Will of Steel

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Will of Steel Page 9

by Lynn Landes

  “Don’t feel bad, Erin, most people have never seen an animal like Crow,” Ryder teases.

  “Crow? His name is Crow?” she asks with a giggle.

  “Ryder named him when he was little,” Loren teases and holds the bucket of feed up for Crow to eat from.

  “Ask me why?” Ryder asks.

  “Don’t ask,” Donovan teases.

  “Why is he named Crow?” Erin asks with a small smile.

  “I taught him how to sing like a crow.” Ryder strokes his beard and says, “Crow for me beauty!”

  Crow’s head jerks up and she runs around screeching out like a crow and they all start laughing.

  They move on down the fence line and Erin gets to see a donkey, a blind pig, crazy haired chickens called Silkies, horses and ponies, goats, and now baby foxes.

  “When can I ride a pony?” she asks just as the sound of a carriage reaches their ears. They walk around the barn and watch as a covered black carriage comes into view, driven by an older gentleman. “Were you expecting someone?” Ryder asks as his Dad walks over to stand next to Erin who grips his hand.

  Saint, sensing the unease, pads over towards the carriage, silently watching to see if the person is welcome. Samuel locks the carriage wheels at the front of the house. He hurries to open the door and roll out the steps. He offers a hand to a woman dressed in a black fitted mourning dress with a black hat.

  Ryder whistles for Saint to keep him from jumping on their guests, and Erin stiffens in shock. Donovan glances down and grows concerned for her. “Erin?” he asks.

  “Jordan?” she whispers, and the whisper grows into a scream of recognition. “Jordan!” She drops Donovan’s hand and runs.

  “Stay Saint,” Ryder commands.

  Jordan’s head whips up, and she shouts, “Erin!” and lifts her skirt to run straight across the yard. They reach each other, sobbing and laughing at the same time. Jordan drops to her knees, catching Erin who throws her arms around her neck, knocking her hat off and sending her perfect updo into a cascade of matching curls around her shoulders.

  Jordan peppers her face with kisses and sobs uncontrollably. “I thought I lost you,” she weeps and thanks the Lord, savoring the feel of her sister. Erin trembles in her arms and pushes back to look at her sister.

  “You found me, Jordy,” Erin cries and wipes at her eyes.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long,” she sobs and kisses her again, pushing her hair back so she can see her beautiful face. Tony jumps from the carriage just in time to watch, and he is smiling proudly as he makes his way to them. “I told you she’d find you,” Tony says as a group of strangers stops beside them.

  “Are you Erin’s mother?” Loren asks quietly.

  “No,” Erin pushes back and stands up scrubbing at her eyes. “She’s my Jordy,” she laughs and runs to hug Tony.

  “Thank you, Tony. I did just what you said,” she whispers, and he laughs. “Good girl,” and squeezes her gently.

  Ryder offers a hand to help Jordan to her feet. Jordan grips his hand and he can feel the tremors running through her.

  “Thank you,” Jordan says and stands accepting a handkerchief offered to her. Every time she looks at Erin, her tears start again. “Forgive me, my name is Jordan Regent. I am Erin’s sister.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder and Erin runs over to grip her trembling hand.

  “Sister?” Ryder says and glances at Erin. “The resemblance is remarkable.”

  “Jordan why are you shaking?” Erin frowns at her.

  “I’m sorry, love, it’s just that, I thought I had lost you,” she sniffs and turns away to compose herself for a moment. “I guess I didn’t dare hope that it was true,” she whispers.

  Loren shakes herself and glances at her husband. “Please come inside where we can talk.” Erin holds tightly to Jordan, and they go inside the house.

  “Samuel, thank you for bringing our guest,” Donovan moves away to pay the driver and collect their bags. After Samuel leaves, Donovan looks at the young boy standing unsure and alone in the yard and smiles. “You must be Tony. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Tony smiles up at the large man, “Most of it is probably true,” he quips causing Ryder and Donovan to stare at him.

  “Son, you did a good job, saving Jordan and getting her away from there,” Ryder replies.

  “It’s not over yet, Sir. They will come for them and soon,” he whispers. Fear is evident in his face and he runs past them and into the house without waiting for a response.

  “Dad it’s time to get some answers,” Ryder snaps.

  “I agree.”

  Chapter 25

  Jordan’s mind is whirling. She thought she was ready to see her sister, but the moment she heard her voice all of her preparation went out the window. Erin grips her hand and leans on her while Jordan whispers to her.

  “I’ve missed you terribly sweetness,” her voice waivers and Erin burrows in her neck, sniffing back her own tears. A massive dog trots into the room and licks Erin, causing her to giggle and Jordan to jump in surprise.

  Tony runs inside and sits next to them on the couch. Ryder watches them from the doorway and calls Saint over while his mother and father take a seat across from them.

  “I don’t know how I’ll be able to thank you, Dr. Foster for caring for Erin, but we’ve taken up enough of your time. I have a hotel room in town, and we will leave on the first train tomorrow.” Erin stiffens and looks at her but stays quiet.

  “That’s not acceptable,” Ryder says before anyone can speak.

  “I beg your pardon,” Jordan turns her full gaze on the man standing in the doorway, just noticing him. Standing well over six feet tall with a barrel chest and muscles, his good looks are not lost on her, but all she can think about is getting her sister to safety.

  “What Ryder means to say is that we adopted Erin and her safety is our main concern,” Loren explains.

  “No, what I meant to say is that under Pennsylvania State law, Erin is legally adopted to my parents and, until, and, unless, you can prove that you are related to the child you aren’t taking her anywhere.”

  Jordan stands slowly and faces him with war in her eyes. Trembling from anger, rage and weeks of emotional torment, Jordan snaps.

  “Actually, you adopted a child named Anthony, not Erin, so technically, my Sister is not your concern. In fact, I’d be worried about charges of kidnapping and taking a child from her family under false pretenses.”

  Ryder grins stepping closer to her enjoying the fire in her beautiful eyes, “Try it.”

  Donovan jumps up, but Erin cries out and runs to him. He instantly picks her up and soothes her while Jordan watches with concern. “There now, love. They didn’t mean any of it,” he turns a glare on both of them. “Did you?” he snaps.

  “Of course not,” Jordan and Ryder stammer at the same time.

  “This is very confusing,” Loren says and sits down, while Tony watches quietly.

  “Forgive me,” Jordan walks past Ryder and rubs Erin’s back. “I’m sorry, Erin, please don’t cry,” she pleads.

  Erin reaches for her, and she takes her from Donovan and sits down, cuddling her close. Everyone falls quiet as Erin pushes back and grips her sister’s face. “I’m scared, Jordy, I don’t want to leave them,” she pleads and Jordan sighs.

  “You’re welcome to stay with us,” Loren says instantly. “Don’t feel like you have to leave immediately.”

  “Thank you,” Jordan presses a kiss to the side of her sister’s head and glances warily at Ryder.

  “Erin, why don’t you take Tony to the kitchen for some cookies so we can talk,” Donovan suggests.

  Erin twirls Jordan’s long dark hair in her hand and pushes back to look at Jordan. “It’s okay. I’m never leaving you again,” Jordan promises fiercely.

  “Okay,” she smooths a hand over Jordan’s hair and glances at Tony. “Can Saint come with us?” she asks Ryder whose eyes are transfixed by the dark silky hair.

nbsp; “Yes, Sweets, he’ll watch over both of you,” Ryder smiles and Jordan feels guilty as she watches the kindness he shows Erin.

  Donovan sits across from the young woman who looks like Erin and recognizes the identical look of fear and trauma in her beautiful blue eyes.

  “May I call you Jordan?” Donovan asks.

  “Yes, please,” she sighs and grips the handkerchief in her hand, wringing it tightly and glancing at him warily.

  “I’m sorry for the loss of your parents, Jordan,” Donovan grips his wife’s hand in his.

  “Thank you,” she replies and glances at Ryder.

  “Erin has only told us bits and pieces of her story, Jordan. Her leg was burnt in the fire that took your parent's life,” Loren explains.

  “Tony told me about the injury,” she replies.

  “Not only that, but she has nightmares and we find her hiding under the bed,” Ryder jumps in. “Nightmares of a man named Orson drugging your parents and starting the fire that killed them.”

  “What?” Jordan jumps up and struggles to breathe, “No.” She gapes at him with horror-filled eyes and Ryder curses his hard-handed tactics. It works well when interrogating a criminal, but perhaps not a guest.

  “I, I.. I can’t breathe…” she can see them, her parent’s bodies covered in tarps on the ground and then Orson grabbing her.

  Loren grips her hands and talks to her softly, “It’s okay, Jordan,” she whispers and guides her to the chair and hisses at Ryder to get her some water.

  Jordan takes the cup, but the tremors make it impossible for her to drink. Donovan takes the cup away. “I didn’t know,” she says looking into Loren’s eyes. “I didn’t know,” she sobs a fraction of a second before panic sends her shooting back to her feet.

  “He’ll come for us now, we have to go now!” She runs for the door, but Ryder grabs her by her upper arms.

  “Stop!” he commands. “Look at me,” he commands and when she looks up, he is stunned by her terror. “We won’t let him hurt either of you,” he promises, “ever again.”

  Jordan freezes and stares into his eyes, “You don’t know what you’re saying.” She jerks away from him and points at his parents. “Look at them! Their love for each other is obvious, just like my parents. Are you strong enough to bury them when a madman comes?” They fall quiet and let her talk.

  “He murdered fifteen people and took my sister and let me think she was dead for weeks! I thought I lost them all,” her tears stream down her cheeks and she is oblivious.

  “Why?” Ryder demands. “Tell me why and I can help you!”

  “No. You’ve done enough. I meant what I said earlier. I’ll never be able to thank you for helping Erin, but I won’t be responsible for more lives lost,” she tries to grab her bag, but Donovan steps in front of her this time.

  “It’s too late for that, Jordan. He will know about Tony, and we will be the first place that he comes. You can’t spend your lives running. Ryder is a lawyer he can help you. Let us help you!” he pleads.

  “A lawyer?” she glances at him, and he nods his head. “I wish it were that simple. I’d hire you if I could, but…”

  “I have money,” Tony says from the hallway.

  “Tony, I don’t need your money and what did I tell you about listening in on adult conversations,” Jordan sniffs in exasperation.

  Tony ignores her and hands a dollar to Erin, “Give it to him,” he whispers and nudges her forward. Donovan grins at the boy’s quick mind.

  Jordan talks, but Erin ignores her and offers the money to Ryder, who takes it with a grin. “I now work for you, Miss Erin Regent.”

  “Erin Sims, my name is Sims.”

  “You’re all crazy,” she snaps. “I need you to listen to me, this won’t stop him. Erin, the safest thing we can do is leave,” she pleads.

  “Jordy, he said horrible things.” Erin stares at her, “When I was in the hospital, he would come and sit with me and talk about you. He was mad you wouldn’t marry him, he said it was a punishment for refusing him.”

  “I’m sorry Erin,” Jordan drops to her knees in front of her, “I didn’t know he would hurt any of you or I would have married him,” she cries and pulls her close again.

  Loren sniffs, “I know one thing, that your parents would never have been okay with that.” She stomps over and squats down to look at them. “He would have found another reason to hurt them, Jordan. Your parents would not want either of you to blame yourself. Hold tightly to each other and trust the Lord.” She gently grips their hands and brings them together. “Look where you are right now. He didn’t win. Every step you’ve taken has been guided by a loving hand to bring you back together.”

  Jordan smiles at Loren, “Thank you,” she sniffs. “We will stay until I think it’s time to go.”

  “Good. Now, no more crying. We should celebrate you finding each other and then plan.”

  “Plan what, Mom?” Ryder asks.

  “It’s time to stop this man from hurting anyone else,” she says fiercely. Tony grins and offers her a hand to help her stand up. “Thank you, Tony.”

  “I think Erin and Tony should learn to ride a pony while you two get to know each other better.” Donovan holds up a hand, and Erin immediately takes it.

  “Come on Tony,” Loren says, and he is smiling when they leave.

  Jordan stares at Ryder. “You know I’m right. I must take the children and leave first thing. You can say you didn’t know anything.”

  “Why is Erin’s name different from yours?” He stares hard at the beautiful woman in front of him. Her hair is a mess of dark waves down to her elbow and she is unaware of the temptation she presents.

  “What?” Jordan straightens her skirt, “Oh, Sims is my maiden name.”

  “Where is your husband?” Ryder asks.

  “Dead, murdered by the same man who killed my parents,” she replies bluntly. Her eyes take on a haunted look and she glances away from him, unable to bear the pity she knows will be reflected in them.

  Ryder reaches forward and grips her hands, wringing the handkerchief again. Jordan jumps and looks at him. “This man must be stopped. You have to let me help you.”

  “Why? Tell me why I should trust you?” Jordan demands.

  “It’s my job. I protect and defend those who can’t do it for themselves and Jordan, I’m very good at my job.” Jordan pulls her hands away from his and is surprised to discover that she’s sorry when he moves away from her.

  “He’s killed at least fifteen people, Ryder,” she glances at him and asks, “Have you ever seen a body?”

  “Yes, in the war,” he replies.

  “You would understand,” she nods. “It’s not the sight that I can’t get out of my head, Ryder, it’s the smell. I stood in the road and watched my parent’s bodies being carried out. They lined them in the street all fifteen and the wind blew in my direction…” she stares at him in horror and he steps in front of her. “I know what death smells like. It haunts me day and night. I want to stop him, so no one else will feel this empty, burning rage.”

  “We will stop him, together,” he promises. Staring into his eyes, she finds conviction and promises. Does she dare trust him with her darkest secrets?

  Jordan walks from the room without responding. The housekeeper shows her to the bathing room where she cleans up, braids her hair and walks outside to watch Erin and Tony riding a very old pony. Smiling through tears at the joy emanating from her little sister, she wraps her arms around herself and thanks the Lord for bringing them back together.

  Loren watches her son as he stares at Jordan from the porch. “Did she say yes?”

  “She didn’t say no,” he frowns. “They are the reason I became a lawyer. Innocent people tormented and hurt by those who think they are above the law. This could be dangerous, Mom. Jordan is right to want to protect you.” He tells her what Jordan said about her parents, and she drops her face into her hands.

  “Those poor girls,” Loren cries
and Ryder pulls her close and presses a kiss to her forehead.

  They both watch from the porch as Saint trots over to stand beside Jordan. He leans on her and she stiffens as if unsure of how to respond. Loren stills Ryder when he moves to help.

  “Wait,” she whispers.

  Jordan pats his head and nudges him away from her with her hip. Saint shoulders her back, eliciting a giggle from Jordan. They go back and forth a few times before she shoves him with her hip only to quickly jump back when he tries to nudge her again, missing he falls to the ground. Saint huffs at her in outrage as if to say, “How dare you!”

  “Serves you right, bullying a lady,” she sniffs, and Loren throws her head back laughing.

  “Oh, I like her,” she is laughing as she walks back inside.

  “Me too,” Ryder smiles and walks down the porch to give Jordan a guided tour of the farm animals.

  Chapter 26

  Jase leaves the fire department with a sick feeling. The fire chief stated, “The fire was of suspicious origin.” Without proof they have no way of knowing the cause, but it killed fifteen people and left over fifty homeless.

  Next on his list was Jordan Regent, of Regent Steel. She lost her parents and little sister in the same fire. “Strange coincidence? Not likely.” Jase steps outside of his carriage at the address listed for Regent Steel and finds a shut-down mill with a closed sign.

  A large shadow passes behind him and Jase spins to be greeted by two very large men in nice suits. “The mill is closed, Sir.”

  “I can see that. Can you tell me when it will reopen?” Jase asks.

  “No. All business is being handled by Barnaby Steel until otherwise notified.”

  “I see, thank you.” Jase follows his gut instinct and climbs back in his carriage. Driving away he can’t help but wonder what’s going on.

  “Next stop on my list, Sunshine Orphanage,” he tells the driver and slides the window shut. “What am I supposed to be looking for?” he frowns. I need to dig up information on Jordan Steel. “Where would you do that” He wonders as he bumps along the busy street.


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