Secrets in Edgewood: The Complete Series

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Secrets in Edgewood: The Complete Series Page 68

by Kate Hawthorne

  “Unreal,” Calvin whispered, his entire body still. He let Graham fuck him and use his cock to fuck Emory.

  Graham’s thighs slapped against the back of Calvin’s legs and he adjusted his stance, using Calvin’s hips for leverage and pounding against him. Emory’s moans were loud and desperate, and Calvin’s jaw hung open, a silent plea tumbling from his lips.

  “Look at me. Watch me.” Calvin ripped the tie away from Emory’s face just as his entire body tightened like a bow string. The muscles of his ass clenched around Graham’s cock and he shouted, sliding his arms around Emory’s shoulders and fucking into him through his orgasm.

  Emory’s eyes were wide, blue irises obscured by his dilated pupils and he held onto Calvin as he bucked against him like a feral animal. Their bodies were soaked with sweat and Calvin’s ass was still working his dick, trying to milk him of his own release.

  “Wait, wait,” Calvin mumbled, using his shoulders to push Graham away. Graham’s cock slipped out of Calvin’s ass and thumped against his stomach. Calvin winced and rolled over. He grabbed Graham’s cock and pulled it toward Emory’s swollen hole.

  Graham thrust, his cock sliding in easily. Emory’s ass was hot and tight, and already slick with Calvin’s cum. Graham tightened his hands around Emory’s waist and pumped his hips forward, ready to burst. Calvin twisted his way down Emory’s body and licked his tongue over the slit of his dick.

  “Fucking shit.” Emory’s eyes darted from Graham to Calvin, not able to focus, until they rolled back in his head. His body flew away from the mattress. His hands tangled deep in Calvin’s hair, and his ass gripped and released Graham’s cock as he came.

  Emory’s shakes calmed and he focused his eyes on Graham with a singular intensity. He still had Calvin’s hair in his hands when he said, “Come on, tiger.”

  Calvin tipped Emory’s face to the side and kissed him, his pouty lower lip eclipsing Emory’s mouth. Graham could see the pink of Calvin’s tongue pushing into Emory’s mouth, and the two men moaned. Emory’s muscles tightened again and Graham came. His entire body tensed, cock shooting ribbons of cum into the deepest parts of Emory.

  As soon as his body stilled, he shouldered his way between Emory’s trembling thighs and sealed his mouth over the hot and swollen pucker of Emory’s ass. Emory shouted into Calvin’s mouth and Graham licked and sucked at his hole until a mixture of their cum trickled out against his lips. He moaned and sucked harder until he had a pool of cum warm on his tongue.

  Graham closed his eyes and rested his head against Emory’s thigh before he dragged himself up and pushed his way into Calvin and Emory’s kiss. Emory leaned into him, his tongue lapping the cum off of his tongue with a needy grunt. Graham dropped his head against Emory’s shoulder and Emory turned to Calvin, kissing him, the taste of cum no doubt still on his tongue.

  Emory wrapped his arms around Graham and stroked a delicate path up and down his spine. Graham rolled to the side and flung his arm over his face. He reached to the side and patted Emory and Calvin, not sure of where they were other than beside him.

  “You gave up on the game,” Emory mumbled.

  “We’ll have to do it again another time,” Calvin laughed and covered Graham’s hand with his.

  Somewhere on the floor, a phone rang. Graham tried to look and see where it was coming from, but he couldn’t lift his neck.

  “It’s mine,” Calvin groaned, sitting up and stretching.

  “And you’re going to answer it?” Graham rolled over and watched Calvin walk across the room.

  The ringing stopped and so did Calvin.

  The ringing started again and Calvin grabbed his pants, digging out his phone.

  “It’s Zach,” he said by way of explanation.

  Graham’s blood heated, his body kicking into a familiar fight or flight mode. No one should have been in this room or in this moment besides the three of them, and here was Calvin’s job between them…again. Sensing his tension, Emory took Graham’s hand in his and squeezed.


  Graham turned his head to the side and found Emory staring at him, a hint of understanding sadness in his eyes.

  “Could this not have waited until tomorrow?…I know it’s technically tomorrow.” Calvin sighed. “Boundaries, Zach….You’re right, I could have not answered but here we are…Fine, no…I’ll come early and take care of it…Alright. Yeah.”

  Calvin dropped his phone on the floor and pivoted back to face the bed. Graham saw the movement, but wasn’t willing to take his eyes off Emory’s for fear he might say something regrettable. He closed the inches between them and pressed their lips together, then he stood up.


  Graham shook his head and held his hand in the air. He couldn’t look at Calvin right now. His emotions warring too violently between disappointment and regret. He knew it was too good to be true.

  “Graham,” Calvin tried again.

  Emory sat up and reached for him. “Come back to bed, tiger.”

  Graham stared at the carpet and shook his head, then picked up his clothes and walked out of the room.



  Graham didn’t leave, but he didn’t come back to bed. Calvin had offered Emory an apologetic shrug before crawling under the blankets. Emory hesitated, unsure if he should go check on Graham or go to sleep or go back to his house. Escrow hadn’t closed yet, so he still had the keys, but that was only for a week or so.

  He rolled to his side and studied Calvin’s profile. He was on his back, staring up at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head. His face looked tired, his eyes…defeated.

  “Are you going to go to him?” Calvin asked, not looking his way.

  “I…don’t know.” Emory curled his knees toward his chest.

  “I would.” Calvin glanced at him briefly. “Before, I mean.”

  “Shouldn’t you now?”

  Calvin shook his head. “I’m tired of fighting.”

  Emory made a mental note to look for an apartment to rent. Maybe the place Graham had given up his month to month on would be available, of course, assuming Graham didn’t renew after all. Emory scrubbed his hands over his face.

  “I’m gonna go get some water.” He tossed the blankets back and snatched his underwear off the floor, stepping into them as he walked out of the room.

  The rest of the house was dark, save for the light of the television. Emory passed Graham on the couch and went to pour himself some water. He drank it over the sink, then rinsed the glass and dropped it into the strainer. A late night murder mystery show reflected off Graham’s eyes when Emory returned to the living room. He lingered near the couch and Graham held out a hand.

  Emory dusted his fingers across Graham’s palm and stood beside him. “Come to bed, tiger.”

  He licked his lips and could still taste the mix of Graham and Calvin’s cum in the back of his throat. Graham squeezed his fingers and dropped his hand down to his lap.

  “I know this is new for you, but I’ve been here before.”

  “Not with me, though,” he reminded Graham.

  “No. Not with you.” Graham smiled briefly and returned his attention to the TV.

  “Come to bed,” he tried again. “I need a big spoon.”

  Graham kissed his fingers. “Calvin is there.”

  Emory started to protest, but snapped his mouth closed, instead leaning down and leaving a soft kiss against the corner of Graham’s mouth.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “Love you, too.”

  “Calvin loves you,” he reminded Graham.

  He only nodded.

  Emory released Graham’s hand and returned to the bedroom. Calvin hadn’t moved and was still staring at the ceiling with the blankets tangled around his waist. He pushed them to the side when Emory reached for them. He slipped under the blankets and let Calvin arrange them over their bodies, then a hand reached out and pulled him backward. His back collided with Calvin
’s chest, and Calvin held him, arms like a vise, until their alarm went off in the morning.

  Graham was asleep on the couch, or at least he was pretending to be asleep. He didn’t move the entire time it took Emory to get ready for work and get out of the house. The cold shoulder left him feeling uncomfortable and awkward, Graham’s anger toward Calvin’s late night phone call a harsh reminder that he was coming into a relationship that had existed without him for more than half his life.

  Calvin had left hours before him, and by the time Emory made it up to the office, Calvin’s door was already closed. He swallowed back the dual rejection and rapped his knuckles against Monica’s door.

  “Morning,” he greeted her, forcing a smile.

  “You’re back. I missed you.”

  “You missed my brilliant paralegal skills,” he corrected.

  “Is that not the same thing?”

  Emory chortled. “How are you single?”

  Monica’s cheeks flushed and she looked at her computer. “Did you need me for anything today?”

  “I have a long list of things to catch up on. I just wanted to let you know I was back.”

  “Glad you’re feeling better, Emory.”

  “What?” Emory tilted his head.

  “You were sick?” Monica furrowed her brow. “That’s why you were out, right?”

  “Oh,” Emory laughed. “Yeah. Just, uh…a bit of the stomach bug or something. Better now.”

  “Good. We’ll connect later once you’ve caught up.”

  Emory nodded and threw one last passing look at Calvin’s door. It was still closed and he didn’t hear any noise from the other side. He decided to wait until later to approach him about what happened last night. He respected the fact that Graham was upset, but this silent treatment thing the two of them were leaning toward wasn’t going to fly with him.

  He was on his way back to his desk to search out apartments when he ran right into Zach.

  “I’m sorry.” Emory looked up. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

  “You’re fine.” Zach fingered through a stack of files he was carrying. “Can you give these to Calvin for me, though? I’m running a little behind to meet with a client.”

  Emory took two manila folders from Zach and said he’d make sure Calvin got them. He flipped open the first folder and recognized it to be final settlement for a case Calvin was in the process of wrapping up. He pulled back the cover of the second folder and his breath lodged in his throat.

  Divorce papers.

  Emory checked the date, then his watch, confirming they were dated today. He didn’t look beyond the first page. He snapped the folder closed and stumbled back against the wall. He clutched the folders to his chest, hoping the thin sheets of paper would be enough to hold his heart inside.


  This was why he didn’t do relationships.

  This was why he didn’t do emotions.

  Why he didn’t get involved.

  People only wanted him for one thing, or used him for another, and he’d poured his heart out, professing his love for these two men and now Calvin was ready to call it off after one little disagreement that didn’t even involve all three of them.

  He straightened his tie and stalked toward Calvin’s office, throwing the door open. Calvin blinked up at him, eyes round and surprised.


  “What is this?” he hissed, pushing the door closed behind him and tossing the folders across Calvin’s desk.

  Calvin opened it up and scanned the contents, his eyes melting into a resigned and sad expression. He looked up at Emory and closed the folder. “Divorce papers.”

  “I can read, Calvin.” He threw his arms up in the air. “So what? You have one little disagreement and that’s it? You just come to work and decide fuck it? And fuck me? And fuck that I love you?”

  “It’s not new. It’s something Graham and I discussed before.”

  “Before me!” Emory protested.

  “And during,” Calvin sighed. “Will you sit down?”

  Emory hesitated, his arms crossed with fingers digging into his biceps, but Calvin looked so beat down and tired. Emory obliged, sinking into one of the chairs opposite Calvin’s desk. He winged up an eyebrow and waited in silence for Calvin to continue.

  “It was something we’d talked about before, yes. But we didn’t do anything, and then when we met you…I don’t know. It seemed…more important.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  Calvin speared his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face.

  “Jesus. It was for you!” Calvin stood up abruptly, his chair slamming into the wall behind him. He straightened and gestured wildly with his hands, and Emory couldn’t not notice that he was wearing one of Emory’s ties.

  “For me?” The words had somehow registered in Emory’s mind, but didn’t click into place.

  “Yes, for you. We’d talked about it before. I’d asked Zach to have them drawn up weeks ago, but he never did and I didn’t follow up until you. Graham and I didn’t want you to feel like you were a band aid, or that you were less than, because we’re both in love with you. We wanted to start fresh.” Calvin’s attention snapped up and focused on Emory. His face was tired, but his eyes were clear. “Fresh with you. Because you deserve that.”

  Emory rubbed his chest, mouth parted on a sharp inhale.

  “You were going to get a divorce. For me.”

  Calvin collapsed back into his chair with a huff. “It seems silly now. It doesn’t change anything between me and Graham.”

  “It’s not silly,” Emory interrupted. He leaned forward and rested his hand on the divorce papers. “It’s not silly.”

  Calvin smiled at him sadly. “Graham got upset with me for taking a phone call after sex. I think there’s too much baggage between us for a piece of paper to make any difference at this point.”

  “It’s hard to unlearn old behaviors. I’ve been trying to do it with you two and it’s a lot of work. You’ve got to want to put in the work, though, and I know you do. You have been.”

  Calvin covered Emory’s hand with his. His palm was cool and clammy. “I’m tired.”

  Emory closed his eyes and dropped his head back, turning his face toward the ceiling. His ass still burned from the rough bareback fuck Calvin and Graham had given him last night, his heart still ached from the threat of the loss of more than the physical connection he shared with them.

  His confusion and anger melted and turned into something more manageable, and as he breathed through the evolution of his emotions, the tension in his shoulders relaxed. Calvin’s hand remained steady against his, still strong, still clammy. Still.

  This was Emory’s crossroads. It was his call now, his decision. Was he going to step away from the train wreck that was Calvin and Graham Silver, or was he going to, for once, let his heart lead him? He dropped his chin to his chest and opened his eyes. Calvin was watching him, stare focused but moving across Emory’s face before finally settling on his eyes.

  Emory opened his mouth, his eyes falling down to the papers beneath their hands.

  “Are you just going to give up on us?” he whispered.

  Calvin made a noise like he’d been wounded, and he tightened his hold on Emory’s hand. “I don’t want to give up on you.”

  “What about your husband?” Before Calvin could answer, Emory continued, “You were ready to get a divorce to start over with me…for me. But one silent argument and you’re ready to throw in the towel?”

  “I told you the papers are old,” Calvin protested.

  “The idea may be, but they’re dated today, and the way you’re talking makes it sound like they’re about to serve a much more solid purpose than before.”

  “I don’t want to lose either of you,” Calvin admitted. His voice weak.

  “Then don’t.” Emory shrugged. “Don’t make it easy for him to walk away.”

  Calvin twisted his lips i
nto a disagreeable shape and he stared at Emory, who rolled his eyes in exasperation.

  “Do you want me to talk to him?”

  Calvin offered a slight nod.

  “You’re useless, boss.”

  “I know.”

  “But you’re wearing a nice tie,” Emory tried to tease.

  A small smile threatened the corners of Calvin’s mouth.

  “Now come over here and kiss me so I know you mean it.”

  Calvin stood and rounded the corner of his desk, falling to his knees at Emory’s feet. He took Emory’s face into his hands and held him, a little too hard.

  “I mean it,” he promised, tugging Emory down and pressing their lips together. Emory opened his mouth and Calvin’s tongue slipped inside, twisting around his and pushing deeper. The longer they kissed, the more Calvin’s resistance melted away, and before long he was half on top of Emory, rutting against him with a hard cock and roaming hands.

  Emory fisted the stretched material of Calvin’s dress shirt and pulled him closer, relishing the desire and want that was rolling off Calvin in waves. He tipped his head back and Calvin kissed his way down Emory’s jaw to his throat, sucking his Adam’s apple into his mouth. Emory moaned, but pushed Calvin away.

  “Not here,” he panted.

  Calvin slid his hand down Emory’s chest and palmed the bulge between his legs.

  “At least not now,” he corrected. “Let me try and get things in order.”

  Calvin leaned back, his mood turning somber. He took his hand back. “What if you can’t?”

  “I don’t know, boss.” Emory hoped it wouldn’t come to that because he was in love with both of his boyfriends and he didn’t want to choose. “I really don’t know.”



  The day progressed slowly, as Calvin had expected it would. He’d come in early to deal with the signing on some documents that Zach had neglected to have him do the week prior, which was what the late night phone call had been about. It could have waited. So much about his job could just…wait.


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