Galataea Crystallim Core 2

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Galataea Crystallim Core 2 Page 13

by Scottie Futch

  Alexis pulled Scott closer and buried his face in her chest in the process. She did not bother to ask him if Eina's words were true or not. His opinion did not matter at the moment, after all.

  She snorted derisively then asked, “Why would he go through all that trouble for watered down light beer, when he already has access to the finest of wines?”

  Eina smiled sweetly then bit her lower lip in a cute way. A moment later she casually said, “Maybe he isn’t into—” She moved her leg to the side before cocking her hips to the left, and raising her right hand upward in a casual movement, “—easy girls.”

  The glare that Alexis sent toward Eina could have stopped a man's heart. Luckily, for the amazon she was stronger than any man, or she might have fainted on the spot. It was obvious what the twin-tailed girl meant by her little jibe, and the huntress would allow none of it to stand.

  Alexis started to tell the little bitch a thing or two, but Scott started slapping at her back while making strange noises. She released him from her death grip slightly, and he immediately pulled his head out of her amazing cleavage.

  Scott panted heavily and looked around wild eyed. “N-needed... air...”

  "All you need is me," said Alexis in a heated tone.

  He blinked owlishly then leaned away from the girl. Her expression was a strange mixture of mania and rage that caused him to rethink his entire lifestyle. Perhaps letting the girls work things out on their own without his interference was not the best plan? Though, it was impossible for him to believe that he'd have changed the outcome much.

  Alexis and Eina stared at each other, their faces morphing into masks of civility. Their eyes tight, they smiled pleasantly at each other from across their private battlefield.

  Back in the present...

  Ginger giggled softly and clutched at the sheets. She occasionally said a word at random while she shook her head. Her body gave out long ago, but her insatiable mistress just kept pounding away. Now, the Catgirl was a little out of sorts, and giggling at essentially nothing.

  Lost in the madness of an incredibly power taming, and the epic fuckery included in such an event, her sense of self was replaced by the giggles and half-spoken sentences of a girl who'd temporarily lost her sanity to the power of hardcore girl-on-girl sex.

  Alexis switched out and began to work her magic on Arika. Upside down, and suspended in the air by little more than her master's desire to fuck her senseless while venting her rage, the beautiful Gung-Hopper clutched at her mistress’s thighs while she slowly bobbed her head back and forth. Her purpose in this madness was simple. Arika's mouth opened wide while she sucked on the vibrating strap-on that her mistress wore.

  The huntress held the girl's ass tightly while she slowly caressed her slit with her tongue. She stood boldly in the room while her Crystallim playmate made sweet little moans and cries.

  The Gung-Hopper suckled at the powered penis and silently wondered what was going on. She loved the pleasures that life had to offer, but it would have been nice to know what was going on.

  In the mind of the huntress, however, it was not Arika who was sucking on her powered penis. The girl in her mind’s eye was a slutty blond amazon who needed to know her place.

  Alexis growled a little and envisioned Eina's face as she bucked her hips forward. Arika nearly chocked when the fake vibrating cock slid down her throat a little.

  Her master merely clutched the girl's ass tighter in her hands and imagined making Eina choke on her false member. Oh, that uppity bitch was gonna learn who the master was... but first, her boyfriend needed to pay for his infidelity. There were two sides on the field of battle, and he chose neither. His sin was unforgiveable! He must be punished...

  A decidedly ridiculous image of Scott kneeling down naked, his ass presented to her, made Alexis giggle against Arika's sweet pussy. A great deal of her anger melted away at the absurdity of the image. She could tell from the admittedly little time that they spent together that he was not the sort of person to enjoy such play, but to hell with him and his manly ways. It was her fantasy.

  Alexis bid fantasy Scott to look back at her over his shoulder, an expression of surprise and embarrassment on his face. His cheeks flush from arousal and shame, he softly plead for mercy even as he used his hands to part his delightfully bouncy and overly masculine ass cheeks. "Please, be gentle... Mistress."

  She slapped Arika harshly on the ass, gripped it tight, then threw back her head and laughed maniacally, "Request denied!"

  "Your ass is mine," said Alexis. Her eyes wide and filled with the unholy light of sensual insanity, another disturbing giggle escaped her lips, "No one else is allowed to have it, but me..."

  Arika's eyes also widened slightly, but she said nothing. At this point she gave up on even trying to understand the situation.

  While Alexis took out her sexual frustration and desires for erotic dominance on her teammates, her boyfriend was busy dealing with dominance issues of his own.

  Scott cried out in surprise as he flew through the air. As he did on many occasions, he landed in the hallway in a crumpled heap. The end result was a bizarre position that would be comical under normal circumstances. His face was oriented toward the door he'd been thrown out of, but his feet were not. His body positioned ridiculously in a shape reminiscent of a promiscuous crawfish, He looked up at Eina with his ass and feet in the air, and an expression of incredulous disbelief evident on his face.

  “Who told you that you should come in here?” asked Eina loudly, her fists at her hips. Her lips were molded into a petulant pout that threatened to form into a decidedly angry line.

  “You did...” he said.

  She glowered angrily at him for a moment then snorted. “Like I would ever ask you to come here... You jerk.”

  Scott was pretty sure she asked him to come see her later. She was even naked again, just as she'd specified that she would be.

  Eina huffed loudly then slammed her door in an overly dramatic manner. Scott remained in his bizarre position for a moment then fell over. Today was a strange day indeed.

  He wiggled around until he could return to his feet then Scott dusted himself off and laughed a little. He knew full well that she only mentioned coming to see her as a way to take a shot at Alexis. Still, he followed through with it just to see what she would do. She might toss him around and yell about his jerkiness, but he’d bet anything that underneath her angry scowl she hid a bright smile. She was an odd and violent girl, but he knew that coming to see her was the best thing for her sense of self-esteem.

  He groaned a little after his various bumps and bruises made their presence known. Being emotionally supportive was painful at times.

  Scott considered his options then decided to head over to check on his team. The Black Widow that he had bonded with earlier was still stabilizing so he could not check her status properly. He suspected that she would be F-Rank, but who knew how it would actually turn out? She was a powerful Crystallim, as evidenced by the difficulties that Pirouette faced during the battle. Given her power level, the possibility that she'd naturally upgraded to a higher rank was minor but believable.

  Speaking of Pirouette, Scott happened to pass her office and noticed that her door was open. He found that strange since she was practically a religious zealot when it came to security. He walked into her office and peered through the open door that led to her private chambers. He could not help but smile when he saw what distracted her from her typical security measures.

  Shaia moaned loudly as Pirouette slowly massaged her hanging breasts. Flora held her suspended from the ceiling using her vines while the Dark Elf caressed the blushing mermaid.

  “A-are you sure this will help me?” asked Shaia in an embarrassed tone. "It's a little..."

  “Absolutely. You want to be able to do things like this with Scott, right.”

  Shaia blushed even more furiously and squealed a little. “M-maybe not to this extent, but... yes.”

was sorely tempted to interrupt them and join in, but he chose a different option. He quietly walked away. The girls needed time to just be together. It was not always about his penis, sometimes it was about them becoming closer as a team. A little light bondage and embarrassment play could work wonders for their morale.

  Instead, he chose to head to his own quarters. Once in his room, he settled in for a while and started to check the Global Network to see what he could discover.

  He was a little disappointed that they could not return to the dungeon for a while. It was a true blessing to even be allowed to visit there during his ninety-day trial period. He would have to wait until that period lapsed and he received true hunter status. Afterward he could visit such places whenever he wanted.

  What he could do at the moment, however, was take on simple missions. Scott chose to look through the official mission roster for missions cited as available to rookie hunters. Only people within their ninety day period could take those jobs officially. They would count toward their work performance record when it came time to reassess their hunter grade at the end of the rookie period.

  He winced when he read through the first few jobs. He needed to earn accreditation for completing missions during his trial period, but most of what he saw onscreen was simple package delivery missions. He wanted to find a combat mission, even a simple one would do.

  It took a few minutes but he did manage to find one. “Heck yeah, a C-Rank rookie hunter requested!”

  He read through the mission briefing then quickly accepted it. “Hot damn, we got us a job!”

  Scott was thoroughly excited now. His new mission was a thirty day patrol mission outside of Mesa-III, a small town in the grasslands area to the west. There were a few days left before the team needed to head out, which gave him plenty of time to train his girls a bit and outfit his new Black Widow team mate.

  Thinking of his new girl made him think of Alexis’ new girl as well. Arika was a fairly strong battler, if a bit headstrong. Her species name slipped his mind for a moment. He thought about it briefly then his eyes lit up. “Yes, she was a Gung-Hopper... Why did they name her that?” It seemed like an odd name for a Crystallim breed, but there had to be a reason for it.

  Scott decided to check her generic breed entry to see if there was a clue. Strangely, her file number was in dispute. The breed must be a relatively new discovery. It was still being vetted by the research community. Even the letter scores next to the statistical value entries were missing. "Ah, since the data is still in dispute it's a generic entry."

  [-Breed Entry (File number in dispute)-]

  Breed Name: Gung-hopper

  Family: Warrior

  Type: Vitality

  Habitat: Forest/mountains

  Appearance: Humanoid I


  Vital Force: 15-35

  Attack: 6-14 | Defense: 5-9

  Strength: 6-8 | Agility: 3-6 | Vitality: 3-7 | Intellect: 1-4 | Resonance: 2-5

  Tier: 1




  Synchronization Gifts

  Vitality Manipulation Increase



  The Gung-Hopper Crystallim is a basic vitality type breed who follows a classical warrior archetype. In pursuit of strength, they dedicate themselves to training in various forms. The type of training they undergo heavily influences their evolutionary path potentials. The Gung-Hopper continually seeks to test her strength. The breed as a whole will dedicate themselves to someone who can prove themselves to be a stronger warrior. They do this in order to learn the secrets of their strength.

  This breed of Crystallim resemble humans to a high degree. Without a scanning device or specialized skill for detecting vital resonance, it would be difficult to distinguish a member of this breed from a powerful human soldier or hunter. Their human appearance easily allows them to interact with humans in an urban environment.

  A Gung-Hopper suffering under Nightmare status will invariably seek out the strongest fighter in the area in order to challenge them. Their desire for strength is their only goal and signs of weakness are likely to cause them to turn away in disgust or indifference.

  These Crystallim possess a shy or humble demeanor in general. However, they also possess a high level of curiosity toward certain physical pleasures such as alcohol or morale boosting sessions with their chosen master. The list of their desired pleasures is far too exhausting for a simple breed entry. This breed and the entire breed line have a tendency to focus on developing strength, but also living in the moment and enjoying the best that life has to offer.

  Gung-hoppers have youthful personalities due to the fact that most members of the breed have immature minds. This breed is highly vulnerable to psychic attack and will fall prey to emotional trauma easily without proper support. A Gung-Hopper who has undergone an intense emotional trauma will not be able to evolve further along the standard breed line. They will overcome their trauma and move down the celestial path, be overwhelmed by their emotional scars and become docile, or they will become twisted and dark creatures who move down the infernal path.

  Due in part to their youthful personalities, members of this breed are known to frequently portray themselves as servants of justice. They have a tendency to leap into a conflict without grasping the entire spectrum of reasons for the scenario to play out as it has until that point. Many hunters, breeders, and assorted pet owners have noted that this personality quirk will frequently lead to embarrassing and awkward situations. It is suggested that a devoted master should consider holding money aside for the possibility of legal action in case an injured party sues for damages, if typical Crystallim ownership liability insurance has not been purchased.

  Despite the fact that this Crystallim breed is tier 1, they are known to be capable of super human feats of strength. They have a basic, ingrained, knowledge of human created martial arts. Even their most basic attacks can break Galataean hardwood materials or shatter high-grade nano-crete without the risk of injury.

  Original annotation provided by Crystallim researcher: Dr. Falcon Andreas


  After he read through the listing he blinked. He re-read the last bit once more then he groaned. “Well, that explains the focus on certain aspects of the entry. Dr. Falcon... That old pervert is still alive?”

  Scott laughed to himself a little, Dr. Falcon Andreas was one of the best known researchers in the region, but he was also a master pervert who was the self-proclaimed true authority on morale boosting. He looked older than he really was due to his hard-living lifestyle, so people often referred to him as That Old Man.

  Scott shut down the information window then thought about what else he could do. He had already traded off his acquired Kobolds earlier. After paying three months' worth of his debt to the institute, taxes to the government, and replenishing his used items, he cleared a little over three gold credits. It was a considerable haul for the work of a single day.

  He realized one thing that he did need to do before heading to bed for the night. He logged his activities for the day. He did not want to miss out on his dawn report for tomorrow. He suspected that it would reflect fairly well on him.

  Recent events were a source of stress for him, but with the way things were shaping it he could not help but feel hopeful. "There were a few minor setbacks, but we worked around them and came out on top," he said while leaning back in his chair.

  "A mission, four awesome team mates, and a strong tie to my sponsor... Things are really shaping up. Maybe I should push things a little more after the job is done..." Scott considered his options for quite some time while sitting alone in his room.

  The future was opening up before him. He need only reach out and grasp it with his own two hands to make it his. That simple truth was both exciting and sobering to him at the same time. The next few moves that he made would determine a lot about the necessities of how he wal
ked down the path of his chosen career.

  Episode 7: Hard Times

  Dawn was still a few hours away, but Scott could not sleep. It was impossible to quell the thoughts running through his head. His body remained amped despite the desire for rest. Life of late had proven to be hectic, but fun. However, earlier events of the day still bothered him.

  Alexis was his girlfriend in name, and by contract. While she went through the altercation with Eina earlier, he mostly stayed out of it. Any smart man would have done the same. He knew that it was not really an argument about him. Both girls were sweet natured in their own way, though Eina did not make it as obvious to outside observers. Yet, they were both possessive by nature as well.

  He was only an object in their little war of words, a convenient plot point for the story of their tense and energetic first meeting. His presence was nothing but a catalyst for those events, afterward he became a background prop for their little power play.

  Scott went to see Eina afterward. He had already decided to speak with Alexis in the morning to see how she fared. The problem was that he was concerned about her for more reasons that hurt feelings. She was a sweet girl, but she possessed a few personality quirks due to her heritage that caused her to occasionally act in an odd way.

  The more he thought about her condition, the more he wanted to speak with her. The problem was that it was already late, and she would probably be asleep.

  Scott considered the problem for a few minutes then frowned. “Screw it.”

  If she wanted to be his girlfriend, then he needed to act like a proper boyfriend and call her at inappropriate hours of the night. It was the only choice.


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