Falling For You

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Falling For You Page 5

by Lily Haycraft

  "Oh" Harmony's face falls and completely breaks my heart, why must she do this?

  "I mean I could come, if it's okay with you Chlo?" My head shoots to the screen at the nickname. "Please mama? We can all watch Nemo together" Harmony grins and I sigh softly knowing that the little girl in my arms has already won.

  "You don't have to Dani" I continue to deject. "What if I want to?" She says sheepishly.

  "Then you're more than welcome to come" I say softly.

  "Really?"Dani and Harmony both say at the same time and both of their faces light up like it's Christmas day.

  Why are they doing this to me? My heart can't take it. "Really" I nod softly.

  "Okay well I'm coming in my pyjama's because I can't be bothered to get dressed" Dani grins and I chuckle softly.

  "That's perfectly okay with me" I smile.

  "I guess I'll see you guys soon" She smiles back. "See you soon Dani" Harmony grins.

  Dani waves softly before hanging up the call. "Baby you can't keep asking Dani to do things, and pulling that face when you're not getting your own way, she has her own life too" I explain to her. "But I like Dani, and you like her too" She shrugs. "I know baby, but she needs time for herself too, so after tonight, no more okay?" I say softly.

  "Okay mama" She sighs.

  "Okay, now go and put some pyjamas on, I'll meet you back here" I smile standing up and trying to place her on the floor but she just clings onto me. "But I'm not well mama" She pouts.

  "Okay then you come with mummy to get changed, and then we'll change you" I walk into my bedroom and place her down on my bed.

  "Can I wear my pink onesie?" Harmony asks. "Of course baby" I smile stripping out of my clothes, pulling on a pair of mens boxers, I'm always buying mens underwear to sleep in, they're just really comfy, I slip on a white tank top and pick Harmony back up heading into her bedroom to change her.

  Once Harmony and I are both changed, I place her on the sofa and wrap her up in the quilt from my bed, before placing finding Nemo into the player, I hear the knock at the door and my heart leaps in my chest.

  I stand up and place the remote with Harmony before heading out into the hallway and opening the front door, Dani is standing there in grey sweat pants, a white tank top, and leather jacket, with a helmet in her right hand, she sweeps her hand through her hair and smiles at me.

  "You have a motorcycle?" I ask gesturing to the helmet as I open the door wider and allow her to enter.

  "I do, it's my baby, I've had it since I was sixteen" She smiles and sets her helmet down on the table in the hallway before removing her shoes as I close the door.

  "I bet you look hot on a bike" I say before I could even think about it, and she turns to me with a smirk on her face.

  "I uh, I mean" I blush once I realise what I have said and look down at the carpet beneath my feet. She chuckles softly and reaches out to give my hand a squeeze, my eyes are still on the ground refusing to look at her.

  "Come on beautiful" She smiles releasing my hand and heading into the living room.

  "Dani" I hear Harmony say excitedly just before I enter the room.

  "Hey cupcake" She grins lifting up the quilt and climbing underneath it with her, the only space left for me is right next to Dani, maybe I should have sat Harmony in the middle of the sofa.

  Harmony instantly snuggles into Dani's side, and Dani wraps her arm around my daughter and I can't help but smile at the sight, Harmony has grown so comfortable with her in such a short amount of time, and that surely has to mean something, she normally stays away from strangers, but I guess even Harmony can feel the same pull towards Dani that I feel.

  "Come on mama, sit down and press play" Harmony finally says.

  I quickly nod and move closer to the sofa, Dani lifting up the quilt for me, I smile at her in thanks before sitting down and pulling the cover over my lap. "How are you feeling princess?" I hear Dani ask Harmony and my stomach continues to flutter, every time she interacts with my daughter.

  "My tummy still hurts, but I'm okay"

  "Okay good" Dani squeezes her in a little bit closer and I smile, Harmony looks over at me and I realise that I'm just staring at them like a complete idiot, so I quickly press play on the remote.

  My eyes focus in on the screen, but I must admit that I am not paying much attention to it, my main focus being on the girl next to me, with her scent

  completely surrounding me, and her slight breathing filling my ears, watching her chest inhale and exhale from my peripheral vision.

  Have you ever sat next to someone and just had to urge to crawl into their lap and cuddle up close to them, and just embrace their smell and everything about them? Because right now that is exactly what I want to do, and I have never felt that way before, I actually think it is an extremely odd thing to feel, unless you're in a relationship with that person, Dani and I are only just starting to get to know each other, we agreed to go on our first date on Saturday, but yet here she is in my apartment, four days before said date, spending time with my daughter and me, and I have never felt so comfortable around someone. I glance at Dani's hand that is sitting only a few centimetre's away from my own, and I am literally itching for our hands to touch, god this is such high school behaviour, you're an adult Chloe, act like one, you have both admitted to liking each

  other, it's not like it's a secret, just hold the girls hand. But before I have a chance to make a move, Dani's pinky finger slides over mine, I turn my gaze to face her, she keeps her eyes on the tv, but she has a smile on her face, letting me know that she can see me staring, and I continue to stare at her as our fingers slowly mould and link together, I pull her arm closer, bringing her hand into my lap, using my other hand to draw patterns on the back of hers, this is what gains her attention and causes her to look back at me.

  Even in this dimly lit room, the only light coming from the tv, her eyes are still extraordinary.

  We both just smile at each other as I continue to draw on her hand with my fingers, I watch as her eyes flicker down to my lips, I automatically bite my lip, and stifle a chuckle, as I give a small shake of my head and turn my attention back to the screen, but I can still feel her eyes on me, A grin breaking out on my face as she leans in and places a small peck on my cheek, I turn to face her and she just smiles sheepishly, she turns to look down at Harmony, so I follow her gaze also, and see that she is still entranced with the movie, not the slightest

  bit aware of what is going on beside her.

  She turns back to smile at me, before her gaze returns to the tv, I smile softly and feeling more brave as the seconds pass, I drop my head down onto her shoulder, smiling as she rests the side of her face on top of my head, and we stay in that position until the credits roll on screen, her hand holding onto mine the whole time.

  As the credits roll on finding Nemo, Dani lifts her head as I do, and I turn to see Harmony fast asleep curled into her side, I smile softly and release Dani's arm standing up from the sofa and carefully lifting Harmony into my arms, cradling her to my chest, Dani follows me into Harmony's bedroom and helps me tuck her into bed, I place a kiss on her forehead before walking out of her bedroom.

  We both head back into the living room and I plonk down on the sofa, Dani joining me.

  "Thank you for coming tonight" I smile over at her. "I'm glad that I did" She says softly.

  "Yeah?" I smile.

  "Yeah, I got to hold your hand" She grins and I chuckle softly.

  "You really are a dork"

  "Yeah maybe, but it means I'm one step closer" She smiles.

  "One step closer to what?"

  "Kissing you"

  I blush softly at this.

  "You wanted to do it earlier" I say.

  "I know but you stopped me" She pouts.

  "Sorry boo, I don't kiss before the first date" I grin. "So does that mean you kiss on the first date?" She grins back.

  "Maybe, I guess you'll have to wait and see" "Or we could just call this our first
date and you could let me kiss you now" She says moving closer to me. "We could, but then that means you're going to want more on our next date"

  "No I won't, just kisses are okay with me" Her voice is growing quieter now as her body leans further into me, her lips inching closer to my own.

  "That's why they all say" My voice is just as quiet, and you can practically feel the tension in the air. "Yeah but I mean it" She whispers.

  "You really want to kiss me?" I ask leaning just slightly closer.

  "Yes" She whispers back.

  "Then you're just going to have to wait until Saturday" I grin leaning back.

  "That was just evil" She pouts leaning back against the sofa and I can't help but giggle.

  "Sorry pretty girl, but like I said, I don't kiss before the first date" I smile.

  Dani just rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything in response to that.

  "I guess I should get going, it's late" She let's out a quiet sigh.

  "Aah yes, we have to return to the day of work in the morning"

  I smile softly.

  "Why can't I just be rich and choose when I have to work?" She asks me.

  "When you find the answer, let me know" She just smiles and stands up from the sofa.

  I follow her out into the hallway and wait for her to put her shoes on before opening the door, she picks up her helmet and steps over the threshold.

  "I'll see you on Saturday?" She asks.

  "Of course" I smile.

  "Bye beautiful" She smiles and begins walking away. I watch her as she stands by the elevator waiting for it, I quickly put the latch on my front door so it doesn't lock behind me, and dash down the hallway, Dani looks at me in confusion and I smile, grabbing the collar of her leather jacket, bringing her close to me, her lips centimetres away from mine once more. "Here's your chance, take it" I whisper as the elevator doors open.

  Her free hand snakes around my waist pulling me closer, as her soft lips meet my own, my body completely melts into her, as I allow myself to get lost in the kiss, but it's over as soon as it started, she pulls back and gives me this goofy happy smile. "I would've waited" She smiles softly.

  "I didn't want to" I smile back.

  "What are we going to do when it comes to the kissing time on Saturday?" She grins at me. "Make it last longer" I wink and run back to my apartment shutting the door behind me.

  I lean my head back against the door and grin to myself, bringing my hand up to my lips and touching them softly.

  Yeah I'm definitely hooked.

  Chapter Six.


  Today is the day of our date, and to say that I am freaking out is a complete understatement, I have been with this girl a handful of times, even cooked dinner with her and her daughter, but now we're officially going on a date, and it is just going to be us two.

  My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest, and my hands are all clammy and sticky, I'm happy that that's the only part of me that's perspiring, because that would be really unattractive.

  I hop off of my bike removing my helmet and run my hands through my hair, I'm not sure how Chloe is going to feel about riding on my bike, but I don't have any other options right now.

  I enter her apartment building and ride the lift up to her floor, letting out slow deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves.

  I glance at my watch, before knocking on the door, waiting a few seconds before it opens and I'm greeted by a curly brown haired beauty.

  "Dani" Harmony grins.

  "Hey cutie" I grin and bend down to her level, giving her a quick hug.

  "Mama is just finishing getting ready" Harmony smiles and leads me into the living room where Diana is sitting on the floor surrounded by paper and pencils.

  She glances up at me and let's out a wolf whistle. "Damn looking good Dani, you sure you want to go out with Chloe and not me?" Diana smirks.

  "Hands off Hampton" I hear Chloe's voice from behind me and I turn around catching her eye, she blushes lightly and I smile raking my eyes over her body taking her in completely.

  She's simply dressed, in tight jeans that hug her in all of the right places, a white dress shirt, and a black blazer, her hair framing her face in light curls, with the slightest touch of make up; she's stunning. "You look beautiful" I smile softly and watch as her cheeks grow a shade darker.

  "So do you" She says softly.

  "Oh Dani, will you teach me how to draw?" Harmony grins.

  "She's been meaning to ask you that for days now" Chloe chuckles softly.

  "Sure cutie, I'd love to teach you how to draw" I smile at her.

  "Yay thank you"

  "Okay we're going now baby, be good for Diana okay" Chloe walks over and bends down to kiss Harmony on her head, giving me the perfect view of her backside, as I glance away I catch Diana's eye and she has a smirk on her face, letting me know that I have been caught in the act.

  I blush and avoid her gaze as Chloe turns back to face me.

  "You ready to go?" She smiles cocking her head to one side slightly.

  "Lead the way" I smile and follow her out of the apartment after calling out bye to Diana and Harmony.

  We exit her apartment building and Chloe's eyes land on my jet black Kawasaki Z1100 motorcycle, she turns and looks at me arching her brow.

  "I assume that's yours?" She asks.

  "It is, I would have picked you up in my car, but I leave it at my parents place, because I have nowhere to park it near my apartment" I answer.

  "Do you have a helmet for me?" She asks and I instantly break out into a smile.

  I walk over to the bike, unlocking my helmet from the seat, she looks at me in confusion as I hand it to her. "What about you?" She asks.

  "I'll be okay just this once, I'll make sure to buy you a helmet for next time" I smile softly.

  "Next time" She arches her brow.

  "Baby girl once you've rode this beauty once, you're going to miss the feel of her rumbling between your thighs" I smirk.

  "Oh is that so?" She lifts the helmet up and pulls it onto her head.

  "Oh yes" I grin and help her with fastening the strap. "You sure you'll be okay without a helmet?" She asks and I can't control my heart fluttering in my chest from her caring tone.

  "I'll drive carefully" I smile. "So where are we heading?"

  "Bombay darbar, unless you don't like Indian food then we can go somewhere else" She says shyly. "I love that place" I smile in reassurance and watch as she visibly relaxes.

  I walk over to my bike, swinging my leg over and kicking off the kick stand before nodding her over, holding my hand out to her, she smiles taking my hand into her own, and I hold onto her as she climbs onto the back of me, wrapping her arms loosely around my waist.

  "You ready?" I ask her over my shoulder, and see her nod her head softly.

  I smile and start the engine backing out of my parking space, and begin making my way towards the restaurant, a smile breaking out on my face as her arms hold me tighter, her face leaning against my shoulder as I start to pick up my pace.


  I watch Chloe as she takes a sip from her glass of wine, I told her that it was okay, I would be driving home, and she has the night off from looking after her daughter, she should be allowed to at least have one glass with her dinner, maybe two if she feels like it.

  I feel oddly comfortable sitting here with her, I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable on a date before, but maybe that's because we have already spent time together, and have also kissed, that does kind of help with the nerves.

  "So I was thinking that maybe we could play twenty questions, so we can get to know each other a bit better" She smiles placing her wine glass back on the table.

  "God these kind of games always end up leading to dirty questions" I chuckle.

  "We'll keep it strictly PG" She smiles.

  "But now I'm only going to be able to think of dirty questions" I groan and she giggles softly.

  "Well would
you rather it be PG or not?" She asks. "You know, I'm not bothered, ask me anything" I smile.

  "Okay, same goes for you"

  "You can go first" I grin giving myself a minute to try and think of a question, I'm always good at

  answering, never very good at asking.

  "What is your biggest fear?"

  "Truthfully? Not being able to do everything that I have ever wanted to do, I guess not ticking

  everything off of my bucket list, of course I know I may not be able to complete all of them, but I would love to complete the main ones"

  "What are the main ones?" She smiles.

  "I believe it's my turn to ask the question" I grin and she rolls her eyes softly, gesturing her hand for me to ask.

  "What is something that you have tried, but will never do again?" I smile.

  "Have sex with a man" She answers the question so bluntly I almost choke on my own saliva, my eyes going wide.

  She chuckled softly at my expression and shrugs her shoulders, as if to say 'you asked' lifting her glass to her lips to take another sip.

  "What's your favourite colour?" She grins and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the childish question.

  "Really?" I ask and she nods her head continuing to grin.

  "Blue" I smile softly and allow myself to roll my eyes. "Have you ever been arrested?" I smirk.

  "I'm not quite sure who you think I am Miss Freeman but I am nothing short of an angel" She bats her eye lashes and I chuckle softly.

  "Angel? You sure about that one" I smirk.

  "You don't know me well enough to think otherwise" She winks, and bites her lip softly.

  "Touché" I nod.

  "What superpower would you love to have?" I seriously love her for asking me such silly questions!

  "Hmm Either invisibility or shape shifter"

  "Ooh what would you shift into?" She grins. "Probably a Lion or a Monkey, or I'd create a weird creepy animal inside my head and shift into that" "So you could literally think of anything and turn into that"

  "Yeah exactly" I smile.

  "So you could be a lamp" She chuckles.


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