Harvard Academy Elite

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Harvard Academy Elite Page 16

by Knight, Sapphire

  He stands up, licking his lips and adjusting the impressive length in his slacks. It’s more than noticeable in the thin material. I want to unzip the trousers and free him, I want to feel just how big he really is.

  “That was-that was...wow. I don’t know what to say,” I admit and he grins, eyes sparkling with delight. “Thank you, you’re pretty amazing.”

  “You taste delicious. Both sets of your full lips are sweet, my Lois.”

  My body flushes all over again at his confession.

  “You’re really good at, um, that,” I admit, my cheeks feeling like they’re on fire, but I can’t find it in me to care at the moment. He completely shocked me by stealing me away, hiding me in a closet and then proceeding to kiss me in multiple places. There’s no way I was expecting him to offer up such an intense orgasm either.

  Axel chuckles and pulls my frame to his again. He places a soft, chaste kiss on my mouth before moving away to readjust my dress. His deft fingers move it back in place for me, and I can only stand still and watch him with rapt attention. “You’re breathtaking, in more ways than one tonight. I want you to remember that through everything, okay?”

  I nod, pleased with his praise and the sincerity behind it. “Thank you, not only for saying that but also for tonight. For bringing me in here with you and making me feel special.”

  “You are special to me—to all of us.” He wraps me tightly in his warm, loving embrace one last time, then tugs me back out into the hallway and back to reality.

  Following along, I can’t help but be paranoid that everyone knows what we were up to. Axel must notice my fidgeting and unease because he stops next to the ladies bathroom and gestures to the door. “Go freshen up and if anyone questions you, I was simply your fortunate bathroom escort.”

  “Okay.” I flash a thankful smile and peck his cheek before quickly rushing into the ladies room.

  I’m positively giddy inside. I can’t believe all of that just happened between us. I mean holy shit! Never in a million years would I have imagined that Axel could do that thing with his mouth. Is it wrong that I’m now wondering if the other three know how to do the same as well? I don’t even want to think about how they’ve learned to do it. Looking at Axel you’d think he’d be more reserved and...well…less experienced. Obviously, I have no idea what I’m talking about here.

  I finish cleaning myself up. The entire time I can’t stop from reminiscing how Axel had sucked and nibbled on my private parts. It feels like he’s still there in a sense, barely grazing my flesh. God, I can’t wait to do that again, that much is for sure. Washing my hands, my irises flick over my reflection, and remarkably, I look just as expected. My face is a bit rosy, my eyes sparkling, and lips a bit swollen, but otherwise, I’m pretty much put together, thankfully. Good thing Axel had the sense to briefly fix my dress and everything; I was too flabbergasted to even consider it.

  Tossing the paper towel into the trash bin, I make my way back into the hall only to find the man of the hour gone. Brent stands stoically, arms crossed over his chest in his signature brooding manner, in Axel’s place. “Oh!” I exclaim, my hand fluttering to my chest. I wasn’t expecting to see him here and now. “Hi!” I offer a smile.

  “Hm,” he rumbles. Brent’s lazy gaze takes me in slowly from the top of my expertly styled hair down to my hand-crafted stilettos. His tongue darts over his bottom lip before finishing, “Ax had to go help.” He tilts his chin in the direction heading toward the ballroom. He’s such a man’s man, grunting a few words and expecting me to fill in the rest.

  “Okay, no problem.” My smile evens out a bit, and I step closer to the big guy leaning against the wall. In the beginning, I never would’ve approached him so easily, but I’ve warmed up to his briskly temperature. I know it’s not me at all; it’s just his personality. He’s the protector, the rough one out of the quads. “And you just so happened to wait out here for me?”

  Brent shrugs his massive shoulders, the edge of his luscious, full lips tilting upward into a playful smirk. “Maybe.”

  My brow rises, and my mouth drops in mock surprise, my hand fluttering to my chest as I mock their Southern drawl. “Brent de Lacharriere, the gentleman. What will people think when they find out the truth about you?” I tease, feeling braver after being intimate with Axel.

  Brent shakes his head in amusement. With a sigh, he stands to his full height, towering over me easily. His closeness makes me feel warm all over again. He also smells insanely good, like man and soap and his pheromones are off the wall with how much he works out. I swear it’s like he has a giant magnet just drawing me to him. He could be a complete dick and ignore absolutely everyone, yet his presence alone is alluring.

  “Who says my intentions are gentlemanly?” he murmurs, his deep voice coating me like thick molasses. Sometimes I even break out in chills when I hear him talk. Brent oozes sex appeal in everything he does, and the kicker is that he doesn’t realize it. Or maybe he does, and he just doesn’t care. Whatever the case may be, I can’t seem to be around him enough to have my fill.

  My hands fall to his wide, muscular chest, taking in his rock-solid form. “Show me then,” I whisper in a confidently masked plea.

  The champagne I’ve been drinking must be making me braver than usual because I’m never so blunt with Brent. The both of us prefer to dance around each other. I pretend to be aloof to my not-so-accidental touches when it comes to him, and eventually, he loses patience. He’ll become angry and get in my face, and then he’ll chastise me for something and nearly kiss me. That’s how it works between us; it’s our silent dance of wills. He’s held off from kissing me, but I’m beginning to wonder if he’s doing it on purpose to torment us both. The anticipation of his mouth on mine is starting to drive me insane whenever I’m around him, and it’s all I seem to be able to think about.

  Unwelcome voices interrupt our privacy in the hallway, and I take a casual step back, removing my hands from his body. This night is about Tristan and me, after all. If I’m caught in a compromising position, people probably won’t understand, even if the quads know I’m like this with each of them. Three women make their way around the corner to where we are, flashing fake smiles in our direction. I don’t know who they are, but that’s not surprising. I barely know anyone here. The guest list wasn’t something I had access to either, aside from being able to request that a few be sent to my family and Sam.

  Brent holds his elbow out to me as etiquette has taught him over the years. He’s so buff compared to his three other brothers that it makes him seem taller than the others somehow. Placing my hand in the crook of his arm, I allow him to carefully lead me back toward the ballroom and away from the nosey ladies. I’m sure they wouldn’t hesitate to spread gossip around, and I refuse to be the one to embarrass the de Lacharrieres.

  As we’re stepping into the busy room full of orchestra music, polite conversation, and subdued laughter, Brent leans in close. His lush lips lightly brush against the tender flesh of my earlobe, and I shiver with the gentle caress. He gravelly rasps, sending the best kind of shivers and goosebumps over me. “One day we won’t get interrupted, sweetheart. I hope you’re prepared for what I’ll do to you, to your body.” With that intense, sexually charged promise, he moves his arm from my grip and strides away. In his wake, he leaves a trail of delicious cologne to mock me. I want to chase after him and make him keep his word, but we both know that can’t happen right now.

  My heart’s beating so fast...my stomachs full of flickering nerves and my core’s throbbing with desire all over again. Brent’s the dangerous brother; I don’t doubt that for even a minute. He’s the strong, silent type that doesn’t allow anything to stand in the way of what he wants. All this sexy, sweet torment is mere foreplay to him, getting us both completely overwhelmed with pent-up need. When he leaves me with promises like that, and he does it often, I can’t help but wish for the day it finally happens. I have a feeling that when Brent eventually g
ives in to his desires, he’ll gain more than my body; he’ll claim my heart and soul as well.


  y feet are absolutely killing me in these crazy high heels from standing and dancing all evening, so I eventually escape. Leaving behind all the commotion of the party, I go in search of a place to rest not only my feet but my overworked head. I wouldn’t exactly label me as an introvert, but I’m definitely not an extrovert. I’m somewhere in the middle and being around so many people can be a bit overpowering.

  The photos and questions seemed intense at times, but Tristan reassured me on multiple occasions that I handled it all well. I can’t believe he’s the one stuck in the limelight all the time along with his father. He took everything in stride, flashing his perfect white smile for the pictures and even going as far as to charm the paparazzi. I can understand why the country seems to adore him. No one has witnessed the real version of Tristan like I have, and I have a feeling the de Lacharrieres work hard to keep it that way. He’s a total bullheaded asshole when you first meet him. He gets what he wants, and he’ll do whatever’s needed to make sure it happens, no matter the repercussions.

  However, after all that, I’ve been lucky enough to observe another side to him as well. He’s extremely loyal when it comes to his family, and in my case, me. Once he proposed, I was in the fold with his family as far as he’s concerned. Tristan’s never questioned the engagement or me, and now I can see what I was utterly blind to when we first met.

  Tristan has a massive drive, too; he sets his sights on something and puts his all into it. When the girls at school became jealous and started to push their weight around with me, he had me with him at lunch daily. He figured out a way to step in, but he did it in his own way. Going to the cheerleaders eventually wasn’t what I’d have done personally, but once I took his advice and made my presence known with the squad, the mean girls backed off. Tristan may come off as single-minded to many, but that’s not the case at all. He has so many concerns he’s silently working through that he never lets on about until he’s ready for you to know. I guess he’s similar to Axel in that sense.

  Maybe a future linked to Tristan won’t be so bad after all. Not that I have much choice in the matter, but with him warming up to me and being kinder, I’ve slowly been tearing my walls down. I’ve been falling for him bit by bit, not like the plunge feeling I was expecting from love. Maybe it’s different in this sense because I’ve become enraptured with the four de Lacharriere brothers, rather than with only one man. This thing with Tristan feels stronger than just a blind love. It’s like we’re both feeling each other out and gaining a mutual respect for the other, along with wanting to be around one another more as the days pass and our trust has a chance to blossom.

  Axel may have swept me off my feet first with his friendship and kind disposition, but I can understand why our fathers have matched Tristan and me. He’ll make a good, strong husband that can handle anything thrown at us. I have my own strength inside and together we’d be like a steel beam when faced with mutual adversary or whatever the case may be. Tristan reminds me of a prince really, stuck in his ivory tower and conforming to what he’s been taught, as well as doing what’s expected of him. He takes everything that’s handed to him, twists it until he makes it work, and lets it grow from there.

  I have to find the greatness in his sacrifice and respect him for it as I hope he’ll do the same with me. Tristan may not always be agreeable or the kindest of the bunch, but with his father, I can understand why he is the way he is. After all, look at my father and what I’ve become because of him. I’m strong inside with a determination to do better, not financially, but as a human being.

  I want to share my feelings with the quads, but I wonder if maybe it’s too soon. I know they like me. They’ve all kissed me except for Brent, but he’s almost kissed me nearly every day. I still don’t understand what’s holding him back, but the tension building between us is driving me crazy. I’m far past wanting him to only kiss me; at this point, I want him to consume me.

  Would it be corny if I used Christmas to admit to the guys that I’m falling in love with them? The more intimate we become, the harder it is for me to hold back. I’ve never felt so confused or strongly about anyone before, and it’s not just one of them, but all of them. I don’t know what I’ll do about my feelings for each of the boys when Tristan and I finally marry. I shouldn’t call them boys anymore; they’re looking more like full-grown men with each passing day. It’s easy for me to forget they’re a year older than me since we’re all in the same grade.

  Cole tells me not to worry, but how can I possibly not think about it sometimes? How can I just sit back while I fall further in love with each of them? I have to say something. They deserve to know the truth: that I don’t think I could ever choose between them. I love them. The feeling plows into me like a ton of bricks. The revelation is trivial, yet essential all in the same sense.

  My thoughts are interrupted by approaching voices. “We can speak in here, Father,” Tristan’s dad says to the guys’ grandfather.

  I was shocked when the senior Mr. de Lacharriere showed up tonight. I had no idea he was planning to come to the party, and everyone was vying to get the uber wealthy man’s attention. It has to be hard being as rich as he is with money-grubbing vultures always flocking around. I’m sure that’s what his brisk attitude is from as well. I was expecting a warm welcome from the man much like Tristan’s dad, but that wasn’t the case at all. The botoxed gramps had practically snubbed his nose at me when I went in for a hug rather than a quick, polite, fake cheek kiss. Maybe that’s where Brent’s grumpiness evolved from.

  I don’t know why, but I hop off the couch I’d found to rest my feet on, not wanting the men to see me sitting alone in the library. I would make my presence known, but my gut tells me not to. I’m sure they’d find it suspicious if I’m wandering alone though the mansion during a lavish party. Tristan’s dad may be nice, but I’m not so sure how he’d react if he thought I was snooping or something.

  The door opens just as I wedge myself behind a display case. Luckily, only the top and front portion is glass. The rest of the shelf is an intricately-carved, mahogany wood lined in thick, emerald velvet. It probably cost a fortune, and it’s just sitting here tucked away and forgotten in a room I doubt anyone regularly uses. Regardless, it becomes my impromptu hiding spot.

  Holding my breath for a moment, I hear the massive door click shut and the men’s steps quieted by the round Turkish rug with filigree edges that take up a good portion of the floor. Whoever designed the room has made it feel like you can come in anytime and tuck into a couch and simply read the day away. I could only dream of ever owning something like this myself. Though with Tristan’s wealth and taste, there’s no telling what kind of house we’ll have or where we’ll live. I wouldn’t be surprised if he plans to have multiple homes in many cities like his father does.

  “Would you care for a drink, Father?”

  “Whiskey,” the older man acknowledges, and glass clinks as the ice is chucked inside and the liquor is poured into expensive tumblers. Peeking around the corner, I watch as he hands the glass off and both men take a seat on the couch I’d vacated only minutes prior. “Now, explain to me what’s with this girl? I looked into her; she has nothing of substantial worth. Her family’s well-heeled, but nowhere near the level of our own prosperity. Why would you marry your most promising son off to someone without anything to offer our legacy?” he asks, and Tristan’s father flashes a wicked smile in return.

  His comment hurts, I won’t lie about that. It digs a little deep as I’m always seen as a mere ticket value and nothing more. But, I was also expecting it with this family, so I’ve sort of prepared myself. Or so I thought I had, as the dig scratches a bit too severely into my self-eradicated armor. In all honesty, I was anticipating the press to ask this and splatter whatever they dreamed up in the tabloids. The simple fact that it’s a private conversation hel
d between Tristan’s father and grandfather, well, I can manage to live with it.

  “When my staff drew up the files on the neighbors around our temporary house, I discovered something about her father. Or, I should actually recognize that it was the boys who found it.”


  The younger version nods and says, “Her father has a company, and after looking it over, I want it.”

  “And the engagement?”

  “It’s a well-planned distraction. This nonsense party and the various announcements buy me time while her father unknowingly hands over enough access to information for me to take it. I’ll liquidate everything as soon as possible, and my bank account will grow as his disperses.”

  The grandfather chuckles with glee. “It’s quite the farce, and the boys are invested as well?”

  “Oh, without a doubt. This is the fifth job they’ve helped me cultivate. I’m training them very well to take over my company in due time. This entire plan was actually Axel’s idea. He’s the one who looked over her file and let me know that a few months of a charade could pay off so handsomely.”

  I’m in shock. Like, I have no idea what to do or how to act with this newly-discovered information. My muscles are clenched tight, and my heart’s on the cusp of shattering into a million jagged shards. Breathless, I make myself remain still and take in every single horrific detail of my family’s planned demise.

  “Axel believes that by the end of the year we’ll have everything we need to complete the takeover.”

  “And next year? I thought this academy was important for the boys to graduate from.”

  “Oh, it is. If you’re talking about what happens to the girl, well, they won’t have to worry about seeing her again. Her family will be dirt poor. She’ll never be able to afford the gas to get there, let alone attend the academy next year. She’ll be put in the public-school system, and my boys will have another takeover to notch on their belts and add to their future resumes. They’ve really embraced this one, too, working together like a well-oiled machine. I’ve never been prouder.”


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