Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1)

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Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1) Page 1

by C. Swallow

  Star Cursed

  CSW1995 | Inkitt | Radish Fiction | Wattpad

  Author C. Swallow

  Table of Contents























































  Pleasures of Kiyr

  1. [Introduction] Royal Gems of Kiyr

  2. [Claiming a Princess] Hraken, Sapphire & Sabir [past&present]

  3. [All Together] Celeste, Sapphire, Traegr & Sabir [past]

  4. [CU, Gem Palace] Sapphire, Sabir, Hraken & Traegr [present]

  5. [Dark Gem Tournament] Sapphire & Hraken [past]

  6. [Escape Attempt] Hraken, Sabir & Sapphire, Traegr & Celeste [past]


  As I'm sitting in my little white room of hell onboard a spaceship routed to god knows where, I think back to the day of the Invasion; which was approximately two days ago. I was taken from Earth along with thousands of others, but before that...

  When you get interrupted at night doing homework, by the sound of your neighbours screaming, you think two things. One, are they having another god damn fight, and could they shut the hell up? And two, I should probably look out the window and see if they're okay.

  You'll be pleased to note that I look out the window.

  Holding the curtain back in my tightly fisted hand, I see tall, masculine, giant figures roaming my garden, holding weapons, accompanied by massive hovering van like vehicles. Vehicles that made no sound as they hovered. Alien weaponry, technology... and the aliens...

  They weren't tiny, green or grey, ugly looking creatures. These aliens were human... or what they liked to call, an advanced and superior race of humans. Others. Superiors.

  One of them locked eyes with me in the dead of the night. This is what I regret seeing, as those eyes will haunt me forever. All of the street lamps were off and the only light projected was from the alien hovering vans. His face was illuminated by that very light.

  He had piercing black eyes, short, wavy black hair and tanned skin that was absolutely flawless.

  Something like molten fire seemed to spread from my gut when our eyes locked. That fire spread through my blood, veins and skin. A surreal feeling composed of adrenaline, fear and raw emotion.

  I release the curtain, letting it fall back into place to block out the impossible situation outside.

  I remember the front door smashing in a moment later.

  I remember reaching for my tennis racket under my bed, with a surprisingly calm and steady hand. I stayed crouched by my bed, hearing heavy footsteps spread throughout the house.

  No one was home but me, the rest of my family were away at a school concert for my little sister, Sage.

  I had been doing harmless homework.

  Suddenly, the Earth was being invaded by aliens.

  When the footsteps finally reach my bedroom door, I grip the tennis racket tighter.

  As soon as they opened that door, I planned to attack. My instincts were screaming at me to fight. Not to run.

  When the door does open and they enter...

  Let's just say I should have surrendered when I had the chance.


  Blinding light causes me to blink a couple of times before my gaze finally adjusts to see two tall figures, one holding the torch which was so bright it stung my eyes. I breathe a mental sigh of relief when my brain does a quick recount and recognises that the one I saw outside with the black eyes is not one of them.

  These two wear grey, blue and white uniforms which is what the majority of the aliens seem to wear. They are soldiers. An alien gun rests on each of their hips on a thick black belt.

  "Who are you?" I ask, my voice hardly shakes, and I stay crouched by my bed, holding the racket in my hand, the bed itself hides the fact I am holding a weapon of my own. If you can call a tennis racket a weapon.

  "Stand up," the language that I hear does not sound like English, yet I understand it anyway, "Now, girl."

  "She is marked," the other alien explains, holding a square device in his hand. He is reading off it's screen with quick and intelligent eyes, "As expected."

  When I do not stand, the first one that spoke, who was slightly taller and had dirty blondish hair, stalks over to me, grabbing a piece of tube-like string that glowed orange from the back of his belt. He holds it before him.

  "Ok, ok, I'll stand," I say, as he comes closer. He slows with apprehension but stops close enough anyway. I spring to action a moment later by swinging my body around in a circle as I rise. I lift up the racket and as my arm flies down, it smacks into the side of the alien's neck.

  I hear swearing in their language, and I watch as the alien I hit, snaps the orange tube-string out. It wraps around one of my wrists on it's own accord. Before he can grab my other wrist I press up against his chest, and look into his eyes as my other hand fumbles at his belt for the alien gun.

  "You have got to be kidding if you think I'll just give in to you abducting me," I don't know what makes me say it, but for some reason my instincts were telling me not to surrender and not to submit. When most people would be consumed with fear, my legs were not willing to run. I was standing my ground. I had to fight.

  It's as he registers that I'm about to take his gun that I lift it out of his belt and press any and all of the buttons on it, pointing it towards his friend who stands back.

  The soldier I'm up against is quick, but not quick enough to stop the rays of electricity that shoot out and engulf his fellow soldier. He grabs my wrists, bringing them behind my back. I drop the gun and suddenly the orange alien rope manages to wrap around my other wrist and I stumble back as the taller alien turns around to his friend who is on the floor, convulsing.

  He grabs a remote at his shoulder pocket and presses a button, "First aid, quickly. Inform Commander Sabir we have detained the girl, but she has caused a casualty," as he talks I try and run past him with my hands trapped behind my back but he snaps out an arm and simply grabs my elbow.

  His fellow soldier is still convulsing on the floor.

  "Let me go," I hiss.

  His eyes bore into mine, assessing, judging... and disapproving.

  "You disgust me," he snarls, looking from me to his friend.

  "It's called self-defence," I snap.

  "He will die," he says in a cold tone, his dark menacing eyes penetrating right through my innocent pair, "You will pay for this."

  The memory fades. I slowly come back to reality; the very persistent and white, abnormal space around me. The here. The now.

  My livin
g nightmare.

  I hear footsteps echoing in the hall outside my small white room. I was trapped on an alien spaceship, on course to an alien planet.

  And I had no idea what was going to happen to me.

  All I did know was that I was one of the few humans to successfully kill one of the aliens. Despite their efforts to save him.

  However, that put me in a spotlight I didn't want to be in.

  The alien with the black eyes, the one that caused my whole blood to feel like it would ignite, was due to speak with me soon. And I already knew, in the pit of my stomach, that it wouldn't end well.


  I am still waiting for him. I hadn't had any contact with anyone for two whole days. I would occasionally hear girls crying or screaming, but it was only brief because I would then hear corresponding footsteps down the corridor outside, a door would open, you might hear the girls cry louder... but most of them eventually fall silent.

  I didn't know if they were being taken off to be executed, or to have crazy alien experiments done on them. I had no idea what these aliens wanted. I wanted to know why I was marked. I wanted to know why these aliens looked so human, why there were so many males. I wanted to know if my family had escaped the abduction and most of all... I wanted to know what was going to happen to me.

  Once captured by the aliens, they had taken me onboard a football-field-sized, navy blue coloured spaceship. They had walked me past lines of girls and some boys. I don't think they had abducted many adults. They had taken me past these main streams of humans and guided me to a sectioned off part of the spaceship with the tiny white rooms. This is where I had heard screaming, protesting and angry girls. I don't think I heard any male voices up in this section yet.

  When my tall captor with the dirty blonde hair reached an empty room and was going to put me inside, the alien with the black eyes and extremely handsome face, had appeared at one end of the corridor with another girl I recognised from school, but didn't happen to know her name.

  "You'll have to speak with this one," my captor gruffly informs the other alien I am naturally curious about, who I can't keep my eyes off of. I could sense the magnetic dangerous aura, around him, still present, even after the invasion was over.

  "I will speak to her in two days," it was the first time I heard him speak. And I still remember how smooth and velvety that voice was while being clearly masculine and deep at the same time. It was hypnotic. It was like a delicious poison. Beautiful but dangerous.

  I'm jerked out of my memories as my door slides up and open abruptly, letting in blinding light for a second. My own room's luminance must have been far dimmer than I realised. I hug my knees to my chest as I squint to adjust to the flood of white light in front of me.

  I eventually see the long legs, covered in black pants, and my eyes rise to see the white shirt hugging a tightly muscled chest. Then I see the tanned neck and face. And those dark midnight blue eyes.


  I never remembered seeing any colour in them before. But it was so faint, it was mostly black, but there was definitely a tinge of blue.

  I wait for him to say something, while I look on, weak and intimidated. I hadn't eaten in two days, I hadn't had anything to drink, either.

  "Thirsty?" he asks me, looking down at me with his darkened eyes. I don't reply, too spellbound by his presence, I don't know what comes over me, "Can you tell me your name?" he asks.

  When I don't reply to him a second time he suddenly comes into the room, leans down and grasps my elbow, helping me stand. He isn't rough, but he certainly isn't gentle. I try to weakly jerk out of his grasp but he won't let me go.

  "What is your name?" he asks again.

  "Sapphire," I snap out, and he releases my elbow. I stumble back a step, "What are you going to do to me?" I ask, suddenly finding my voice.

  "Nothing more than you deserve, Sapphire," he exclaims, suddenly a twinkle of amusement lights up his eyes as I stare aghast back at him. He has his hand extended, showing me that I should walk out first.

  "What are you going to do to me?" I ask again, too scared to move out of the room.

  He waits for a moment, simply staring deeply into my skittish, fearful eyes. We glare at each other for what feels like a never-ending period of time, but he eventually reaches down and wraps an arm around my waist, throwing me over his shoulder.

  "Put me down!" I scream, as he easily turns to walk out of the room.

  "Soon," he says, hardly phased by my screaming.

  "Please, put me down!" I yell, hysteria now very real, now that I was out of the weird sense of safety in my white cell.

  "Begging me won't help you," he replies, calmly.

  Fear and adrenaline eat away at me as he carries me down the hall to god knows where.

  What on, in space... was going to happen to me?


  He takes me down the narrow white, slightly curved corridor, into an elevator of some sort, which takes us up a number of levels. The movement makes me feel nauseous because I'm also extremely nervous. I was still on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my thighs. I had a nice view of his ass. I was wearing my pyjamas from the night I was doing homework; pink short-shorts and a baby blue tank top, no bra.

  There was something about him that was nagging at my insides, making me feel sick to my stomach. I didn't know if it was my instincts telling me that he was dangerous, or if I was just simply scared, confused and overwhelmed.

  I couldn't stop shaking. However, my trembling on his shoulder doesn't faze him.

  As we are rising up with the elevator, there is a moment of tense silence where all I can hear is my breathing and I can feel the rise and fall of his chest.

  "You know my name, Sapphire," he murmurs, quietly, "Why don't you say it?" I feel like he is hinting at something else, but I don't know what.

  "I don't know your name," I hiss, "Put me down! I can walk."

  He is silent as the elevator doors suddenly slide up and open. He starts to walk down a new corridor that looks very different from the other dull, white section of the spaceship.

  He doesn't reply, and I hate his silence. It's incredibly annoying and intimidating at the same time.

  So, instead I look around at the blue walls and white lines zigzagging across them in the middle, like a pattern. But I can see energy, electricity, pulsing through them. It must be the power source of the spaceship.

  I couldn't believe I was in a freaking spaceship in the first place.

  He suddenly stops before a silver door, but before he puts his hand on a small space at the side for him to open the door, I see him pause.

  "You can play this game, Sapphire," he warns as his arms tighten around my thighs, "But it's a dangerous game, you know that, am I right?"

  I huff out an annoyed breath.

  "I don't –" I stop talking as the silver door slides up and my ears instantly pick up on more male voices.

  Shit, he was taking me to see other aliens? Was this when I was going to get experimented on and taken apart piece by piece?

  I struggle widely in his grasp, desperate to get down onto my own two feet... but he abruptly releases me and I plummet straight to the ground, losing my balance. I land on my ass and elbows, and without another look in my direction, he walks straight past me. Leaving me as I am.


  Scared, I look over my shoulder and take in the chuckling alien males who are all standing together in a circle at the end of the room, watching me intently.

  "Sabir!" They welcome their friend, my dark and dangerous idiot captor who joins their group. So he was Commander Sabir, huh? They motion towards me and speak in a different language, which this time I don't understand.

  They aren't the only ones here though. To the right up against the wall are a group of about five girls and one boy, all on their knees in a group. They aren't speaking to each other, they are just looking at the metallic ground in fear. The walls in this room are a deep red, an
d holograms dance around the walls of landscapes from another world. Like paintings.

  I'd admire their beauty if I wasn't so freaked out about the whole situation.

  I stand up, getting to my feet.

  "Get over there," I quickly glance up to see Sabir has just ordered me in a clear and commanding tone to join the girls and one boy. It was the first time he speaks to me with such a tone and it grates on my nerves.

  I stick up my chin and run a hand through my messy dark brown hair while trying to steady my trembling hand as I look over the group of enslaved humans. One of the girls raises her head and locks eyes with me, but only for a moment. She had startling silver eyes and blonde hair.

  Since she was the only one brave enough to look upon my new arrival, I decide to go and sit next to her. As I'm about to fall to my knees beside her, Sabir warns once more, "Don't talk to her."

  "Go to hell..." I mutter under my breath, and suddenly all the males go quiet and they all turn to face me. They must have seriously badass hearing if they all heard me whisper that. Sabir looks majorly pissed off, and his eyes turn cold as he stares me down. However, I just stare back.

  I don't know what the hell I'm truly doing but I know I'm going to get myself deep into one big pile of shit if I don't shut up and appear inconspicuous soon. Sabir moves to take a step forward towards me, like he is going to have words. He wouldn't physically hurt me, would he? I gulp down some new fear. These were alien humans, who knew what their culture was like?

  "She doesn't know," the one that put his hand on Sabir is taller than Sabir, with long curly messed up brown hair. He was almost the opposite to Sabir. Sabir was perfect, but this other guy was ruggedly handsome, with a crooked nose. If it wasn't for that, he would be just as perfect.

  All of the males looked too handsome to be real, to be honest. Like gods.

  Just that fact was extremely irritating and intriguing at the same time.

  "You were always soft on her, Hraken," Sabir mutters back.

  I do a double take, and I look to the ground suddenly. Did he just refer to me... in the past tense?

  What the fuc–?

  I don't dwell on that thought long as the silver entry door suddenly slides open to reveal a new figure.


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