Harvard Academy Elite

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Harvard Academy Elite Page 13

by Knight, Sapphire

  “And the other part?” he whispers, his nose almost touching mine.

  “Tells me that not everything is what it seems to be.”

  “You’re right; it’s not.” Tristan stuns me by saying, “It’s so much more. More than you’ll ever guess, my darling.” Then his demanding mouth is on mine, his tongue and taste, causing me to forget his admission.

  I’m nothing when it comes to these guys having their hands or lips on me. I turn to mush, my hormones blazing like an inferno inside my core. I want him. I want them all. And I won’t hesitate to take anything Tristan or his brothers are willing to give.

  His hand slides to the back of my neck, his large palm easily anchoring me in place so he can consume as he wishes. I’m his for the taking, and he doesn’t hesitate even for a moment to let me know exactly what he’s thinking. His free hand wraps behind me, embracing my frame to his mass and his fingers move to firmly cup my ass and lift me to where he wants me. He brings me even closer to his body, if that’s possible, as he shifts, seeking out the apex of my thighs.

  Tristan’s hips tilt forward and back, his grinding force allowing my lower tummy and core to rub against the bulky bulge in his trousers. He molds our forms together. Any closer and we’d fuse as one, but it still doesn’t seem like enough, as desire skyrockets through me. His cock is firm, and with the added pressure from his hips and tight grip on my ass, I can tell he’s long and thick. It’ll hurt me when he finally takes me as his wife...or before.

  In this game, I’m Tristan’s to do with as he wishes. No matter how hard I may try to resist or don’t, it’s the reality of my situation. I’m lucky he hasn’t decided to push me for more, to take it further than he has in this moment right now. Or am I? I can’t help but crave his caresses on my flesh, to desire his annoying bossiness and steamrolling nature. I want to feel him everywhere, to have all of him. If only I weren’t so utterly consumed by his touch, maybe...just maybe, I’d have taken his words as a warning.


  t’s the first day of winter break; tell me you’re doing something to make your heart race, beba.” Cole rasps into the phone. His deep baritone gives me all the feelings when I’m relaxed and talking to him like this.

  “Nope and I’m not even a little bit sorry about it either,” I share with a laugh. “Sam has already dragged me out into town. We stopped in for a last-minute fitting for my party dress, and my mom will have people in tomorrow to do our nails, hair, and makeup. She wants them to be fresh for the party.”

  Once I told Sam about the announcement celebration, she’d scavenged the internet and her various favorite designers to find me a dress. She’d acquired the perfect gown for me almost immediately. It was a little scary how fast she was able to do it as her shopping has reached an entirely new level of expertise. I wasn’t complaining, though. It was one less thing I had to worry about. All I had to do was take it in to be fitted and adjusted as needed. My mom even went as far as seeking Sam’s advice on what color she should wear herself. I was completely shocked and happy for my friend, as my mom’s snobbish and stuck-up where her clothes are concerned.

  “Boring mon belle,” he groans, and my smile widens. I’ve learned to appreciate Cole’s laid-back ways. Where everyone else seems to be putting on a show for someone around, Cole just doesn’t give a shit about anything except himself. I wish I could do the same; it has to feel so freeing to just wake up and say, I’m wearing sweats to school today. To hell with the uniform or what anyone else thinks. My family, along with Cole’s, wouldn’t know what to do if they were to be put in a situation like that. Everyone’s always so uptight and on edge about something.

  “Fine. Maybe it’s boring to you, Mr. Race Car Driver, but I’m determined to stay in these warm, fuzzy pajamas all day long.”

  “Mm, yeah, beba.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just picturing you in pajamas, mon belle.”


  “Yep, and not the warm, fuzzy kind.”

  My cheeks heat. “Well, these are, so you’re far off.”

  He chuckles and the delicious, gravely rasp gives me goosebumps. “I bet you’re adorable, beba.”

  Wearing a goofy smile, I glance down at the full body fluffy sheep pajamas and burst into giggles. “You have no idea.” Since the whole car debacle, I’ve grown much more comfortable with Cole. I find myself closer and closer to each guy as the days pass. They’re quickly becoming my favorite people. The girls at school are envious but have backed off a significant amount since I befriended the cheer squad. The guys who treated me like I had a contagious disease are polite but keep their respectable distance. I’ve heard from Sam that any guy who expresses interest in me, Brent hunts them down. I’ve never witnessed it personally, and have argued about it, but she swears it’s true.

  “How ‘bout you come on outside?”

  “I knew you were driving.”

  “You think you know me now, huh?”

  “Maybe...” I flirt.

  “Come get in the car, beba.”

  “Why? Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking your sexy pajama ass to get a milk shake.”

  “It’s winter,” I argue to the crazy dude wanting ice cream when the temperatures are freezing outside.

  “Yep, it’s the best time to have them. You can ask my podnas on that one. Now move it. I want to see your sexy ass and feed you a milk shake. You can keep your pajamas on; we’ll hit up drive-thru and chill.”

  “So romantic,” I joke, pulling my hood up and skipping down the stairs, not letting on that I’m giving in to his peer pressure.

  “I could lick the ice cream off you...”

  “Cole!” I gasp as my mother’s inquisitive gaze meets mine.

  Her eyebrow rises, intrigued, and I quickly fill in, “Cole’s taking me for ice cream.”

  She shakes her head, disapprovingly. “You have a party tomorrow, Kresley, one that you need to look your absolute best at. Plus, you can’t leave our house looking like that.” She flicks her gaze over my sheepish self, wearing a sneer. “I can’t believe someone from camp bought you those horrendous things as a thank-you gift.” She shakes her head at the ridiculous outfit, and my grin instantly falls flat.

  Of course, she wouldn’t understand it. No one around here knows the real me, the one who doesn’t care about reaching the top one percent hierarchy in the country. Cole honks the horn and says into the phone, “Tell her I told you to wear them.”

  “Uh, Cole asked me to wear them. It’s a-a silly thing we’re doing.”

  Mother scoffs with disbelief. “Really, Cole de Lacharriere’s doing this?”

  I nod and swallow. I’m under enough pressure with tomorrow coming much quicker than I’d like, and yet she can’t let me have a little fun and attempt to relax. I wish everyone wasn’t so determined to come off as perfect. “We’re driving. I mean, we’re staying in the car. Just getting a shake and then he wanted to drive me out to show me this cool ice thing he discovered. No one will see me looking like this.”

  She waves her hand in a shoo motion. “Fine. Just don’t be too late. You need rest, and don’t you dare get sick. There’s only so much makeup can cover, you know.”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Go. Have some fun.” She tilts her head, and I jog past wearing a smile once again. I’m nearly out the door when she calls, “Tell Cole hello and make sure you thank him for paying attention to you.”

  “Bye!” I yell.

  Cole mutters at the same time. “Don’t tell me shit. Of course, I’m paying attention to you. Anyone not is fucking stupid. You’re beautiful,” he growls, then I’m skidding around the big, black SUV and climbing into the front seat.

  “Oh my God, it’s freezing out there!” I admonish then turn toward the now silent Cole. “What?” I ask, rubbing my cold hands together and over my chilled cheeks. I was only outside for a moment, and I’m shive
ring, how can he want ice cream in this?

  He licks his lips, his mouth tilting into an amused grin. “Beba,” he admonishes with a chuckle.

  My face is on fire with his teasing. It only takes one word from him and a look, and I can read everything he’s holding back. If it were his brothers, I’m not sure they’d hold back the teasing so much. “I told you they were terrible.”

  “Nah, you’re too cute like this.”

  “You think so?” I ask, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  Cole leans his long body across my front to grab the seat belt. He buckles me in, our faces so close to one another that our breath mingles. His tastes like orange soda and it makes me wish he’d kiss me. “Safety first, and yeah,” he says and leans back, putting the giant vehicle in gear.

  My heartbeat increases at his admission and at our closeness. Every bit of my body was screaming for him to touch me, to kiss me, but I know he couldn’t. My family could’ve seen us, and that wouldn’t have ended well at all.

  “I was thinking you’d be in pajamas, too, since you told me to keep mine on.”

  He turns onto the street using one hand while reaching across to place his palm on my leg. We’ve been in the car together several times now, so his touch is comfortable. “Nope, just didn’t want to wait while you changed.”

  I snort.

  “Plus, I wanted to catch you not so put together.”

  “Please, you’ve seen me running. I’m a hot, sweaty mess. It seems like you always find me when I’m not expecting it.”

  Cole shrugs. “I think you’re lovely like that.” He says it with such finality like there is no other option in his mind.

  His compliment has me smitten with my smile growing thoughtful as I point out, “You’re in a sweet mood today.”

  “Yeah?” He squeezes my leg, and I nod, licking my lips. How can I get like this around each one of them? It’s not normal to be equally enthralled by four different guys all at once.

  Cole pulls into the drive-thru, orders, pays and then hands over a shake.

  “How do you know what flavor I like?” I take the offered straw and push it in the lid, slurping a drink of the thick, sugary concoction.

  He shrugs. “I don’t.”


  “I ordered you my favorite,” he says, and my eyes shoot to him.

  He doesn’t turn to me, but I’m content with just watching him drive. He has something playing on the radio that’s low enough I can hear a soft thump-thump come through the speakers. It’s relaxing being like this with him, wrapped in his scent and my comfy sheep pajamas. I’d never have expected this tonight, and it’s a pleasant surprise.

  We drive for a while before he eventually pulls off the road. I take my eyes away from his handsome profile to glance around. The overlook is breathtaking with different sized trees all full of powdery white snow. The many hills surrounding the secluded area appear to be untouched, even by the wildlife. I’m sure most of the animals are sleeping anyhow, snuggled up in their body heat and burrows. It’s almost loud out here with how quiet it is, being alone with Cole, surrounded by so much freshly fallen snow.

  “Wow,” I finally manage to breathe out after taking it all in and processing the true beauty of nature.

  Cole nods and admits, “I thought of you when I first saw it. All dressed up to look perfect and untouched. When the snow melts, though, it’s an entirely different sight.”

  “You think I’m like that?”

  His crystal blue irises fall to me, “You stand out from anyone around you. Kresley, you’re so put together and perfect all the time...but no one knows you’re even more striking underneath it all. They only see the shiny layer, not the rest, mon cher.”

  He clicks his tongue, slowly running his gaze over every inch of me it seems. It’s so intimate; it feels more like a caress. Leaning in, he draws my lower lip between his, sucking. “Mm,” he groans. “So fucking delicious.”

  “It’s the milk shake,” I mumble with a smile, and he grins, his mouth still against mine.

  “I know, beba. Why’d you think I wanted it so badly? Been thinking about tasting it on your tongue.”

  His words have me flushing and exhaling with a desire filled sigh. There’s a snap noise, and my seat belt retracts.

  “What...” I begin to ask, but Cole cuts me off as his hands move to my hips.

  His grip tightens as he lifts me over the center console and our drinks, planting me firmly on his lap. His face dips in, nuzzling into my neck. His breath on my flesh provokes goosebumps to overtake my body again. My breasts swell, and my nipples tighten to stiff peaks; he has to be able to feel them through my pajamas and his shirt as I’m not wearing a bra.

  “I want to feel you, beba,” he whispers, and his hand moves to unzip the front of my pajamas.

  Sitting back, I put some distance between us, and my hands stall his movements. “Cole...”

  “All good, mon cher, I promise.”

  “Wait, what are you doing?”

  “I’m having my milk shake,” he practically purrs, continuing to slide the zipper down. Pushing the material aside, he exposes my breasts. “Fuck,” he curses with longing. Peppering kisses on the flesh above my breasts, he punctuates, “So. Damn. Sweet.”

  Oh God, I can’t believe I’m letting him do this. Though, I suppose you don’t let the de Lacharrieres do anything. They have no rules or limits it appears—at least, this one doesn’t.

  “Lean against the wheel, beba.”

  I do as he instructs, his hands drawing my thighs to rest on each side of him. Moisture pools between my thighs, and I can’t help but wonder if I’ll embarrassingly leave any behind on his light-colored sweats. The position is incredibly intimate, and my body’s aware of every inch that’s touching his. His lips leave my flesh as he grabs the large foam cup of milk shake. He ordered the biggest they had, and I swear I’ve never seen a cup so large. Opening the lid, he grabs a plastic spoon and gets just a small amount on the spoon before moving it toward me.

  Holding my breath in anticipation, my body trembles with pent-up sexual desire as he touches the bit of shake to the peak of my nipple. A gasp escapes at the sudden coldness, and then his warm, wet mouth is on me. The heat of his tongue surrounds my nipple as he sucks and nibbles the creamy concoction off my skin. No one has ever done anything remotely close to my body before, and it has my core throbbing with the intense sensations.

  “Oh!” I breathe as he shifts to do the same thing to the opposite nipple, following up with small soft laps. “Shit, that’s so good.”

  “Mm,” Cole groans, sucking like he can’t get enough.

  His hips tilt upward, encouraging my body to grind against his as he has his fill. His tongue plays with my nipple until I’m nearly writhing in his lap. The sensations are enthralling, making me lose my inhibitions. I’m silently praying he removes all of my clothes to lick the milk shake from every part of me. At this point, I won’t protest if he does. I want his mouth to taste all of me.

  Repeatedly, he pulls away to refill his spoon, place the milk shake on my nipple, and then clean the sugary coldness off me with his mouth. Each time that he moves away, I whimper, wanton with need for more. By the seventh time, I’m moaning loudly. My hips angle and grind my clit against his hardness, no longer attempting to refrain from the pleasure. He’s so attentive and sexy that he makes my core all wet and needy, craving more of his touch.

  “Cole!” I call breathily, and his arm wraps around my waist. He holds me tightly, his lithe muscles moving me where he wants. “Oh!” I whimper as he shifts upward, his thickness hitting me in the perfect spot. He pushes my hips to grind upward while drawing me downward, sliding against me. His hardness presses my button and juices flood my core as my orgasm hits me out of nowhere. “Yes!” I yell. My forehead falls to his shoulder as I ride the wave of bliss, sliding against his length. I wish he was inside me, stretching and filling me.

p; Cole grunts, tucking his face into my neck. It turns me on more, hearing him like this and feeling his breath on the skin under my ear. My body trembles as I quake with my last little hit of orgasm high. He shudders with me in his arms, and I can’t help but wonder if he lost control as well. One thing is for sure, I’ll never be able to look at a milk shakes in the same way ever again without thinking of Cole and what happened tonight.

  He leans back, and his hold eases. Cole’s sparkling cobalt irises meet mine. “Damn, mon cher, I can’t seem to hold back with you. My brothers would give me shit if they knew I lost it in my pants.” He grins, and I laugh as it eventually registers.

  Tilting forward, I brush my eager lips against his full mouth. It’s far too comfortable being with him like this and it shouldn’t be. But I’m no longer fooling myself; I know it’s easy being intimate with each of the guys, almost as if it was meant to be. However, I can’t believe I just orgasmed on Cole’s lap when I’m going to be celebrating my engagement to his brother tomorrow. I let it go too far this time. Sure, they kiss me, but this seems like we’re moving toward a lot more and I’m not sure how Tristan or myself will feel about that step. “Wow, that was-that was really good,” I admit with a whisper and he pecks a soft kiss on my lips again, agreeing.

  “Yeah, sure was, beba. I’m gonna hop out really quick and see if I have a spare pair of pants in the back.” He taps my thigh, and I nod, scooting back over the center console and into my seat.

  Cole’s door closes, and I’m left alone with my thoughts. I’m completely lost, falling headfirst for the guys individually. I’m supposed to be marrying their brother but stuck in wanting them all. I’m so confused, and I’m being pulled in every direction. Zipping up my pajamas, I can’t help but close my eyes and reminisce of how his mouth felt on me moments ago. That was beyond amazing, and I find myself craving more, even if I know I shouldn’t.


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