Galataea Crystallim Core 2

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Galataea Crystallim Core 2 Page 3

by Scottie Futch

  Flora looked at him with wide, sad, eyes. Her vines immediately began to snake downward and crawl toward him. “We can’t go with you?”

  “You could, but it will probably be boring paperwork stuff. You can get started with your training here, while I deal with that,” he said. If they begged him, he would take them. But he certainly preferred to have them stay with Jack and train.

  It was not like distance was a problem. If he needed them, he could call them back and have them manifest in his presence. Their true bodies were on his arm at the moment, even if their primary consciousness was manifested in the curvaceous forms before him.

  However, with some reluctance, the girls accepted his wishes. If all he planned to do was sign papers, a little training sounded like a better way to spend their time. Neither of them was keen to part with him. But they were reassured that if he actively needed them to protect him, he would summon them to his side immediately.

  Scott said his goodbyes, and then left the gym. On the way out he noticed that Eina’s training sessions were done for now. Yet, there was a pink-skinned Crystallim suspended from the ceiling by tightly wrapped ropes.

  The girl whimpered, but refused to say anything when she noticed Scott looking at her. He was not certain what manner of training she'd been elected to receive, and he was even less certain that he wanted to know.

  The better part of an hour passed after leaving the gym before Scott caught sight of his destination. The journey required several different transits, but at last he'd arrived.

  A sprawling complex that ate up a large amount of real-estate, Scott could not help but be slightly in awe of the Ophun Research Institute. He'd never seen such a large building outside of the city before.

  Scott walked toward the front doors, but took a moment to read the company sign that silently floated in the air. “Ophun Research Institute, a Subsidiary of Turner Enterprises...”

  “Turner Enterprises? Where have I heard that name before?” Scott considered the familiarity of the term for a moment then shook his head. It was probably one of those little things that he'd heard in passing.

  He left the sign behind and headed for the glass double doors that guarded the entrance into the building. The thin dark glass looked fragile, but he was certain that it was some sort of high-end material designed to withstand powerful attacks.

  The research institute was over twelve miles, or twenty kilometers, outside of town. At that distance, roaming Nightmares or bandits might attack. A place such as this one no doubt possessed a lot of security, even if whatever research they performed proved to be something that few would want to steal.

  The double doors remained firmly closed to him when he reached the entrance. He raised his right hand and said, “Scott Matthews to meet with...” He blanked for a moment. Who was he meeting again?

  He stepped back and called up his sponsorship information. After confirming the name of the person he was here to meet, he stepped forward once more. “Scott Mathews to meet with Analise Ophun.”

  There was no visible sign of a scan to show that one took place. However, after a few seconds the door opened with a pneumatic hiss. The thickness of the entrance door proved to be much greater than it appeared from the outside. Several thick doors made up the actual entrance. Each set of doors pulled away at their own pace to reveal the next door inside the building.

  Scott walked through the open doorways and stopped when a green square appeared on the floor in front of a blank wall. He recognized it for what it was, a navlight. He stepped onto the square and several more appeared on the floor. He stepped onto the next one and another square appeared after the one furthest from him. The lights led him to another blank wall, but the moment he touched its surface the wall pulled away with a hiss. A long plain-looking corridor was revealed to him.

  He continued to step onto the lit floor panels and followed them through the twisting, and strangely empty, hallways of the institute. After several minutes, and a short elevator ride, he was forced to stop for a brief moment. Another identification scan was required. Apparently he passed, as not long after that he stood outside the office of the woman who he'd come to meet.

  Scott placed his hand on the light-panel attached to the door frame, and then waited. He did not need to wait long. The door opened to reveal a cavernous room. There was a desk in the far back near an array of panels that showed an exterior view like a window. He knew better, however. There were probably no windows in this building at all.

  He took in the sight of the sole occupant of the room, a woman with brilliant red hair and a strangely erotic demeanor for a research professional. Was it the low-cut business suit, or was it what the suit failed to hide that gave him that impression? Perhaps it was both.

  “Ah, Mr. Matthews. I see that you’ve come to visit with us at last,” said the woman before standing up from her desk. She strode forward and revealed that she was wearing high-heels and a tight skirt that completed her unprofessional, yet intriguing, attire.

  “Sorry that it took me so long, Ms. Ophun,” said Scott. Honestly, he did not originally intend to meet her now. However, Jack's insistence got the better of him. What mysteries did this woman, and her institute, hold? Was there a reason to be interested beyond simple curiosity? If pressured, he'd admit that he did want to know more now that he'd gone through so many security points to reach this office.

  “It is quite alright. You did just receive your hunter’s license. I suppose you have been busy with the flurry of activity that the first few days brings?” she asked. The naughtily dressed professor smiled at him in a warm, but slightly predatory, manner.

  “That sounds right,” said Scott. He did not lie. Her assessment certainly did sound right.

  “That’s fine. Let’s get down to business,” said the woman.

  Scott started to agree with her, but she did something surprising. She shimmered slightly for a brief moment and then her clothes disappeared altogether. In her place, there stood a different and even more erotic individual.

  Bone white hair whiter than the purest snow sat atop a body both lithe and intensely erotic. Skin the color of the summer bronze one saw near the desert or at the lakeside, and piercing blue eyes that scanned him intensely, captured his attention with little effort. Her delicately tapered ears drew his gaze immediately. With those traits combined, he highly suspected that he knew who, or at least what, the woman was now.

  “Are you surprised Mr. Matthews?” asked Analise.

  He took in the sight of the newly revealed woman. “I had no idea...”

  “What? You could not tell that I am a Crystallim?” asked the woman with a smile.

  “Well, no...” admitted the man. He had certainly not expected any of this. However, he was more surprised by the sudden shift to naked status than the fact that she would shape-shift. A dark elf posing as both a professor and the head of a research institute was quite strange, but one who bid her clothing disappear during an initial sponsor meeting was beyond bizarre.

  “Good. That is what we strive for here. Do you know what this institute does?” asked the still naked dark elf.

  Scott blinked then tried to tear his eyes away from her gorgeous lightly bronzed skin long enough to answer. “Honestly, no. I did attempt to learn more about that recently, but there was little to find.”

  It was true. He actively checked into the nature of the institute no less than fifteen minutes ago. It seemed an appropriate way to spend the wait time between transits.

  Analise smiled in a less predatory manner and then nodded her head. “Here at the Ophun Institute, we pair up elven Crystallim with worthy novice hunters to see how they grow together.”

  “I see. How does that work since you’re a Crystallim, though?” asked Scott. Property rights issues were bound to be a nightmare for her. It was truly no wonder that the place had such high-level security.

  “Technically, I am owned by Turner Industries," she said simply. She shifted her weight slightly
and placed one hand to her hip. The motion moved in a fluid, graceful, manner that caused him to blink.

  He'd seen naked women, human and Crystallim, but somehow there was something extra naked about this woman. She possessed a strange sort of lewd-innocence in her demeanor that he highly doubted to be an accident. She used her calculated sexiness like a precise military strike.

  A slight pause in the conversation, and a subtle intake of breath that caused her majestic bosom to heave and sway in exactly the right manner, were her next weapons of choice. The moment after her tactical strike, she said, "Unfortunately, due to recent changes in ownership liabilities for multinational corporations, I have to either find a new master in the local area or move my operation to Japan."

  “I see...” said Scott. That sounded like a tough situation. It also sounded like it might cause him personal difficulties. At the moment, several things about the situation were causing him a certain level of hardship, though it would be crude to admit it.

  Analise walked forward casually then stood directly across from the novice hunter at less than an arm's length away. “That is, of course, where you come in Mr. Matthews.”

  Scott quirked his left eyebrow upward. “How so?”

  Her soft lips spread sideways in a way that caused a definitive resurgence of her predatory smile. It was time to attend to a different sort of business.

  The dark elf laughed in a slow, sensual, manner. “Jack was right. You certainly do have the right sort of resonance...”

  A dark suspicion entered Scott’s mighty man-breast. “You know Jack?”

  She laughed again. “Yes, of course. The Heartspire Gym has dealt with the basic training for the girls here for over twenty years.”

  “That Jack... No wonder he said I’d find something good if I came here right now.” Scott had been set up! Was it because he tried to get some of the man's cake? Perhaps this was his way of helping the young hunter find something just as sweet without the looming threat of violence?

  “Did he, now? Is that the only reason that you came?” she asked with a slight pout. The light gleaming from her eyes was electric, however. It was obvious that she was not truly hurt by his proclamation. If anything there was a dangerously erotic appeal to her expression.

  “Partly, yes. I also realized that I did need to meet up with my sponsor before I became too busy,” said Scott.

  “So, you’ve been busy?” asked Analise. The beautiful elf gazed upon him with great interest. It was important to know the manner of man she would be joining up with, after all.

  “I acquired an Alraune named Flora, and we gathered a new team member named Shaia. She’s a Caesg,” he replied.

  “I see. Not bad, for a few days of work...” Analise smiled prettily at him.

  Scott leaned away from her slightly. She'd hatched a scheme with Jack. He wanted to know more about that before he allowed himself to become too familiar with her. “So, what is this business about needing a master?”

  “Direct, huh?" asked Analise. She leaned in closer and softly whispered, "I like that in a man...” Her words echoed through the air like a soft warm purr that captured his senses and brought him to the brink of ruin.

  An honest to goodness blush was not a common occurrence for Scott. He'd color slightly at times if embarrassed, or become flush with arousal on occasion, but something about this woman made him fearful for his remaining masculine innocence.

  Analise tapped her chin for a moment. “Well, you did not immediately attempt to rape me upon seeing me in all my glory. I am not entirely certain if that is a good sign, or a snub.”

  Scott tilted his head to the side. She was not certain? A human who attempted that sort of thing was either born an idiot, or high-leveled enough that he did not care. Crystallim generally outclassed humans in almost every way.

  She sighed when he did not take her bait. “Fine. I need a human master from the local area in order to maintain control of my institute. You seem energetic enough, and your resonance is soothing.”

  “You had to be naked to tell me that?” asked Scott, curiously.

  “I didn’t have to not be naked,” replied Analise. She narrowed her eyes slightly then smiled. It proved to be a rather inviting gesture.

  Scott did not know her actual level, but her skill level at the art of seduction was definitely far higher than any of the girls back at the gym. “I have no problem with that, but how is that going to work out? I need to have you registered under me.”

  “Being under you is no problem for me at all...” She bit her bottom lip then widened her eyes in such a way as to affect a cute and innocent look.

  He tried to resist the appeal for a moment. She clearly baited him with her expression. Yet, no matter how he struggled, he found that she was simply too good at what she did. He smiled tentatively at her and she grinned in response.

  “As far as actual ownership. You would be my master. However, my money is my own. We would need to sign contracts for various things,” she said.

  “Further, I will have to play the part of a hunter’s team mate for a time. The only way to do that is for me to undergo refinement once more and have my level reset to one.”

  “You will need refinement? How much will that cost me?” asked Scott. Money was tight. Sure, gold credits were enough for a normal person to live for several months without concerns. However, his cost of living was much higher than the typical civilian.

  “Only your promise to never remove me from your active harem without my consent is required. Nor will you place me in storage.”

  “Harem?” asked Scott. That was an old fashioned term. He used it now and then for fun, but to hear someone professional use it seemed strange. Most people referred to a group of Crystallim as a team or just a group.

  “Yes, harem. I know what it is, and I prefer that term. Do you agree to my stipulation?”

  “Sure, if you’re willing to place your fate in my hands, the least I can do is not be an ass about it,” replied Scott.

  She smiled. “Excellent. I will cover the costs of my refinement. I stopped leveling a long time ago, so it will be nice to feel that rush again.”

  “What rank are you now?” asked Scott. Normally that would be rude to ask, but since she wanted to join his tea- harem it was perfectly natural to ask.

  “Currently, I am B-Rank, level forty-six,” she said without a hint of modesty.

  Scott decided to be playful and eyed her up and down. If she could use antiquated terms, so could he. “I would have thought you to be at least an S-Rank sixty-nine.”

  She snorted at him. For the first time a hint of a blush formed on her cheeks. “No need to lay it on so thick. You already have my full cooperation.”

  “I understand. You wouldn’t like it if laid it down thick...” replied Scott.

  She laughed softly, her lips gently parted even as she tilted her head back slightly. “Whoever told you that lie?”

  They both shared a laugh afterward. Things were going quite well between them. Analise took her would-be master by the hand and casually strolled over to her desk. They spoke briefly about the specifics of their new working relationship. Scott read through, and then signed, a series of contracts.

  “Well, it’s official now. I am your property, master,” said Analise.

  “Great. So, should I do like the paperwork requested and start referring to you by your traveling name?” asked Scott.

  “Sure, let me taste it on your lips,” asked the dark elf while she casually leaned over her desk. Her supple breasts dangled invitingly before him.

  Scott was not sure how she would taste her name on his lips. She probably meant that she wanted to hear him speak it. “Welcome aboard, Pirouette.”

  She suddenly leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. Scott blinked, but did not fight it. However, one thought floated through his mind. Things certainly escalated quickly.

  Scott slipped his hand up to softly cup one of her heavy swaying breasts. They were not quit
e as large as Flora’s, but they still represented a delightfully perky handful.

  Pirouette’s mouth opened slightly and she softly moaned. The feeling of a man’s hands on her breasts was quite arousing to the dark elf. She'd not felt that sort of masculine touch for a long time.

  However, the moment did not enter into full-blown sexy time territory, yet. There was one more matter to attend to first. The dark elf reached down and casually opened her desk drawer. She continued to massage his mouth with her lips, even as he caressed and teased her breasts.

  Pirouette opened a case inside the drawer and pulled out a jet black crystal that was interspersed with vivid green. She pulled on Scott’s bottom lip with her lips and then took his right hand and placed her core into his palm.

  Scott moved his hand where he could see it, and then his eyes widened slightly. Vivid green light danced among darkened shadows on his palm. A number appeared in his field of view. Seventy-eight percent compatibility. It was surprisingly high. Of course, they did already go through the process of meeting each other. She also knew what she wanted. Pirouette possessed the face and form of a woman in her mid-twenties, but she was far older than that.

  Her light shined bright and clear. Lucid for quite a lengthy period of time by his estimation, and was quite emotionally stable. She'd be fine with only meeting her supposed master on an irregular basis. That would explain why she kept her core inside her desk drawer.

  Scott held the core in his hands and focused on the woman in front of him. He thought of how they met, and how her lips felt against his. He thought of the soft, heavy, weight of her magnificent breasts. He spent a moment thinking of her personality quirks and how calm and collected she seemed.

  He received an image in return, but it mostly involved him pulling her across his thighs and slapping her on the ass. A naughty girl needed to be punished by her master. Would he not be certain to raise her right?

  Scott laughed into her mouth and she chuckled softly in response. He sent back an image of a bright red hand print on her backside and her wrists bound in leather cuffs.


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