Wifey, Part 2

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Wifey, Part 2 Page 23

by Erica Hilton

  Jasmine forgot about everything she had been thinking and was no longer scared. She went right toward Nico and gave him a really big hug. “I missed you so much!” she said to him, and tears instantly started running down her face. She cried while holding him.

  “I’m home now. Stop crying.”

  “I thought you were through with me, baby.” Jasmine leaned back and looked Nico in his eyes while still crying.

  “I was handling business. You know that.”

  Jasmine shook her head, and through her tears she smiled and looked at Nico, slowly shaking her head. “I want to be so angry with you right now. And I can’t. I hate that about you. Uggghhh!”

  Nico looked around the room but didn’t say anything.

  “You wasn’t calling me, you wasn’t getting word to through your boys or nothing! It’s like ever since I had got arrested that night, you just went funny style on me, and you never explained why.”

  “I wasn’t calling because them boys was listening, and I had to stay off the grid. I was protecting you by not calling you and possibly getting you jammed up in my shot.”

  “I hate your ass! Uggghhh! God!” Jasmine punched Nico in the chest.

  She wanted to go so hard on Nico and let him have it. She felt like all that she was going through, being a confidential informant, was all because of him. She felt like had he not left her to take the weight when she got jammed up and arrested that night, she never would have had to agree to be a confidential informant. But he left her stranded and didn’t even have the respect for her to call an attorney. He had left her no choice but to agree to snitch.

  While Jasmine was thinking those thoughts, Nico was wondering about her. In his gut he knew she was snitching, and that was one of the main reasons that he had come back to New York. He wanted to get concrete proof for himself that she was a snitch, and he was planning on testing her.

  Nico was no dummy. He knew women were caring and attached to their feelings by nature. Therefore, if he wanted to win back Jasmine’s trust to the point where she wouldn’t fear telling him the one hundred percent absolute truth, he had to fuck her and get back control of her mind through her pussy strings.

  He reached out and grabbed hold of Jasmine’s arm and pulled her toward him. Then he slid his hand inside her sweat pants and started rubbing on her pussy.

  Jasmine pulled his hand away. “You don’t speak to me, you disappear on me and just go about doing your thing with absolutely no cares about me at all, and now you want to just play with my pussy?”

  “Stop fighting me.” Nico slipped his hand back inside Jasmine’s pants. He reached inside her thong and felt her pussy lips. He started gently rubbing on her clit. “I did have cares for you. Trust me on that.”

  “Can we just talk? Seriously, let’s just talk and get all issues on the table, so I can really know that you hear me and whether or not you actually give a damn about me. And I can clear up anything that’s going through your mind.”

  Nico guided Jasmine to the bed, laid her down, and took off her flip-flops. Then he pulled off her sweat pants and her thong.

  Jasmine couldn’t believe that it was so hard for her to resist Nico. While she stared at him, Nico took off his shirt, and Jasmine could tell that he had been working out while he was in Florida because he looked more buff than usual.

  Jasmine’s pussy was soon visibly leaking. That’s how wet she was. No man turned her on the way Nico did. She enjoyed other dicks, but no other dude gave it to her like Nico did, and no other dude made her as wet as he was able to make her.

  Jasmine spread open her legs for Nico, who let his jeans fall to the floor of their bedroom, and he slipped his dick into her pussy and started to fuck her harder than he had ever fucked her. Nico was also the only guy who hit Jasmine’s G-spot in such an intense way that it made her squirt. Over the next hour and a half Jasmine would squirt a total of three times, and each time she did, she became more and more like Silly Putty in Nico’s hands.


  While Jasmine was in the shower, she started to get a little paranoid and wondered had Nico really come home to kill her or to make sure someone carried out a hit on her. She started to think he probably just wanted to fuck her real good one last time before deading her.

  Jasmine quickly dried off and applied lotion to her body and she got dressed and started to gather the shoes and the outfits she wanted to take back with her to SoHo.

  “Where the fuck you going with all that?” Nico asked after coming back into the bedroom with just his boxers on and drinking a small glass of Hennessy with no ice.

  Jasmine looked at him and finished stuffing brand-new outfits into a laundry bag. “I’m going out with Simone,” she said and started to make her way toward the door so she could leave, but Nico held out his hand and stopped her.

  Jasmine moved his arm. “Excuse me, babe. I have to hurry up.”

  “Nah, chill for a minute.” Nico sipped on his Hennessy. “What the hell is that tattoo about? And what’s this shit I’m hearing about you and Homicide at a Knicks game?”

  Jasmine tried to push past Nico. “The tattoo is what I was feeling, and the Homicide rumors is just that—rumors.”

  Nico grabbed Jasmine’s arm, but she pulled away from his grip and walked down the steps to the living room.

  “You want all these answers after fuckin’ me like I’m your whore. I don’t think so, Nico.”

  “I wasn’t fuckin’ you like a whore.”

  “Well, how about what the fuck was you doing in Las Vegas with Mia?”

  Jasmine was starting to get angry. She wondered why she didn’t feel this way when he was fucking her half an hour ago.

  Nico heard what the streets had been saying about Jasmine being Suicide Pussy, and it was on the tip of his tongue to bring it up. But he didn’t want to play bitch games with Jasmine because, to him, it wasn’t a game. Shit was serious for him, and he needed to get to the root of why his empire was falling apart. He was back in New York to put his trademark back on the drug game that he had mastered.

  “Back to that quiet shit again, huh?” Jasmine made her way to the front door of the house.

  Nico finished the glass of Hennessy he was drinking. “Jasmine, I ain’t fighting you.”

  “And I ain’t fighting you either. I came for some clothes and I got that. You got some pussy from me, so everything is good. I’m going out with Simone, and I’ll see you real late tonight or in the morning.”

  Nico didn’t say anything in response, and Jasmine made her way out to her truck, jumped in, and drove off. Jasmine’s confidence and her brashness, mixed with her bipolar ways, was making Nico think she was more of a liability than an asset to him.


  When Jasmine walked into her SoHo loft, she saw Homicide doing push-ups bareback in the living room.

  “Hey,” Jasmine said.

  Never did Jasmine think she would get so close to Homicide so quickly that she would feel like she had cheated on him, but that’s exactly how she was feeling.

  “Just knocking out some sets.” Homicide stood up from the floor. He could sense something was up with Jasmine’s mood, but he didn’t say anything.

  Jasmine walked over to a coffee table and placed her clothes and shoes on top of it. “Nico’s back,” she blurted out.

  Homicide scratched his forehead, and then he went back down to the floor and continued doing push-ups.

  “I’m just glad he wasn’t there last night when we were there.”

  “Why’s that?” Homicide asked, while doing push-ups.

  Jasmine didn’t answer him because she wasn’t sure what to say.

  Homicide finished another set of twenty-five push-ups, and then he stood up still waiting for an answer, breathing a little heavy from the push-ups.

“It would have been drama.”

  “I live for drama!” Homicide replied with emphasis. “That bitch-ass nigga wouldn’t want to go to war with me. Trust me on that. I don’t want you sexing that nigga. You understand?”

  Jasmine slowly nodded her head.

  Homicide walked over to a bottle of water he had placed on the floor near where he was doing push-ups, and he opened it up and started drinking.

  Jasmine sighed, and tears started to form in her eyes. “Look, baby, can I tell you something? And please don’t get upset.”

  Homicide stopped drinking and listened to what Jasmine had to say.

  “I know things are still new with us, but I really love you, and I want you to know that you can trust me.”

  “I trust you, and I’m just saying I don’t want you fuckin’ that nigga.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to get at—I just fucked him.” Jasmine cringed.

  Homicide gave her a real intense look.

  “I know it was stupid, baby. I know it. And I was kicking myself the whole way home. And please believe that I really only went out there to get these outfits and I had no idea he was even going to be there.” She looked at Homicide to see what his response was going to be.

  Homicide said nothing, and Jasmine could tell he was tight.

  “I just want you to trust me and know that I’ll always be honest with you, and I want you to always be honest with me, no matter what.”

  Homicide nodded his head and drank some more water. “I respect that.”

  Jasmine felt relieved to hear Homicide say those words.

  Homicide knew no woman had ever been that honest with him. He also knew Jasmine could have kept that to herself and he never would have known. “I respect that because you didn’t have to say shit to me.”

  “I just want us to be able to be completely honest with each other. I’m so tired of these relationships that I been in where no one is totally free to just be who they really are. I don’t want no superficial shit between us.”

  Homicide then asked Jasmine to sit down. “Ever heard of Preme?”


  Homicide nodded.

  “Of course. I never met him, but I know him. Who doesn’t know Supreme?”

  “Preme damn near raised me. He was like a father to me. He taught me the mathematics and all that. If it wasn’t for him, I would have never had knowledge of self.”

  “I didn’t know you were close to him like that.”

  “Well, the thing is, I woulda took a bullet for Preme without hesitating, and I put that on everything. I would have did a life bid in jail for him. But when we all caught charges and got indicted Preme started snitching. He was ready to cut a deal for himself and send me and a bunch of other cats to prison for a long time. I’m talking a minimum of seventy-five years. You understand what I’m saying?”


  “So I ain’t never tell nobody this. You the first person I’m ever mentioning this to. And this is something that has to stay between me and you.”

  “Okay, it will. Don’t worry,” Jasmine said, even though she wasn’t really sure where Homicide was going with what he was saying.

  “So when I was sitting in jail, I find out Preme is snitching and I got in touch with my lawyer and asked him to see if he could cut a deal for me with the district attorney if I was willing to testify against Supreme. And my lawyer pulled it off for me. And I ended up ratting that nigga out.”

  “Yeah, but if he was going to snitch on you, you was smart to do that.”

  A bare-chested Homicide walked up to Jasmine. Smiling, he gently placed both of his hands on her cheeks, guided her head toward him, and kissed her on the lips.

  “You get it! That’s the only reason I snitched him out. The thing is, I would have done no time in jail had I agreed to have my name on the affidavit, but I wasn’t down for that. The affidavit I signed was a John Doe affidavit. The district attorney told me that if I didn’t reveal my identity, I would have to do some time. So that’s the real reason why I ended up doing five years.”

  “Wow! I totally wasn’t expecting to hear that from you.”

  “Honesty you said, right?”

  “Yes,” Jasmine replied.

  “See, real recognize real, and that righteousness that you was hitting me with is something I ain’t never seen before. You know what I’m saying?”

  Jasmine nodded her head. “I got something else to tell you, baby.”


  “Well, you know how you said Preme was going to snitch you out?”

  Homicide nodded.

  “Well, without making this long drawn-out explanation, let’s just say that being around street dudes like Shabazz and Nico forced me to do what I had to do too.”

  “Whatchu mean?”

  Jasmine sighed and looked at Homicide. “Well, there really ain’t no easy way to say this, so I’ll just spit it out. I’m a CI.”

  “Stop fuckin’ bullshitting.” Homicide chuckled.

  “I’m not lying. And you were one of those that the FBI had me target.”

  Homicide was stunned. He bit the inside of his lip. He immediately thought to himself that he was going to have to murder her if she was telling the truth.

  “I really love you, baby, and you know I would never have told you that if I didn’t truly love you.”

  Homicide shook his head in disbelief.

  “Don’t worry.” Jasmine walked up to Homicide and kissed him. “All those times you gave me that good-ass dick? That was my way of making sure I could never hurt you, even though they wanted me to target you. From the first day I fucked you, it gave you an entrapment defense against the government.”

  Homicide smiled and rubbed on his beard. He nodded his head to show that he approved of her. He pulled her close to him, and then he marched her into the bathroom so she could take a shower with him.

  Jasmine always thought it would be impossible for someone to make her come harder than Nico did, but that theory was shattered when Homicide fucked her in the shower and gave the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had in her life.

  Homicide and Jasmine were truly in love, and Jasmine knew that from that day she was his wifey.


  Homicide and Jasmine spoke at length about things and he told her that he could easily make one of her problems go away. Jasmine knew Homicide was referring to killing Nico for her so she wouldn’t have to ever worry again about the feds putting pressure on her to get incriminating evidence on Nico.

  It was a very enticing proposition for Jasmine because, although the apartment and the money was good, she would much rather have her life back and didn’t want to be accountable to anybody.

  But while Jasmine and Homicide spoke, she reasoned with him and convinced him that killing Nico at that point in time didn’t make any sense. She told Homicide to give her some time to work on Nico so that she could find out where he was stashing his drugs. Once she did, it would then make sense for Homicide to murder him because she was certain that Nico had enough drugs and money stashed that her and Homicide would be able to retire on.

  Homicide loved the plan. He was even willing to allow Jasmine to see Nico on a regular basis if he stayed in New York because he knew that would be the only way for her to get close enough to figure out where his stash was.

  After Homicide and Jasmine finished talking, Homicide sent her on her way with his blessings to go hang out with Simone. He left the apartment at the same time with her. He was planning on linking up with his homie Cash Out so the two of them could go to Sin City Strip Club in the Bronx.

  So while Homicide was chilling at Sin City, Jasmine was bored out of her mind on City Island with Simone. Simone and Jasmine went to a couple of different spots on City Island,
and none of them were poppin’.

  Jasmine was regretting that she had let Simone ride with her, instead of driving separate cars. Now she was going to have to drive all the way back to Queens to drop Simone off at her apartment.

  Simone begged Jasmine to come with her to one other spot on City Island so they could try Henny Coladas. Jasmine had never had that before, so she decided to just try it before putting their night of boredom and misery to an end.

  “It’s good, right?” Simone screamed into Jasmine’s ear over the music.

  Jasmine couldn’t front. The drink was one of the best she had ever tasted, and before she knew it, she’d ordered a second, third, and fourth Henny Colada.

  With liquor her system, Jasmine had lost track of time. It was close to three in the morning and time for last call.

  Simone had purposely only had one drink because she was planning on bringing up Homicide’s name once she got Jasmine drunk.

  “The last round is on me.” Simone ordered another Henny Colada and gave it to Jasmine. She pulled out twenty dollars and paid the bartender.

  “I’m so drunk right now.” Jasmine laughed. “And did I tell you Nico is back home? I put it on that nigga as soon as he walked in the door.” Jasmine couldn’t stop laughing, even though nothing was funny.

  “You should go home when you leave here and give him some more. Wear his ass out!” Simone gave Jasmine a pound. “Fuck marriage and a ring and all that shit. If you want to lock a nigga down, you have to wear his ass out in the bedroom.”

  Jasmine burst out laughing again. She wasn’t able to finish the last drink, and she and Simone went to the bathroom before they made their way out to her car.

  “You want me to drive?” Simone asked.

  Jasmine gave Simone a look as if to say hell no. She got behind the wheel and made her way off City Island, and soon they were on I-95 South, heading toward the Throgs Neck Bridge. When they got to the E-ZPass lane of the Throgs Neck Bridge, Jasmine’s E-ZPass wasn’t being read for some reason, and the yellow-armed gate in her lane would not rise up for her to drive through.


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