my parents wanted me to do to impress their friends and the media. Out here, I got to get dirty, play outside, and be a kid.

  We continue walking farther down the path, and the sunshine peeks between the trees. A smile plays on my lips as Eli squeezes my hand, then kisses my knuckles.

  "I love you," I tell him. "Thank you."

  "Love you too. And for what?"

  "For the escape. I needed it," I say truthfully.

  Eli stops walking and turns to me. The space between us disappears, and I'm getting lost in his mouth and touch. His large hand slips under my shirt, and he palms my breast. I'm panting, and all I want is him. I take several steps forward, guiding him until his back rests against a gigantic tree. We're breathless already as I untie his shorts, then fall to my knees and take him in my mouth. I look up in his eyes, and when he runs his fingers through my hair, I stroke his shaft as I suck harder. Eli breathes out deep grunts a
s I increase my pace until I'm nearly choking on his cock.

  I slow my pace, then suck and lick his tip as I stroke him.

  "Cami, fuck," he groans, and his legs begin to tremble. "Baby," he whispers, fisting my hair tighter around his fingers. I know he's close because his cock jerks in my grip, but I don't stop. After a few more moments, he tenses then releases in my mouth. I swallow it all down, not wanting to waste a drop, then stand with a smile as I lick my lips.

  "Baby," he murmurs, then cups the back of my neck and fuses our mouths. I love that he doesn’t even care I just had my lips on his cock and kisses me anyway. "Your turn."

  I look around. "What do you mean?"

  He arches a brow and lifts my skirt. "I feel like you had this planned all along," he slyly says, sliding my panties down to my knees.

  I shrug. "Maybe." I'm so fucking wet from pleasuring him that it won’t take much to get me off.

  "Goddamn," he says as his fingers twirl on my clit, then he pushes one inside my pussy. I nearly lose my balance at how good it feels. "You're fucking drenched, baby. So smooth and tight, too."

  "Always," I tell him. "You turn me on so much."

  A boyish grin plays on his lips as he continues, then thrusts another finger inside. They’re so big I nearly gasp as he pounds into me. Seconds later, he pushes my panties all the way down. I step out of them, and then he slides them in his pocket. It’s no mystery I’m running out of underwear, considering he’s always stealing them. Then he gets on his knees and loops one of my legs over his shoulder. I hang onto him as he leans in and devours every inch of me like I'm his favorite meal. He moves between finger fucking me and twirling his tongue on my clit, and I'm so thankful for this tree because I'm not sure how much longer I can hold my weight.

  "Your pussy tastes so fucking good," he says. I moan out his name as the midmorning sunshine reflects through the trees. "You have such a tight little cunt."


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