Falling For You

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Falling For You Page 12

by Lily Haycraft

  I know we haven't seen Dani this week, apart from the weekend, but it's because of my daughter that we came here early and woke up the green eyed beauty, and it's also because of her that we ended up staying the night and sleeping in her bed, as much as I loved yesterday and waking up in Dani's arms, I know that if Harmony weren't in the picture, I wouldn't have done that, because I wouldn't have her pleading with me to stay, I know that I need to learn how to say no, but it is really hard when it comes to her.

  But Dani doesn't exactly help the situation by agreeing and saying that it is okay, or inviting me to meet her family as our second date, and having my daughter involved, maybe I am just over thinking all of this, because Dani has said before that she wants Harmony to be involved, and that she is okay with it.

  I just really don't want Harmony to be caught in the cross fire if things don't work out between us. "Hey you okay?" I blink and realised that Dani is standing beside the bed staring down at me. "Oh yeah, just thinking" I smile up at her.

  "Okay well, I've put out toothbrushes in the bathroom for you and Harmony" Dani smiles.

  "Thank you"

  "No problem, I'll make a start on breakfast and then run you guys home, I'm assuming you'll want to change"

  "You don't have to make us breakfast" I shake my head.

  "I want to" She holds up her hand to stop me from objecting again.

  "Can we go to the park today?" Harmony asks looking up at me.

  "Sure baby, we'll go home and have a shower and then we'll go okay" I smile.

  "Can Dani come?" She asks.

  This is exactly what I mean, she only has to say her name in that cute little voice of hers and I am already agreeing.

  "Dani might have plans baby" I don't know why I always try and turn it around onto her, I guess I am just trying to give her an out incase she wants one, I don't want to just agree for my daughter and then her be uncomfortable with being there, I just think where Harmony is involved, Dani should make the decision, so things aren't going too fast for her.

  "I have no plans, and I'd love to come" Dani smiles down at the two of us.

  I think she is just as much of a sucker for my daughter as I am.

  Chapter Fourteen.


  After both of the girls were dressed and ready, Harmony asked if her friend Jamie could come to the park with us, so Chloe was on the phone with his mother now while Harmony and I were sat on the living room floor, she wanted me to teach her how to draw something, so we both decided to start off with something easy and chose a dog, I drew one quickly with giant floppy ears, and his tongue hanging out of his mouth, it was pretty basic, but I'm thinking I probably should've gone a little bit easier, she is only four after all, but she seems to be doing well with copying so far.

  "Okay baby, Jamie can come, we'll pick him up on the way to the park" Chloe says entering the living room.

  "Okay mama" Harmony says with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth, as she continues to concentrate on the sheet of paper in front of her. "It looks good so far" I smile over at her work, continuing to doodle on my own piece of paper. "I thought you wanted to go to the park" Chloe sits on the sofa, her legs coming to either side of my body, I can't help but smile, because even though it's not much, it is still some way a form of affection in front of her daughter.

  "I just want to try finish this" Harmony says not taking her eyes off the paper.

  I place my pencils down and lean back against the sofa, so I am directly between Chloe's legs, I tilt my head back and smile up at her, she returns the gesture and places her hands on my neck, caressing my skin with her fingers.

  So much for not getting too involved with her too quickly, her and her daughter have both spent the night at my apartment, that's moving quickly right? We have been on a total of two dates and she has already slept in my bed, though last night was classed as our third date wasn't it? At least that is what we agreed on.

  I really need to step up my game, The first date was really good, the second one she met my family, and the third I cooked dinner and played games with her and her daughter, what can we do for our fourth date? Maybe I should ask her out on one, but give myself at least a week to come up with a semi decent idea.

  Should I include Harmony in it? Or should it just be Chloe and I? Am I getting too attached to this small family already? Oh god I need to stop thinking. "Is it okay?" Harmony asks holding up her sheet of paper for me to inspect her dog.

  "Oh wow that is awesome, and with lots of practice it can get better and better" I grin taking the sheet of paper, my eyes scanning her drawing.

  No it doesn't look exactly like mine and I never expected it too, but she is four years old and this is a bloody good picture of a dog, I am quite proud of this drawing.

  "Really?" Harmony's eyes light up and I nod with a grin.

  "Can I keep it and put it on my fridge?" I ask her. "You want to?" She beams at me.

  "Yeah, it's a work of art, when you become a famous artist one day, I can say that I got your first piece of art work" I grin.

  "Actually I've got her first piece of art work" Chloe says behind me and I turn to see her poking her tongue out.

  "Well I've got the most awesomest piece" I wink at Harmony and she giggles.

  "Is that even a word?" Chloe arches her brow. "Well it is now, even if it isn't" I grin.

  Harmony stands up and looks at the two of us. "Can we go now?"

  "Sure baby" Chloe smiles.

  I stand up and place the drawing back down onto the table.

  "I'll leave this here and take it with me tonight after I bring you guys home okay" I look to Harmony to make sure she is okay with it, she just nods happily and takes my hand into her own.


  I sit on the bench in the park watching Harmony and Jamie running around chasing each other, Chloe standing off to the side watching them with a smile on her face, I think I could get used to this, coming to the park every Sunday, watching the pure joy on Harmony's face, watching the pride on Chloe's. I could definitely get used to this.

  I watch as Chloe walks over and sits down beside me, I turn my head and smile over at her.

  "What?" She asks.

  "You're beautiful" I tell her and watch as a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

  "Shut up" She nudges her shoulder against my own and I smile.

  "Nah" I grin and nudge her back.

  She just rolls her eyes and looks towards the kids who were climbing up the stairs to go on the slide. "You know, I could get used to this" I say watching as Harmony giggles coming down the slide.

  "Used to what?" Chloe asked turning to face me, just as I do the same.

  "Spending every Sunday at the park" I smile. "I could get used to you being here"

  "I want to take you on another date" I tell her. "Where are you going to take me?" She asks, turning her body slightly towards me.

  "I'm not sure yet" I smile.

  "When are you going to take me?" She grins. "Saturday?" I ask.

  "I guess all our dates do have to be moved to the weekend don't they" She says.

  "They do indeed" I nod.


  "Would you like Harmony to be involved?" I ask her slowly, not too sure on what her response will be and if I should have even asked that question.

  "Dinah can look after her if you don't want her to be" Chloe quickly says and I shake my head.

  "No I mean, you're her mum, I didn't just want to plan something for all three of us and you not be okay with it, I guess I don't want you to feel like she has to be a part of it, incase you don't want her getting attached to me"

  "Do you not want her getting attached to you?" Chloe asks turning it around on me, oh god I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  "I'd love nothing more, because I am already attached to her, but you're the parent in this equation, I don't want you to feel like I am moving things too fast"

  "I think we're going at just the right pace" She smiles
. "Even in front of Harmony? She is already asking questions" I say.

  "That's okay, I've sort of explained things to her, and when things are official, we'll let her know" She smiles.

  "When not an if, that's a good sign" I grin.

  "It's definitely a when if you want it too" She smiles. "I do" I nod.

  "I always feel like I just got married when someone says that" She says and I chuckle at her.

  "Me too"

  "So where are we going on our date?" Chloe asks getting back to the original topic.

  "I have a few ideas" I grin.

  "Tell me" She smiles.

  "Nope" I shake my head.

  "What? Come on please" She pleads pouting her lips.

  "It's a surprise" I smile.

  "You don't even know which idea you're going with" She rolls her eyes.

  "Exactly so it'll be a surprise for me too" I laugh and Chloe can't help but join in with me.

  She has a beautiful laugh.


  The kids started complaining that they were hungry and were asking for McDonalds, Chloe and I of course agreed, because we're complete suckers, So Chloe is sat with the kids at a table while I stand in the queue waiting for our order to be ready. I was waiting for Chloe to argue with me again over who is buying, but I think she has finally accepted that I wouldn't let her, I'm like this with everyone, I don't know what it is but I like being able to buy things for other people, even if it is just food, I like spending money on people I care about. Once I had the tray full of food, I walk back over to the table and sit down beside Chloe, we handed both the kids theirs meals and helped them before making a start on our own meals.

  "Thank you" Jamie says shyly.

  "You're welcome" I smile.

  We all sat in silence as we finished our food, the kids not wanting to say anything whilst stuffing their faces, and Chloe and I not feeling the need to fill it, which I think is a good thing, because if you can't sit with each other in silence, without feeling the need to fill it, then I don't think things are going to work out, you can't talk all the time, because eventually you will run out of things to say, and then you'll start repeating yourself, and just end up driving the other person up the wall.

  It's nice to just be able to sit in silence and observe your surroundings, and I am glad that we both feel comfortable enough with each other to be able to do that.

  Once we had finished eating, we all took a slow walk back to Chloe's house, dropping off Jamie on the way home, he is such an adorable little boy and has incredible manners, I have a feeling that he and Harmony are going to be friends for awhile. "Dani will you stay and watch a movie with us?" Harmony questions.

  I glance at the watch on my wrist, seeing that it was still quite early.

  "Sure beautiful" I smile.

  "Yay" She grins and claps her hands, launching off into the living room, I'm assuming to pick out a movie.

  "You don't always have to say yes" Chloe glances in my direction as we both remove our shoes. "Have you seen her face though? Plus she always asks so sweetly, how do you expect me to say no?" I ask and she chuckles softly.

  "You're a sucker" She smiles.

  "For her I am yeah" I agree straight away, there is no point in denying it.

  "You're whipped" Chloe smirks.

  "In this case, I am proud to admit it" I smile. "That's cute" She has this endeared expression on her face, that somehow manages to make me blush, so I curse her out in my head for having that affect on me.

  "You blushing is cute too" She grins stepping closer and wrapping her arms around my waist.

  "Shut up" I mumble sulkily.

  "Such a cutie" She beams.

  "Stop it" I groan tilting my head back.

  Chloe chuckles and kisses my chin softly.

  "So cute" She mumbles kissing my chin once again before unwrapping her arms from around my waist. She was about to head into the living room when I quickly pulled her back, my hand raising up to rest on her cheek, as I hold onto her right arm, locking it behind her back, attaching my lips to her own, her free hand grips onto the fabric of my shirt, I trap her bottom lip between my teeth, pulling it further into my mouth and sucking on it softly, eliciting a moan to fall from her mouth, and fuck are her moans are sexy, I slip my tongue between her parted lips, swirling it around her own, hearing another moan fall from her mouth into my own.

  It's a few more seconds before Chloe is pushing me backwards and staring up at me with dilated pupils, I smirk softly knowing that it's because of me, and I've made her feel flush, she clears her throat and steps back away from me.

  "Um.. Harmony, Yep" She nods her arm slipping out of my grasp as she finally makes it into the living room.

  I can't help but chuckle to myself, a big grin spreading across my face as I make my way into the living room also, I pout as I see Chloe on the edge of the sofa and Harmony sitting in the middle, meaning that I wouldn't get to cuddle up to her during this movie, I guess that's okay, we are supposed to be taking it slow in front of Harmony.

  Just as I go to sit down Harmony quickly scoots over to the other end of the sofa.

  "What are you doing?" Chloe asks her.

  "Moving so Dani can sit next to you" Harmony grins. "Why?" Chloe arches her brow as I just stand there, my head turning left to right as I watch their interaction.

  "So you can cuddle"

  "We can cuddle you" I smile.

  "I like it when you two cuddle" She admits shyly, a blush tinting her cheeks.

  "Really?" I perk up, a grin splitting across my face. Harmony nods her head in quick succession, I smile and glance over at Chloe, who has a small smile present on her face, she pats the seat beside her, and I grin sitting down.

  "So what are we watching?" I ask Harmony. "Daddy day care" She says pressing play.

  "Ooh I love this movie" I grin and lift my arm up to wrap it around Chloe, her body leaning into mine as soon as she realised what I was doing, her hand rests across my stomach and I kiss the top of her head softly.

  "Did I get you heated?" I mumble quietly in her ear, a smirk present on my lips.

  "Sshh" Was her simple reply and tried make it out like she was watching the movie.

  "If it helps, I was getting heated too" I whisper into her ear.

  Her head shoots up to look at me and I smile kissing her nose softly, she scrunches it as soon as I pull away, I love it when she does that, it's adorable. Chloe and I literally just sit and stare into each others eyes for a solid minute, you'd think it would be weird, or that one of us would laugh, but it wasn't and we didn't, I can't quite explain it, but it's literally like we were speaking with our eyes, even though I have no idea what we were supposed to be saying, she get's this look in her eyes whenever she stares at me, it's the same look she get's when she looks at Harmony, like they light up, there's a tiny little spark, I know I probably sound crazy, and you only see those kind of things in cheesy movies, but her eyes literally glow, and she gets this goofy happy smile on her face, it makes me feel special when she looks at me like that.

  I smile as Chloe leans in and presses a small kiss to my lips, before turning her attention back to the tv, resting her head on my shoulder, I look to my right and smile as Harmony snuggles into my other side, my arm immediately going to wrap around her small body.

  I've always wanted a family of my own, but I never knew I'd be happy walking into a ready made one.

  Chapter Fifteen.


  For the past week Dani has been picking me up every evening to take me to med school, then picking me up to take me home, just so that we could see each other every night, even if it was only for twenty minutes each night, we have been getting closer and closer, both of us spilling all of our secrets out to each other, we may not know everything, and we probably never will, you could be married to someone for ten years, and they could still have something that they have never told you, not because they were keeping it a secret, they just didn't think to tell y
ou, or simply forgot until it is revealed in a certain moment, I think that's a good thing though, because if you tell each other everything at once, there is never any mystery.

  I smile as I exit the building and see Dani leaning against her car like she has been for the past week, it is finally Friday, which means I get to spend all day with Dani tomorrow.

  I walk straight into her open arms, wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her softly, her hands go down to my ass, squeezing it softly, I squeal into her mouth and giggle pulling away from her, she just grins back at me.

  "Getting brave I see" I smirk.

  "I've been dying to do it, it just looks so... Mmm" Dani shakes her head and bites her lip, not being able to come up with a word, I feel my cheeks heat up under her gaze.

  "Shut up" I mumble and she grins kissing my nose softly.

  "So I have a question" She asks holding me tighter against her body.

  "I'm listening" I smile.

  "Well we're going to be leaving early in the morning, so I was wondering if it'd be okay for me to crash at yours? I'd sleep on the couch of course, I just figured it would be easier" I watch as Dani chews on the inside of her cheek, clearly nervous about my answer.

  "Of course you can baby, but you won't be sleeping on the couch" I smile kissing her softly.

  "But Harmony" Dani objects.

  "Harmony will probably join us in the morning" I chuckle.

  "She loves me" Dani smiles.

  "She does, so please don't break her heart" I whisper.

  I can handle my heart being broken, but I couldn't handle Harmony's being broken.

  Dani's facial expression changes to something a lot softer, her eyes change, her mouth forms a smaller smile, she almost looks like a scared child, her hands comes up to caress my cheek, and she places her forehead against my own.

  "Breaking her heart is the last thing that I would ever want to do, I know we have only just started out, and only really getting to know each other, and things aren't official between us, but I'll make this promise to you now, that even if things don't work out between the two of us, I will still make it my mission to be a part of that little girls life, because if I ever break her heart, I would never be able to forgive myself" "You're too good to be true" I whisper bringing my hands round from her neck to rest against both of her cheeks.


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