Aurora Blazing

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Aurora Blazing Page 24

by Jessie Mihalik

  The secondary com wasn’t connected to my smart glasses, so I set it on the desk and used the projected keyboard to dive into the data. The world fell away as I finessed my way deeper into the network.

  My first script found a trio of vulnerable terminals, so I kicked off a cracking script that would set up a remote back door in each of them. It was my own creation, designed to work around virus scanners.

  I scoured fileservers and databases for any mention of Nando Black, the name Ferdinand had been sold under. I’d made it more than halfway through the list before I finally got a hit. I copied the file to my com and opened it. It was a spreadsheet of transactions. It showed that Ferdinand had indeed been sold to MineCorp, but not where he ended up.

  We were on the right track.

  I pushed the smart glasses up my nose and kept going. You didn’t run a huge company without a list of assets. Ferdinand’s location was buried somewhere in this data, I just had to find it.

  “Fuck, elevator incoming. Twenty seconds,” Loch whispered.

  I was so deep in the data that it took Ian shaking my shoulder for me to process the words. “You go, I have to stay,” I whispered. I picked up the com and dove under the desk, being careful with the connection to the diagnostic port. I lowered the brightness on the screen until it barely emitted any light.

  Ian cursed and followed me. The desk was two meters long by a meter wide, but we were both crammed as far back as we could get, which made the space feel smaller. The chair and half-height panels seemed very flimsy cover from this angle.

  A man wearing an expensive suit and carrying flowers and a bottle of wine appeared on Ada’s video. He walked with purpose and didn’t so much as glance our way.

  “Oh shit, that’s the husband,” Ada breathed. “Do you think he’s invited?”

  I checked the video from the office. The two women did not look like they were expecting company. The door eased open, and the man entered with a smile that promptly died. “What the fuck, Carly?” he roared. I had the video muted but he was loud enough that I heard him through the wall.

  “Let me know if we’re going to have to move. I’m close to finding Ferdinand,” I said.

  The cable wasn’t long enough to reach from the plug under the desk to the floor, so I couldn’t set the com down and use the projected keyboard. Rather than use the on-screen keyboard, I connected the secondary com to my smart glasses. It pushed my primary com’s display into the background, but with Ian next to me, that shouldn’t be a problem.

  I was well over my twenty-minute deadline by the time I found the information I was looking for. Three days ago, just a day after he was grabbed, Nando Black had been “acquired” on a space station in the sparsely populated Toucana Dwarf sector. He was listed as physically healthy but mentally unstable. He was also listed as mute. Dread curled into my stomach and made itself at home.

  I scanned the files, looking for his location. He’d been tagged as a flight risk, which meant they would send him to the most dangerous, most isolated site they could find.

  When I found the information, my heart stopped. I checked the file again, but the value hadn’t changed. MineCorp had sent my brother, the von Hasenberg heir, to a Rockhurst planet in the disputed Antlia sector—while we were at war.

  Chapter 21

  I quickly scanned the news feeds but I didn’t see any notice about Ferdinand’s capture. Would Rockhurst keep it silent if they’d found him? It could go either way, but it was more likely that they’d crow about it as a major victory.

  The MineCorp records put him on Xi Antliae Dwarf Seven, the planet next door, cosmically speaking, to XAD Six where Ada had infiltrated the Rockhurst base and found they were actively mining and processing alcubium—right before Richard had captured her.

  The XAD solar system was the heart of the Rockhurst stronghold in the sector. House von Hasenberg forces were concentrating around our planets, mostly in the Nu Antliae Dwarf system. Same sector, but they were so far apart it required a jump to move between them.

  I pulled files to my com, taking more than I needed to hide my true intent. I also scooped up everything I could find about transport times and asset relocation.

  “Something is happening,” Ada whispered furiously. “The VP’s com went off and she’s looking your way as if she’s trying to see through the wall. Time to move. Now!”

  I kicked off a script to hide my tracks and unplugged the com. Ian pulled me out from under the desk and crouched down in front of me. “Climb on my back,” he said.

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. He stood and quickly moved beneath the ceiling panel we’d come down through. “Hold on,” he warned.

  I tightened my grip as he leapt straight up. He popped up the ceiling panel with his left hand while his right clamped on the metal grating of the maintenance walkway. We hung in place while he slid the panel out of the way, then he used both arms to pull us up into the crawl space.

  He’d just done a pull-up while I was clinging to his back like dead weight and he’d made it look and feel effortless. He wasn’t even breathing hard. I slid off him, pretty sure I was breathing harder than he was.

  Ian quietly laid the panel back into place. I brought up my primary com’s display in time to see Mrs. Vignette slam out of her office and march our way. The video from Ada’s camera didn’t give me a good enough angle to see if I’d left any evidence behind.

  I held my breath when she stopped at the very desk I’d been using. Apparently their sysadmins were even better than I’d thought. She peeked underneath, then brought up the display. “There’s nothing here,” she said, her voice cold. “You interrupted me in the middle of an important meeting for no reason.”

  She listened silently for a few seconds before obviously speaking over whoever was on the other end of the call. “If you think someone is here, you’re welcome to come in and check. In fact, I insist. Have a report on my desk by seven.”

  She ended the call, glanced around once more, then stalked back toward her office, where her husband and her lover were still arguing. I didn’t move until the office door closed behind her.

  Ian eased past me and motioned for me to follow him. We met Loch and Ada in the main part of the maintenance crawl space where we could all stand.

  “Do they have him?” Ada asked softly. “Did you find him?”

  “They have him, assuming Riccardo wasn’t lying about his identity.”

  “Where is he?” she demanded.

  “Let’s discuss it once we’re safe,” I hedged. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I didn’t want to tell her the truth, either.

  Her mouth flattened, but she nodded grudgingly.

  We went out the way we’d come in. In the supply closet, Loch ripped the hotel manager’s camera out of the wall and crushed it beneath his heel. He picked up the pieces and handed them to Ada. Her smile was malicious.

  Ada opened our room door and by silent agreement, we didn’t speak. We didn’t know if more bugs had been planted while we were gone. Ada and I changed back into our fancy clothes—after quickly scanning the bedroom. We packed everything back into the suitcases, I covered my face, and we left.

  “I’m going to rain holy hell on them about this,” Ada said, holding up the camera Loch had smashed. “While I’m causing a scene, you two go ahead. We’ll meet back at the House. It looked like MineCorp might’ve been on to you, so it’ll be less suspicious if we’re leaving because the room is bugged than if we left for no reason.”

  When we entered the lobby, Ada’s expression transformed into an exact copy of Mother’s when she was on the warpath. It was terrifying, and I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Customers and employees tripped over themselves to get out of her way, especially with Loch’s looming form following her like a scowling thundercloud.

  Ian and I slipped through the lobby and out the front door in the wake of hurricane Ada. We turned right, walking away from MineCorp. At the next transpo
rt pickup, we ducked into the waiting vehicle. I swiped my identity chip over the reader and directed the transport to circle Rhys’s block.

  Ian raised an eyebrow. “We’re not going back?”

  “I haven’t decided,” I said, smoothing a hand over the gold fabric of my dress.

  “Exactly how bad is it?” he asked. I stared at him for long enough that he frowned and said, “We have a deal.”

  “I’m not sure our deal is going to survive,” I told him honestly. “You’re going to break your word and I will never forgive you.”

  Now it was Ian’s turn to stare. “Fuck. He’s in Antlia. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  I sighed and deflated against the seat. My head hurt, my heart hurt, and I was a breath away from betraying my sister in an effort to keep her safe. “He’s in Antlia,” I confirmed.

  “Is he on XAD Six?”

  “Are you going to leave me behind if I tell you?”

  Ian leaned forward and met my eyes. “I will not break my word. But I will strongly discourage you from going. One von Hasenberg in Rockhurst territory is bad enough. Two is a disaster.”

  “You can discourage all you want. I’m going. You promised and you need my help.” I trusted Ian, but I didn’t trust him quite far enough to tell him about my modified nanos. I couldn’t tell him that I would be invaluable if we were caught because I could listen in on the enemy.

  Ian nodded, his face set in grim lines. “Your skills would be useful,” he admitted. “But if you go, Ada must remain here. We can’t give House Rockhurst the ability to knock out half of House von Hasenberg in one fell swoop.”

  “I agree. Ada can’t go, as much as she’s going to want to. If Ferdinand or I am caught, Father will likely negotiate for us. Ada was banished. Albrecht will write her off.”

  Father had started dropping hints that he would like me to find and disable Ada’s death file—the documents that would automatically be released upon her untimely demise. She’d bought hers and Loch’s freedom with a bluff about the amount of information she had on the Genesis Project. If Father knew exactly how thin the contents of those files really were, Ada would have an “accident” in her near future.

  “Will she stay if you tell her to?”

  I laughed. “Have you met Ada?”

  The transport landed on Rhys’s street and I changed the destination to his house. If nothing else, I needed to grab the silencer. It could come in handy in a variety of situations and I wasn’t sure Ian had another one.

  “Are we waiting for Loch and Ada or are we grabbing our stuff and getting out?” Ian asked.

  I rubbed my eyes. Ada would forgive me. Eventually. Maybe. As long as I didn’t die. “Pack fast,” I said. I told the transport to wait for us.

  The butler opened the door before I could knock. “Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, ah, sir,” I said, drawing back the hood of my cloak. I’m pretty sure we’d been introduced at some point, but I couldn’t remember his name. My memory was worse when I was tired.

  A child’s happy shriek drew my attention to the hallway that led to the family drawing room. The butler subtly moved in front of me. “If you would like to freshen up in your rooms, I will let Mr. Sebastian know you are here.”

  Well, that was about as subtle as a rogue freighter. Curiosity rose, but I shoved it aside. I had other things to worry about right now. “We will do that, thanks,” I said.

  Ian insisted on carrying my suitcase upstairs. I let him. He dropped it on my bed then crossed to the door to his room. “I’ll be ready in three,” he said.

  I didn’t take the time to change, I just shoved the few things I’d unpacked into the bag I’d brought with me from Fortuitous. I was ready by the time Ian reappeared carrying a small bag.

  He picked up my suitcase. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”

  “I’m sure.” I opened the door and came face-to-face with Rhys, who had his hand raised to knock.

  “Going somewhere?” he asked mildly.

  Ian stepped up behind me, but I held on to the door so he couldn’t go around me. “Yes,” I said.

  Rhys didn’t move. “Does Ada know?”

  “No, and I’d like to keep it that way.”


  I tilted my head and studied Rhys. Ada trusted him, and he’d always treated me fairly, so I decided to give him the truth. “Because Ferdinand is in the Antlia sector and going there would be far more dangerous for Ada than for me.”

  Rhys grinned. “She’s going to kill you when you get back.” His grin faded. “Make sure you come back. Do you need a ship?”

  Fortuitous couldn’t jump for two days, and although Aurora should’ve arrived, it would be in cooldown, too. We needed a new ship. “I don’t want to put you in an awkward spot with Ada,” I hedged.

  “I have a ship,” Ian said. I glanced at him in surprise, but he didn’t elaborate.

  Rhys inclined his head and moved aside. “Should I tell Ada where you’re going?”

  “I will message her once we’re in the air,” I said. “When we have a solid plan, I’ll send the details on a twelve-hour delay. Whatever happens, you can’t let her come to Antlia. Find a merc crew or send one of your crews, I’ll pay for whatever it costs, but Ada must stay safe.”

  Rhys drew me into a brotherly hug. “You know she loves you just as much as you love her, right? What would you do if Ada was imprisoned on a Rockhurst planet in the middle of a war?” He pulled back and grinned at me. “Don’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I said. “Thank you for the hospitality.”

  “Come back when things aren’t so dire,” he said. “Ada misses you.”

  Shame slid through my system. I hadn’t visited because I wasn’t sure I could visit without exposing how sick I became when the signals overloaded my brain. But my sister had been banished and I hadn’t bothered to check on her in her new home. That was not the kind of person I wanted to be.

  “Thank you, I will,” I promised. Then I tacked on, “Assuming Father lets me out of the House after this.”

  Ian directed the transport to a different location from where we’d left Fortuitous. The brightly lit city sparkled like a jewel under the dark sky. I was still on Universal Time, and I had trouble when the light didn’t match my body clock. It was morning Universal, but it certainly didn’t feel like it.

  The wireless signals pressed against my skull. Tired and hurting, I took a deep breath and mentally pressed back.

  For an instant, the pain lessened, until surprise broke my concentration.

  It took me five minutes to replicate the result by focusing completely on building a mental shield. Even then, I could hold it for only a few seconds at a time. I didn’t know if it was because I’d been able to better deal with the continuous exposure thanks to Ian’s advice or if it was a benefit of the meditation training I’d been doing, but whatever it was, it was progress.

  I might have a chance at normalcy.

  The transport landed on one of the many small spaceports that adorned the tops of the various towers. This one had room for two ships, but only one landing pad was occupied.

  The ship was smaller than Aurora, possibly only two levels, and painted matte black. It was a House Yamado design, a ship that could go either military or civilian, depending on the build-out.

  “Is this a House von Hasenberg ship?” I asked Ian. I realized they were the first words we’d spoken since entering the transport.

  “No,” he said. “Phantom is my personal ship.” He slanted a wry glance at me. “I’ll thank you in advance for not locking me out of it.”

  My smile was sweet. “I won’t have to if you don’t give me a reason to.”

  He shook his head in exasperation, but a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “I contacted Alex and Aoife while we were at Rhys’s. I briefed them and they agreed to join us again, but quarters are going to be tight. This ship was designed for a single person to be able to manag

  “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor for a few days,” I said. It wasn’t my first choice, but I’d survived worse.

  “You and Aoife can bunk together,” he said.

  I’d rather bunk with you. I bit my lip to keep the words from slipping free. One kiss did not make a relationship, and giving him a chance didn’t mean hopping into bed with him at the first opportunity.

  Before we boarded the ship, I scanned us both for trackers. We were clean. Ada had trusted me. Pain clutched at my heart and it felt heavy in my chest. I was going to break her trust, and even if she understood, we would both be changed for it.

  I followed Ian into the ship’s tiny cargo hold. Our supplies from Fortuitous took up more than half of the available floor space, leaving a narrow path through the hold.

  At Ian’s direction, I dropped my bag, suitcase, and cloak at the bottom of a short staircase. We climbed to the upper level, which had the captain’s quarters, a mess hall, and the flight deck.

  Much like Aurora, the captain’s chair could control the entire ship, but Ian had also left the navigation and tactical stations. Aoife and Alex sat behind the two auxiliary consoles, hard-faced and intent. Aoife smiled briefly at me, but it didn’t touch her eyes, and she didn’t say anything. Ian said he had briefed them and she looked like she was readying to go to war.

  It hit me then, the enormity of what I was doing. I was likely leading these two to their deaths, and Ian besides. I spun on my heel and marched back the way we’d come. I had to get out, to get away. Ian didn’t know where Ferdinand was and he wouldn’t go in blind. I could slip in, free my brother, and slip back out again. And if I was caught, at least I’d only be sending myself into death.

  It was a ridiculous plan, and some part of me knew it, but I didn’t stop, not even when Ian shouted my name.

  He caught up to me in the middle of the tiny cargo hold. “Bianca, talk to me, what’s going on?”

  I stopped, but only because he’d wedged himself between me and the door control. “I won’t be responsible for their deaths,” I said. “Or yours.”


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