Darkmore Penitentiary (Supernatural Prison for Dark Fae Book 1)

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Darkmore Penitentiary (Supernatural Prison for Dark Fae Book 1) Page 44

by Caroline Peckham

  I headed into the first passage, making a slow path through the room as the bloodlust rose in me. “It’s going to hurt this time, Twelve!” I called to her, her footsteps still reaching me from the far end of the room. “You’re going to learn exactly who you’re messing with.”

  Her footfalls fell quiet and I smirked as she hid somewhere to my right. I made a path that way, my pounding boots ringing through the room and telling her how close I was getting.

  I rounded the next corner and my heart lurched as I found her leaning back against a large pipe which extended up through the room. Her hand was in her panties and she bit down on her lip as a moan escaped her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I snarled, my dick hardening with need as she disarmed me entirely.

  “This game is so hot,” she panted, her eyes hooded as she beckoned me closer. “Come here, Officer.”

  I swallowed the jagged ball in my throat, refusing to move an inch as I simply stood there with a raging hard on and the need to claim her devouring me.

  She tipped her head back, sighing my name and I sure as shit wasn’t gonna be writing her up for it.

  “Twelve,” I rasped as she panted. “Stop.”

  “I need you,” she begged and I shot toward her, losing myself to this fucking beautiful sight before me.

  I caught her waist with a growl of desire and she reached for my belt buckle, tugging it open and slipping her hand into my boxers. She stroked my aching length and I cursed under my breath at the feel of her soft palm tightening into a fist. I yanked her hand free from her panties and closed my mouth around her fingers, sucking them to taste her and making her eyes widen in surprise.

  I smirked then twisted her around, crushing my chest to her back and forcing her head to one side with a handful of her hair. She ground her ass back against me as my fangs grazed her neck and she moaned my name once more.

  “I need you,” she begged and my heart thundered in my chest as I kicked her ankles wider.

  “You’re going to scream for me, Twelve,” I said against her ear and she nodded keenly.

  I didn’t fuck inmates, that rule was hardwired into me, but she had me by the balls. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, dreaming about her. Every time I tried to force her beneath me, she rose her head and bit back. And it was driving me to insanity. One fuck wasn’t going to change things. If anything, it would fix my problem. I’d screw her out of my system. She already had enough ammo to get me fired with the hunting games we played, so what was the point in holding back?

  “I need this, Mason, I’ve been so worried. So alone. Please give me this.”

  “Why are you worried?” I murmured against her neck, sliding my hand onto her stomach and running it down towards the edge of her panties.

  “I’m scared of going crazy…what if I get sent to Psych?”

  “You won’t,” I growled, brushing my fangs over her shoulder and making her shiver. “I’ll protect you.” Fuck, what was I even saying right now? Did I really mean that? It sure felt like I did. But I didn’t get attached to anyone. And it had been a long, long time since I’d felt protective of someone.

  “So you can decide if people get sent there or not? Even if they’re crazy?” she asked breathily, reaching back to caress my dick.

  I groaned, running my knuckles over her panties and making her arch back against me with a gasp. “Not everyone. But you’re mine,” I growled fiercely. The idea of her getting taken away from me made fury bubble under my skin. I wouldn’t let her be sent to Psych. Ever.

  “So C.O.’s have that power?” she asked just as I was about to dip my hand into her panties.

  I lifted my head away from her throat, my thoughts clearing for a solid moment.

  Holy fuck…she’s playing me again.

  I released a roar of rage, yanking her away from the pipe and throwing her to the floor. She inhaled sharply in fear as she looked up at me and she should have been afraid. Very fucking afraid.

  She scrambled upright and I lunged forward, throwing her to the ground once more.

  “Mason!” she gasped.

  “How dare you?!” I bellowed, my pride wounded as much as my fucking dignity.

  She leapt upright again, trying to run and I shot in front of her, shoving her back over a control panel and holding her down by the throat.

  “I’m just some cog in your wheel, right?” I snapped. “So what is it you’re planning, Twelve, because I’ll face the Warden’s wrath to bring you down if I have to, mark my words.”

  She clutched my arm as she choked then threw a sharp kick into my side, forcing me back a step. She scrambled backwards over the other side of the console and started to run, but I leapt after her with my Vampire speed, taking her to the ground beneath me. I pressed her face into the cold floor and she threw an elbow back into my gut with the force of a battering ram. I snarled as something cracked and I was forced back, but I didn’t let go.

  “What are you planning?” I demanded again.

  “You’re crazy!” She thrashed like a wild cat and managed to get free, jumping upright with a skill that could only have been learned. I rushed up after her just as her foot slammed into my gut. She lifted her hands like a pro fighter and I barked a laugh, raising mine too.

  “You wanna fight me, Twelve?” I rolled my shoulders. “Go ahead.”

  She lunged at me once more, throwing a punch at my head which I deflected at speed. She launched a kick to my side and I caught her ankle, flipping her off her feet so her back slammed to the ground. She was up again in a flash and I darted forward with a burst of Vampire speed, catching her arm and wheeling her around so she smashed into one of the machines. She came at me again with a burning intensity in her eyes and my heart thrummed with the excitement of fighting an equal. Even without magic, she was a powerful creature and I tried to ignore how much I liked that about her.

  She yelled in anger as she threw another perfect punch toward my gut, but I dodged it with my speed, rushing around her and kicking out her legs.

  She crashed to her knees, hissing between her teeth as she came at me again.

  “What are you planning?!” I shouted, grabbing her hair and yanking her to her feet by it.

  She slammed her knuckles into my chest in quick succession and I growled, holding on by sheer force of will.

  “I’m planning to kick your ass!” she laughed and I threw her back against another pipe with a snarl.

  She recovered fast, running at me once more. I didn’t bother to evade her, wanting to feast on her anger. I needed this outlet. She’d been driving me crazy for too fucking long.

  Her fist impacted with my jaw and my head snapped back. I bit my tongue and blood oozed between my teeth, the sting of pain only driving me on. I knew part of me was refraining from using my fists against her, but I didn’t know why I held back after everything.

  She swung at me once more and I caught her wrist, yanking her into my chest and locking my arms around her.

  “Tell me what you want with me or I’ll force it from your lips,” I snarled.

  She looked up at me as the pounding of her heart thumped solidly against my own chest. “Do you wanna know what I want? What I really fucking want right now?”

  “Yeah,” I spat.

  She top-toed up and pressed her mouth to mine. My heart stopped beating for a full fucking second as I tasted the desire on her lips. Real fucking desire. For me.

  I caught the back of her neck and pushed my tongue into her mouth, crushing her against me with the force of my Order. She groaned, running her hands down my bruised arms and clinging to me like her life depended on it.

  I whirled her around to press her back against a pillar, not being the least bit gentle as I claimed her mouth with fierce strokes of my tongue. My fangs sliced into her lip and both of our blood washed between us, making my pulse spike with hunger.

  I ran my hands down her sides, her naked flesh making me ache in places I hadn’t known existed. I released
flashes of healing magic from my palms, taking away her bruises, while leaving my own injuries intact. I wanted to feel the bite of her hate, the heat of her lust and drown in the hurt she left in my soul.

  Her fingers knotted in my hair and her breathing quickened with the truth of how much she wanted me.

  I finally broke the kiss and the spell between us shattered like falling glass.

  I took a step back, wiping away the blood that was coating my lips. Our eyes locked as we stared at each other and reality came crashing in around me. She was never going to tell me the truth. She was a criminal I was employed to contain. And I’d crossed so many boundaries already that my badge was probably going to be stripped away if I didn’t stop this soon. I needed this job. I had nothing else beyond this prison. No home, no nothing. I couldn’t sacrifice the only life I had for a girl.

  “Get dressed,” I snapped, pointing down the passage to my left.

  She licked her lips, shaking her head at me before heading away. “Fuck you, Mason Cain.”

  I turned my back on her, scraping a hand through my hair and finally healing myself of the wounds she’d inflicted on me, knowing I needed to try and forget this had ever happened. I had to act like a damn professional from now on.

  I sighed, doing up my belt with shame rushing down on me like a rainstorm. “Fuck you too, Rosalie Oscura.”

  The routines of this damn place were pure agony with so much pressure closing in on me. I needed to progress my plans, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it while we were herded between our jobs and meals.

  I was granted one small mercy after our work finished for the morning and we headed back to the Mess Hall though; Cain’s break was starting too. He ditched me amongst the masses without a word and headed back to the staff quarters to get his own food. I wasn’t sure how soon he’d be back working again, but with a bit of luck he wouldn’t be hounding me so closely anyway. Following our kiss he’d turned full asshole, barking instructions at me about the cleaning I was doing and refusing to look at me without a scowl on his face aside from that. Who knew someone who bent the rules as often as he did would be so afraid of breaking a few?

  If I knew anyone who needed to relieve a bit of tension then it was definitely him and I could have done a spectacular job of helping out. But if he enjoyed the feeling of that stick up his ass, who was I to try and loosen it for him? That said, this heat between us wasn’t going anywhere, but if he wanted to torture himself with it he could be my guest. In the meantime, I’d happily use his distracted state of mind to further my plans. I had a clear few hours to work on my issues without the added worry of a Vampire listening in on me the whole damn time and I was going to make use of them.

  I was growing more anxious as the day progressed though and as I headed into the Mess Hall, I was writhing with anxious energy. I had to find out what was going on with Sook in Psych. Which meant that tonight I had every intention of heading through the vents and tracking her down.

  I was pretty sure I could break into Psych if I had to and bust her ass out before we escaped. Even if she was crazy, she’d still have her gifts and I was plenty used to working with crazy in my family. But I needed to do a recon trip down there beforehand to make sure I had her exit strategy ready. I had to find her exact location and figure out how I’d be getting her out of her cell.

  The problems with that were uncountable though, not least because Cain was on to me and if I was out of my cell for too long after lock up, he could easily come looking and discover me missing. All the detection and concealment spells in the world wouldn’t let me move as fast as a damn Vampire.

  I huffed dramatically as I dropped into my seat at the centre of my pack and my Wolves instantly swivelled towards me as they picked up on my mood.

  “What’s wrong, Alpha?” Brett asked, reaching out to grip my thigh.

  I growled at him half-heartedly, knocking his hand back off. The guy was way too keen to solve my problems with group sex and I was getting sick of reminding him that I only wanted Alphas.

  “I have an issue,” I said, glancing around the room to see if anyone was lurking too close to us.

  My pack instantly hustled, leaning close and forming a wall of Wolf flesh all around me three Fae deep to keep my words private.

  Amira was amongst them and I fought the ripple of anger which raced through me as her hand landed on my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

  La vendetta sta arrivando, bitch. Revenge is coming.

  She moved away quickly and I relaxed as Sonny nuzzled against my neck.

  I was also bombarded with fruit cups and pudding pots as more than half of the pack offered up what little gifts they could to try and lighten my mood. I gave them a grateful smile for the gestures as I looked around, wondering if there was actually anything they could do to help.

  “I need…” My tongue stalled. I couldn’t risk compromising myself by allowing my plans to slip through the pack. I trusted them, but secrets only stayed secrets when they were your own and I already had two other Fae in here guarding my plans. Possibly three if Gustard had stolen the knowledge from my mind. But I refused to worry about that unless he made a move.

  My thoughts snagged on Roary and Sin. They were as invested in this as I was. Which actually made them the ideal Fae to ask for help.

  “I need…to get laid,” I finished, smirking as I quickly formed a plan.

  “Yes!” Brett exclaimed, releasing a howl of excitement.

  Busty Esme was already unhooking all of her buttons and a few of the others started making out as they got overexcited.

  I growled lightly but before I had to make it clear that I didn’t mean a pack orgy, Sonny got to his feet and snarled at them, slamming his hands down on the table.

  “She doesn’t mean she wants to join in with us,” he said, glaring at Esme as she got her boobs out. She really did have a nice rack, but I wasn’t looking for nipples with my cheese sandwich.

  “Yeah, sorry guys,” I said, offering them a shrug. “I’m still after Alphas.”

  Brett whimpered and Esme slowly put her tits away again.

  “What do you need our help with?” Sonny asked, cutting to the point as his eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “Well…” I looked between my pack and offered them a teasing smile. “I need a bit of privacy to-”

  “We can clear out the library for you!” Banjo exclaimed.

  “Yeah, the back corner has no cameras between the stacks.”

  “Shall I try and find you some blankets?”

  “I got a scented candle from commissary…but I have no way to light it so you have to just sniff the wax.”

  “I got some lacy underwear from commissary too!” Clive shouted and I looked around at him with a laugh.

  “I could cut my hair off and fashion a whip out of it if you’re into that kind of thing-”

  “Stop!” I gasped as a laugh tore from my lips. “I’m not in need of anything aside from an Alpha to throw me about.”

  “Okay, we can go and get an Alpha for you, but the only true Alpha Wolf in here is…”

  “Ethan Shadowbrook,” Banjo murmured in horror.

  A chorus of gasps and growls sounded all around me at the mere suggestion of me fraternising with our sworn enemy and I bit my tongue as I looked around at their horrified expressions.

  “I have a thing for Alphas,” I said slowly. “But that doesn’t have to mean an Alpha Wolf…”

  My pack released a collective breath and I offered them a laugh which I hoped didn’t sound as false as it felt. When they found out about me and Ethan I’d have a lot of damage control to do, but that was tomorrow’s problem.

  “How about Roary Night?” someone suggested and I smirked.

  “Yeah, Roary could give me what I’m after,” I agreed, ignoring how weird this whole conversation was.

  “I’ll go and tell him he’s required!”

  “The rest of us will go and clear out the library.”

>   My pack began to disperse and I cleared my throat to draw their attention back.

  “Maybe get Sin Wilder for me too,” I said, my lips twitching with that idea. In all honesty if this wasn’t just a lie to cover up my meeting with the two of them, I wouldn’t be complaining. A three-way with Sin and Roary would be a pretty spectacular way to spend my afternoon.

  My pack hesitated as more than a few of them looked over to Sin where he sat alone on his table devouring his lunch. They were clearly afraid to approach him and I didn’t really blame them, but I was pretty sure they’d be okay once they told him what I wanted.

  “If it’s too much bother…” I began with a pout.

  Sonny shoved himself to his feet, squaring his shoulders as a growl escaped his throat. “I’ll get the Incubus,” he announced, his dark eyes flaring with determination. “The rest of you just sort the library.”

  My pack scattered and I leaned back in my seat with a laugh as I looked at the abandoned lunch trays all around me and the mountain of fruit and pudding cups which still lay heaped in front of my plate.

  I reached out and peeled open the closest fruit cup, popping a strawberry between my lips as I watched Sonny cross the room and approach Sin.

  A few of my other Wolves trailed after him, but they hung back as my ballsy Beta strode forward to interrupt Sin’s meal.

  I watched with interest, wondering if I might need to step in on his behalf.

  Sin looked up from his plate with a wicked grin on his lips and threw a sandwich straight at Sonny’s face. He deflected it at the last moment, growling as he leaned down over the table and got right in Sin’s personal space to speak to him.

  My hackles rose at the murderous look on Sin’s face but I refused to move, pushing another strawberry between my lips as I watched his fingers curl around the edge of his tray. If Sonny didn’t get to the point soon, I was pretty sure he’d have a tray to the face within seconds.

  Sin’s dark eyes suddenly snapped to me and a filthy grin lit his features as his gaze dropped over my body.


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