Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1)

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Star Cursed (Madeira Citrine Book 1) Page 23

by C. Swallow

  Instead, Seraphine was passed out in the middle of a transport bus. Celeste was crying into my shoulder next to me and the Dark Gems sat opposite us, looking solemn in their own right.

  The death of a Royal female Gem wasn't something to celebrate.

  "Jared will pay," Traegr growls, the first words spoken after an intense half hour of silence.

  "The gene professor should have been sentenced to death, not Kaelyn," I snap, "He made her crazy."

  "We'll hand out the rightful punishments, you don't have to trouble yourself," Sabir drawls at me and I just glare him down.

  "Chin up, Celeste," Hraken speaks towards the crying girl on my shoulder, "Life is only bound to improve under our rule."

  An intense silence fills the transport vehicle. There seemed to be a double meaning behind what he was saying and Traegr eyes off Hraken with a cold glare.

  Thankfully, the awkward silence is broken by an audible groan coming from the floor and Seraphine. Wrapped up in light restraints on her side, she now flips onto her back.

  "Oh, man," she tries to pry open her eyes and takes in the company.

  "Good sleep, beautiful?" Hraken can't help but grin at Seraphine's consciousness.

  "How the hell did I end up here?" Seraphine growls to herself and then looks towards Celeste and I, "You alright, girls?"

  "We're fine," Celeste chokes on her tears and points accusingly at Traegr, "Kaelyn's not. She's gone."

  "...fuck," Seraphine closes her eyes, her voice still husky as she suddenly just lies there and tries to steady her breathing.

  "All will be well soon enough," Traegr grins, "Especially once you see your new bed-cages and costumes in the first Training Trials we've had in 1000 years."

  Training Trials?

  I'm speechless.

  As is Celeste as we gaze at Traegr.

  Surely this was a joke.

  The games they use to play were filmed and recorded for entertainment. Hraken was the star warrior. Seraphine was also on this show.

  She has her eyes focused on Traegr with shock.

  "You can't be serious," she snaps, "This is why I hate you, King shit. You kill my niece and now you want to throw me back in your degrading TV show?" she rolls to her knees and spits at his feet, "I hope you challenge me – I'll soon be Queen anyway. You can count on it."

  "You'll be holed up in that game... or in the Golden Palace... or in a rotten stinking dungeon. Wherever I want you to be, sweetheart," Traegr blinks slowly while smirking.

  "I'll go easy on you, sweet stuff," Sabir 'reassures' me. I just smile tightly back.

  "You know I don't like it easy," I joke.

  "Don't worry, princess," Celeste joins in, "He's easy. I know from experience."

  "Cheeky little whores," Sabir growls.

  "Cheeky little rebels, who are about to kick your asses on a planet wide televised show!" Seraphine sticks up for us.

  The rest of the ride consists of insults being thrown, every which way.

  As Seraphine taught, it was a good way to distract them from the important questions. Such as why she was in Quartz Zone.

  When the bus finally comes to a stop, the Dark Gems are the first to stand. Celeste tries to follow but Traegr tut-tuts her back down.

  "No, no, sweetheart," the King commands, "You girls sit, rest yourselves. You leave this transport bus when we say you can."

  We all watch the Dark Gems chuckle to themselves and exit into a bright green field, where the door abruptly shuts and leaves Celeste, Seraphine and I inside. The Dark Gems have taken the weapons out so we are still left defenseless.

  Once we are alone, Seraphine quickly springs to her feet and comes in close to me, whispering.

  "You still got that document?" she asks me, "Cause we're going to need it. Be careful with it, it's electronic; a seriously advanced contract form."

  "I scrunched it up," I hiss quietly, rummaging it out of my bra. Celeste looks on, confused.

  "Great," Seraphine growls sarcastically, snatching it off me she flattens it out and sighs a breath of relief, "Thank goodness, it's still working."

  "What is it?" I ask.

  "Read it and find out," Seraphine passes it to me, "I always suspected this, but never told the girls because I didn't want to worry them needlessly. However, it's all true. We need to find equal power immediately or our future is condemned to a life of servitude under a much higher regulator."

  I just shake my head and narrow my eyes, confused.

  I read the title of the document.

  CU (Central Universe) Official Cultural Document. Final and Liable amongst the Intergalactic Alliance.

  "What the hell is this?" I whisper, meeting Seraphine's eyes, "I don't have time to read this –"

  "Make time later," Seraphine orders, "This is important, you'll need to know if I die and you're still a princess. You have the power to make changes on this document. You understand me?"

  "No. I don't. Intergalactic Alliance?" I ask, just as I hear Dark Gem voices getting closer to the door of our transport bus.

  "This life is about to get a lot bigger than just our humble little planet Kiyr, Sapphire," Celeste mutters, already working it out.

  "Put it away," Seraphine orders, "They're coming."

  I quickly, and carefully this time – fold it up and put it in my bra.

  I couldn't wait to read this document.

  My mind was already catching up with Celeste and Seraphine, as much as I didn't want to admit it... it sounded as if there was something greater out there. Intergalactic Alliance would mean other planets. A different governing body.

  And hmmm....

  A cultural document?

  About Kiyr?

  No wonder Seraphine was eager to find equality amongst our genders as soon as possible.

  If we didn't, something told me this document held the power to make females intergalacticly known and accepted legally, as inferior on Kiyr.

  The consequences of this little document were infinite.


  Translated to Kiyr

  CU (Central Universe) Official Cultural Document. Final and Liable amongst the Intergalactic Alliance.

  Neutral date:

  999,000,555,173: 500: 12

  tenth sun rotation

  lilac sky

  Discovery of Kiyr no. 247

  ID number: 000ClassCplanet247CU

  Contract purpose:

  Central Universe welcomes all planetary alliances as the only NG (Neutral Ground) provider. Neutral ground delivers enhanced living, educational and health conditions. Atmosphere, temperature, solar proximity & gravity do not correlate to universal scientific standards. Neutral ground is survivable by all biological and ethereal beings. A neutral relocation settlement is provided by CU support if approved.

  Important: Rejection is only caused by military provocation whereby expulsion, total planet isolation, is enforced immediately. Any further provocation will result in eminent extermination.

  Planetary contracts must contain, in one form or another:

  Single/Multiple/ Cultural Language/s

  Please insert

  Single/Multiple Cultural Gender/s

  Please insert

  Value systems; government/military/education/health/customs

  Please insert

  Magic system/s: realm/body/spell/instruments/other

  Please insert


  Please insert

  Sign if the above is true and will remain so until approval date.

  Minimum 10 signatures required:












  Rejection [ ]



  CU office, signature ..................

  Approval [ ]



  Immediate [ ]

  Delayed [ ]


  Indicate Time Delay:

  CU office, signature ...................


  In the middle of a vast green field, was the looming structure of the infamous Scouting Stadium for the Training Trials. The whole purpose was to trial Royal Female Gem magic and to find the one being who could match you.

  Think of it as a way where-by people find their true love, not by an online dating app, but through gladiator rounds of fighting.

  Comical? Heh... it was famous because of how violent it could be.

  This is where Royal Gem animal base instincts truly ruled. Females and Males alike could let lose. Besides the main grassy field where the fighting with magic took place, there were the usual stands for people to watch. Beyond that, inside the complex it was full of entertainment. Gift stores, merchandise and the famous Magic Zoned Bar. The best music performers played there and only elite Gems could mix in this bar.

  It was the perfect way to work out whether or not you wanted to sign up and fight the imprisoned females.

  The main attraction were the rooms that housed ridiculously luxurious beds inside cages. These were for the winners – the ones who find their match. They could have hot, kinky sex all night long.

  Those who simply won you in a fight but weren't your true match? Were still eligible to fuck you.

  Yeah... morals were high in our race.

  It wasn't so bad – because if you were a Royal Female Gem and you won the fight... you could be as brutal as you wanted. Seraphine hadn't killed any men, but she had tried too. At that stage, other Dark Gems interfered to stop her succeeding.

  While Diamonds were a girl's best friend on this planet, Draining whips were a Dark Gem's best companion.

  I'm thinking all this while water floats around me. After being shown my bedroom, the caged bed, the dresser, the thick red curtains, the barred window, the lit fire place and fur rug – I had disappeared into the bathroom.

  Here, was a mini-pool full of steaming water from inside Kiyr rocks. They had managed to open up channels from underground and stream the water into the huge stadium. I had been separated from Celeste and Seraphine, confined here in isolation.

  I had read the document thoroughly and had since been sitting in contemplation.

  Central Universe sounded amazing. I could only imagine what it was like. However, I was plagued with responsibility since Seraphine had dumped it on my shoulders. To take responsibility of the most important document on the planet right now... no pressure.

  At the moment it was hiding in the small bookcase in the room, between two books.

  I sigh and fall deeper back into the steamy water. I didn't want to leave this pool. If only for a moment all my worries could be lifted... I'd be happy.

  My left hand grips the Obsidian orb Hraken had lent to me. I didn't let it go because it was so ridiculously smooth. It generally was also just pretty cool and it confused me.

  I felt like he was trying to send me a message.

  No one really knew much about Hraken's past. All anyone knew was that he was ridiculously good at fighting and he was bonded to Seraphine.

  It is at that point I hear a chink of a door unlocking and a whine from it swinging open.

  I quickly wade to the other end of the pool so my back is not to the door. I already felt vulnerable enough being naked, I didn't need Sabir –


  Not Sabir. Hraken!

  But – oh my. N-not just Hraken. Hraken the Warrior, comes stalking his way into my bathing room.

  My eyes are wide and nervous as I take in his tall, ruggedly handsome warrior outfit and messed up brown locks of hair – almost like dreadlocks with the blood sticking through it.

  He see's me and smirks to himself, while finding a marble bench opposite the pool and plopping down on it.

  "You have something of mine," he growls.

  "I was just thinking about you, you must read minds! Oh gosh... you've already been shredding into people? You're covered in blood," I point out, with a nervous laugh while I clutch the orb behind my back.

  "Don't worry, Sapphire, this is Dark Gem blood – not female," he leans forward, a hand on each knee as he suddenly zones in his focus onto my tiny naked form hiding in the corner of the pool.

  "You were trying to tell me something, weren't you?" I ask, as Hraken suddenly stands and without any regard for the clean water – he walks down the steps into the small pool. Emerging himself in my element.

  I try to control the molecules to hold him back as he sloshes towards me, but he just pushes forth even harder and my magic can't restrict his movement.

  "Do you know the history of the Dark Gems, Sapphire?" he asks me as he stops just before me with a hand gripping the edge of the pool by my shoulder, his fingers tapping on the tiles.

  This close he smelt like leather, metal and blood. Besides that and the fact he is towering above me making me feel like a fly he could squish at any moment, I try to focus.

  "History? Dark Gems? Ametrine and... O-Obsidian, always clashing," I mutter, gripping the orb closely, still behind my back. The question I then wanted to ask... I can't look at his intelligent eyes as I think it, because I don't want to appear stupid. So I look at his chest instead as I ask, "Were you trying to tell me you're from the Obsidian line?"

  There is not much of a pause.

  "Hmmm..." Hraken growls under his breath, impatient.

  I quickly look up and suddenly realise he doesn't care about my questions. He just wants the orb back and he knows I'm holding it behind my back.

  But still, he doesn't deny what I suggest so –

  I look up to meet his eyes again, shaking my head.

  "You can't be, it doesn't make sense. Traegr would never let you near the throne –"

  Now I have Hraken laughing in a rumble as he swipes a hand behind my back and pulls me in until my breasts are pressed up against his own chest. He leans in to whisper into my ear.

  "Have you never heard of the term, keep your friends close...?" Hraken suddenly pulls back – the orb now in his grasp while I was completely intimidated by him in his outfit and his cool manner – always cool, "...and your enemies closer?"

  I just watch as Hraken turns and trudges his way out of the water. I almost stop him and suggest that since he's ruined my bathing water he may as well dunk his head under and I could clean his hair for him.

  But I stop myself, because Hraken would just laugh and leave anyway.

  He knew how females reacted around him – apparently, I wasn't any different.

  So, I watch him exit the bathroom, stalking his way out while water drips all over my room.

  Arrogant man. Argh! But there was truly nothing bad to say about him. He never gave me petty nicknames like the other Dark Gems constantly did.

  I see filters on the side of the small pool and I use my control of the water to help it filter through quicker.

  So, he wanted to use the corny line of keep your friends close but enemies closer huh?

  I dwell on it for a bit, but the answer I come to is hard to acknowledge.

  Could he...?

  Would he...?


  He held me close when he said 'keep your friends close'. He pushed me back when he said 'keep your enemies closer'.

  For some reason I'm smiling. Hraken... was Obsidian, clearly.

  Traegr was his enemy.

  Me? Well, I was an enemy of Traegr. Huh.

  But I was Hraken's friend.

  He should have said, an enemy of an enemy is my friend too, before he left – just so I was certain he meant I was his friend.

  Unless I was just consumed by his smell and aura and wanted to believe he desired me as a friend?

  I happily sink into the water. Wow. Did Seraphine realise Hraken was possibly on her side?

  And then it all falls into place in my mind.

  Seraphine wanted to
be Queen – which meant Hraken wanted to be King.


  I wonder if Hraken even had any idea this Central Universe document existed? Well, of course he wouldn't. Why would Traegr tell him? Maybe I should tell him! The idea burns into the back of my brain.

  Official signatures were needed, why not get Hraken in on it?

  I don't know why I'm so compelled to ask him.

  "Hraken!" I call out, because believe it or not those thoughts had all but passed through my brain in a couple of pondering seconds. Perhaps he wasn't out my door yet.

  I still as I hear my door loudly shut and I'm momentarily disappointed because I believe he's left, ignoring my call.

  A few seconds later, however, he appears back in the arched entrance to my pool.

  I glance up at him, nervously.

  Perhaps I should try to please him first? Who knows? It could work in my favour?

  I was still determined to ask the big question though – about Central Universe. I just wasn't sure how just yet.

  This could be the smartest move the Royal Female Gems make yet... but I had to be careful.

  It could also be the biggest mistake of my life.


  Hraken just raises an eyebrow at me when I stare at him nervously from the pool.

  "Don't leave," I plead, quietly, slipping forward into the water, I come to the edge closest to where he is standing. I tilt my head to the side, looking up at his gigantic form.

  He smirks and takes two steps forward, dropping to his knees, trying to get down to my level, but still managing to remain enormous.

  "Why do you need me? You're doing what you have to already," he reaches out a hand to my raised chin, he grabs it and a thumb brushes over my bottom lip.

  Hraken and I had always had this weird chemistry. It was strikingly similar to the bond Sabir and I had.

  It distracts my thoughts for a moment. Instead of thinking about the document I think about Hraken's touch on my chin, sending shivers through me.

  "Are you and Seraphine... truly bonded?" I ask in a whisper, confused by this feeling, multiplied and replicated only around two beings.

  Sabir and Hraken. Always Sabir and Hraken.


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