Midnight Avenger

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by J K Waylon


  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)


  JK Waylon


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  Smokin' Hot Press on Smashwords

  Copyright 2014 by JK Waylon

  Cover by Isikol

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase our own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  List of other available titles

  About the author

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  Midnight Avenger: Midnight Special

  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)

  "Welcome to Synne City," the flight attendant said as Kyoko Anderson disembarked.

  The beautiful Japanese-American traveled light, so didn't have to go to luggage claim. In truth, it wasn't her first visit to the city. She already had an apartment, though hasn't spent a single night inside it. She finished her apprenticeship in Seattle the night before, ending with a farewell dinner with all four of that city's super heroines.

  A thrill raced up Kyoko's back as she walked through the airport to the big observation windows. The airport was higher than the city, giving her an awesome view of Synne City. It was the most notorious city of all and world renowned for its crime and corruption. Synne City's super heroines were the most famous in the world, mostly due to being in the news all of the time.

  Kyoko was one of the rarest of women, a descendant of the Amazons. Her grandmother, a white American, was an Amazon, and a retired super heroine. The super heroine gene skipped a generation, but it was definitely turned on for Kyoko. While her mother was petite in every way, Kyoko inherited her grandmother's body: busty, narrow waist, well rounded hips. At five foot six, she was four inches shorter than Grandmother.

  The Asian Amazon turned quite a few heads as they walked past. She wasn't even dressed to impress, but wore faded jeans and a red tank, under a short leather jacket. Her brown hair was worn loose, falling to the small of her back in thick, shimmering waves. Sunlight brought out a reddish-gold undertone, inherited from redheaded Grandmother.

  I don't know if Synne City is ready for me, Kyoko thought, eyes narrowing and lips curling into a roguish smile. But tonight they will meet Kunoichi!

  In a high-rise condo in Synne City's uptown…

  "What do you mean you can't make it tonight," Angelina Granger said into her super secret smart phone. "Don't you want to meet the new girl?"

  "I'm onto something," Catgirl said. "I want to meet her, but I think something big is going down tonight."

  Angelina tensed. Until a month back, Catgirl was her protégé, her sidekick. She'd earned her wings, and was now a full super heroine answering to no one. But old habits were hard to break, and she still felt protective her.

  "You need backup?"

  She glanced out the window at the twilight city. As the sun dropped below the horizon the city's lights came on. It was a beautiful sight, which hide the true sinister nature of that city.

  "No, I got it."

  "Be careful. Don't overextend yourself," she said. Catgirl was a bit over enthusiastic at times. And the blonde beauty got herself in sticky situations way too often. "There's nothing shameful or weak about asking for help."

  "I know," Catgirl said, starting to sound distracted. "Wait a sec…"

  The beautiful African-American's heart began to pound. She so wanted to be there with Catgirl.

  "Yeah, one of my bad boy parties has shown up," Catgirl said. "Gotta go. It's almost party time."

  "Be careful!"

  "Don't worry, Mom," she said and giggled. And hung up.

  "Mom my ass," Angelina said, scowling at the phone. "I'm only a few years older."

  It was time to go and meet up with the others, and then greet the new super heroine. The city's witch, Jazz, was the only one who knew anything about the new girl. At least she was coming in a full heroine, since as the only veteran heroine in the city without a sidekick, she'd be given the new sidekick.

  The last person to arrive in the city as a full super heroine was Dynamo, who was tragically captured, lobotomized, and then brainwashed to evil. Now Dynamo was one of their most deadly enemies. No reason to think the new heroine would fall so quickly and far, but Angelina found it hard to be optimistic after her last setback.

  Toni Ripa and Dynamo had done bad things her and to her psyche. One could argue that they did worse things to her body, but super heroines heal quickly and forget the physical trials even quicker. Sometimes, lately, she worried that they'd altered her mind, maybe brainwashed her while she was delirious.

  "Stop it," she snapped, brown eyes flashing. "I'm fine. Okay, maybe I'm a little scared of Dynamo now, but I have to get over it."

  Super heroines are not known for being afraid of anything or anyone. Some said it was the most important aspect of the Amazon mind, which let them become super heroines. A timid super heroine was useless. Of course, that very personality trait got them in deep trouble at times.

  Her phone rang. A publicity picture of Ms Amazing was on her screen identifying the caller. Her spirits brightened as she answered.

  "You coming?" Ms Amazing asked.

  "Of course, Ms A," Angelina said, grinning. "You know I never miss a girl's night."

  "That's an idea. You think the citizens would be shocked if a bunch of heroines went to a club for drinks and dancing?"

  A vision of the city's super heroines in full costume on a packed dance floor flashed before her mind. Angelina liked it. The men would definitely like it. She was pretty sure they'd have plenty of offers to dance, and doubtlessly many unsavory proposals as well.

  "The media would have a field day with it," she said. "Might be fun to show a different side of us."

  "I like it," Ms Amazing said. "What are the chances Jazz will be on board?"

  The city witch was their official leader, while Ms Amazing was the de facto leader. Jazz only contacted them if there was a problem. In truth, they were all pretty much left to their own devices.



  "She's no fun," Angelina said.

  "Not since her cousin turned evil," Ms Amazing said.

  She scowled. She didn't like to even speak about Dynamo.

  "Hmm, yeah," Angelina said, starting towards her secret dressing room. "Well, I'm starting to get dressed now. I'll be at the rendezvous on time."

  "Excellent," Ms Amazing said. "See you in a few."

  Angelina had just moved into the condo a week back. She still had boxes to unpack, but the place was mostly put together and decorated. She loved it. Plus it had two features perfect for a super heroine. Roof access from inside the condo, since it was on the top floor of a twenty-floor building. At night she could come and go without worry. And best of all, a hidden safe room where she set up her Midnight Avenger dressing room.

  Her stilettos clacked loudly in the hardwood floors as she strode purposely, already mentally turning into her super heroine alter ego. Her dark eyes narrowed as she unbuttoned her white silk blouse, and unfastened her dark gray pencil skirt. Her daily "Assistant DA" uniform.

  She hurried into her vast walk-in closet. After
stripping out of her blouse and skirt, she hung them up and removed her shoes. In bra and panties, she carefully put the expensive designer shoes in their spot. It was a wall of shelves with her shoe collection.

  Placing one hand on the shoe shelf at eye level, and the other hand on the shelf two down, she pushed them both in sharply. The locks snapped open, and she was able to swivel the wall on a central axis. Once inside her secret chamber Angelina closed the entry.

  The lights came on upon her entrance. It was a small room between and behind her closet and master bath. There was a vanity and a closet with her many costumes. As Midnight Avenger she wore shades of purple and lavender. Most of the city's heroines had at least two versions of their costumes, but her taste in costumes was always evolving. She'd gone through ten costume changes in her short career, and each version was still an option to wear. Mostly though, she preferred her corset and shorts costume, but recently was wearing the bikini costume more. It was summer, after all.

  She reached for the purple bikini costume, and thought better of it. That version of her costume wouldn't make the best impression on the new girl. So she went with the more conservative bustier and shorts costume. Then she picked the lavender bustier over the purple one. So stripping out of her bra and panties, she quickly pulled on the skimpy purple short-shorts, and squeezed into the bustier. After putting on her lavender choker, Midnight Avenger pulled on her lace-up, lavender thigh boots. Next came the silver belt, that most people thought was her power belt. It wasn't. Her Object of Power was her silver tiara, which she put on next.

  Midnight Avenger was looking in her full-length mirror when she put the tiara on, and saw the purple gemstone on it release a faint flash. At the same time super power surged through her shapely body, leaving her insides tingly and more than a little aroused. Her eyes closed, she bit her lip and sighed gustily. Her belly was just a little mushy, nipples erect and sensitive, and warm wet heat spread between her legs.

  Happened every time, to every super heroine.

  After applying a coat of purple lipstick, she put on her purple mask and matching opera gloves. In full costume, she felt like a super heroine. There was something about putting on that costume that expelled all self-doubts and insecurities.

  "It's party time," she said, stepping up to a desktop PC.

  She checked her security system's rooftop cameras. No one was up there. The building's maintenance personnel had roof access so she had to ensure they weren't up there before going up. So with the roof clear, she pushed a button and a newly installed secret hatch opened in the ceiling.

  Midnight Avenger lifted up and was going damned fast by the time she passed through the hatch. It was programmed to stay open just one minute, and then close and lock. As soon as she cleared the exit, the African-American super heroine pushed her speed to the limit. Going straight up a thousand feet, she finally came to a hovering stop and surveyed the city below.


  "Hey!" Midnight Avenger cried, rubbing her stinging butt.

  Glory Gal continued flying past, but spun around to face her. Flying backwards, she wagged her brows and grinned. She shone like a beacon in the fading light in her all white bustier, shorts, and boots costume.

  "Nice ass," the platinum blonde heroine called.

  My fault for wearing these shorts, Midnight Avenger thought. Her short-shorts were just one tiny step up from a thong. Truth was, though, Glory Gal and her sidekick both wore skimpier shorts, and more often than not so did Gold Avenger and Golden Girl. Ms Amazing's shorts were about the same as the pair she was wearing. Hey, Amazon's got great T&A.

  She took off after Glory Gal. She caught up at the rendezvous high above Synne City's downtown city hall. Red and blue clad Ms Amazing and Amazing Girl were already hovering there, with Jazz, Gold Avenger, and Glory Girl. Glory Gal joined her sidekick between Gold Avenger and Jazz, while Midnight Avenger moved in between Gold Avenger and Amazing Girl. Moments later Golden Girl and Bat Babe arrived.

  Midnight Avenger shook her head when she saw Bat Babe. Though she was a full super heroine, Bat Babe almost never tried to fight crime. Mostly she flew around and flirted, breaking up a few muggings, and flirted with the victims. And honestly, she mainly looked for someone to lay her. All of the other heroines were amazed she'd lasted two years, and hadn't been captured and forced into white slavery.

  She was the only heroine in the city that no one but the city witch knew her secret identity. Jazz wasn't telling, but mention of Bat Babe's past and/or her civilian life just made the witch shake her head and roll her eyes. Midnight Avenger knew she had to respect the other heroine's wishes for anonymity, but had managed to discover her secret identity. Of course, she never shared that information with anyone, or even let on that she knew.

  The most troubling thing about Bat Babe was how much she looked like Catgirl. People were always confusing them, much to Catgirl's chagrin. They both wore all black, with cowls instead of masks. While Catgirl's catsuit costume was a mix of latex and leather, Bat Babe wore all shiny latex. Her top was a long-sleeved midriff piece, with a stylized bat symbol in the same shade "red" as her long hair. Her latex pants were low-riders, stuffed into thigh boots.

  Bat Babe was not so covertly looking the sidekicks over hungrily. Both Golden Girl and Glory Girl wore bikini costumes, all gold and all white to match their mentors. Amazing Girl wore a midriff top, but her costume was far from a bikini. At the same time Ms Amazing, Gold Avenger, and Glory Gal were watching Bat Babe suspiciously.

  We're like a real family, Midnight Avenger thought with a grin.

  "So where is our newest member?" Midnight Avenger said. "What's her name?"

  "Kunoichi," Jazz said.

  They all just stared at the beautiful redheaded witch.

  "What?" Ms Amazing said. "Is that her super heroine name?"

  "Yes, and it's appropriate, too," Jazz said. "She's Japanese-American, and her name means female ninja."

  "Exactly," a strange voice said from above. They all looked up as another woman slowly dropped into the middle of the circle they'd formed. "I'm am Kunoichi, and I am honored to meet each and every one of you."

  "The honor is ours," Jazz said.

  "Yes, welcome to Synne City, Kunoichi," Ms Amazing said. She indicated herself and then her sidekick. "I am Ms Amazing, and this is Amazing Girl."

  Midnight Avenger studied the newcomer as she and the others greeted her. Kunoichi wasn't particularly tall, maybe five six at best. Her hair was dark, with thick bangs down past her brows and a long braid down her back. Instead of being masked from the nose up, like the other heroines, she wore a black "ninja mask" that covered her nose and lower face. Her costume was black. Midnight Avenger had seen anime cartoon characters wearing something like the sleeveless wrap-dress, with a golden sash accentuating her narrow waist. The skirt hung in two pieces front and back, cutout to above her well rounded hips. It looked like she was wearing a black bikini bottom under it for modesty's sake. Her thigh boots were black and lace-up, while her opera gloves were golden, with black bracers that covered most of her forearm and extended just beyond her knuckles. The only thing that could be her Object of Power was her black steel choker.

  Her symbol, a stylized golden butterfly, adorned her choker, her bracers, and her skirts.

  "Oh my, you're a pretty little thing," Bat Babe said. "I'm Bat Babe."

  Kunoichi did a double take. "Bat Babe? That's your name? I never heard of you."

  Bat Babe gave a little shrug and sultry smile. "I don't stir up as much trouble as the others."

  The newcomer looked the redheaded heroine over, and rolled her eyes. The others chuckled, knowing she'd already figured Bat Babe out.

  Finally her turn, "I'm Midnight Avenger," she said. Cocking and tilting her head, she looked Kunoichi up and down again as a wicked little smile spread across her masked face. "So, the real question everyone wants to know: Who did you piss off, or what terrible mistake did you make to get sent to Super Heroine H
ell, I mean Synne City?"

  The other heroines laughed, shaking their heads. Kunoichi laughed, head rolling back. It was a very nice laugh, too.

  "I know it might seem odd, but I asked for Synne City," Kunoichi said.

  "Oh my goddess, she's crazier that Bat Babe," Gold Avenger said.

  "Hey, I'm right here," Bat Babe said.

  "No, it's true. I apprenticed in Seattle, which has four super heroines," Kunoichi said. "The crime rate is so low they can get by with one. Seriously, it's that boring." She shrugged. "I didn't choose to put on the costume and mask to just fly around and look pretty. I want to make a difference, and Synne City is the most dangerous, most decadent, most crime-ridden city in America, if not the world. And above all else, I want to make a difference."

  "Seriously, Synne City was your first choice?" Midnight Avenger said, thinking Seattle sounded damned good. Some heroines had it made.

  "Well, actually, my first choices were either LA or San Francisco," she said. "My advisor showed me a list of cities in need of super heroines, and my eyes immediately fell on Synne City. Something clicked, and I knew where I was going. Of course, my advisor was shocked and warned me against choosing this location. She apprenticed here, and spent an hour telling me horror stories. All she did was convince me that Synne City needed me the most."

  "Really, you decision was purely based on your desire to make a difference?"

  "Well, I so love a challenge, too."

  "This city will challenge you," Jazz said. "In every manner imaginable. Good luck."

  "Midnight Avenger, why don't you show Kunoichi around the city for a day or two," Ms Amazing said. "Maybe you two girls can stir up some trouble, and introduce Kunoichi to the police and the city in the most appropriate manner."

  "My pleasure," Midnight Avenger said, but cringed inside.


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