Notorious (Rock Bottom #2)

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Notorious (Rock Bottom #2) Page 11

by Jennifer Ann

  “Christ,” Ryker growls, furiously pacing the room. By the dark looks he’s casting in Freddie’s direction, I should be more concerned he’ll be the one to end the man who wronged my family a million different ways.

  Charlize relaxes, slowly lowering the bat and turning to me with wet cheeks. “What’re my other choices?”

  “We go to bed and let him sober up. I’ll give you the honor of kicking his ass back out on the street in the morning.”

  Ryker shakes his head, stepping between me and my sister. “Pack a bag. You’re both coming to stay at my place. He can lay there and rot.”

  Even though I’m not completely opposed to the idea, I open my mouth to object. I don’t want to be among the charities he throws his fortune at to make it disappear. And we haven’t known each other long enough for me to move in, for shit’s sake.

  Then Charlize swings her head in Ryker’s direction with a light in her eyes that I don't think I’ve seen since she turned sixteen. “Don’t you live in that huge mansion on the edge of the neighborhood?”

  A sly smile spreads over Ryker’s lips. “Sure do. You and your sister can fight over the four spare bedrooms.”

  She clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes, but the little grin remains. “Pretty sure my sister wants to sleep in your bed.”

  “I think you’re right.” Mr. Dirty Sex Eyes locks his blues on me, and winks. “Don’t forget your swimming suits for the pool.”

  Mouth popping wide, Charlie looks at me. “Oh-my-god-can-we-go?”

  I let out a light laugh, wanting to kiss Ryker until we’re both dizzy. In mere minutes, he’s made my sister happier than I’ve seen her in years. There’s no way I can turn his offer down now. I’ll simply have to find an appropriate way to show my appreciation.

  As the lead singer of Shinedown croons in a piano solo, Ryker grins down on me, dragging his thick fingertips along the side of my still tingling body. I’m constantly amazed by his ability to plan for the perfect soundtrack to sex. We must’ve burned through dozens of ballads by now. They’re all meaningful, adding to the experience. At the rate we’re going, I’ll be able to associate every song on the radio to an intimate moment with this beautiful man.

  The ball of humiliation growing in my chest after the incident with Freddie disappeared the second Charlize stepped foot in Ryker’s house. She skipped alongside him on the quick tour like she was a four-year-old again. She chose the biggest room with a fluffy white down comforter on a king bed covered in bright decorative pillows, and a 50” flatscreen mounted to the wall. Despite my protests, Ryker had her bring her gaming system along. For however long we stay, I doubt she’ll spend much time outside that room.

  My heart soared from seeing her genuinely happy as we made our way to the master suite—conveniently located in another wing of the house. I'd planned to thank Ryker by getting down on my knees, but he demanded I relax, and let him take the lead.

  Two earth-shattering climaxes later, I grin up at his high bedroom ceiling, humming with utter satisfaction. Every nerve ending in my body lit like the 4th of July when he made me come on his fingers. “Never thought I’d ever be this jealous of a guitar. You should really consider having those talented hands insured.” With a soft giggle, I bolt upright and wrestle him down on his back, straddling his naked body. “ For the record, it doesn’t seem fair that I’m in the lead for the most orgasms in forty-eight hours. You’ve only had like…five.”

  “I get off watching you come undone, so we’re even.” Face turning slack, he stills my gyrating hips from teasing his stiff cock. “Babe, don’t you want to sleep, or talk about why your little sister was ready to beat your old man to death?”

  “Really? You’re asking to have a conversation about Freddie at four in the morning when you could be getting laid? Isn’t that breaking some kind of guy code?”

  With a chuckle vibrating in his throat, he lifts me off him and gently deposits me back down at his side. “I wanna know every little detail about the gorgeous thief trying to steal my heart.” Leaning over me, he brushes a light kiss over my lips.

  I gulp as my stomach flutters wildly. Well shit. How can I refuse to humor him after something that sweet? And holy shit. Did he really just mention his heart? Being with an alpha male who’s a sensitive musician deep down is proving to have a bevy of benefits. But I really don’t want to waste any precious time with him by talking about the shit Freddie pulled.

  Snuggling into the warmth of his body, I drape my arm over his rigid stomach muscles and twist our legs together, pushing my nipples into his side. Maybe I can distract him with my body, and he won’t push the subject.

  With his arm crooked behind my head, he begins caressing my scalp. “Tell me what he did to her, Zo. I wanna know everything.”

  Lord help me…that cute nickname on those delectable lips. I let out a slow, deep breath, deciding it’s as good a time as any to reopen old wounds. If only it were as simple as tearing off a bandaid…

  “Gloria was a worthless mother from the day I was born. I honestly don’t even remember that much about her growin’ up. As soon as Char could crawl, she completely bailed on us. Freddie actually stepped up in her absence for a time until he enrolled Char in kindergarten. Guess he figured with both of us old enough to be in school, we didn’t need a parent around. After that, he’d only come by to give us a portion of his disability check, or crash for the night whenever he couldn’t find another place to stay. Once I got my first job at fourteen, both my parents started comin’ around, begging me for money. Last summer, Char was home alone when he made one of his drop-ins. He convinced her to ‘visit family’ with him in New York, even though we don’t have any relation there that I know of. She was so excited by the promise to finally see the city she’d always dreamed of visiting that she didn’t notice he was high on something, or that he didn’t have a suitcase, or that it was a spur of the moment idea.

  “They made it as far as Pittsburg before Freddie ditched her at a rest stop to smoke a bowl with some stoners. She didn’t have a cell phone at the time because business at Pinky’s was slow, and my shifts had been cut in half. I could hardly afford groceries or the electric bill. The bus driver was a total prick when she asked where she could find a public phone, told her they were running behind schedule the way it was, and threatened to leave her behind. She didn’t know where Freddie went, so she rode the rest of the way to New York. She figured ‘our family’ out there would still come to get her.” Ryker’s fingers dig deeper into my scalp, more methodically with every truth I utter. With tears filling my eyes, I choke out the last part. “She slept on a bench in Central Park…for three nights…waiting until I came up with the money to fly out there, and bring her back.”

  Ryker’s breaths deepen, his heart racing beneath my hand. As I begin to feel a little lighter, I’m almost able to understand the hype of having a therapist, though I can’t imagine it’d be the same without a hot, naked man involved.

  I hate revisiting the nightmare—Char’s panicked call, the way she sounded so young and afraid. Raven ended up buying our flights, insisting we’re her family, and wouldn’t let me pay her back. As long as I live, I’ll never forget the fear and anguish that clenched my heart right up until the moment Charlize was safe in my arms. In the two days before our return flight, I went out of my way to give her an experience that would hopefully erase what Freddie had done, but I knew it didn’t work.

  After a drawn-out moment, Ryker’s lips press against my temple, but he remains quiet, patiently waiting for me to continue.

  “That trip changed her. She wouldn’t tell me what happened to her while she was alone in the city, but she was no longer the sweet and innocent girl who trusted her father enough to get on that bus. She had nightmares…couldn’t sleep at night. Then she started getting in trouble at school, and I had to pick her up a few times for shoplifting. She started sleeping with random guys until she was diagnosed with an STD. A few weeks later, we discovered she had type
one diabetes. It scared her for awhile, but it wasn’t long before she started the criminal shit up again. And she was so fucking reckless when it came to checking her sugar levels that I was convinced she wanted to die.” I wipe at a runaway tear before it falls on his chest. “When Freddie came by the house a few months later, he didn’t even have the balls to tell her he was sorry. He laughed it off, told her at least she finally got to visit New York. If I had been the one holding the bat tonight, I doubt I could’ve stopped myself from bashing his brains in.”

  The cherry on the top of this fucked up mess is that after all we’ve been through, Terrance is harassing us because of Freddie’s gambling addiction. As if we could possibly owe that asshole anything. But I don’t remind Ryker, because I’m certain he’ll insist on paying Freddie’s debt.

  “I’m sorry,” he finally says in a tone that’s lower and scratchier than normal. “That’s majorly fucked up.”

  When he kisses me soundly, holding my body like it’s suddenly delicate, I wonder if he’s silently working out ways to revoke his invitation for us to stay. If he’s as smart as I think, he’ll come up with something. I simply have to enjoy the ride while it lasts.

  My sister and I settle in with Ryker like it’s where we belong. During the week, Charlize sleeps in late and plays video games while Ryker and I put in time at the repair shop. Even though Ryker has a housekeeping staff, I make Charlize clean something every day throughout the week. She’s surprisingly pleasant for a change, treating Ryker with the proper amount of respect.

  I’m admittedly a little envious of the bond they’re forming…maybe even a little paranoid. More than once I catch them hanging out together, dropping their conversation once they know I’m near. Do they talk about me? Does she tell him shit she thinks I don’t want to hear?

  Working with the guys turns out to be kind of fun, especially whenever Ryker calls me into his office and we become tangled in a quickie. The night he offered me a job, I was horrified by the idea of mixing sex and money. But it’s different now. I’m usually the one attacking him. I can’t get enough of his gorgeous body, and he never treats me like an employee. He includes me in conversations about his brother and stolen cars, often holding me on his lap. Oddly enough, Stone doesn’t give us any shit, and actually starts to treat me like a human being. I suspect Ryker laid into him at some point, because I sense him itching to say something the way he’s always smirking at me like a cartoon character.

  I’ve been finding fliers for both bakery and dance schools littered all over the house. The efforts are cute as hell, but it’s way too soon in our relationship to be entertaining the idea of a serious career. Especially when he’d insist on paying every last bill. I don’t imagine it’d be long after I graduated before he’d insist next on buying a bakery or studio. While it’s nice to be taken care of for a change, I’m still uneasy when it comes to accepting large amounts of cash.

  I bond a little more with the guys after Ryker invites me to hang during the week whenever they casually jam. It’s a little strange without anyone on bass, but I’m blown away by the new songs Ryker wrote. Turns out he’s composed several since we’ve been together. I’m admittedly embarrassed when I realize 90% of the lyrics are about me, especially after Stone starts referring to me as “Yoko.”

  A few times I’m able to convince Ryker to bring his guitar home and play while we’re naked in bed. It’s not always as romantic as I pictured because he’s often stopping to tune the strings, or he doesn’t like how his voice sounds, so he’ll go back and repeat a verse. But when he carries on for more than a few minutes, deep blue eyes locked with mine, it’s an entirely new kind of foreplay. I know with every fiber of my being that he’s going to dominate the music world. Someone with his charisma was born to be famous. Whenever he’s performing for thousands of fans and breaking their hearts, I’ll always remember these special moments when I had him all to myself. Even if we’re still not together.

  Every night I make dinner for my sister and my man, excited for any excuse to use his professional-grade appliances. We usually end up spending an hour or two in the pool after until Charlize either goes out with friends, or returns to her video games. Without fail, Ryker holds me captive in his bedroom for several hours into the night, embarking on a sexual quest before we both pass out cold. I’m falling harder than I’d like, knowing it could abruptly end at any given moment.

  Friday after work, Ryker runs me by our house to grab more of Char and my belongings. By the tornado Freddie left behind, it seems he’s been sleeping on the couch, and eating everything in the cupboards. The upstairs bathroom looks and smells like a litter of pigs came through. The fact that it will eventually be my mess to clean doesn’t escape me, but I let it go for now. There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll be back.

  Part of me hopes Terrance catches wind that he’s home. It would at least solve some of our bigger problems. After spending the week with Ryker, I’m finally able to see our house for what it is: a steaming pile of shit. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if Freddie had to sell it to settle his debt.

  Besides, Ryker won’t bend when it comes to having us as guests. Every time I bring up the fact that we can’t stay forever, he tells me he’ll only keep dragging us back if we leave. I know he’s dead serious by the determination etched into his expression. If there’s ever a time when he decides to kick us out, I’ll just have to deal with our living situation then.

  As Ryker and I lug two laundry baskets filled with my worldly belongings down the steps, Raven appears at the base of the stairway. In navy blue scrubs, dark hair gathered into a high ponytail, she’s still a total knockout. I’m sure if she worked in a more exclusive nursing home, she’d actually accept some of the marriage proposals she receives from residents on a weekly basis. Arms crossed, lips pressed together so hard they’re white, she’s undoubtedly livid. “Guess you forgot to tell me you were stoppin’ by.”

  “Rae! Hi!” I set my basket down by her feet to give her a hug, releasing her when she doesn’t make an effort to return it. “Don’t be pissed. It was a last-minute kind of thing. Ryker suggested it as we were closing up the shop for the week.”

  Her narrowed eyes snap over to Ryker as he’s setting his basket next to mine. “Mm-hm.”

  Great, she’s in one of her foul moods. Usually means something upset her at work, like the time she caught two residents mid-coitus, or the time when a 100-year-old tried to convince her to give him a hand-job. I was personally excited to learn the desire to get freaky doesn’t necessarily fade with age.

  I shuffle back to loop my arm through Ryker’s while shooting her a wide-eyed look. It’s the kind that screams “don’t fuck this up or I’ll murder you.”

  “Ryker, this is the friend I’ve been telling you about—Raven.”

  Hands shoved deep into his pockets, Ryker nods her way, thick lips bent with a friendly smile. Surprised she doesn’t fall to the floor with the charm oozing from his pores. “Good to finally meet you, Raven. By the sounds of it, I owe you for keeping Zo sane the last few years.”

  “Why would you owe me?” she snaps. “Are we talking about some kind of financial payoff?”

  “Rae,” I seethe through clenched teeth, “can you join me in the kitchen for a minute?”

  “I’ll take these out to the car,” Ryker offers, squatting to set his basket on top of mine. He straightens with them in his arms, bending to kiss my cheek. “Take as much time as you need, gorgeous.” Turning toward the door, he tosses Raven a wink. “You’re welcome to come over for a visit anytime.”

  Raven snorts while rotating her head to watch him leave. With the sound of the door banging on its frame behind him, I slap Raven’s arm.

  “Did you have to act like a raving bitch? He’s going to think I’m nuts for having anything to do with you!”

  Eyes closed, she slowly shakes her head. “Girl, did you not hear a word I said to you last time we were together in this very room?” She opens her eyes an
d wildly gestures toward the street. “Mr. Dirty Sex Eyes is nothing but trouble! When you told me you were staying at his place, you said it was just for a few days. Looks to me like you’re moving out!”

  “Not officially…at least I don’t think so. Once he found out the front door won’t lock, he wouldn’t let us stay here. Then Freddie waltzed in, and Char threatened to bash his brains in, so I agreed it was best to get her out.” Feeling defensive of my man, I set a hand on my hip. “You know, you could try giving the guy a chance instead of automatically believing whatever bullshit rumors the neighborhood spreads about the Blackwoods. Ryker’s a good man. He’s been estranged from his uncle for years. I know this is going to sound crazy since we’ve only been together for a week, but he’s offered to take care of me and Char.”

  Her jaw drops. “Oh. My. God. You’re in love with him?”

  “I didn’t say that!” Did I? I blink back at her as my heart kicks into a frantic beat. “When did I say that?”

  “It’s obvious the way you talk about him, and the way you went all gaga when he kissed your cheek just now! Have you lost your damn mind?”

  “This is bullshit, Rae! How the hell can you stand there and judge me when you’ve been searching for a man to take care of you the same way your entire life?”

  “You think this is me judging you? I’m worried about you, sister.” With a sad little smile, she shakes her head and holds up her hand, showing me the small arrow tattoo identical to mine. “Remember this? You said it was a reminder that we’d keep moving forward, never let anything break us again. Zoe Jackson just may be the strongest woman I know. She’s survived all the shit life and her worthless parents flung at her, busting her hot little behind to provide for her punk-ass sister. So excuse me when I’m concerned by the fact that it only takes one sinfully sexy man with a smooth voice and a big cock to turn her into a gooey mess.” She grabs onto my arms, sincerity shining bright in her eyes. “I don’t want that gorgeous bastard to break my girl.”


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