Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1)

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Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1) Page 6

by C. Swallow

  I enter the Golden Palace, creeping my way slowly to a rowdy, loud dining den and the doors that led to it were open already. All the noise was coming from inside so I edge my head around the doorframe to take a peek.

  What I see is girls sitting on the laps of the Others, while a game of some sorts is being played around a wide circular wooden table. There are also men standing around watching while every girl seems to be taken already. Whether it's a hand on her back, a hand on a thigh, or a hand up a girl's top – without a doubt they were already being chosen.

  I stay where I am, watching as the guys yell out words as I hear dice being rolled. Perhaps they were playing some sort of gambling game. I don't spot Celeste there either and I start to worry – until there is a slight shuffle behind me and I spin around to witness her down the hall – her finger on her lips.

  My eyes light up at the sight of her, she was being as sneaky as me it seemed.

  She beckons me over and I jog quietly to her, she keeps her finger on her lips, stressing that I be quiet as she grabs my hand and pulls me with her back to the girl's dining hall. When we've entered it, it's deserted, dark and there isn't a soul in sight.

  "I've been looking for you everywhere," she hisses at me, "I was trying to find you and Sabir, I was worried he'd hurt you or worse."

  "He didn't," I turn from her and sit on the edge of one of the long tables as she stays standing, looking worried as I tell her everything I've found out. The message about Seraphine, the fact that we were all going to be claimed tonight and that Kaelyn and just under half the girls had made a run for it.

  Her face pales as she considers everything I've said and I see a tear escape the corner of her eye. She reaches up her hand and wipes it away, sucking in a breath she tries not to completely break down.

  "I'm so sorry Sapphire," she whispers, looking to the ground, "We're in so much danger."

  "Why are you crying, what's wrong, what aren't you telling me?" I ask, terrified as a sick feeling fills my stomach. Something was wrong here, something –

  "I lied to you," she looks over her shoulder she still seems paranoid that someone will overhear so she quietens her voice to a mere decibel and she takes another step closer to me so I can hear, "I lied to you about everything," there is so much pain in her eyes as she says this, "You can't remember because you asked me to help erase your memories when we left. You told me to erase everyone's memories. I did and the spell is wearing off now that we are home, but I only erased half my memory, I remember... things. We are in so much trouble Sapphire."

  "What the hell?" I whisper back, knowing now I'm going to get some answers.

  "I was honestly so worried Sabir might hurt you. We are who they've been searching for," she looks over her shoulder one more time, terrified someone is listening in, before looking back at me and barely holding back her tears, "I-It is impossible that they won't recognise our connection to Kiyreventually – that's not really a problem. They believe we are forged from destiny and the curse of the stars. But we never died," she hurries her tone until I can barley keep up, "We escaped. Their cruelty and the way they used us got so out of hand we had to leave. If they find out we are the same girls that betrayed them 1000 years ago – we're dead – or if not dead we will have an eternity suffering."

  "News flash, I don't remember a thing, also why were they so cruel to us in the first place? Don't you think you are being a little bit melodramatic?"

  "Maybe," Celeste hiccups in the cutest way as she abruptly smiles and laughs through her choked up throat, "But – my point is I remember our origins and we belong in the forest," she grabs both my hands to comfort herself more than me. I was still feeling a little numb from all this information, "These men – they are our soul's other half but if we do not tread carefully they can be as bad as demons. Don't mention the word Seraphine to them – ever."

  "Why?" I ask.

  "Seraphine was the leader of the resistance against them," she whispers, "This is all I know. All I remember. When you asked me to erase all our memories it was for protection if they ever found us in the future. I disagreed with what you wanted to do so I pretended to go along with it. So I only erased half of my memory, however, I can't remember why I chose some memories and discarded others."

  "Are you a witch or something?" I ask, trying not to grin. Because that would be pretty cool.

  "I don't remember that much," she smiles, "All I remember is that you belong in the water and I belong with the earth of Kiyr. As for Seraphine – besides her leading the resistance my only memory besides that is she was known to have a passion and a fire so strong, it rivalled even the powers of these men."

  "Thank you for telling me all this," I admit, jumping off the table I grab her into a hug – because she still seemed shaken and terrified, "You have no idea how much I hated questioning everything, I was so confused but you've made this situation just a little bit more bearable because I understand a bit more now. Would you like to raid the kitchens with me and steal some food?"

  Celeste looks a bit shocked as I pull back and wiggle my eyebrows at her – trying to lighten the mood. After all – after hearing such intense information which was a little overwhelming to say the least... humour would have to help us through.

  "Sure," she laughs again, pulling her long perfect blond hair behind her, she starts winding it up in a bun on the top of her head, "You haven't changed a bit – you always had that way about you. To get through the darkness these men alluded. You were always cheeky."

  "I might be cheeky but I'm also hungry," I jump off the table and start walking backwards, facing her.

  Celeste follows – I can tell she still felt overwhelmed herself with admitting those memories to me.

  But I don't fret too much now.

  If anything I was more intrigued than anything. Fear certainly existed but I was curious about Seraphine and her resistance.

  I wanted to find out more about her.

  I frown as I realise I'm thinking too far ahead.

  First Celeste and I had to steal some food from the unmanned kitchens. Then we had to deal with the men claiming us as personal slaves. If history was to repeat it self than I had no doubt, from that ceramic painting in the pool that Traegr would be after Celeste – and Sabir would be after me.

  The question still remained however; what the hell these 'fun' ceremonies would involve.

  I had a feeling whatever happened in the past would play a huge role in what happened tonight.


  "I thought they were superior in intelligence?" I joke as Celeste and I sit on the floor with a bowl of foreign fruit each. It was like banana but it was really filling and tasted like mango. We quietly munch away in the dark, crossing out legs, sitting opposite each other. The kitchen separated the girl's dining hall from the Other's dining den. We could hear all the ruckus as we stuffed our faces.

  "They are superior in arrogance," Celeste corrects me, "They wouldn't dare to think one of us would be brave enough to defy Traegr's orders. As if any of us girls would even try to waltz into the kitchen and steal some food."

  "I love how despite their arrogance, they fail to recognize resistance," I grin and pass Celeste half of my extra exotic banana when she finishes hers.

  "They never expect it," she says, "Until, of course, it's too late and we've left their entire planet to get away from them," she manages to smile and we both giggle quietly at how ridiculous it sounded... despite the fact we had achieved it in the past.

  "Let's get more food, I'm still hungry," I scramble to my feet when we've finished our first main course for the night.

  I'm half way to my feet when I pause as a dead silence fills the dining den, followed by a roar from Traegr.

  "They, what?" his voice booms over everyone, silencing any music or laughter remaining.

  Celeste and I look at each other, our eyes widening.

  "They've gone into the forest!" There is a reply from one of the men and suddenly there is a b
urst of chatter amongst everyone.

  "Everyone, up!" Traegr, "Find them and bring them back!"

  "Oh shit," I whisper as Celeste jumps to her feet and we chuck our bowls in the sink, wiping our hands on our slave clothes. Mine were getting so dirty.

  "Let's wait a bit and then leave," Celeste suggests, "We'll wait until they've all left the dining –"

  The door to the kitchen from the dining den is thrown open and men start rushing through. Celeste and I freeze and watch them run through to the other side to the girl's dining hall – a quicker way out into the forest.

  Hraken runs through the door, just happens to glance to the side and instantly spots us hiding in the shadows of the kitchen. He pauses as he makes out who we are and he rolls his eyes before he approaches us.

  "Do you two know where the other girls are?" He asks, reaching out and grabbing an arm of mine and an arm of Celeste.

  Celeste and I both shake our heads and I see Hraken's eyes narrow onto my cheek. I quickly reach up a hand and wipe the remaining food off my face and smile innocently.

  "Traegr and Sabir will want to know you two are safe," he growls, turning and pulling us with him, he drags us into the dining den where Traegr and Sabir remain alone, discussing intensely what to do about the girls that escaped, "Your slaves are here," Hraken interrupts, lightly shoving both me and Celeste towards them. Celeste and I quickly stand together side by side, not able to hide the guilt on our faces.

  Traegr and Sabir turn to face us, I see Sabir inspecting me with curiosity but also relief that I wasn't one of the girls that escaped. Traegr has his arms crossed over his chest and looks at Celeste and I with disapproval, his eyes calculating before glancing up at Hraken.

  "Where were these brats hiding?" he growls out, a new anger present in his tone. I knew Traegr was an authoritative leader but I had never seen him lose it.

  The news of the escaped girls must have hit a raw nerve with him.

  "The kitchen –" Hraken starts to explain but I quickly raise my chin and interrupt.

  "He technically didn't catch us in the act so he can't prove anything!" I blurt out, confident I can win this argument.

  "They were stealing food," Hraken says dryly.

  "Oh no, she used other words," Traegr drawls out with a slight smirk and narrowed eyes, "In the act, girls?"

  It takes me awhile to figure out what the hell he is talking about but when I do Celeste and I look at each other at the same time and blush deeply.

  "Girls?" Sabir asks with a raised eyebrow, openly smirking in his amusement.

  "Ah, yeah," I say, "Sure," I try to play along with it, if a little sarcastically, because clearly it made them happy, sort of. It'd be better they believed Celeste and I had been engaging in some sort of act then us eating food when that was forbidden.

  "You deal with them, I'm going to help search for the remaining girls before they all get lost in the forest," Hraken turns on his heel to walk off.

  "They'd never get lost in that forest... " I can't help but mutter under my breath, thinking of Celeste's words.

  A tense silence overcomes us three and I glance up at a fascinated yet irritated Traegr and surprised Sabir.

  "What?" I ask, annoyed by their stares. I look at Celeste and she is also eyeing me with worry.

  "You just spoke in their language," Celeste says.

  "I'm Star Cursed, it's in my genes, I guess – I mean, that's pretty cool... those words just c-came to me," I quickly add in, shocked but also trying to explain away how the hell I just did that. I'm surprised at myself but don't have time to dwell on it. I was fully aware how close I was to giving the game away to the two people that we didn't want to recognize we were the girls that 'betrayed' them.

  "Isn't that intriguing," Traegr turns to Sabir and they both look at each other with a knowing look.

  "We need to get those girls back before they do something stupid," Sabir says quietly and seriously.

  "Agreed, we'll alert the others to a possible cause to be suspicious these girls aren't exactly telling us the truth," Traegr directs the last word to both me and Celeste. I try to feign confusion while Celeste simply looks at her feet – trying not to tremble.

  "Do you have anything to say?" Sabir asks both of us.

  "No, but can we please go back to our rooms now like the rest of the –"

  " – other girls," Sabir cuts me off and hisses at Traegr, "They may also try to escape, someone needs to guard the hall to make sure none of them also leave."

  "Go, Sabir, now," Traegr nods at him, then turns to face both of us, "You two are coming with me."

  "What did we do?" Celeste finds her voice and looks up at him suddenly, hurt shining in her silver eyes.

  "Too many things," he growls out dangerously while Sabir walks forward to leave but approaches me first, laying a hand on my exposed hip through the midriff top and leaning in to my ear.

  "...shame," he whispers, "You're already losing the game, Sapphire..." he pulls back and the look in his eyes spells out all sorts of threats for later. He leaves me with a feeling of dread as he stalks off. I'm jerked back to the real threat at hand when Traegr suddenly grabs my arm just as he grab's Celeste's.

  "Don't hurt us, please," Celeste begs.

  "I suggest you shut your pretty little mouth, Celeste, before I force you to put those lips to something far more useful," he growls, his tone dropping an octave. He drags us with him effortlessly out of the dining den and towards the stairs leading to the exotic royal bedrooms.

  "What do you want from us?" I ask him, trying desperately to appear brave.

  "It's simple," he replies, "I want answers."

  "We don't have any," I snarl at him when he grips my arm too hard when I try and tug away, hurting me.

  "Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll get them out of both of you," he says this far too confidently.

  Celeste and I both fall silent as we are dragged up the stairs.

  We meet each other's eyes briefly and we share a terrified look.

  We both knew.

  Sabir was right.

  Whatever the hell this 'game' was? We were close to losing it.

  I was terrified of what would happen if it came to that.


  Traegr lets Celeste go briefly to open the door to his royal chamber, he then drags both of us in – I nearly trip on the magnificent carpet spread across his floor because he is so rough.

  I take in the magnificent golden chamber that Celeste was in charge of cleaning. It was more like a living area. It was huge enough to host a party in with a lavish thick wood four poster bed, similar to Sabir's but bigger. Four people could easily sleep side by side in that bed.

  The sand coloured tiled floor only had the mat for softness, otherwise there was a ginormous fireplace by the bed, two huge windows with ledges big enough to sit on; although it wasn't a bay window.

  The ceilings were adorned with crystal gems that gleamed purple and gold especially in the flickering firelight. While the exposed walls were adorned with beautiful paintings of the forest.

  Last but not least I feel a pull towards a square tiled mini-pool, full of steaming natural Kiyr water, which was opposite the bed and had its own section of the room.

  There is no time for admiring the magnificent chamber which was only fit for a king.

  Traegr takes us to the middle of the red and gold mat before his bed and stops. I look up to see Celeste looking down, visibly shaking now.

  "On your knees," he growls at both of us. Celeste briefly meets my eye and we do not hesitate, slowly dropping down onto the soft mat. I find comfort it in and grip the long soft woven material with curled fingers.

  Celeste and I watch Traegr walk around us to grab a chair by the fire place. He picks it up and places it before us, sitting down and letting out a long held sigh of frustration.

  Or perhaps it was a growl, it was a little bit of both.

  "You are looking for answers we do not have," Celeste says quietly,
while staring at his bare feet, refusing to look up, too terrified to meet his eyes. I'm not afraid to meet his gaze, however. I glare at him as he glares at me.

  "Lies," Traegr says the word through gritted teeth, glancing to Celeste I see him clench his fist on the arm rest. My insides tense, my muscles tighten, ready to fight or run or both.

  "Tell us," I say quietly, as calmly as possible, trying to steady my breathing, "What it means to be Star Cursed."

  "I answer that and you'll answer something for me," Traegr smiles but there is no warmth held in it. I do not trust him. But I was distracting him from full blown anger and that was the plan for the moment.

  I nod, agreeing to the terms.

  "We never die," he explains without hesitation, "Even if someone manages to kill us – we are reborn. If we are not killed, we live forever."

  "Thank you," I nod again and he suddenly leans forward, intent in his eyes as he suddenly turns to Celeste and grabs her chin – forcing her to look up.

  "You can answer this one," he growls, "How can she speak our language?"

  Celeste jerks from his suddenly cruel tone and I find myself reaching up a hand and grabbing his wrist, glaring at him.

  "Let her go," I snap, desperation settling in. Celeste lets out a whimper as he releases her and then grabs my arm instead, pulling me to my feet as he stands.

  "Then you tell me," he growls out quietly, grabbing my waist in two hands, emphasizing his ridiculous height. He knows I will not break eye contact, "How can you speak our language... Princess Sapphire?"

  "The answer to your question is I have no idea. Perhaps remnants of Princess Sapphire's memory is engrained into me if I am Star Cursed. But you should know we want answers too. I mean... Princess? If you are a King, does that make me your daughter?" I ask seriously.

  "It made you my betrothed," he says this quietly, while subtly glancing at Celeste – who suddenly looks up with wide eyes.

  "But Celeste –" I start.

  "Just a maid," Traegr says with a smirk and a shrug, "Who I preferred over an insolent, conniving little sneak like you. Sabir is your eternal punisher."


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