Will of Steel

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Will of Steel Page 12

by Lynn Landes

  “What can I do for you, detective?”

  “I need your help,” he turns and whispers down a dark hallway and guides, Felecia and Mark inside.

  “Pastor! We need your help,” Felecia pleads.

  “Orson Barnaby had them locked in the attic of the orphanage. I need a safe place for them.”

  His eyes trail over their condition, taking in the bruised and battered face of her husband, and he nods. “Of course. Give me a moment,” he closes the door to his office and speaks to his wife, Jillian.

  “Who are you?” Mark demands hoarsely.

  “Detective Jason Daniels, you can call me Jase.”

  The pastor returns with his wife and they are led down a long hallway, up three flights of stairs to a room. “You should be safe here for the night,” Jillian says.

  The room opens up revealing a simple room with a wooden bed, a chair and a separate bathing room across the hallway.

  “Thank you,” Felecia swipes at a tear.

  “Come with me and we will get you cleaned up and into some fresh clothes,” Jillian suggests. Felecia looks at Mark, who nods at her.

  “Go on, I’ll be right here,” he sits heavily on the only chair and watches her leave.

  “I have questions for you,” Jase snaps.

  “I’m sure you do,” Mark replies.

  “Mark, I will get you some clothes and food. Do you need anything else?” Pastor Greigh asks.

  “Only, that you tell no one we are here, Pastor. I’m not sure it would be safe for you or Jillian.”

  “Understood.” His eyes turn to Jase. “Where should we start?”

  An hour later, the couple sits on the edge of the bed and looks at the detective pacing in the room.

  “Let me make sure I understand. You sold out your best friend to a murderer?” he demands. Mark drops his face into his hands.

  “That’s not fair, Detective, we didn’t know what he was capable of!” Felecia hisses.

  “Does it matter? You didn’t bother to step back and look at the bigger picture. You knew he might be capable of murder in the letter your, best friend left his widow, but you still sided with him, why?”

  “Greed,” Mark says hoarsely. “I wanted to care for my wife. I don’t have a better answer for you, but I didn’t know he would go this far.”

  “The problem is that I can’t do anything with all of this information. We need proof!” Jace snaps furiously. “Without it, he will just produce witnesses to the opposite.”

  “You need Erin,” Felecia says quietly.

  Jase nods. “Exactly and if you are thinking it, then he will be too. Tell me about this, Tony,” he snaps.

  “Tony is a good boy,” Pastor Greigh says. “He has certain qualities that made him difficult to place, which from what you’re telling me saved Erin and Jordan.”

  “Okay,” he draws out the paperwork and shows it to the Pastor. “You send a message to the family in the morning, and I’ll leave on the first train.”

  “What do we do?” Mark asks.

  “You talk to the Police and tell them we suspect that Orson Barnaby killed Johan Regent, as well as fifteen people in the fire. He needs to find the doctor that treated Erin after the fire.”

  “Please tell Jordan, we didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Felecia whispers.

  Jase nods and leaves. He prays that he will be in time to help his friend.

  Chapter 31

  Donovan watches the children playing with Saint and their laughter ripples across the yard, drawing a smile from his wife. “I’ve missed the sound of children playing.” Sharp eyes turn to his.

  “Out with it, wife,” he demands softly.

  “It didn’t take Jordan long to find us, how long before this man finds us? It’s been a week.” Worry is clear in her posture.

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing,” he says. “Our son thinks that the law is all you need, but sometimes it isn’t enough.” He opens his arms to his wife, and she rushes into them. Snuggling into his body, she sniffs back tears.

  “We’ve spent our lives being so blessed and we didn’t even know it,” she gestures to the children. “How can they maintain their innocence in the face of such loss?”

  “I don’t know, but we will make sure they are safe. I need to take a ride.” Donovan kisses her forehead and heads to the stables with a determined look.


  Jordan sits on the porch watching her sister and laughs at the joy on her face. Saint is perfect with her. The past week has been unusual. Every day Ryder goes to town to work and returns in the evenings. They rest, sleep, and help out on the farm.

  “Thank you for today, Ryder, I can’t remember the last time I laughed this much.” They toured the barn and met all the animals, including the goat.

  “That’s a shame, you have a beautiful smile.”

  Her eyes jump to his, and she blushes in surprise. “Thank you.”

  Ryder clears his throat and forces himself to be professional. ‘She’s your client’, he reminds himself again.

  “We need to go to my office, Jordan, and file some paperwork. My mother has agreed to watch the children,” he offers her a hand to help her stand.

  “Oh,” she glances at the children and then at his hand. Gripping it, she is shocked by the feel of it. Strong, warm and kind. His touch gives her thoughts that aren’t safe for her to have.

  “That should be fine, let me talk to the children,” she pulls away and hurries off, leaving him watching her.

  Loren steps outside to find her son staring at Jordan, and she smiles. God is amazing, she thinks. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes, I want to file the papers and talk to her about the next step,” he says turning to look at his Mother only to find her staring at him with a smile curving her lips.

  “What does that look mean?” Ryder asks.

  “What look?” she says, batting her eyes at him.

  “I’m not buying it, Mom. She’s my client,” he insists, and she laughs softly.

  “I understand.” She walks across the porch to call Saint and the children inside for lunch. “Take your time and take her to lunch after the paperwork is complete.”

  “She needs to eat,” he grumbles.

  “Of course, but Son, sometimes you have to trust the Lord and allow him to work in your life. There is more to life than work.”

  “I know that, it’s just that until now I hadn’t met anyone who felt more important that my work.” He laughs at the look of surprise on her face.

  “Until now?” she calls out as he walks away.


  “Are you sure that you don’t mind?” Jordan asks Tony and Erin.

  “No. Tony will keep me safe,” Erin says and smiles at him as he nods his head.

  “It’s not Tony’s job, but I thank you for the thought. Loren has plans to bake cookies with you guys,” she offers each child a hand and turns to walk.

  Ryder steps down and watches them walk towards him. His smile fades and is replaced by a fierce need to protect and shield them. With every step they take, he feels his future walking towards him.

  Jordan looks up, and her heart pounds loudly in her ears. Her hands grip the children’s tighter and they both look up at her in surprise. She stops walking and is tempted to take them and run.

  Sensing her panic, Erin reaches up and covers her hand. “It’s okay, Jordy, he’s a good one,” she whispers. Glancing at her sister, she smiles and lightens her grip.

  “Do you think so?” she asks.

  “I know so,” Erin says emphatically.

  Ryder watches the emotions ripple across her face and grins at her with a predatory look. He stalks down the steps and Jordan attempts to back up but Saint bumps her from behind, causing her to stagger forward.

  “See you later, Jordy,” Erin releases her hand, followed by Tony. “I love cookies!” she squeals as they run up the porch steps.

  ‘Betrayed for cookies’, Jordan thinks with a chuckle.<
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  “Are you ready?” Ryder asks holding out a hand to her.

  Jordan doesn’t answer, instead she ignores his hand and walks to the carriage. Ryder grins and waves at the children before following her.

  Chapter 32

  Jordan sits nervously in his office and waits for him to finish noting the papers. The office of Ryder Foster, Attorney, is impressive. Though small, he employees an apprentice and a secretary to help with the workload.

  “Robert Kelly, I’d like you to meet our new client, Ms. Jordan Regent.”

  Robert is a young man working under Ryder as an apprentice until he is ready to sit for his bar exam. He’s eager to learn and a quick study.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kelly,” Jordan says and Robert smiles at the beautiful young woman.

  “The pleasure is mine,” he nods and looks to Ryder. “Tell me what you need.”

  Sitting across from him at a large mahogany desk, Jordan watches quietly, and she can almost see his mind working as he tells his apprentice which documents to draw up.

  “Patent paperwork,” he says, but she jerks and looks at him in surprise.

  “Wait, what?” she stammers.

  “I’ll need adoption papers drawn up as well, and I want you to contact Mrs. Regents lawyers and get a copy of her husbands will. You may have to take a day trip to pick that up.”

  “No problem, I’ll get started on that,” Robert leaves and shuts the door behind him.

  “You need to slow down Ryder and explain to meet what you’re doing?” she snaps.

  “Jordan you need to file the patent with the patent office. Once the patent is filed you will be free to sell or consider running the business on your own.”

  “No,” she jumps up and starts pacing. The sound of her skirt swishing is the only noise in the silent office. “That’s not what I want. I don’t want to continue with it! I… I…,” she wrings her hands, trying to put into words what she feels.

  Ryder hurries around the desk to comfort her. He grips her hands in his and sits her down. “It’s okay. Breathe, Jordan.”

  She stares into his eyes full of compassion and her heart stutters. “You don’t owe anyone an explanation, Jordan. What would you like to do with the business?”

  “That’s the first time anyone has asked me what I want,” she sniffs and grips his hands in hers. “I want to be free of it. I want to sell the machinery.” She leans forward, “Johan’s will said specifically, that I couldn’t sell the business unless I remarried, but it didn’t say that I couldn’t gift it. I want to give it to Mark and Felecia Seaborn.”

  Now Ryder is shocked. He drops her hands and moves behind his desk to take notes and give himself a moment to cover his reaction. Personal feelings have no place inside a law office.

  “I don’t understand. You wish to give it to them without the equipment, why?”

  “I need the money to care for myself and the children, but I don’t need to be tied to the business. You said I could get enough money from the sale to care for myself comfortably and that’s all I want.”

  “I thought they betrayed you?” he asks softly.

  “They cared for me when Johan died, and my parents,” her voice breaks, “and I think they didn’t mean to hurt me, Ryder. I believe Mark was trying to protect Felecia.”

  He frowns, thinking that’s no excuse but keeps that to himself.

  “It’s none of my business, Jordan, I’ll make sure the paperwork is drawn up. Let’s talk about the adoption.”

  “What about it?” she asks with a frown.

  “Are you sure you want to care for Tony…”

  “I am sure. He’s part of my family now,” she glares at him.

  “I understand,” Ryder smiles at her natural protective instinct. “He’s a lucky little boy.”

  “What about the patent?” she asks.

  Ryder quickly explains that the patent is to prevent anyone from stealing Johan’s idea. Once she files the patent, she is free to sell it and that money alone will set her up for life.

  “How does that work?” she asks.

  “A patent is to ensure that no one can steal your design and offers a limited time protection where you have a monopoly on it,” Ryder explains.

  “I see,” Jordan frowns and Ryder wonders if she understands. “Why would I need that if I have no intention of marketing or selling said item?” she asks.

  “Beautiful and smart,” he murmurs causing her to blush. “I do have a second option, but I’m hesitant to offer it.” Ryder runs a hand over his beard, causing her to smile. He does that when he’s nervous.


  “It would require a trip to New York, and you’d have to leave the children behind.”

  “I don’t understand,” she says. “What’s in New York?”

  “Not what, who?” he smiles at her look of confusion. “I’ll explain over lunch,” he jumps up and grabs her coat, offering it to her. After helping her, he pulls his own on and guides her from the office into the lobby.

  “Robert, let’s put a hold on the patent, and just work on sending the telegrams I asked about as well as this one, wait for a reply.” Robert reads it, and his eyes widen in surprise.

  “I’ll get right on it.” He grabs his coat, and before they walk outside together, she stops.

  “Thank you for your help, Robert,” Jordan says.

  “Of course,” Robert nods and leaves for the post office.

  “Lunch?” he offers an arm and they walk down the street as he points out the shops, giving the history of each. They stop from time to time to say hello to people, and she doesn’t miss the curious stares.

  “You’ll be the talk of the town,” Jordan teases and tries to pull her arm from his, but he grips her hand.

  “Let them talk,” he frowns. “Here we are,” he points to a small house.

  “I don’t understand. I thought we were going to lunch?”

  Ryder opens the door with a smile, and the scents hit her nose causing her mouth to water. He guides her inside with a hand to her back and smiles. “You can thank me later,” he teases.

  “Ryder!” a female voice calls out.

  They are greeted by a petite blonde who smiles warmly at them. “Welcome to Magnolia House,” she says.

  Ryder hugs her quickly, “Jordan Regent meet Mrs. Clara Evans, wife to the Chef of this establishment.”

  Clara glares at him, “Wife and part-owner,” she corrects and grabs two menus. “Let me show you to a table, Nick’s in the back if you’d like to say hello,” she hints to Ryder as she guides them through a house that has been turned into a small restaurant.

  “Jordan, do you mind if I leave you with Clara?” he asks softly.

  “Not at all,” she replies and smiles at him as he moves away. “This is lovely,” Jordan sighs and follows her to the back of the house. It is decorated minimally with white crisp linens and silverware. Crystal glasses and porcelain plates and candles at every table add to the romantic ambiance of the room.

  “Thank you,” she guides her through the crowded restaurant into a small sunroom. “We reserve this room for special guests, and Ryder is a longtime friend.” The room is a decorated in the same elegant design but private.

  “That’s very kind of you,” Jordan says, thankful for the quiet.

  “Not at all. Are you a client of Ryder’s?” Clara asks after showing her where to hang her coat.

  “Yes,” Jordan replies, unsure of how much to give away. Fear of Orson finding her has her biting her tongue and dropping her eyes.

  “I see,” Clara fills her water glass and steps back to signal for a bowl of biscuits for the table. “Ryder’s never brought a client here before,” she teases and sits down to get to know Jordan.

  “Really?” Jordan’s eyes jump to Clara’s and she smiles.

  “Are you visiting or just passing through?” Clara asks.

  “I’m not sure,” her smile fades as she thinks about what’s next for her and the

  “Clearfield is a great place to set down roots,” Clara suggests.

  “Were you born here?” Jordan asks, sipping on her water.

  “No, I was passing through and stopped for a meal, and met…”

  “The most handsome man who stole her heart and swept her off her feet,” a booming voice says from the doorway causing Jordan to jump and Clara to laugh. She jumps up and runs to her husband, who is grinning at her with Ryder behind him.

  “Nick, I’d like you to meet Jordan Regent,” Ryder says with a soft laugh.

  Nick is huge, next to his tiny blonde wife. “Welcome to Magnolia House,” Nick says and walks over to look closely at her. “Any friend of Ryder’s is a friend of mine,” he offers his hand and she grips it easily.

  “Thank you,” she replies.

  Before he drops her hand, Nick leans down to look closely into her big blue eyes.

  “Oh, no, don’t do it,” Ryder groans and Clara giggles behind him.

  “Nick thinks he can tell what a person should eat by looking into their eyes,” Clara teases.

  “I know exactly what you need, Ms. Regent,” he releases her hand while she laughs.

  “Really?” Jordan asks.

  “Absolutely. It’s my special gift,” he turns to his friend, and smacks him on the shoulder. “I’ll surprise you both, trust me.” Nick and Clara leave them laughing at his antics.

  “That was interesting,” Jordan teases. “The question is should I trust him?”

  “No,” he sits across from her and leans forward, “but you can trust me,” he quips.

  “I do trust you, Ryder.” She smiles at his wide-eyed surprise.

  “Good,” he says softly.

  “So tell me about this idea of yours,” Jordan says.

  “Have you ever heard of U.S. Steel company?” he asks.

  “Of course,” Jordan replies.

  “William Albert Franklin owns it, he’s an attorney and financier.” At Jordan’s look of confusion, he plates a biscuit and offers it to her and takes one for himself. “I think we should go visit him and offer the design to him.” Ryder waits for her reaction.


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