Before Robeckal had consented to play the part of a regicide, he hadmade his conditions, and not before they were accepted had he undertakenthe job. He had been told that he would be condemned to death _proforma_, and set free at the right moment. He would then be given anamount necessary for him to go to England or America and live there.
Notwithstanding these promises, Robeckal felt a cold shudder run downhis back when he heard the death sentence, and when he was taken back tojail again he impatiently awaited further developments. He thought itvery strange that he should be left to his fate, and when hour afterhour had passed and neither Simon nor any one else came to his cell, hebegan to feel seriously uneasy.
Suppose they no longer remembered the compact?
Cold drops of perspiration stood on the wretch's forehead, and his handsclinched nervously as these thoughts ran through his mind, and he triedto banish them. No, that must not be done to him. The rescue mustcome--he had not committed the fatal act for nothing. At last, the heavyiron door swung open, and Vidocq, the great detective, entered hiscell. Robeckal knew him, and breathed more freely. Vidocq, no doubt,came to release him.
"Thank God you have come, Monsieur Vidocq," cried Robeckal to theofficial; "the time was becoming rather long for me."
"I am sorry that I have kept you waiting," replied Vidocq, quietly; "butthere were certain formalities to be settled, and I--"
"Ah! no doubt in regard to the money?" said Robeckal, laughing. "Haveyou brought the yellow birds along?"
"Slowly, slowly--first let me inform you that the death sentence hasbeen torn up."
"Really? I did not expect anything else."
"You do not say so," observed the official, ironically. "Then youalready know your fate?"
"Yes, I am going to England and from there to America."
"I don't know anything about that; my information is that you will notleave France."
Robeckal's face became a shade paler, still he did not lose courage.
"Where am I to be sent?" he hastily asked.
"For the present to the south of France."
"To--the--south--of--France," repeated Robeckal.
"To Toulon."
"To Toulon?" cried the wretch, in terror. "That is impossible!"
"And why should it be impossible?" asked Vidocq, smiling maliciously.
"Because--because," stammered Robeckal, faintly, "the sentence--"
"Was death by strangulation. Thanks to the efforts of your friends, ithas been commuted to the galleys for life, and I think you ought to besatisfied with the change."
"But--the--promise?" whined the criminal. "But, come, now, you are onlyjoking?"
"I never joke," said the detective, earnestly; "besides, you must havebeen very innocent to imagine any one would make a compact with ascoundrel like you. It would be a crime against society to allow you tocontinue your bad course. No, thank God, the judges in France know theirduty."
With these words, Vidocq beckoned to four muscular men to enter thecell. They seized Robeckal and put handcuffs and chains on him, in spiteof his cries and entreaties. As the wretch continued to shout louder, agag was put in his mouth, and in less than a quarter of an hour he wason the way to Toulon, which place he never left alive.
The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume II Page 26